Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 303

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Reincarnation, and the Heavenly Demon (1)

The running carriage suddenly stopped.

As a result, Wang Babo, who was riding in the carriage, hit his forehead against the carriage wall.

“Oh my! “What on earth is going on?”

Wang Babo shouted, massaging his forehead, but no answer was heard from the coach seat.

“This guy! “Why is there no answer?”

Wang Babo opened the carriage door and went out. Jang Hao (張好), the coachman driving his carriage, was checking on his child from the front of the carriage.

Fortunately, the child was not hit by a carriage and ran to a street vendor on the side of the road. Only then did the father realize that her son had almost been hit by a carriage and looked over the child.

Only then did Jang Hao come running to Wang Babo.

“I’m sorry, old man. Because the child suddenly jumped in. Fortunately, the child was not injured.”

“Relief? “I’m hurt?”

Wang Babo’s voice was extremely cold.

“Elder, where were you hurt?”

That was when Jang-ho, who was startled, tried to get closer.


Wang Babo slapped Jang Hao on the cheek without mercy.

“This bastard thinks he’s really good because he says he’s good, so he’s like this, right?”



Wang Babo kicked Jang Hao mercilessly. Jangho fell backwards.

At that time, the parents came here with their child. He was watching from afar, but when Jang-ho got hit, he came to give an explanation.

He was a merchant who sold goods at a stall on the street.

“Thanks to the coachman, my child survived. Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

Wang Babo showed even more disapproval.

Eventually his anger exploded.

“You bastard, what on earth are you doing? If there was an accident, you wouldn’t have looked after me first, you would have looked after the child first, right? What if I get hurt? What if the horse sprains an ankle? Do you know how much that horse costs?”

puck! puck! puck!

Wang Babo hit Jang Ho on the back of the head repeatedly.

The merchant felt like his child had become a brat who couldn’t even speak, and he was angry, embarrassed, and didn’t know what to do.

As he was being beaten, Jangho motioned for me to quickly take the child and go over there.

Wang Babo became even more angry when he saw Jang Hao taking care of the merchant and the child.

“Is this guy still there? If those things are important, hit them right away! You bastard! “I’m going to carry that kid from now on!”

“Oh my! “No, old man.”

At the end of every word, the angry merchants around him rolled up their sleeves and walked out.

However, Wang Babo’s sword-wielding bodyguards were glaring at him intimidatingly, so he could not get close.

“You bastard, am I more important or is that beggar bastard more important?”

“Elder, please fix it. “I was wrong.”

“I told you to speak!”

“Aren’t you still a kid? “It’s all my fault.”

“This bastard takes their side until the end.”

“It was my mistake. “I was speeding too much on the crowded road.”

“Oh, look at this guy. Is this all my responsibility? “You’re saying it’s my fault that I urged you to go quickly?”

“Oh no, no. “That’s not what I meant.”

“The owner is a fool, and it’s a complete mess.”

“no. “I respect my elders.”

“You like respect. Today is the end for you. Pack your bags and get out.”

“Elder! I have to do this. Please forgive me just this once!”

“Yes, I know. My son is good at studying, right? Ranked first in academics as well. You said he was a really good kid who listened to his parents well, right? But why did you do this? “Did you really want to block your son’s path like that?”


“Find another elderly person.”

Jangho clung desperately. How many of them can be considered local maintenance? All of the people who could be used as coachmen were people who were close to Wang Babo. If you are kicked out like this, you will never be able to pull another carriage here in the future.

Jangho knelt down.

“Please forgive me just once.”

I shouldn’t have been fired, even for the sake of my son. It was truly a miracle that someone who was uneducated had a son who was so smart. He was a son who made you smile with joy just by looking at him.

However, if he loses his job, his son will not be able to attend school. Even though her father couldn’t let her study, he couldn’t even stop her husband from studying.

“Please forgive me just once.”

“go away!”

Even the merchant came running and begged with him.

“It was my son’s fault for jumping in without looking left and right. This person did nothing wrong. Please forgive me.”

The merchants knelt down together. The child started crying because he thought I had done something wrong.

Wang Babo shouted.

“You bastards! Shut it all off! “Kick out these bastards!”

Just as the drones were about to move, someone patted the child’s head and said,

“When crossing the road from now on, you must look left and right before crossing.”

It was a soft voice, and everyone there could hear it.

After soothing the child with a few words, the person who walked towards the carriage was none other than Byeokridan.

Byeokridan looked at the merchant and said.


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“It’s hard to run a business with a child.”

Although he was young, the merchant politely responded to his dignity that could not be treated carelessly.


“Is there no one to look after the child?”

“My mother is very sick. So, I have to take him with me and do business with him.”

“We will prepare facilities where you can leave your child with peace of mind. Of course, you won’t have to pay anything.”


The merchant looked puzzled. Not only that, other merchants who were watching also looked at the people next to them and shared their wonder.

Byeokridan raised the driver this time.

“Your son is good at studying?”

The man looked at Wang Babo’s gaze, not sure what to reply.

Byeokridan spoke to him in a gentle tone.

“It was a good decision to quickly stop the carriage and run to the child. Of course, you have to run to your child. It was also manly of her heart to tell the child that she was at fault instead of putting the blame on her. Being willing to kneel for his son was also a true example of a father. “The reason your son is so good at studying and the reason he grows up so kind is probably because you are such a good person.”

At that moment, Jangho burst into tears and tears welled up in his eyes. In his entire life he had never had anyone say anything like this to him.

“Don’t disintegrate too much. Even if you feel angry, continue to live like this. In return, I will also make a promise. “I will make it a world where you can live with such a good heart.”

I had no idea who the man in front of me was or why he was saying this. But when I just heard those words, tears started rolling down my face. I felt like someone was caressing my heart that had been suffering and hurting for a long time.


Jangho burst into tears and collapsed on the spot. The merchant ran over and wiped his tears.

Byeokridan looked at Wang Babo and said.

“Do you have that much money?”


“If people have a lot of money, do they spend it? If you have a lot of money, you should be grateful to the world that helped you make that much money, and be more humble and be nice to people. “Is this what people do?”

Wang Babo shouted at the guards.

“Catch this insolent bastard and kick him! “Kneel before me right now!”

But they didn’t move from their spot. Before I knew it, the demonic blood had been suppressed.

“My friend who is buying and eating honey rice cake over there said that.”

Everyone’s eyes were on Cheonma, who was eating honey rice cake from a street cart in the distance.

As the Cheonma waved her hand holding the rice cake, honey splashed on her clothes. He looked extremely embarrassed as he wiped his clothes, but what Li Dan Byeok said was very scary.

“What really makes a person suffer is having the most precious thing taken away from him.”

Peokridan’s cold gaze was directed at Wang Babo.

“I don’t have to tell you what you value most in your miserable life.”

Byeokridan said as he left there.

“Now your carriage will no longer run.”

Byeokridan’s words became true.

The next day, the internal inspection team of the Jungwon Merchants Association came to the top of Wangpalbo.

Of course, the inspection team had received strict orders from the Murim Alliance. So far, we have uncovered all the wrongdoings committed by Wang Babo’s superiors. Hefty fines were imposed accordingly.

We fiercely investigated the corruption, mistakes, and even mistakes that had been made while running the business. The investigation was the fastest and most thorough in history, and there were no extenuating circumstances.

He went bankrupt in no time.

At first, Wang Babo couldn’t believe it and just blinked. But this was reality. When he lost all his life’s savings in an instant, he was on the verge of going crazy. But that wasn’t the end.

This time, the Murim Alliance inspection team came in. The top has committed all kinds of wrongdoings, but who would be so clean?

The inspection team even robbed him of his soul.

All his sins were revealed. There were all kinds of sins. He not only harassed the rivals but also raped them several times. He threatened people with violence to close deals, and even instigated murder.

It was decided that he would be imprisoned for life. If a person spends his entire life in comfort and then spends his entire life in prison, he will suffer worse than death.

Jang-ho, who was driving his carriage, met a good owner and drove the carriage again, and his son received a scholarship from the Murim League.

As a result of this incident, facilities to take care of children were created throughout Jungwon. It was aimed at children whose parents could not take care of them because they were working, and it was completely free. The cost was shared between the Murim Alliance and Taeseong Sangdan.

It was known that the Murim lord Byeokridan was behind this. The powerful people cheered, while those who had similar thoughts to Wang Babo trembled in fear and were dissatisfied.

The Murim Alliance relayed Byeokridan’s words to the powerful people. It was conveyed exactly as it was, without a single word of error. This was the meaning of Byeokridan.

“If you hear the news of Wang Babo and become angry as if it were your own, and feel sorry for him, it would be a good idea to look back on your life. Change his mind when he gives you the chance. If you put in the effort, you can change that much. “If non-humans live pretending to be humans and get caught by me, know that they will be torn to pieces and rolled around.”

* * *

Again a month later.

I was standing side by side with the Cheonma on a cliff with a cold wind blowing.

Although it wasn’t necessary, we were wearing thick cotton clothes to give off a winter vibe.

The trip started in spring and continued until winter.

We saw a lot, met a lot of people, and changed a lot while traveling around Gangho.

I was a good leader even in my past life. What was different from then was that we saw and felt it firsthand and implemented policies that were truly helpful to real life, not just thoughts or ideals.

Everyone praised me, and my popularity gradually increased.

But in the first place, this trip was for me. My relationship with the Heavenly Demon can also be seen as something for me, so it would be a trip entirely for me.

“Hey, Hajin.”

“Why, Cheon Gwang?”

“Why did you refuse to become a demon?”

I could tell that he wanted to ask since the beginning of this trip.

The answer could be given for several reasons. But if I had to answer just one thing it would be this.

“I don’t want to watch you die. “I didn’t have the confidence to live knowing that one day everyone would leave me behind.”

“As expected.”

“That’s what the old man said back then. No one will know which one will be happier. I think so too. “The important thing is not to regret my decision.”

I looked at the Heavenly Demon. Cheonma was looking at me with a slightly awkward, yet somehow cheerful expression.

“I respect your decision.”

“Thank you.”

It was then. Something came down between him and me.

White as a feather, it was snow.

“It’s snow.”

Cheonma and I looked up at the sky. It really started to snow.

“It’s really snow.”

The Heavenly Demon smiled broadly. It was his first sight in his new body.

The Heavenly Demon and I felt the soft touch of snow falling on our palms.

“It snowed like this on the day I died.”

I vividly remembered that day.

It was a day when my memory was messed up and my body was so lethargic.

But it was all heaven’s will.

My death was a death sent from heaven, and at the same time it was the beginning of a fate that led to the battle of the three gods.

“Do you like it?”


The Heavenly Demon nodded to my question. I was kidding.

“That’s strange. They say people who like snow are pure.”

“I guess it’s something people like us created to hide ourselves.”

“ha ha ha.”

Now, he was a Cheonma who took pranks well and treated them like jokes.

After laughing a lot, I looked back at Cheonma and said.

“Shall we go back now?”

I realized it was time to go back.

Just like the day my new destiny began, today, when the snow falls, I plan to return to the Murimmaeng for a new destiny.

The Heavenly Demon held out his hand. The intention was to part ways here.

I held his hand tightly.

“If you want to have a drink, come to Seohwa anytime.”

I could tell. Now, the Heavenly Demon will live in relationships with people.

“Okay, I’ll come visit you when the first snow falls again.”

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