Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 4

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Shandong Best Rice (1)

As I entered, the place where we had been talking became quiet. She was among the people looking at me.

My eyes naturally turned to her. It was as if some invisible force was pulling my eyes towards it. The moment I saw her, I could see the true nature of her power.

The power of beauty.

It wasn’t just beauty, it was absolute beauty.

Two clear and deep eyes, perfectly proportioned facial features, flawless skin, petite but voluptuous breasts, slim waist and straight, straight legs.

If this was all there was to it, the modifier ‘absolute’ would not have been added.

She was elegant yet sensual, innocent yet radiating intelligence. Several beauties that do not seem to fit her at all are flowing out of one person.

And there was something that ultimately dominated those beauties.

It was an elegance that could not be easily accessed.

An exclamation escaped me without even realizing it.

Gwangdu was wrong. She was not just the most beautiful in Shandong, but she was beautiful enough to be considered the most beautiful in Central Plains.

It’s safe to say. Because I have actually seen women who are called the best beauty in Joongwon.

No beauty I’ve ever seen was this violently beautiful. Song Hwa-lin turned everything around her into a background for herself.

My gaze, which had been caught by her, turned to Song Woo-kyung, who was standing with me. Considering her daughter’s beauty, she must have been very handsome, but instead her appearance was fierce and scary.

I greeted him politely.

“long time no see. how are you?”

“Yeah, it’s been good.”

He sent a greeting that was friendly despite his scary appearance.

After saying hello, I looked at Song Hwa-rin again.

Unfortunately, her beautiful eyes were full of contempt for me.

Byeokridan may be a piece of trash, but I could at least understand him for this mistake.

If it was such a beautiful woman, I would have gone crazy to see it. He probably wanted to proudly show off in front of his competitors in line.

This woman is my fiancé! So get out of here!

Because he was a bright 20-year-old.

“I was sorry about what happened that day.”

Song Hwa-rin nodded once at my apology. But there was still a sneer on her lips.

I also understood her attitude.

You may have heard about me after returning from five years of training.

I must have been very disappointed when I found out that all the incidents I had committed were true. Moreover, since he was drunk and consumed all sorts of alcoholic beverages, he must have lost all his energy. Although we were close when we were young, that literally happened when we were young.

I turned around without making any further excuses.

At that time, the clear voice I heard from behind was her.

“wait for a sec.”

After stopping me for a moment, she spoke to everyone.

“When we’re all gathered together like this, there’s something I want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

After thinking for a moment, she spoke calmly. Despite his calm tone, the content of his words was a bombshell.

“Please cancel our prenatal marriage.”

For a moment, silence flowed through the hall as if a thunderbolt had struck.

It was her father, Song Woo-kyung, who broke the silence.

“What does that mean?”

“I know this is rude, but I believe I have the right to choose my own husband.”

My father and mother looked embarrassed at those words. This is because he had no idea that Song Hwa-rin would ask for a break-up of the engagement so directly.

But I couldn’t even say anything. Considering her son’s behavior, Song Hwa-rin was fully worthy of making such a request.

Song Woo-kyung scolded her daughter with an angry expression.

“Hurry up and apologize to both of you!”

But her will was stubborn.

“I am truly sorry to both of you. I know very well that you have cared for me like your own daughter since I was young. But I have absolutely no intention of marrying a Byokgongja. I’m really sorry.”

She lowered her head again. Her father and mother just looked perplexed, unable to do one thing or another.

Song Woo-kyung blushed and shouted.

“This guy! “What rudeness is this!”

Then I came forward.

“Let me tell you something too.”

Now everyone’s eyes were focused on me.

“I also want to break off the engagement.”

Everyone was surprised by my words. Song Hwarin’s request to break off the engagement was somewhat understandable, but my request was completely unexpected.

My mother, who had been quiet, came out.

“What does that mean?”

I could feel my mother’s embarrassment. Although she couldn’t raise her head because she felt sorry for Song Hwa-rin, her mother still wanted to marry her.

“I will marry the woman of my choice.”

For a moment, Song Hwa-rin’s expression hardened. This is because she sounded as if she was not the woman he wanted.

If it weren’t for Song Hwarin and her daughter, my mother would have said, ‘You idiot! He may have punched me while uttering an expletive that started with ‘Are you out of your mind?’, but now he just made a bewildered and bewildered expression. You probably think I have the most pathetic pride in the world.

Eventually, my father, who was watching, came out.

“If that is what you want, then let’s do it.”

Then Song Woo-kyung waved his hands and raised his voice.

“It doesn’t work. Breaking off the engagement is absolutely impossible!”

“Hwarin is right. “We can’t decide Lin’s future.”


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“You can’t do that! I guess I’ll leave for today. “Come on, let’s go!”

Song Woo-kyung walked out without hiding her anger towards her daughter.

“What are you doing if you’re not following me?”

Song Hwa-rin said hello to the two of them and then walked out, following her father.

As she passed by me, she stopped and asked softly.

“Why did you change your mind?”

Seeing her face up close was truly stunningly beautiful. Besides, she had a nice scent that she had never smelled before.

“Let’s just say your fist hurts so much.”

She stared at me for a moment and then walked towards the door again.

“Anyway, thank you.”

Her slender back disappeared out the door.

My mother looked at me and said softly.

“I think we need to talk too.”

* * *

My mother tried to persuade me somehow.

“I want you to marry Hwarin. “Your father was in favor of breaking off the engagement, but I don’t think he meant it.”

My father nodded as if it was true.

“He’s a kid you don’t want to miss.”

“I’m sorry, but I have no intention of getting married. “I have some work to do for the time being.”

“If you have no intention of getting married, why did you go to see Hwarin and act out her misbehavior?”


I have nothing to say about that. Instead, I had something to say now.

“I heard there is a saying that you should keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and close your eyes after marriage.”

Actually, this is what I told Baekpyo during his time as a leader, around the time he was getting married.

“I have my eyes wide open now more than ever.”

After confirming that my decision was firm, the two people only showed embarrassed expressions. Her mother asked, sighing lightly.

“What are you going to do for a while?”

“I’m thinking of doing martial arts training.”

“Did you really mean it?”

“I’m serious.”

My mother stared at me blankly for a moment, then walked over to me and cupped my face with both hands.

“You’re not trying to do something really weird, are you?”

The concern for me came from the warm palm of my hand.


At that time, my father, who was quietly listening to the conversation, spoke to my mother.

“Let’s stop.”


“Let’s have a drink together for the first time in a while.”

My mother, realizing that this meant enough was enough, let go of her hand holding my face.

“I cannot give permission yet. “Let’s talk about this again.”


The two of you left the room.

When I looked out the window, I saw two people walking side by side in the distance.

There is a part of me that fears that family makes a person weak.

Are you afraid your family will become hostages? That’s not what I meant.

This is because I am worried that my heart will become weak once I learn about the emotion called love. I’m afraid I won’t be able to be harsh when I really need to be harsh.

Because that’s what all true loves I’ve seen have been like.

Anyway, the two people walking side by side looked so friendly and happy. Even if it is a heavy walk filled with worry about children.

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