Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 43

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My banquet has begun (1)

The banquet was held in Yangsobang.

It was the same main hall where the last meeting of Shandong’s village owners was held.

I arrived long before the banquet opened.

I met Jeong Yeo in the room next to the bed. She showed me the iron plaque she received last time in the same area, so she passed safely up to this point.

“Is there a safe that he uses?”

“There is a secret safe in his bedroom.”

“A safe opened by an organ?”

“yes. You have to enter the correct number into the abacus next to it to open it. If you enter the wrong number three times in a row, it won’t open for a day. At that time, an institutional expert must come and open it.”

“Of course they changed the numbers.”

“Yes, I asked for my old number and I gave it to them. Of course I would have changed it to a new number.”

“What size is the safe?”

“It’s a safe mounted on the wall. If you are asking whether it is possible to move the entire safe, it is absolutely impossible. Also, the steel is so thick that even a sword cannot cut it, and if you try to open it by force, an emergency bell will ring.”

“Is there a possibility that you left the money on the battlefield?”

“That is highly unlikely. Neither he nor his companions had ever entered the battlefield. “There is a surveillance network from the main office in that area.”

Since there was attention from those around him, he would not have entered the battlefield carelessly.

“After all, the money is in that safe.”

“I expect so.”

You may have already guessed my intention from the previous conversation, but I formally stated my intention.

“I will be honest with Jeong Bang-ju. “I plan to rob him of everything he has.”

Jeongyeo smiled slightly.

“You are truly amazing.”

It was a feeling closer to admiration than worry. Rather, it was me who was worried.

“If successful, Jeong Bang-ju may be in trouble.”

Because it was happening inside Yang Fire Station.

“You wouldn’t dare think I did something like that. So don’t worry and proceed. “I will have someone available to check on my whereabouts when the banquet is held.”

“There is no solution yet. I’m just vaguely hoping that some kind of opportunity will arise at today’s banquet. “At least it’s time for him to vacate his bed.”

“I trust you will do well.”

I asked something different this time.

“Is there a way to get to his room from the main hall where the banquet is held without going through the doorway?”

Then Jeongyeo said with a meaningful expression.

“Don’t you know very well what kind of person Jeondae Ark is?”

Jeondae Ark was referring to Yang Gi-cheol, who died in my hands. He was greedy and suspicious.

“He created many secret passages to escape from crisis situations. There is also a secret passage in the main hall. It is so elaborately made that it is impossible to spot unless you are an expert, and there are long insignias hanging on all four walls.

Even if there are a lot of people, you can enter the secret passageway without being noticed. If you go through that passage, there is a path leading to the annex.”

He told me where the entrance to the secret passage was, how to open it, and how to get to the outbuilding. Fortunately, the main hall and the outbuildings were not far away.

I asked him to bring a comfortable leather bag and place it in the aisle, just in case.

As expected, the problem was numbers. If you don’t know the numbers, it’s useless anyway.

How do I find out?

The banquet was grand.

It was a wonderful banquet with delicious food and drinks, skilled musicians, and beautiful shamans.

A banquet of this magnitude was something that was not easily seen even during the reign of the king.

The reason it was opened wide was obvious. The intention is to show off one’s power.

Clearly, size has an effect on people.

One example is Maengjujeon. The interior is incredibly spacious and large. It takes a long time to walk from the entrance to Taesa Temple.

There were security reasons, but the primary intention was to intimidate the opponent and increase the authority of the leader. This banquet was exactly like that.

Many young people gathered in the main hall.

There were some people I saw for the first time, but most of them were people I had seen at the banquet held at my house last time.

I was buried among the people and observed the demon essence.

He handled late-stage indices well. First of all, the preliminary investigation was thorough. You already know what kind of personality the other person has, what they like, and what their family situation is like.

He knew exactly what children around the age of twenty liked, especially children from prestigious families. He showed off his bluff to the right degree and also revealed his human side to the right extent to win them over.

From the perspective of those invited, it was someone who had to make a good impression at all costs. I was very nervous, but it was surprisingly fun and made me feel comfortable, so I relaxed my guard.

He started to have a good relationship with some late-stage indexes. They were the children of Cheongsongmun and Guryongbang, who took the lead in offering money, and the children of those who held secret meetings, including Seodobang.

I thought this was also a very smart move.

As Ma Jeongsu showed off his deeper friendship with some people, the others were influenced.

Even if you don’t really want to be close, it’s human nature to feel nervous when you see people next to you becoming close.

Those who were not chosen will tell their father what happened today when they return. So, if you want to become closer to Ma Jeong-soo, the parents will also be concerned because it is their child’s business. This was a thoroughly calculated action.

I wanted to tell the children.

The reason good people use favoritism is to get closer to each other quickly, but the favoritism favor bad people do is to make better use of it.

There was always Shi-gon around Ma Jeong-soo. It seemed that Sigon was in full charge of guarding him. He didn’t relax even for a moment.

There was no sight of the Hwaseonnodae or the mysterious woman. I looked out the window to see if they were outside, but I couldn’t see them.

Si-gon is always attached to Ma Jeong-soo, and the two seem to roam freely.

I collected every single piece of information about him.

I tried to stay out of the Demon Essence’s sight as much as possible, but he found me. He came to me in the corner and greeted me in a friendly way.

“Byeokgongja, how have you been?”

I smiled awkwardly and greeted him.

“how are you?”


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It’s a friendliness that neither he nor I have in our hearts.

After exchanging a few words of greeting, Ma Jeong-su spoke as if something had just occurred to him.

“By the way, I received news that Sojeong Song will not be attending today.”

“I know.”

“You said you beat him up?”

The moment I heard those words, I was convinced.

That guy was interested in Song Hwarin. She wouldn’t even have revealed the reason in Song’s head. He had researched her in detail.

In the end, having her not attend was a very good thing.

“What is the reason you danced with Song Xiaojeo?”

This guy is taking money and even exposing women. You’re saying you’ll do everything you can, right?

I suppressed the itching in my hands. The desire to just cut it down with a single sword was wriggling.

Of course, I smiled instead of leaving.

“It just so happened to be like that.”

How much do you know about me?

You probably already have all the basic information, right? There is also news that he used to be Parakho but has recently made up his mind.

“great. I’ll be honest with you. “She was the first to bring up the idea of ​​breaking off the engagement.”

It was a rumor that spread anyway. Something he probably already knows.

But I acted like I was revealing a big secret.

“I entered into a prenatal covenant with her. But what about a broken engagement? “It’s something she just can’t forgive.”

This fact would be the most likely reason why my fiancé was injured in the fight.

I added one thing to increase the credibility of my words.

“I got drunk the other day and fought her, and I ridiculously lost. Of course it was because of alcohol. So, this time, she did both her job and her revenge.”

You probably knew this in advance, right?

Anyway, this should be enough to hide my true intentions. In his eyes, he will see me as someone who beats up his woman and is easy to take advantage of. This is the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

“Hahaha, revenge was successful.”

“I’m embarrassed.”

“But I heard that Song So-jeo was taught by a famous master.”

“But isn’t she a woman?”

“ha ha ha. “My brother is a man, a real man.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“I heard Song Sojeo is so beautiful. Am I right?”

“Yes, it’s kind of like that.”

I braced my shoulders as if to show off.

“Brother, let’s have a meal together sometime. So, please help me open this Woohyung’s poor eyesight.”

“Haha, good.”

“They say it will be better in about 10 days, so let’s make an appointment around then.”

This bastard, I even found out when he would recover.

There is something I always emphasized to my juniors who are strong in the Murim League.

Beware of beautiful women.

I had that same thought the other day when I met the late exponents at a guesthouse.

Song Hwarin’s beauty would be a catastrophe.

See, am I right? The bastard too took her attention and her country met her apocalypse. Of course, even if it wasn’t her, she was the one who was going to kill her anyway.

Ma Jeong-su went to the center of the main hall and spoke loudly.

“I have something to show you.”

I winked at Sigon and he went out of the main hall.

After a while, Sigon brought a sword.

Just looking at the beautiful scabbard studded with jewels and colorful patterns, it was no ordinary sword.

Ma Jeongsu raised his sword and pulled it out.


Everyone was impressed by the sharp, flashing blade.

“This is the Cheonjo Sword (天造劍) used by the previous leader.”

Everyone was shocked by Ma Jeong-su’s words.

Perhaps no one is as surprised as me?

It was right. It was clearly the same Cheonjo Sword I had used.

I was thrilled to see my sword after a long time. There were five swords in total that I used in my past life.

I brought the Cheonjo Sword, Yeonpa Sword, Amcheon Sword, Hanseol Sword, and Sura Myeongwanggeom (修羅明王劍).

They were all precious swords, but each had a different shape, length, and sword properties.

Among them, my favorite sword was the Sura Myeongwanggeom.

The sword, sometimes named Sura to subjugate evil, and sometimes to be a bright and wise king, was my poisonous weapon that I used when waging war against Sima Oedo.

People think that the five swords are similar, but they are saying this without knowing how great the Sura Myeongwanggeom is. Even if the remaining four swords were combined, they could not compare to the Sura Myeongwang Sword.

Now that I think about it, what happened to my Sura Myeongwanggeom?

Did Ma Bongi take it? Or did it enter the Murim Alliance’s treasury? or not? I wish I had prepared the amount of brown rice separately… … .

In any case, although it was far inferior to the Sura Myeongwanggeom, the Cheonjo Sword could be said to be an excellent sword.

Ma Jeongsu spoke proudly to everyone.

“It is the sword that my father himself gave me.”

At this moment, I was able to guess another important fact.

The fact that it was Ma Bongi who sent him down here. Otherwise, there is no way he would have given this sword to a demonic spirit who was low in the succession structure. He probably took the sword and gave it to him to use his authority as a leader.

“Is there anyone who wants one?”

Everyone’s heart must have dropped at those words. If it was a sword used by the leader, its value could not be measured in money.

“If you are a true younger brother… … .”

It was as if he could give it to her.

I laughed inwardly.

A person who becomes a true younger brother will use it to his heart’s content and throw it away.

However, the people gathered here were young people around the age of twenty. I didn’t have enough experience to understand the true meaning of Ma Jeongsu’s sword, and I needed to show Ma Jeongsu well. In addition, the Cheonjo Sword shook their hearts.

There is one more thing to retrieve.

Money is money, but that thousand trillion sword must be recovered. I didn’t want to see that guy with that sword in his hand.

Of course, even if it is recovered, it will not be able to be used openly, so it will have to be remodeled or sold at a black market. As long as it is not the Sura Myeongwanggeom, either method is fine.

Ma Jeong-soo said to everyone.

“Doesn’t the future of Shandong depend on us young people? In that sense, there is one thing I would like to suggest.”

“What is that?”

“How about we have regular meetings?”

“very good!”

“ha ha ha. Now, let’s have a toast!”

Everyone raised their glasses high. The atmosphere heated up.

He took the Cheonjo Sword that Sigon had brought and went out of the main hall.

The very moment he walked out the door, I wasn’t there either.

* * *

Sigon slowly moved the abacus attached to the safe.

The moment the number was correct, the safe opened with a loud clanging sound.

He bent down to put the Cheonjo Sword into the safe.

The next moment, he twisted his body and pulled out his sword as fast as lightning.



Before the sword was fully drawn, a fist was struck in Shigon’s face, knocking him back.

I was one step faster.

I arrived in the room before Sigon and hid. He was standing next to the window beyond the bunk next to the safe. He was hiding himself behind the window curtains.

I stood there, eliminating all traces of sight as best as I could. And the moment the safe door opened, it moved.

The clanking sound hid any sign of my movement.

The best thing would be to find out the number and open it after he left, but there was no place to hide and see it. Plus, there’s one more thing: if that were to happen, Jeong Yeo could have been accused of everything. He may have thought he was playing with the safe.

Because there was.

Anyway, if I had fought Sigon normally, I wouldn’t have expected to win.

But this was a surprise attack. It was a surprise attack that I, the best person in the world, attempted with 24 years of experience. Shigon fell out and was in a state of unconsciousness.

I swept up everything in the safe into the leather bag I had prepared in advance.

There was no time to check what everything was inside. He swept up everything and even took the Cheonjo Sword.

And ran like the wind.

It happened really quickly.

* * *

After a while.

The main hall door where the banquet was being held opened violently, and Jeongyeo and the Hwaseonnodae rushed in.

The Hwaseonnodae quickly whispered to Ma Jeongsu.

Ma Jeongsu’s eyes grew bigger and bigger, and then he opened them both wide.

“Everyone be quiet!”

In an instant, silence filled the banquet hall.

When he finished whispering, Ma Jeongsu’s expression was distorted beyond expression.

He tried to hurriedly follow the two people out, but stopped at the entrance.

“Find someone who isn’t here!”

Ma Jeong-su, Hwaseon Nodae, and Jeong Yeo came forward and inspected the people one by one.

When it was my turn, I asked with a surprised face.

“What on earth is going on?”

Before I knew it, I was back. The bag was placed behind a secret door. Only the body entered the main hall.

All the later indexes were gathered in Daecheong. No one went out through the door.

Even if someone went out, they wouldn’t think they could beat Si-gon down. Now, just in case, I started by finding out about the attendees.

Ma Jeong-su said as he hurriedly left the main hall.

“Today’s banquet is over. “Everyone go back.”

I smiled faintly and looked at his back.

Sorry, but my banquet starts now.

It’s a banquet you can never finish.

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