Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 302

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Touring Gangho (3)

They took money out of the safe.

Other guys prepared Jincheonroe. Junghyuk could tell. These guys are trying to kill the hostage with that thing.

The masked man came and spoke to the hostages.

“Give everything you have.”

They want to take all of the hostages’ belongings.

“If you hide even one thing, you will be kicked out of the spot.”

They searched the hostages’ arms. They stole things like money and gold jewelry.

The old man who was held hostage could not stand it and shouted.

“You guys will be punished.”

The head man sneered.

“scourge? Where do I get it? Do you get it from up there?”

The head man looked up at the ceiling.

“Now, here is a filthy sinner. Please give him heavenly punishment!”

Of course nothing happened.

The head man said with a grin.

“Old man, why do you say such naive things at such a young age? “If there were such a thing as heavenly punishment, would the world be like this?”

All the masked people around laughed.

The masked people began searching through their belongings again.

I took a few things from the arms of the man who was with Junghyuk.

“What’s so heavy?”

I casually read the iron plaque that the masked man took from the man. Engraved on both sides with a dragon ascending to heaven, it had the following written on it.

“Murim lord Byeokridan?”

For a moment, silence came over the place.

Soon the masked man smiled and said.

“ha ha ha. This baby has no dried blood on his head! “He also goes around impersonating the Murim lord.”

Of course I thought it was a counterfeit.

At that time, another masked person next to me spoke.

“Now the leader is as young as ever, right?”


As the masked man holding the iron plate flinched, the leader called out to him.

“Bring it here.”


The masked man took the identity card.

The expression on the head man’s face, who was quietly examining it, became serious. I told them to bring it back, thinking it was obviously fake, but it was too elaborate to be considered fake.

The head man’s gaze turned towards the man.

The moment my relaxed eyes met my gaze, I felt like my heart was shrinking.

“Bring the weapon you stole from him.”

The subordinate ran and brought the sword. The leader pulled out his sword.

The head man’s eyes widened at the terrifying prophecy of the Sura Myeongwanggeom.


This was my first time seeing such a great sword in my life.

Finally, the man opened his mouth.

“Did you say there is no heavenly punishment? “My thoughts are a little different.”

The head man shouted as if he were having a fit.

“Kill that bastard!”

The exact moment when the subordinates were about to move.

Flash! Gurgling!

A bolt of lightning struck the top of the head of the man. Everyone was scared and screamed because they could not have imagined that lightning would strike indoors.

The man struck by lightning died with his head split and burned black.

Another man flinched.

Flash! Kwazijijik!

The man also burned black.


The other masked men threw down their swords and fell to their knees.

“Please save me!”

The man waved his hand into the air.

Then, the suppressed demonic blood of the seven Red Dragon warriors was released like a lie.

The man said while looking at Junghyuk.

“Now you guys do your work.”

* * *

A new report has been posted to Jeongjeongak, the headquarters of the Murim Alliance.

“Those who robbed the battlefield were all sentenced to death after it was revealed that they had intended to kill the hostages.”

Gal Sa-ryang nodded at the subordinate soldier’s report.

“They are truly unlucky people. “How can you think of robbing the place where the leader is?”

“Are they the only unlucky people?”

Galsaryang was receiving reports coming in from all over.


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The problem of academic institutions was resolved, and laws were enacted to severely punish those who commit s*xual assault.

This time too, the number of Red Dragons in each Murim Alliance regional branch was doubled and better equipment was provided.

Of course, thanks to this, Jaedangju had to tighten his belt. He had to save unnecessary money and never allowed corruption.

At that time, Baekpyo came in.

“Are you here?”

“yes. “I heard that Master Meng is in Hunan Province?”

“That’s right.”

“It seems like you can’t enjoy traveling and only end up working all the time.”

“It’s because of your personality that you can’t just ignore it.”

“Would you like to speak?”

Two people stood side by side at the window.

“This powerhouse is very fortunate.”

“What do you mean?”

“This time you are traveling is not only a time for the Lord, but it is also a time for this powerhouse, right? “It is not just a simple inspection, but you are observing the lives of strong people from a close perspective and improving many things.”

Baekpyo nodded.

“We and this powerhouse also owe a lot to our leader.”

Gal Sa-ryang nodded and said.

“At least we should act for our leader’s happiness.”


The two people looked out the window again.

Somewhere in the distance, Byeokridan must be changing this powerhouse.

* * *

“Change it!”

I spoke twice, but Cheonma insisted until the end.


“Is this really going to happen?”

“okay. no way!”

The energies of the Heavenly Demon and mine clashed tightly.

There is a saying that no matter how close you are, friction and fights will arise during a long trip.

We were no exception.

We fought for many reasons. For example, there is the issue of disposition of evildoers.

Kill or save?

This could have been so. Because our values ​​are different.

And this is the case.

“Fish is delicious when grilled! “Change the order quickly!”

“That’s because you don’t know what. “It’s delicious to eat fish in stew.”

“Oh, you really don’t know how to eat. Well, what would you have eaten at the Magic Church? “I must have eaten raw meat with blood flowing all over it.”

“What would you have eaten in the Murim League? “It must have been a bland vegetable with black ink running down it.”


I called Jeomsoy and ordered additional grilled fish.

“If you take a bite of well-cooked meat, you will bow down to me.”

“Try a sip of the soup. “When I bow, you will already be face down on the floor.”

At that time, I heard people talking next to me. It was a story about me.

“Have you heard the rumor that the leader is traveling around the rivers and regions rooting out injustice?”

“Of course I heard it. “Is there anyone who doesn’t know that exciting news?”

“The Lord has greatly strengthened the punishment for all crimes that harm the people’s livelihood. “Thanks to this, the number of evildoers is already decreasing significantly, isn’t it?”

“It looks like this powerhouse is finally becoming a powerhouse worthy of living.”

“The drink tastes good.”

“Here, please give me another piece of stewed fish.”

“Simmered food is the best in this house.”

Cheonma and I were listening to their conversation in silence.

I said, scratching my head.

“Simmered food is the best in this house.”

“I guess so.”

We looked at each other and laughed.

* * *

Two months later.

A carriage was running along Guandu.

There were two people in the carriage.

“Because it is you, I am giving you a special opportunity to meet the Lord of the General Assembly.”

The person who repeatedly showed condescension was Yeom Jong-yeol, the head of the Sacheon branch of Yarim, the most popular black club in recent times.

“thank you. “I will never forget your love for me.”

The young man sitting across from me bowed. He was a Byeokridan.

“This is nothing to you who saved my life. Instead, you must be especially careful about how you behave when attending the general meeting. “A lot of really scary people are coming today.”

“I will keep that in mind. “I will just stay quietly behind Lord Hoe.”

“Sure. Because you are attending today as my escort. “Just get a feel for the atmosphere.”


Originally, when attending a general meeting, the local leader could only bring one subordinate.

About a hundred black members gathered in the large yard of the manor.

It was the day of the general meeting of Yalim, which has grown rapidly in the central region in recent years.

Most of the masters here were General Assembly followers. The head of the meeting was not only an expert himself, but also had subordinates of truly great skill.

“Now, let’s toast to Yarim’s future.”

As the general assembly leader raised his glass high, all the local community leaders raised their glasses high.

It was then. Yeom Jong-yeol, the head of the Sacheon branch, was shocked and shocked. He walked out to the center of the training hall, accompanied by Wall Li Dan.

-Hey, are you crazy? Come in!

An urgent message was sent, but Byeokridan did not respond.

Instead, he looked at the general shareholders and spoke softly.

“They say that black ash will reappear even if you get rid of it. So, if you put pressure on them incorrectly, they will hide in secret and cause bigger problems.”

It was a low voice, but it was heard clearly in the ears of everyone gathered there.

“So I set boundaries for you guys. Never go out to places where ordinary people live. “Even if you fight, I told you to fight among yourselves out of sight, right?”

He was a completely different person than when he came in the carriage earlier.

Everyone was buzzing. Rather than fear, I felt like I was wondering what that guy was.

Since the head of the general meeting was here, there were numerous real experts protecting him.

In particular, the right-hand man of the General Assembly, One-Eyed Ghost, was a great expert who was known to be able to kill even the peak expert of the Gangho within ten seconds with just one of his eyeballs.

“Who on earth is that crazy guy?”

At the words of the Shandong Association, Yeon Jong-yeol, the leader of the Sichuan Association, quickly stood up.

“I brought him here, but he seems to be addicted to coinage.”

He was anxious that a spark might fly on him. He somehow had to turn the blame on Wall Li Dan.

“You bastard, can’t you come in here?”

But Byeokridan didn’t even look at him. He calmly continued what he had said earlier.

“But kidnapping girls and selling them to Giru? Selling boys to perverted old men? “The adults sold it to those who used magic for their practice.”

The general assembly’s expression hardened. The things just mentioned were things that were carried out very secretly even within the association.

Poison Eye drew his sword and stepped forward.

“Lock the door so that bastard can’t get out!”

Then someone answered at the door.

“It’s already locked, so don’t worry.”

The poison-eyed demon’s expression hardened. Suha would not have dared to answer him so rudely. Indeed, there was a strange man standing in front of the door. He was the Cheonma. The Heavenly Demon waved his hand at the Poison Eye Demon and said.

“No one can get out, so don’t worry!”

Conversely, the two of them were imprisoning over a hundred people.

Realizing that the situation was unusual, the general manager opened his mouth.

“Who are you?”

Byeokridan got angry at the polite question.

“You bastard, you haven’t heard anything until now.”

Then the Heavenly Demon at the door spoke.

“If you are someone who listens to what other people say, why would you do business with people in the first place?”


The general manager spoke cautiously.

“I understand that such an order came from the Murim Alliance.”

“Then you heard that too, right? If you don’t keep it, everything will be lost. Didn’t you hear the rumor about me? I don’t think you could have done something like this after hearing the rumors about me. Or is it right, this is our chance, let’s increase our strength while the other Black Clubs are scared and lost, is that it?”

The expressions of not only the general shareholders but also some quick-witted shareholders became increasingly hardened.

“No way, then you?”

Everyone’s expressions hardened.

The chairman of the general meeting suddenly stood up and said.

“Wait a minute… … .”


Byeokridan told us to be quiet.

“Seeing as he was named Yarim, I guess he likes chestnuts. I like the dark too. “The person in front of that door is delighted.”


Suddenly the surroundings darkened and night fell.

Everyone looked up at the night sky, surprised and at the same time curious.

“Please, please listen to me… … ”

Byeokridan coldly cut off the earnest pleas of the General Assembly.

“These are the tears of the people you sold out, the families.”

Shoot aaaaaaa.

The rain of sword energy poured down.

It collapsed into pieces without anyone even being able to scream properly.

The news that Yarim was killed in one place spread throughout the rivers.

The Murim Lord’s solemn command was issued.

If the Black Society harasses ordinary people, the Black Society will be exterminated regardless of the reason.

All the black societies in the central plains trembled in fear.

As our trip continued, the river changed little by little.

* * *

A month later, we were crossing the Yellow River by boat.

In that time, I have seen and experienced many things. The decision to travel like ordinary people turned out to be a very wise choice.

If we had flown light, we would have been able to see much more and go to many places.

But at least I wouldn’t have had moments like this now.

The sun was setting on the horizon. It was really beautiful.

Everyone on the boat fell in love with the beauty of the sunset.

“Hey, Cheon Gwang. “Are you not going to get married?”

“I will not.”


“I don’t want to be responsible for anyone, and I don’t think I can be responsible.”

I had nothing to say in response to the clear answer.

“Isn’t it a waste in many ways for someone like you to live alone?”

“What a waste?”

“Do you think you can raise at least ten children well?”

“No work. “One masjid is enough for me.”

“What does it feel like to have a child? “It would be amazing, right?”

The Cheonma looked at me for a moment and then looked at the sunset again and said.

“A guy who doesn’t even know that, can’t believe he gave birth to ten children! “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“ha ha ha.”

“Anyway, since we’re talking, can’t we go back to Song Sojeo?”

I feel that the moment to end the trip is approaching.

“Let’s play a little more. a little bit.”


Our trip was sometimes noisy, sometimes exciting, sometimes boring, and sometimes pleasant… … It was moving toward the end like a boat cutting through the current.

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