Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 30

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My beginning (1)

The news was true.

The new leader was Ma Bong-gi. The lustful old man I know.

After announcing that I would begin training for a while, I immediately got on a horse and rode to Wuhan, Hubei Province, where the headquarters of the Murim League was located.

I knew very well that it was not something that could be prevented by just going to the Murim Alliance headquarters. Because my martial arts skills have not yet grown enough to change the lines of the Murim Alliance.

I also felt like I was reborn as Byeokridan anyway, so what did it matter who became the leader? All you have to do is just quietly live your new life.

Nevertheless, the reason he runs to Wuhan is because he is afraid that something will happen to Galsaryang.

Otherwise, how could Ma Bong-gi become a leader?

The fact that the leader had already been announced meant that his life or death had already been decided. Still, he couldn’t just sit back and wait for other news to come.

The first place I went to after arriving in Wuhan was the Murim Alliance headquarters.

In the distance, the magnificent building of the Murim League was visible. This place, which boasts an enormous size, had so many people living there that it could be considered an independent city.

Guard warriors stood guard at every high wall, and the number of warriors guarding the main gate reached thirty.

I stood at a distance and looked at the magnificent building for a long time. When I came here and looked at the Murim Alliance building, my mind, which had been agitated the whole way, calmed down.

My crisis instinct, which has overcome countless crises, is whispering.

Now is the time to calm down.

I wondered how long it had been since I had seen the Murimmaeng building from the outside like this.

Suddenly, I remembered the day I first became a leader and entered this place.

Even though he was the best man in the world, becoming the Murim lord was something that required a lot of determination.

Although I didn’t show up, I was very worried about whether I could do it well. For the first month or two, I couldn’t sleep well.

It seems like it was just yesterday, but decades have passed.

Thanks to this, I knew the Murim Alliance as well as my own body. The roads, the buildings, where they are and who is guarding them. I wanted to jump out and run straight to Gal Sa-ryang’s office in Naewon.

But I couldn’t.

My skills were not yet sufficient to freely enter and exit the Murim Alliance’s civil war. It would have been possible to infiltrate the outside world, but it was impossible in a civil war. I knew very well how strict the security there was. Infiltration was impossible.

First, I found a room in a guest house close to the main altar.

The owner made a fuss, saying that we were lucky because there was only one room left. It is said that a new leader has been announced and many powerful people are gathering here in Wuhan. It seemed that people planning to attend the inauguration ceremony to be held early next month were gathering in advance.

Rumors were already circulating that the inauguration ceremony would be held on the largest scale ever. Wuhan was literally engulfed in a fever regarding the inauguration of a new leader.

I came down to the first floor, ordered a bottle of alcohol, and listened to people’s stories.

What I felt while staying there was that many people did not feel any sense of crisis about Ma Bong-gi becoming the leader.

Since he was one of the masters of the Joseon Dynasty, he accepted it as a natural result. People surprisingly didn’t know much about Ma Bong-gi.

No, rather, there were unfounded rumors floating around.

“Did you hear that among the leaders of the Thirteen Black Paths, Mamunju killed the Lord of the Shadow Palace?”

“I heard that too. “They say that the previous leader took credit for killing Mamunju.”

“oh my god! “Cheon Ha-jin didn’t get rid of everything.”

As I was listening, I really suppressed the urge to hit the table and break it. It occurred to me how hard I had fought to kill the Lord of the Shadow Palace.

I still remember it.

The day I killed the lord of the royal palace. The appearance of Ma Bong-gi, who belatedly appeared after disposing of some of the remnants. That obnoxious way of avoiding dangerous fights at all costs.

In the war against Sima Yudu, the Central Plains Wu Se forcefully helped the Murim Alliance. He tried to somehow reduce the damage to his family.

Of course I understood. If I were in the same situation, I would have tried to protect my family.

But among them all, Cheon Do-moon was particularly cautious.

Since it was captured in my eyes, I haven’t been able to breathe. A leader?

But suddenly I thought it was strange.

As soon as the news broke that he had become a new leader, words of praise went out for him.

He watched carefully those who were spreading rumors and followed them as they left the guesthouse.

I couldn’t believe it, but my guess was right. They went to another guesthouse and were spreading rumors.

Someone is systematically spreading rumors.

Upon further inspection, I found out that they were not the only ones. Others were also systematically spreading rumors.

Most of them were stories of Cheondomunju’s hidden heroism or beautiful tales, but they were either exaggerated or made up.

These bastards really!

There was no doubt that they were the ones who came from the Gate of Heaven.

Suddenly, I remembered what Gal Sa-ryang had told me before.

“Being the best person in the world doesn’t mean you can dominate the central plains.”

What controls the rivers is power. When I was a leader, I was able to rule this wide central plain because I had tens of thousands of subordinates who followed my orders.

The best person in the world is simply the person who is the best at fighting in the world. Of course, since he is the best person in the world, he can kill even the leader. But that doesn’t mean you can rule over this powerhouse.

This is the case right now. I cannot stop this happening all over the central plains. Because it wasn’t a problem that could be solved by beating up the guy over there who was spreading the rumor. Even I am not the best person in the world.

After some time, I went into a bar located close to the Murim Alliance headquarters.

This was mainly a place for Murim members to drink. Of course, it was said that mainly Murim members came here, so it was not a place where ordinary people could not enter.

When we entered, it was full of customers. Indeed, more than half of the people were wearing Murim League uniforms.

I took a seat next to him. Since she was going to have to stay for a while, she ordered plenty of food and drinks, and then listened to the conversations around her.

Since my hearing ability had improved dramatically after hitting Im Dok-yangmaek, I could hear all the conversations in every corner of the bar if I concentrated my mind.

The topic was all about the new leader.

There were negative stories about him, stories about women’s issues, stories about him being an unexpectedly great person, fabricated stories, and all kinds of unverified stories.

I waited patiently and steadily.

Around midnight, I finally got the information I wanted to hear.

The conversation I heard from the side was exactly what I was waiting for. They were wearing uniforms belonging to Jeongjeongak.

“Have you seen the soldier who is leaving today? “I heard your complexion is really bad.”

“It’s worth it.”

“What happens to Galgunsa now?”


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“well. “Wouldn’t I be demoted?”

“I guess so?”

“There’s a rumor that when a new leader comes in, the first thing they do is replace the Jeongjeongju, right?”

“We’ll be okay, right?”

“I don’t know. ”

They now talked about other topics.

I was relieved to see that the galsaryang was alive. My extremely tense and stiff body and mind relaxed at once.

Yes, as long as he was alive.

I didn’t worry about the white mark.

One of the safest places in the political storm is Meng Haodan. Their main duty was to protect the leader, and they were treated as an independent group, so they were less likely to become victims of power. In particular, Baekpyo is not interested in politics at all and only focuses on his mission.

He was a warrior who practiced silently.

After confirming that Gal Sa-ryang was alive and dead, serious doubts arose.

Why couldn’t it be stopped? After delaying the announcement this long?

As long as the three dans under my direct control remain in good health, there will be no reason why Gal Sa-ryang cannot carry out his will.

Could it be that they turned around?

I wouldn’t be able to find out anything about him even if I sat here for a hundred days.

I left the bar right away.

* * *

I left the guesthouse early the next morning.

The best thing would be to hear the full story of the incident through Gal Sa-ryang, but that was realistically impossible. It was difficult to meet the general of the Murim Alliance, but even if I did, I was Byeokridan, not Cheon Hajin.

Finding out the inside story can be done through an information merchant. Of course, I can’t buy it now.

This amount of information would be worth more than ten thousand taels. Moreover, it is unknown whether this information has been obtained yet.

Anyway, eventually there will be a way to find out the inside story of all this.

Just now, I wanted to see Gal Sa-ryang’s face at least once.

Then one person came to mind.

The place we arrived at with a curious mind was a place called Bulu (不漏). Bulu means not leaking.


A middle-aged woman with a calm atmosphere greeted me with a smile.

This moment is the moment when we are faced with a secret that only a few people in this river know.

This woman was the head of the Heavenly Manghoe.

This is the Heavenly Manghoe, one of the three major intelligence groups.

The name of this place, Bulu, was also related to the name of Cheonmanghoe.

Cheonmanghoehoesoibulu (天網恢恢疎而不漏).

The net of heaven is wide and thin, but nothing is left out, and it means that if you commit a sin, you will definitely be punished.

The name Cheonmanghoe had a paradoxical meaning.

How can all the information be contained in a wide and coarse net?

However, just like the net in the sky, the implication was that they would not leave out any information.

“Do you have the car you are looking for?”

“I will eat what you recommend.”

“Please wait a moment.”

I sat down next to the window.

An old woman with white hair is seen in the kitchen. Hoeju was a master, but the real master was that old woman in the kitchen. A water guard guarding Hoeju.

She once came to say hello to me with Galsaryang.

I remember being surprised that the head of the Cheonmanghoe was a woman, and I was also surprised that she was a very young-looking beauty for someone in her thirties.

From what I remember, Gal Sa-ryang seemed to have a crush on her. Gal Saryang was also unable to get married because he was busy working in the military all his life.

It was my first time seeing Gal Sa-ryang have such an interest in a woman, so I hoped for the best. Later, when he subtly asked her about her, Gal Saryang was put off by her laughter.

I forgot about her after that, but when I thought about whether I should buy some information, she suddenly came to mind.

Wouldn’t it be possible for a galsa-ryang to stop by here?

“It’s my favorite car. “Try it once.”

When I smelled it, it was a calming scent. The taste wasn’t bad either.

“It’s good.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

It had been over ten years since I had greeted her, so she must now be in her forties. But she still looked like she was in her early thirties.

“Is this your first time at our house?”

“Yes, this is my first time in Wuhan.”

This must have been your first time visiting Byeokridan.

“Are you here for the inauguration ceremony?”



“I came to give some incense to the leader of the squadron.”

“It’s a shame.”

A look of sincerity and sadness flashed across her face.

“Do you know about the new leader?”

“Are you talking about Ma Daehyeop?”

Although she is probably one of the people in this river with the most information about Ma Bong-gi, she answered with a faint smile.

“I do not know. “All I know is that it is the gate of Cheondomun, one of the five Joseon Dynasties.”

“I see.”

I wanted to ask. What happened to Galsaryang now? Why did Ma Bong-gi become the leader? She would be able to answer everything.

But that can’t be possible.

I ordered a couple more teas and waited until late in the afternoon, but Galsaryang did not show up.

“Then I’ll just leave.”

The woman smiled and greeted me.

“come again.”

After saying hello, I left Daru.

* * *

I was walking down a small path on the outskirts of Wuhan.

This is because there was one more place I wanted to visit before returning to my guesthouse.

I saw a small tavern ahead.

The word ‘wind’ was written on the waving flag.

Was it because I liked the name ‘wind’? Did you like this quiet atmosphere on the outskirts? During my days as a lord, I would sometimes stop by here and have a drink when I went on a night trip.

Because it was located quite far from the main building and was a very small bar that would fill up with only three or four people seated, there were always only one or two customers.

Personally, I didn’t enjoy drinking, but I really liked the feel of this place.

On days like this, only Baekpyo would accompany me as a companion, and he would always refuse the alcohol I offered him.

Even if he was allowed to have just one drink, he never did. He was someone who never broke his principles when it came to my escort duties. He was such a loyal person, and he was also such a person to be missed.

“Welcome back!”

I stopped immediately at the owner’s greeting.

I was so surprised that I almost screamed ‘Ah!’

The owner who greeted me was Baekpyo.

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