Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 34

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Into summer (1)

Regarding practical training, Gong Soo-chan suggested one thing.

“There is a case of betrayal at the moment. It seems that the Taizhou Trading Company from Jiangsu Province recently came here and things went wrong with the Taean Pyo Bureau they were doing business with. “I quickly looked for another place, but I can’t seem to find a suitable place.”

“Aren’t there other signs around?”

“They usually fight like enemies, but when they have to join forces, they act like brothers.”

“Are they taking the side of Taean Pyo-guk?”

“Yes, it looks like that. “Anyway, we couldn’t waste any time, so this convoy was very expensive.”

“how much?”

“It’s two thousand nyang.”

The value of the token seemed to be considerable.

“So I think it might be a little dangerous.”

If only the swordsmen had been sent, this job would have been rejected. However, as this is my first actual mission, I plan to follow along.

“Okay, I’ll do this.”

That way, I went to Cheolbang and bought twenty bags of daggers used for memorization. I was also quite skilled in the martial arts, and there is nothing better than a sword when you are in a hurry.

Even though I didn’t show my ticket, I was just as nervous.

* * *

The next day, we took over Taeju Sangdan’s luggage.

It was a load that had to be carried on three wagons.

No separate workers were hired. Since we didn’t have a lot of baggage and one of the swordsman had experience working in Pyoguk, we decided to take care of it.

As I was getting ready to leave, a merchant from Taeju Sangdan came to me.

“I heard that it is not the official sword brigades of the Byeok Clan Swordsman, but the small sword brigades.”

In advance, we made it clear that we were a small sword team for the Byeok clan checkpoint.

“That’s right.”

“It’s a precious item. Please take good care of me.”

Because time was urgent, they had no choice but to choose us, but it seems they were not trustworthy.

“Don’t worry. “The goods will arrive safely.”

“Then I would like to ask you a favor.”

How do his worries compare to those of his father and mother? The two of them were really worried.

I calmly persuaded them both. I pushed for two things that always worked well: I don’t want to live like a frog in a well, and I shouldn’t grow a flower in a greenhouse.

In fact, those feelings were also my feelings about the sword belt.

It cannot be grown as a flower in a greenhouse forever. One practice session can be more helpful than practicing alone for 100 days. It must withstand wind and rain outside the greenhouse.

Our destination is Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. From there, you just have to deliver the goods to the Taeju merchants. Estimated lead time was ten days.

We got off to a smooth start.

Five people were placed in three carriages, and the remaining five guarded the front and back.

Of course, I took Gwangdu too. I personally drove the first carriage for Gwangdu, who did not yet know how to ride a horse. I made Gwangdu sit next to me.

“Can I come along too?”

Gwangdu asked cautiously. It seemed like going with the swordsmen would make sense.

“of course. “Aren’t you my right hand man?”


His stiff expression relaxed when he heard the word “right arm.” The person Gwangdu cares about these days is Gwanhwi.

Gwanhwi directed the swordsmen with moderation. The discipline of the swordsmen was well established.

Gwangdu whispered as he watched the scene.

“He’s like an older brother. “He’s two years younger than me.”

“That’s how I see it.”

“No, you can’t even say that, Master. “I gave up my adultness for your pleasure.”


Yeah, I have to admit that. I am happy because of you.

In fact, Gwanhwi was also conscious of Gwangdu. He must have naturally reacted to what Gwangdu was conscious of. You may also have a desire to gain my trust.

Perhaps because of Gwangdu, Gwanhwi is trying to avoid making more mistakes.

This kind of progressive competition was what I wanted.

Nothing happened for several days.

We mostly camped in the forest.

At night, four people took turns keeping watch. The order was set and the time was set.

I believe that all of these processes will become the foundation for the growth of one sword team.

Strength can be increased all at once with elixirs.

However, these experiences could never be achieved all at once. There is a difference between hearing it in words and experiencing it directly. Even lighting a bonfire, something becomes truly yours only when you experience it yourself.

As the tension of the trip eased, people appeared to block our path.

There were about thirty warriors wearing masks.

The person who appeared to be the leader spoke coldly.

“If you hand over your items and go away, I will spare your life.”

Indeed, their momentum was considerable. They weren’t a group of thieves gathered at random.

That confidence allowed them to confidently show up in broad daylight instead of making a surprise attack at night. It was fortunate for us.

“Prepare your formation as you were trained!”

The swordsmen moved quickly at my command. Sword belt training included ways to deal with various types of enemies. In this case, when all of them appear at the front, they stand in human form. The strongest one stands at the top at the front, and the two

The third and third strongest people are placed on the left and right, and in martial arts order.

The masked man gave the attack order without a word.



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The masked people rushed in.

Normally, I would have left it to him, but this time the number of opponents was large and their skills were no less than our swordsman’s.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The five masked people turned over and fell due to the surprise dagger I threw.

The purpose was to reduce numbers, but more than that, it was to break momentum.

As expected, the masked people who followed were shocked.

Then I shouted.


It happened in an instant, but it boosted our morale.

“The gwanjojang should be on the left, and the gwandu should be on the right! Just do what you learned!”

And I dealt with the enemy leader in the middle.

Chuhonsura sword technique was not used. I dealt with him using my family’s martial arts technique, the White Moon Sword.


I raised my sword at an angle, dodging the flying sword. The intention was to resolve it quickly.

The man was embarrassed and twisted his body at a faster speed than expected.

Because the move was as I expected, my second attack turned out to be a fatal move.



There was a large cut on the man’s side and blood splattered out.

The guy fell to the side and let out a memorized attack.


I memorized it and poured in like that.


My sword pierced straight through the man’s heart. He opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief that he had been treated so helplessly, and then died.

He pulled out his sword and immediately turned around.

The fight in the arena instantly caught my eye. I have spent my entire life in the battlefield. I was the one who went through all kinds of hardships.

It quickly became apparent who was in the most danger.


A dagger flew from my hand.


The dagger stuck in the back of the guy who was stabbing our swordsman in the stomach.

I launched myself towards the second steepest direction.

One of the two guys who were pushing the swordsman turned towards me.

“Where dare you?”

The guy lashed out with his sword.

It was unfortunate for him, but I wasn’t the type of person to listen to the words ‘How dare you?’

I turned my body slightly to avoid the flying sword. The sword passed by my ear. But my sword was different.


My sword pierced his heart at once.

At the same time, I shouted with all my energy.


The swordsman who was attacked by my words came to his senses. Soon he rushed to help another colleague.

I looked around the room again.

Three men had already fallen by the hands of Gwangdu and two by the hands of Gwanhwi. The rest were engaged in a melee.

Because Gwangdu and Gwanhwi showed their skills, our side was fighting an advantageous battle.

From now on, I began to look around the room at a leisurely pace and cut down the enemies.

I left the fights that were winnable and intervened in the ones that were close.

As I began to coordinate the fight, the balance on both sides quickly collapsed.

Every time I threw my sword, one by one fell down without fail. The Baekwol Sword Technique was showing its extreme power.

It was Gwangdu who defeated the last one.


It was the fourth enemy he killed. It may have been his first time killing someone, but he killed four. It was the power of the Namhae Chil-sik that achieved this result even though there was no proper internal strength yet. Gwangdu’s hand holding the sword dripping with blood is shaking.

It was.

I first looked at the swordsmen.

“Who was injured?”

Some had their arms and legs cut. But fortunately he only had a cut in his flesh and it was not a fatal wound. It was because I reacted quickly.

“Treat the wound with Geumchang medicine. “Those who are healthy must be on guard in all directions!”

Everyone moved quickly at my command. Everyone was out of their minds. Although some had experience in such large-scale fights, more than half of them were for the first time. Even like Gwangdu, most of them had killed someone for the first time. The role of Gwanhwi, who showed off his skills properly

Today was my first time killing someone.

After treating their injuries, they were called together.

“Is everyone okay?”


I approached Gwangdu first.

“Is this your first time?”


Gwangdu’s voice trembled. There was a lot of blood on his hands and clothes. Although he was in a shocked state, it was not easy for an ordinary person to endure this bloody smell.



“Look back.”

Gwangdu looked back.

“If you hadn’t killed four of those guys, there wouldn’t be four of them now.”

Everyone was looking at Gwangdu with new eyes. I thought he was just a no-nonsense joker, but he showed great skills. Gwangdu’s eyes wavered as they looked at them with gratitude.

“Yes, I know it’s not easy. However, being a strong person means being willing to put blood on one’s hands for righteousness and for one’s colleagues. Anyone who wears a sword may seem like a strong person, but that is not the case. In this powerhouse, the real powerhouse person is like that.

These are people who have made up their minds. These are the people who overcome that difficult task. It’s Gwangdu. Do you really want to become a strong person?”

Gwangdu took a deep breath and spoke loudly.

“Yes, I really want to become a strong person.”

“You fought really well today. thanks.”

“young master. thank you.”

How could Gwangdu not know? This is because they are worried that someone may have been hurt emotionally by the murder.

I called Gwanhwi.

“Are you okay?”


Since he had already heard what Gwangdu said, Gwanhwi’s eyes were still alive.

“It’s something you have to go through once, and it’s something you have to overcome in the future. Now, everyone, take a look at the person next to you.”

Then the swordsmen turned to their colleagues standing next to them.

“You fought well. You fought so well that you were able to save the lives of your comrades next to you. “Please tell each other that you worked hard.”

The members of the sword team expressed their gratitude to each other.

Finally I spoke.

“I am very grateful that the fight ended without anyone dying. “I’m proud of you guys.”

Everyone looked touched by my words. They saw me in action. So I knew that if it weren’t for me, I would have been the one wiped out. The way he looked at me had changed.

“Thank you, High Lord!”

“Long live the small sword team!”

It was the moment when our first fight was won, and it was also the moment when his respect for me was solidified.

Once the scene was cleared, the swordsmen removed the masks from the corpses one by one. Everyone stepped forward to see if there were any recognizable faces.

One of the older members of the swordsman shouted.

“These are the wild beasts.”

“The Beast Corps?”

“Yes, they are a group of thieves who only target expensive items. “They are very famous in Shandong.”

The other swordsmen were surprised.

“Are you saying that the people we killed were the Beast Corps?”

“oh my god! “I can’t believe it.”

The Beast Corps were quite infamous. It was said that many priests lost their lives because of them.

“I understand that there is a bounty on the Murim Alliance.”

“how much?”

“I know it costs a few thousand nyang.”

“Haha, then it was a windfall.”

After the Beast Corps attack, there were no further attacks.

I handed over the items safely and received the money. He earned a large sum of 2,000 nyang.

Their bodies were handed over to the nearby branch of the Murim League in Jiangsu Province.

Since there was a leader and the bodies of all 30 people, it didn’t take long to confirm.

The bounty on them was a mere 7,000 nyang. It was 5,000 nyang for the leader and 2,000 nyang for the rest.

While trying to earn 2,000 nyang, 7,000 nyang followed as a bonus. It was literally like a pumpkin rolling over on a vine.

He went on one mission and earned 9,000 nyang.

I gave everyone an additional special allowance of 30 nyang in addition to the mission allowance they received through commissary. Fifty nyang was given to Gwangdu and Gwanhwi who had shown great activity. Everyone was really happy.

Money is important, but people are still the asset.

After successfully completing the first mission, the status of the small sword team increased. Moreover, when it was revealed that the people who attacked us were the famous bandits, the Wild Beasts, some people began to not believe them. I can’t tell you how happy my father and mother were.

There will be no need to say it.

Except for a few hundred nyang, I gave the rest to Gong Su-chan.

“Here are eight thousand cats. Please call this more of a foundation.”

Gong Su-chan, who was looking down at the large sum of 8,000 nyang in silence for a moment, asked me.

“But why do you trust me so much? Is it just because of you, Master?”

“It was like that at first. But not now.”

“What do you believe now?”

“It’s my destiny. “I have faith that there will be no general in my destiny who will just take my money and run away.”

“I see. Okay, I’ll run it well.”

“Thank you.”

Gong Su-chan, who had been walking for a while, stopped.

“I’ll ask again next time. At that time, what I believed was… … “I will hear the answer that it is because of me.”

I smiled.

A haze was rising around Gong Su-chan, who turned and walked away.

The sun was hot.

It was the first summer after my reincarnation.

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