Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 37

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Into summer (4)

I received my last job of the summer through Gong Su-chan.

He was the guard of the head of the Dongpyeong Sanghoe (東平商會). He signed an important contract and asked me to be his escort for the day.

The price is 2,000 nyang. It was a significant amount for just one day.

It seemed like someone was after him.

but. Aren’t they paying us to do the work because it’s dangerous?

I decided to take on the task.

Before leaving, my father only said this.

“You shouldn’t be complacent just because you achieved success last time. “Accidents always happen when you are overconfident.”

“Yes, father. “I will keep that in mind.”

My father is an upright man to the point of being stubborn. I like this side of my father.

On the other hand, my mother was peaceful.

“Make a lot of money, son!”

How could a mother not be upset? Rather, I felt bad for her trying to hide her true feelings with such an easy-going response.

“Yes, mother. “I will bring you a gift when I come.”

“Please get something expensive.”

“Haha, yes.”

* * *

When I arrived at the Dongpyeong Chamber of Commerce with the swordsmen, the atmosphere was very heavy.

Swordsmen and servants belonging to the Baek Family Head were guarding the Yang Family Head with weapons and clubs.

When we arrived, everyone seemed to sigh.

Baekyeo, the owner of Dongpyeonghoe, who called us, came running to welcome us as if he had come down from heaven.

“Welcome. “You’re really welcome.”

“Why are the guards so strict?”

“Look at this.”

What he showed was a threatening letter. It was a bloody statement that if he did not stop the contract, he would kill his entire family.

“Who sent it?”

“There is someone looking for this contract. “They’re trying to push me out and take that contract away.”

“Couldn’t it just be a threat? “To scare them away.”

Then Baek Yeo shook her head.

“That guy’s cousin is the leader of Seojonghoe.”

“Seo Jong-hoe?”

“Seojonghoe is a famous black club nearby. “The group was named Seojonghoe because they followed the leader of the group, Seoliang (徐樑).”

Heukhoe was not a martial arts group, but a group of back-alley gangsters. They were mainly people who made a living by interfering with the interests of Giru or bars and extorting money.

“Now that we’re here, you don’t have to be afraid of black fish.”

“You can’t ignore it just because it’s black. They are very cruel people. The numbers are very large. Moreover, I heard that some of them are skilled in martial arts.”

“I understand. “Get ready to leave.”

“I will only trust you.”

After leaving the room, I immediately called Gwanhwi.

“It looks like the people we have to deal with will be the black bastards. “Tell them to prepare their minds in advance because they may come in droves.”

“All right.”

The place where the contract was agreed to be signed was about two hours away by carriage from the hundred people’s house.

The swordsmen of the Dongpyeong Chamber of Commerce guarded the house, and only our swordsman escorted the carriage in which Hoeju rode and departed.

It was almost expected that a disruptor would appear.

I concentrated all my concentration. If they attacked by shooting arrows from afar, there could be casualties.

The last few missions were experiences I couldn’t have imagined when I was a leader. Although I have heard that the Black Society intervenes in the contracts of commercial companies where large sums of money are exchanged, this is the first time I have personally experienced something like this.

About a hundred people spoke to me through the carriage window.

“I heard you took down the Beast Squad.”


“That’s amazing. “The Beast Corps was a famous band of thieves.”

“So you don’t have to worry too much. “The warrior sitting next to you is the one who killed four of the beast squad.”

“oh! is it?”

The person sitting next to Baek Yeo was Gwangdu.

“Don’t worry. “We will protect you.”

Gwangdu lowered his voice to the fullest.

“As expected, they made Go Soo sit next to me.”

Gwangdu flinched. That’s why it wasn’t a carriage ride. I started practicing riding a horse, but I wasn’t used to it yet, so I put him in a carriage.

Gwangdu insisted that he would ride a horse using the skills he had learned in a few days. He wanted to show Do-sun how to ride a horse beautifully, but he was lucky if he didn’t fall off the horse. Dosuni had not yet attached a thread to her sword.

As I was crossing the wide plain, the guys who had been in ambush appeared.

When the first thirty or so guys blocked the way, no one was surprised.

But they kept showing up. Ten people, twenty people, thirty people. It kept showing up everywhere.

They were carrying all kinds of weapons. The number exceeded one hundred, then two hundred, and reached three hundred.

The surrounding area was full of black people. As three hundred people holding swords and spears surrounded them, the feeling of intimidation was truly incredible.

Baek Yeo, who looked out through the carriage window, was scared.

“Oh my! “We are now frozen and dead!”

“Don’t worry.”

Gwangdu’s voice was shaking so much that it only heightened the fear.


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According to Gwanhwi’s instructions, the swordsmen formed a circle with the carriages in between. Although they had experienced a few battles, they couldn’t help but feel nervous in front of this huge number.

There is no way there are this many black members in one place. They must have gathered up all their belongings from various places after hearing that they had called us.

Still, Baek Yeo was a person with a conscience.

“I just have to back out of the deal. “There is no need for you to die over this.”

Baek Yeo stuck her head out the window and spoke loudly.

“I will give up the contract and go back, so please send me back.”

Then the crowd split to the left and right, and a man who appeared to be the leader walked out. Judging from the fact that those who appeared were Heukhoe bastards, they were Seojonghoe’s Seoryang.

“How could such a wise man be so stubborn?”

“I was foolishly stubborn. “Just send us back.”

“Because it’s not that simple.”

Xi Liang walked forward. Those surrounding him followed his movements and stepped forward.

As they approached, the swordsmen became very nervous. They were no match for a one-on-one fight, but their numbers were too great.

Moreover, many of them held long spears. There is a fear that if you rush in and stab that spear at random, you will be defeated without any attack or anything.

Seo-ryang approached about ten steps ahead and spoke intimidatingly.

“I should be able to trust you, right? Couldn’t we just go back like this and make an appointment again tonight? “These seniors who are busy working all night can’t get together again.”

“No, I will give up cleanly. “If I had to write a memorandum, I would write it.”

“What good is that piece of paper?”

“Then what should I do?”

“What if I just cut off one of your hands and leave it behind?”


About a hundred people turned completely white.

Xu Liang laughed out loud.

“ha ha ha. Just kidding, kidding. “You’re more scared than looking at this.”

Soon, Seo-ryang stopped laughing and made a cold threat.

“But if we come forward again, it won’t be done by one hand. Well, he’s dying. Open the way.”

He didn’t forget to tell us either.

“If you are a martial artist and show off with a sword, your limbs will be chopped off. Get out of here! “Because this old man especially saved his life.”

Black people everywhere laughed loudly.

The black stone surrounding the back opened the way.

Baek Yeo looked at me and said.

“Let’s go back quickly.”

When I got no response, about a hundred people became more urgent.

“Let’s go quickly. If those guys change their minds, you all will die too. hurry!”

I finally opened my mouth.

“If they were that scary, why didn’t they hire them in the first place?”

“What does that mean?”

“If you hired us, you should trust us.”


I looked at Seo-ryang and said coldly.

“You bastard Parakho bastard. Do we see you as people who go when you go and come when you come?”

How can someone who was a leader curse like this? Who were the enemies I faced? When I think about the insults I heard from all the evil people of the Demonic Cult and the Four Sects… … Even if you just reveal it, it could make everyone freak out.

Seo-ryang looked at the subordinate next to him and asked.

“What is that green kid saying now?”

“It sounds like they’re going to fight us.”

“Did you put a dick in your eye?”

Then laughter erupted from those around them.

“If your wish is to lose weight, you should grant it.”

When Seoliang drew his sword, the Heukhoes all aimed their weapons at the same time. He thoroughly believed in the number three hundred.

I gave an order to Guan Hui.

“Use the carriage as a wall and form a semicircle to protect Baekgaju.”


“Look carefully. How do you deal with these guys? “I’ll show you how Kang Ho-in is different from that trash.”


I calmly drew my sword and slowly walked out.

The heukhoe guys were a little nervous at my leisure.

How do you fight a fight like this? Simple.


I rushed toward Xioliang. As always, in a fight between many and many, you have to pick the head of the opposing leader first.

The men came rushing out in a rush.

My sword cut through the air.

Shhh! Sigh!

The head of the man who was the first to block was cut off.

My sword was drawn diagonally again.

The torso of the man following was cut off in that direction. The people around were shocked as the person’s head was cut off and the body was cut off right in front of their eyes.

Spears flew in from all directions.

I swayed my body back and forth to avoid the window.

My movements were precise. Dodge and cut, avoid and cut. One per sword.

In an instant, more than a dozen people fell to the ground and became corpses.

What was confusing and confusing was actually the guys.

I avoided what I needed to avoid and only cut down what I needed to cut. In fact, there was more moderation than when dealing with just one person.

Every time my sword swung, someone was sure to die.

Ten more fell, bringing the dead to twenty now.

Xu Liang shouted in embarrassment.

“Stop it! “Kill him!”

The man’s panicked voice actually lowered the morale of his subordinates.

This was the order he was supposed to give.

Kill a hundred people!

That way, my nerves will be distributed in that direction. Well, even if it were, the result would have been the same.

In any case, Xu Liang was not a person with such tactics. He was embarrassed and was now half out of his mind.

Guys came rushing in from all directions. But they were the ones dying.

No matter how large their numbers were, they were still the Black Society’s Parakho bastards. Even if he was a better guy, all he could do was learn martial arts at the level of our swordsman.

But I didn’t mean to kill them all.

My chest cracked and I leapt powerfully, stepping on the back of the fallen man.

I passed dozens of people at once and got down.

I saw Seo-ryang about ten steps ahead. As soon as I got close to him, he screamed like he was having a fit.

“Stop it! Stop it!”

There were only about a dozen people blocking the way. Can they stop what the guys in front couldn’t?

Easy profit!


My sword sprayed blood in the air. When five of them fell, the other five took a step back.

“Stop it! You bastard! Stop it!”

But no one came forward. Everyone had faces filled with fear.

I wasn’t even breathing hard.

Xu Liang took a step back and said.

“I’ll just go back. therefore… … .”

I launched myself at him. If I wanted to subdue the remaining guys, I couldn’t leave him alive.

The guy pulled out his sword and swung sharply at me. It might have worked for my underlings, but it was impossible for me.

Easy profit.


As soon as he passed by, Seoryang’s movements stopped. I thought a red line was drawn on his neck.


His head fell to the floor.


Seo-ryang, whose head was cut off, fell down with a fountain of blood. Everyone froze as they saw Seoryang’s head rolling on the floor.


I said softly while wiping the blood off my sword.

“Put down what you are holding and kneel down.”

Although his voice was low because he was putting his energy into it, everyone could clearly hear it.

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t know what to do.

I strode towards the nearest one.

“Oh my! “Please save me!”

The guy threw away his weapons and knelt down.

That was the beginning. Everyone threw down their weapons and knelt down.

“Please save me!”

“Please save me!”

Even if there are three hundred rabbits, you cannot catch a tiger. Moreover, these people were back-alley gangsters whose lives were more important than loyalty.

I shouted to the swordsmen.

“From now on, cut down any bastard who opens his eyes or raises his head!”


The swordsmen shouted loudly.

The black bastards all closed their eyes and lowered their heads. It was also a spectacle when nearly three hundred people knelt down and bowed their heads all at once.

I said as I walked towards the swordsmen.

“This is Kang Ho-in. Because we are these people, we are called strong people. Do you understand?”


The faces of the swordsmen were filled with pride and a desire to become stronger. In particular, Gwangdu and Gwanhwi had dreamy eyes.

Yes, this is what I wanted. I hoped to have this kind of influence. Even if there are 3,000 of them, they shouldn’t be scared or turn their backs on the likes of Heukhoe.

Later, each member of the swordsman will demonstrate this divine power.

I truly look forward to that day.

About a hundred people were looking at me with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open. I was speechless and couldn’t say anything.

I said with a smile.

“Let’s go, make a contract.”

The dead man was Seoryang of the Seojong sect. In the end, those who died protecting him were the assistant pastor and leaders. In fact, the Western sect was destroyed.

The rest of the guys were released after giving them a good scare. It was a direct threat that if he heard that he was involved in this kind of evil again, he would run to him and kill him.

Of course, most people will wander around the back alleys again, but for the time being, they won’t be leaving the house.

The contract for that day was completed successfully.

About a hundred people gave me money.

“I put extra money in.”

“I will not refuse.”

I accepted the money without hesitation because I didn’t think it would be forced money. When I opened the envelope, there were five vouchers worth 1,000 nyang inside. I added 3,000 nyang more than the original amount.

“Thank you. “We’ll just head back.”

“Next time something like this happens, I will definitely call you.”


But then it won’t be possible with the same amount of money.

Our price would be ten times higher.

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