Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 42

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How to avoid the wind (2)

I was waiting for her in the guest room.

Normally, I would have greeted Song Woo-kyung first, but I didn’t do that today.

About half an hour after arriving, Song Hwa-rin came into the room with a slightly surprised expression.

“You came looking for me?”

She smelled nice, as if she had just washed up. When I saw her in spring, she looked like a spring flower, but now she looked like the autumn sky.

“Shall we go out and walk for a while?”

She stared at me for a moment and nodded.

I went outside with her and walked around the garden. It was still early so there was no one there.

“how have you been doing?”

She answered my question.

“Train, train again. It’s that kind of repetition of daily life. you?”

“I’m similar.”

“I heard the news about the small sword team. “You defeated the Beast Corps?”

“I was lucky.”

“Is that really so?”

She looked at me intently. She had now clearly accepted my change.

“Why did you pretend to be Parakho? “Is it because you want to break off the engagement with me?”

I thought she might think this way.

“I wasn’t pretending to be the Parakho, but it was the Parakho at that time.”

“Did you change after I hit you?”


“You really want me to believe that?”

“You have to believe it. Because it’s true.”

As she stared at me, she sighed lightly.

“I don’t know anymore.”

“There’s one thing I don’t know.”


“You did that before, right? “There is a reason why I hate the leader of the squadron.”

She chuckled.

“You’re asking again. “Are you that curious about that?”

“Yeah, I’m curious.”

“Why are you curious about that? “You have nothing to do with the leader, right?”

It was difficult to find a reasonable answer to make her understand. She was about to say that she always admired him, but she just said the reason she came up with spontaneously.

“There is no particular reason. There is such a thing, right? Once I was curious, I kept becoming curious. Would you say I suddenly fell in love with it?”

She chuckled. It was the first time I had seen her smile in a long time. No, is this your first time?

Anyway, it seemed like a better answer than saying, “I respect you.”

“It’s not such a great reason. “You should have told me sooner.”

“It’s still okay now.”

She revealed the reason.

“There is someone I don’t like. That person really respected the Sentai leader. He seemed almost like a god. Because people I hate like so much, I end up hating them for no reason. “Isn’t that such a pointless reason?”

“Who did you hate?”

A slight shadow appeared on her face. It seems she has her own circumstances.

“Just this far.”

“Okay, that’s enough. “Thank you for telling me.”

“Thank you for this. But why did you come to see me?”

I bet she’ll be shocked to hear what I’m about to say.

I said something that was completely opposite to the good mood I had been feeling up until now.

“I want to apply to you for a job.”


Song Hwa-rin opened her eyes wide. It was the first time she looked this surprised since I met her.

“Let’s have a game with me.”

She was in a daze and asked with a puzzled expression.

“I’m serious?”

“I’m serious.”

“The reason is?”

“Revenge of that day.”

Song Hwa-rin looked at me blankly.

The last thing she said to me when we broke up was that she didn’t understand me.

However, since she asked me to come back and have a massage, her confusion cannot be described in words.

“Really, you… … .”

It seemed like he was trying to understand me somehow.

But you will never understand. I would do the same if I were her.

She slightly bit her lip and allowed the kiss.

“i like you.”

She and I faced each other in the training hall. From afar, Suran watched this unexpected situation anxiously.

“I don’t know what your intention is, but if you’re going to have a secret dance, do it formally.”


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“That’s what I hope.”

“With a real sword?”

When I nodded, she was startled. She asked me if I could, and I said yes.

If something goes wrong while doing Jingeombimu, you could get seriously injured or even die. Besides, it was my first time dancing with my partner. I have no idea what kind of swordsmanship to use.

It was natural for her to be nervous. If it were me at Parakho, she would never have responded. But now, I don’t know why, but I probably felt like I could do it.

“good. Instead, you shouldn’t get excited. never!”

I nodded at her request.


She slowly drew her sword.

I also drew my sword and approached slowly.


She leapt lightly and stabbed with her sword. It was a kind of retort.


I lightly swung my sword and deflected it.

The two swords collided in the air again.

visor! Cheaeng! visor!

It was a light-hearted battle. There was no reason to rush at me like I was going to kill him from the beginning.

As I expected, her skills were considerable. Her walking style was lively and her style was sharp. I felt like I had seen her swordsmanship somewhere, and that maybe her master who taught her was someone I knew.

visor! visor! Cheaeng!

I repeated the offense and defense and gradually increased the speed.

She might not realize it, but she naturally dragged herself into my fight. As one mistake could result in serious injury, I thoroughly coordinated the entire team dance from start to finish.

She was pushed, then pushed back, then a close attack led to a leisurely defense, and the freedom became a breathtaking danger again.

Under my careful calculations, she swung her sword frantically.

It pushed her to her breaking point. There will be no time to even think about how I was this strong. This is probably the first time I’ve ever seen a dance like this.

Eventually, she decided she had reached her breaking point.

My sword, which dug in while dodging her attack, flew towards her neck.

She tried to stop it, but it was already too late.


If it had continued as is, the head would have been cut off, but my sword changed direction.

puck! The handle of her sword struck her shoulder.


She stumbled and swung her sword again, trying to block the subsequent attack.

Puk puk puk puk puk puk!

My fists struck his stomach and sides in succession, the last two hitting his face.


When the surprised Suran came running, she had already fallen to the floor.

Suran hurriedly looked at Song Hwa-rin. Fortunately, he was still conscious. Suran shouted.

“Are you crazy? “How can this happen!”

“It was a fair business. “You’re not asking me to see you as a woman, are you?”

Suran’s expression hardened at my words, but she couldn’t protest.

I knew that Suran was very angry, but I added something. It was something I had to say, unintentionally.

“It’s revenge for getting beaten up last time.”

Suran’s face became even more distorted. She was the type of person who wanted to rush in at any moment.

At that time, Song Hwa-rin grabbed her arm. When her poached eggs turned around, Song Hualin shook her head. She meant don’t do that.

“… … I lost. and… … ”

She was lying on the floor and looking at me with half-open eyes. It was not a look of resentment.

“… … “What is the last method?”

Fortunately, I felt it.

I nodded with a meaningful smile.

I didn’t hit him just to win.

As I fought, I saw that her swordsmanship had a fatal weakness. Herbivory is the most important among her herbivores. I attacked and destroyed it properly.

If you don’t realize that there is a fatal weakness in herbivory, you will one day be killed by an enemy who sees through this weakness.

This is what Song Hwa-rin felt from my attack just now. The plant food that I thought was perfect was helplessly destroyed. She knew she wasn’t just unlucky and got hit.

“later… … .”

She lost consciousness without being able to continue speaking. Does this mean we should stick together again? or not?

Suran carried her and ran into the house. It may feel like the sky is falling, but you don’t have to worry.

Because I hit it well.

You will have to stay in bed for more than ten days, and your face will be so swollen that you will not be able to see it for a while. However, he will get up from his seat without any problems.

Did you come to dance to give her practical experience and teach her Chosik’s weaknesses?

Of course not.

This dance was due to the magic essence.

Considering the way he handled things, if he made a flimsy excuse and missed the banquet, he could have come to Songjiajang in person the next day.

Even if he came to visit me now, he wouldn’t be able to do anything after seeing that face.

Even though she is in this state, if she tries to manipulate her, then I will get rid of her no matter what without thinking about it later. Whether the entire Tiandumen flocks to Shandong or not, I will think about it then.

In fact, the first method that came to mind was to go to Song Woo-kyung, tell her honestly, and have her evacuate far away.

But I thought she could have said not to go, and even if she had gone, it could have gotten out of my hands and become more dangerous. Because her bastard could have released her person and found her whereabouts.

Even if he did not attend due to other reasons, he was persistent in digging into it and was able to reveal that it was a lie.

However, if he was seriously injured and laid down like this, there would be nothing he could do.

There was enough reason for the discord. He may have come to his senses now, but the former Parakho bastard took revenge on him for his previous actions.

Anyway, I made time the best way I could.

It was so low-level that I felt sorry for her, and I also felt sorry for Song Woo-kyung. However, no other solution could be found within the given time. Because I was not a gal.

Of course, all these worries may just be unfounded.

He may not have any selfish interest or interest in Song Hwa-rin.

Just be prepared.

Because when dealing with evildoers, I always prepared and prepared again.

The damage you will suffer if you are not careful in advance will be too great and fatal compared to the effort.

* * *

I came straight home.

There was one more thing I had to take care of before going to the banquet.

If my goal is to kill the Demon Essence, this task will be easier. No matter how difficult the opponent was, it was something I was best at.

But taking what he had was definitely more difficult than that. I used to just ask Galsaryang to do complicated and difficult work, but trying to do it myself was bound to make me sweat.

Still, we will do it. He came and took our money and shook his ass, so we should pay him back in kind.

I’m sure it’s much more effective to take his money than to kill one of the three that followed.

They’ll panic when the money disappears. The interior will become divided and cracks will appear.

That is the power of money. A devilish force that can tear even the closest people apart.

The problem is where the money is stored and who manages it.

Magic essence? Hwaseonnodae? Shigon? That mysterious woman?

First, the Hwaseonnodae was excluded. Although he was old, he was an outsider. There is no way Ma Jeong-soo would have entrusted money to an outside person.

If we exclude the mysterious woman for the same reason, then is it Shigon?

Although it was a friendly competition, he was a warrior representing Cheondomun. He is truly a typical warrior. It seems like you have a long way to go when it comes to money management.

So, is the magic essence managed directly?

At least that seemed the most likely.

Gwangdu came running to my room after hearing my call.

“Did you call me?”

“There is one thing you need to know.”

Gwangdu became nervous when he saw my serious expression.

“What is it?”

“You heard it too, right? “Cheondomunju’s blood relatives have come down to Shandong.”

“of course.”

The guy looked around and lowered his voice.

“I heard you extorted money from the families of Shandong?”

I asked, lowering my voice like that guy.

“This is my room, why are you whispering like this?”

Then Gwangdu whispered.

“If it even gets into that guy’s ears, it’ll be a big problem, right? In addition to the bloodline of the Murim lord, Cheondomun is one of the five Joseon Dynasties.”

“Then you’re in big trouble.”


“I have to go check on them right now.”

Gwangdu blinked and looked at me. I always say this, but I really like Gwangdu’s expression at times like this.

“You’re serious.”

“In the first place, it’s best to forget about women’s issues as work.”

“How could you forget a hundred women?”

I chuckled and raised my voice again.

“It’s no big deal, so relax.”

Gwangdu put aside his playfulness and asked seriously.

“What should I do?”

“He is trying to build a military office in Jinan. You should go to Jinan right now and find out everything related to it. Find out where it will be built, who will be in charge of construction, when it will start, everything you can. He knows

“There are definitely things you need to know other than what was given.”

I told Gwang-du what Ma Jeong-su had said about the establishment of military affairs during the first meeting. And if you needed money, I set aside 2,000 nyang for you to use.

“This much?”

“If there is something you need to write about, don’t hold back and write it unconditionally.”


“And you have to come back as soon as possible.”

“All right.”

You can trust Gwangdu to mix with people and find out something. Yudeulyudeul’s soft human likability is innate. Moreover, he had an instinctive cleverness to avoid danger.

I was sad to just let it go, so I made a joke.

“Shall I send you away with Dosun?”


Unexpectedly, it was a firm refusal without hesitation.

“why? Have you made up your mind already?”

“no. “My heart still races and hurts every time I see it.”

“But why?”

“I can’t let all the affection I have left fall away. “It’s a love that hasn’t even begun properly, but I don’t want it to end on a dirty note.”

I nodded and said it was a wise idea.

“I will come back.”

“Go on a horseback ride.”

Gwangdu said with sparkling eyes.

“Yes, this time I will return as a horseback riding expert, or even as a half-man and half-horse.”

After sending off Gwangdu, I left the house towards Yangso-bang, where the banquet was being held.

There are many reasons why I hate banquets, but this is another reason.

Banquets distract people.

Knowing that, I will do my best to make this banquet a golden opportunity for me.

Now, I’m doing my best, but what about you?

martial arts,

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