Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 53

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The night’s headquarters was turned upside down.

When the identity card of the man killed by Gu-cheol was later discovered, it was revealed that he was Si-gon of Cheondo-mun.

“You crazy guy! But what if I kill him?”

Gu-cheol complained of being unfair to Ya-cheon’s scolding.

“I didn’t intend to kill him either. But what do you do when a bastard rolls his eyes and runs away? “Ask the kids.”

“But this bastard!”

Gucheol quickly backed away for fear of being hit.

Yacheon sighed and was worried.

“Why, it’s Cheondomun!”

“Do not worry. No one has witnessed it. Besides, didn’t you completely destroy his body?”

“There is someone who knows this.”

“yes? “Who on earth saw it?”

“The guy who told me his whereabouts!”


That was the reason why the night weather was so serious. That someone knows about this. It was a more serious problem than killing Sigon.

“We have properly identified this guy’s weakness.”


Only then did Gucheol realize the seriousness of the situation and lowered his head.

Yacheon didn’t scold him anymore. This incident was not Gucheol’s responsibility. He is responsible for sending it to a place he should not have been sent in the first place.

The person who informed Sigon’s whereabouts took his own hand in eliminating him.


The fact that a bundle of slips came out of Sigon’s arms means that the guy who stole the slips in the first place is the same guy who contacted him.

‘What if he is the kind of person who steals Shandong Chamber of Commerce’s money and sets up a trap like this?’

Wouldn’t it be possible to get rid of Shigon without having to resort to help? But why?

Gucheol asked quickly, as if an idea had occurred to him.

“Could it be that they were targeting us?”

“Baby, you think of it early too. Of course it is.”

“I will kill whatever kind of guy he is.”

“For that to happen, someone has to reveal it first. There must be something wrong with the magic essence. Secretly find out about the magic essence.”

“But can I touch them?”

“Now that things are like this, we have to be proactive. If you just stay like that, you’ll end up suffering like an asshole without even knowing who did it to you. “Anyway, let’s start with the magic essence.”

“Yes, leave it to me.”

Gucheol went out.

Yacheon walked to the window. There must be something going on that you don’t know about.

For the first time in a long time, my heart raced and my skin trembled. But it didn’t feel that bad.

When solving a dangerous problem, there is always a big reward.

* * *

Ma Jeong-su was going back and forth in the room frantically.

Even the next day, Si-gon did not return. At first I was angry at him.

Are you leaving home for something like that? What childish rebellion was this? It was truly pathetic.

Even in the afternoon he did not return. From then on, he started to get worried.

He tried to shake off his anxiety, saying that he was not someone who would be easily mistreated. In the process, only the desk was broken again. I don’t know how many times it has already broken.

When Si-gon did not return until evening, Ma Jeong-su thought that Si-gon was dead. At least he wasn’t the type of person who would leave without saying anything just because he was angry.

Ma Jeongsu felt that the blood in his entire body was turning cold.

“You bastards who will cut you off! “No matter what you guys do, I won’t back down.”

The targets of his anger were his brothers. He firmly believed that one of them had done it. Because I couldn’t think of any motivation or ability other than them.

Ever since I was young, I didn’t want to lose to those guys. These were brothers who had been tormenting their mother immensely since childhood because of her quarrel. No, they weren’t brothers, they were bastards.

“Just wait and see how I get revenge.”

At that time, someone was looking at him in front of the half-open door. It was that mysterious woman.


Despite Ma Jeong-su’s angry yelling, the woman remained expressionless as usual.

“Report everything. Report everything without missing a single thing. How can I turn this situation around on my own? Do you understand?”

When the woman didn’t respond, he shouted.

“Do you understand?”

In the end, the woman left without any answer.

“Insolent bitch! A bitch with no emotions. “If I become the successor, I will twist everything you do.”

Those words were all heard by the woman walking down the hallway through the open door.

At least they are wrong in saying that she is an emotionless stone.

Because the coldness added to the woman’s expressionless expression after hearing those words.

* * *

The next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, Ma Jeong-su went to see Jeong-yeo.

I couldn’t just stay in a place where even Sigon was attacked.

“What is going on?”

“I came here because I have something important to say to my master Jeongbang.”

Jeong Yeo was nervous at his sudden visit, but greeted him as calmly as possible.

“Please tell me.”


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“I think you already know because you’ve heard rumors. “This time, the alliance with Shandong Chamber of Commerce was canceled.”

“Several negative factors coincided. But I believe that Master Demon will overcome it well.”

“So, I think Jeong Bang-ju needs to help me.”

“What do you mean?”

“We cannot stop the military establishment plan like this. Jeong Bang-ju, please help me.”

Jeongyeo was unable to answer readily. What does it mean to ask for help? First of all, he was asking for money, and he was also asking to lend Yang So-bang’s power.

“I am worried that the insignificant main office will only cause trouble by participating in the great cause of the Ma Dae Association.”

Although he politely declined, Ma Jeong-su did not back down.

“Isn’t Yang Shaobang the Shandong First Bangpa in name and reality? “If Jeong Bang-ju comes forward this time, I will never forget this help.”

Ma Jeongsu was in a position to somehow establish a military office and establish the foundation of Cheondomun in Shandong. If you don’t accomplish this, you will fail the succession exam unceremoniously.

You just have to get over this hurdle.

Although the contract to establish the military branch was terminated, it will be possible to proceed again if the money is raised. It was canceled due to rumors that he was bankrupt, so as long as he has money, there is no problem.

The reason I didn’t touch Yang So-bang at first was because there was no need to do so. It was also because of Hwaseonnodae’s advice that if you open your hands to them while staying in Yangsoban, it will not look good from the outside.

But now things have changed.

If Yang Xiaofang helps him get through the difficult times, he will pass the first test.

So when a new test is given again, you will do better. We will attract new subordinates. Since you got it right this time, next time you will hit your competitors. It’s not just a stumble, it’s a single hit to the head.

This head is so big that it flies.

“I understand what you mean. “Can you give me some time to think?”

“Okay. But don’t make me wait too long.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

Ma Jeong-su, who was leaving the room, snorted inwardly.

‘joy! I’ll try to get out somehow, but it won’t be easy.’

I planned to use everything that was available. Once all the honeydew is gone, I plan to chew the shell and throw it away.

‘Just wait and see, I don’t just die. ‘How did I get here?’

* * *

After sending Ma Jeong-su away, Jeong Yeo came to my room.

Then, after conveying Ma Jeong-su’s request, he spoke with concern.

“What should I do?”

It was definitely a concern. Once that greedy bastard starts helping, he will squander Yang Xiaofang’s wealth like cotton absorbs water.

“I plan to sacrifice Yang So-bang for my greed.”

“I think so.”

Jeongyeo looked like she wanted to swear. So she did it for him.

“You want to slap the dirty and shameful bastard and kill him, right?”

“I want to step on it little by little.”

Only then did his expression of anger subside.

“Don’t worry, his end is not far away.”

I’ve already made a big plan to get rid of him by tying him up with Yasang. However, a few detailed issues remain. One of them was a mysterious woman.

“It worked out better.”

“What are you going to do?”

I said with a repentant smile.

“If he’s going to build his own fire, we’ll have to light it.”

* * *

The next day, I went to see Ma Jeong-su with Jeong-yeo.

Jeong Yeo calmly spoke out the words she had prepared.

“As you know, it hasn’t been long since I became Ark. To my shame, I haven’t completely taken over the main room yet. That’s why I can’t take my hands off many things at home. So, on my behalf, I will introduce you to someone who will help you.

“I will.”

Ma Jeong-su looked at me closely.

But he didn’t recognize me because I was wearing a bastard and had completely changed my voice.

It was also changed to a top-quality cotton ball. Unless you were a cotton ball expert, you could never recognize it. It was very expensive, but considering the importance of the work, it was something that could never be neglected.

“This is my favorite drone. “He is skilled and intelligent, so he will be of great help to Ma Daehyup.”

I bowed my head and said hello to Jeongyeo’s introduction.

“nice to see you. “It’s called galpyo.”

It was a pseudonym based on Gal Saryang’s last name and Baek Pyo’s name.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to find out more about this woman.

There is a saying in Gangho:

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

As disapproval flashed across Ma Jeong-su’s face, Jeong Yeo quickly spoke.

“Of course, our office will actively support us financially. Do not worry.”

It was only after hearing that he would actively provide money that Ma Jeong-su’s expression relaxed.

“Okay. “If Jeong Bang-ju recommends someone like this, you can trust him.”

“Thank you for your trust.”

Jeongyeo looked at me and said sternly.

“He is a precious person, so we must take good care of him. There must be absolutely no mistakes.”

He bowed his head politely to Jeong Yeo and answered.

“Yes, I will follow your orders.”

* * *

I stayed in the room where the Hwaseonnodae stayed.

As I was briefly unpacking and heading out, I met the woman in the hallway.

At that moment, she was walking towards us from the end of the hallway.

I stood in front of the door and watched her approach.

Although I was quite nervous, I did not hide my nervousness.

It would be strange not to be too nervous when meeting someone for the first time. I was in perfect control of my body. The person named Galpyo was showing a prayer that could be seen.

When I saw her face up close, it wasn’t cute or flashy. Is it because of the cold feeling without any makeup? She had a slightly androgynous vibe, but that actually gave off her strange charm.

I made eye contact with her.

Eyes without any emotion.

I’ve seen eyes like that a long time ago.

Elites raised from the organizations of the Four Sects or the Organization of the Demonic Cult. From the time they are babies, they are raised to do their duty without any emotions.

That was the look in the eyes of those terrible murder weapons I saw back then.

Could it be that this woman is one of those types?

Ma Bongi raised this woman? So since when did she start making this up? Judging by the woman’s age, she started raising her at least twenty years ago. When she thought of her past appearance during the Ma Uprising, she couldn’t readily believe it.

Or is it just the look in your eyes that gives you that feeling? Because you couldn’t find out everything about the other person just by looking at them. It could have been a coincidence that their eyes had a similar feeling.

When she got close to me, I greeted her first.

“I’m going to go.”

She turned her head and looked at me. But that was it. She didn’t stop her steps and just walked past without saying a word.

“Look! If you say hello, you should receive a greeting. “What is your name?”

The woman turned the corner and disappeared.

It was that night that I saw her again.

I couldn’t sleep, so I went out for a walk and found her standing by the pond.

Was it because of the blue moonlight flowing around the pond? Or is it because I am looking down at the pond so aimlessly?

I felt loneliness from her.

The loneliness I felt about her was not the complete loneliness that made me feel heartbroken just by looking at her and made me want to hug her.

Empty loneliness.

It was an empty loneliness that could not even comfort me because there was nothing there.

I watched it from afar for a while and then came inside. I couldn’t tell if he noticed that I was looking at him or not.

I started observing her the next day.

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