Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 299

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What you see when you stop (3)

There was an emergency in the North Wind Wave.

Although he sent Jangbo with a cautious personality, there was a possibility that an all-out war could break out with Daeryongmun.

Yong Hui-chan, the head of the Northern Wind Sect, saw this as a great opportunity. It has been fighting with Daeryongmun for a long time, but has recently been losing out in the power struggle.

Meanwhile, a dispute arose between Docheolbang and Cheonghamun.

It was something I wouldn’t normally pay attention to, but I thought of escalating the situation with this dispute. Calligraphy and painting was something she had been eyeing for a long time. Topographically, it was far from the other side and close to this side. Such a place should never have been taken away in the first place, but Seohwa had been under the control of Daeryongmun since my grandfather’s time.

If we can take advantage of this opportunity to advance into painting and calligraphy, we will be able to take the upper hand in the power struggle again.

“Have I heard from you yet?”

“Yes, not yet.”

Guhoe answered. He was the representative military leader who led the North Wind faction along with Jang Bo.

“Don’t worry too much. Even if a big fight happens, we will never be pushed back by Daeryongmun.”

Guhoe shouted loudly.

“Yes, I only trust you.”

Yong Hoe-chan looked reassured. Of course, it shouldn’t have been a big fight. If an all-out war breaks out with the Great Dragon Gate, both sides will suffer enormous damage. In the end, it would be like doing a good thing to the third and fourth forces in Gansu.

At that time, a subordinate reported loudly outside.

“I think you should come out and have a look.”

Surprised by the urgency contained in the report, Yong Hoe-chan and Gu Hoe rushed outside.

In the yard, North Wind faction warriors came out and were looking at one place with their swords drawn.

Someone was entering through the open gate, and surprisingly, it was Jeong Rak, the lord of Daeryongmun Gate.

“Jung Moon-ju? “How are you here?”

Yong Hui-chan was shocked and surprised. He had met Jeong Rak several times due to Kang Ho’s work.

However, in a situation where war could break out at any moment, he never dreamed that he would see Jeongrak in his own yard. There was only one reason I could guess.

Yong Hoe-chan shouted loudly with all his energy.

“Are you even trying to go to war with us?”

They thought he was leading the attack with his men.

Then Jeong Rak spoke in a calm tone.

“Keep your voice down.”

“Lower your voice now… … .”

At that time, a man walked in from behind Jeongrak. He was someone who Yong Hoe-chan also knew. It was the Songi Dan (宋利團), leader of the Gansukji dan of the Murim League.

“Song Danju? “What are you doing here, Danju Song?”

Behind Songidan, Gansu Jidan’s masters came in one after another, and more than a hundred Zidan troops came in one after another and lined up in all directions.

Song Yi-dan spoke loudly to Yong Hoe-chan.

“The Murim Lord has passed away. Come down and be polite.”

“Oh my!”

Yong Hoe-chan was so shocked that he couldn’t even put his shoes on and jumped down.

I walked in among the lined up warriors.

There was a lot of excitement in the Gangho about my heroic stories, but they probably won’t believe it when it comes to Yonghoechan or Jeongrak.

I consciously radiated my prayers.


My prayers spread everywhere. It flew at not only the warriors of the Murim League who came with them, but also the warriors of the North Wind faction who were there, as well as Jeong Rak and Yong Hoe-chan.

A huge energy bound them all in an instant. They couldn’t even lift a finger. They looked at each other and looked surprised.

Subduing so many people at once through prayer was truly an unprecedented feat.

It was only when I got close to Yonghoechan that I began to pray. Only then did their frozen bodies relax.

“I meet the majestic Lord.”

Yong Hoe-chan belatedly bowed and showed respect. The more advanced you are, the more you will understand how noble and great the method I just showed you is. At least Jeong Rak and Yong Hoe-chan would have been able to know that the rumors floating around Gangho were not false.

“It’s been a while. “Today is the first time since I saw you on the inauguration day, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I stopped by Gamsu to say hello for a moment, so please don’t feel burdened.”

“Please eat inside.”

“No, I have work to do and I have to go soon, so let’s take a walk and chat for a while.”

“Yes, you say so.”

I walked with Jeong Rak and Yong Hoe-chan. When he reached the back yard, there was no one there.

When I stopped for a moment, the two people also stopped nervously.

“Leading a family is not easy, is it?”

“How can you compare yourself to the leader who leads the Murim Alliance?”

Yong Hoe-chan received Jeong Rak’s words.

“There is no end to the praise from the leader in the midfield. “It is truly an honorable and proud thing.”

“That’s too much praise.”

I looked back at the two people. Still treated them with gentle prayers.

“There is an adult in calligraphy and painting that I respect. “I received great grace from a person named Baek Seong-won.”

The two people were shocked to hear the name Baek Seong-won. He knew that this incident started with Baek So-myeong, the son of Baek Seong-won.

“Actually, I came to Gansu to see him.”

“Oh, I see.”

The two people exchanged glances. There was anxiety that if it was revealed that there was a dispute related to Baek Sung-won, there would be an uproar.

No, those sharp-witted people would have already realized that I came here knowing the cause of the conflict.

As I looked up at the sky with my back turned, I finally said what I wanted to say. Because it shouldn’t have ended like this.

“There are many cases where powerful clans meet tragic end. Do you know what the most common reason is?”


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“What is?”

I gave a firm answer to Yong Hoe-chan’s question.

“It’s just because I’m greedy.”

As if I was warning him, he revealed his cold prayers. The two people flinched and lowered their heads.

“On the other hand, factions that maintain balance and strive for coexistence do not easily fail. “I also strongly support those people.”

“You are right.”

“Building a tower is hard work, but collapsing it only takes a moment.”

It was truly a direct and strong warning. The two people bowed their heads even more deeply.

After looking down at them for a moment, I withdrew a cold prayer.

“This time, I plan to carry out a business related to Maeng in Gansu. “I hope you two can join forces to take charge.”


The two people’s expressions brightened at the same time. Most of the Murimmaeng’s businesses were large in scale, so he could make a lot of money by taking charge of them.

“The two factions will work together to do a good job.”

“Thank you for entrusting me with it.”

Since reconciliation was forcibly recommended, compensation is given.

In any case, they probably know very well how strictly the Murim Alliance that I lead handles corruption. You will have to do your work properly under the supervision of your partner and you will receive fair benefits accordingly.

They were people who had lived in power for a long time. I believed that you fully understand why I created this place today.

“I will come back to see Teacher Baek next time, so see you then.”

Until the end, Baek Sung-won was mentioned and silent pressure was applied to treat him well.

If we do this, there will never be a problem with Cheonma’s family again.

* * *

Before leaving Seohwa, I stopped by the military branch, a secret branch.

“Please continue to take good care of me in the future.”

“Is it possible?”

Dojeong answered reassuringly. He is a very upright person, so you don’t have to worry.

The biggest sects in Gansu are paying attention, and the secret branch here is protecting them, so Cheonma’s family will no longer have to worry.

When I came out, my subordinates were lined up in the military officer’s yard. They had finally found out about my identity. Among them was Jin Yeo-hong, who guided us on the first day.

Dojeong said that she almost fainted when she heard that I was the Murim lord.

I stood in front of her. She lowered her head and was shaking.


“Lord. “Please forgive me for not knowing.”

“What is forgiveness? “I didn’t reveal my identity, so how would you know?”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“Thank you for guiding me so carefully.”

“It was an honor to serve you.”



“How do I look? “Is he as handsome as the rumors say?”

She was taken aback by my question. Her face turned red and she answered.

“Well, it’s more than that.”

“also. “You stutter when you lie.”

“no. “Bow, bow, bow, he’s the most handsome man.”

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed out loud. Everyone watching also laughed.

I said one last thing to her before leaving.

“Don’t give up on your dream of going to the headquarters.”

Jin Yeo-hong raised his head and looked at me. I looked at her and nodded her head once.

“If you have the skills, I will make you into a martial arts group that can take on challenges at any time. “I will make it a thing of the past to say that once you go to a local area, you will never be able to return to the main unit.”

She smiled brightly and spoke loudly.

“yes! Lord! “I will never give up on my dream!”

“I hope to see you at the headquarters someday.”

The moment I finished speaking, I became a dot in the sky and disappeared.

* * *

Cheonma and I were standing on the hill where we had been drinking.

Cheonghamun’s emergency was relieved and it returned to its original state.

Baek So-myeong and Jo Ye-ran could be seen in the distance. She was bowing her head and apologizing. She made a big mistake once, she will never do anything rash again.

What if I make another mistake?

Because young people grow up by experiencing things like this and that.

“how is it? Are you satisfied?”

“I don’t know about the level, but the work done is not bad.”

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed out loud and the Heavenly Demon laughed along with me.


“What is good about a leader friend? It is used in times like this. Now, let’s go play.”

“Let’s go out and have fun?”

“Let’s get gas with Kangho.”

“Aren’t you busy? What kind of ganghojuyu is the maengju? “Do it later.”

“Where is the later? Aren’t we the ones who did it later and became old before we knew it? “Let’s not do that in this life.”

The Heavenly Demon’s eyes were agitated.

“Can go?”

“Okay. I met beautiful women and bought delicious food. “I also got to see some beautiful places.”

“What about the Murim Alliance?”

“What do you know? “I’m sure they will take care of it.”

The Heavenly Demon burst into laughter at my words.

“Ha ha ha ha ha. Such an irresponsible guy. Like it. I just like it. Okay, let’s go.”

The Heavenly Demon soared into the air. When I didn’t fly after him, the Heavenly Demon asked with a puzzled expression.

“You want to go? “Aren’t you going?”

He looked up at the Heavenly Demon and said.

“Come down. Why are you flying because you’re busy? Let’s walk. If your legs hurt while you’re on the road, take a carriage. “Let’s travel like that.”

“My legs hurt. “It’s a leg that, if you kick it hard enough, will ruin the world.”

The Heavenly Demon grumbled a word and came down with a smile.

“Okay, let’s walk.”

“Like a real trip.”

As if this was the first and the last.

I walked like that with the Heavenly Demon.

* * *

“Is it true?”

Song Hwa-rin, who was cutting vegetables, paused for a moment and raised her head in response to Suran’s question.


“The leader went on a trip with the previous leader.”

“that’s right.”

“They said they sent a letter saying they wouldn’t know when they would return. “Is that correct too?”

“that’s right.”

Answering indifferently, Song Hwa-rin started trimming the vegetables again.

“oh my god!”

Suran looked at Song Hwa-rin with a surprised expression.

“Are you okay?”


“Aren’t you upset?”

“What are you upset about?”

“You didn’t go on a trip with the lady, you went with someone else.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“oh my god! “I really hope you’re okay!”

Song Hwa-rin smiled.

“If I only think about my happiness… … Yes, it would be disappointing. “You will feel resentful that you are only thinking about yourself and not me.”

“Of course. “Everyone.”

“But I think that to marry someone, or to love someone, you have to have this kind of feeling. The desire to make the other person happy rather than the desire to be happy myself. If you want to be happy, you have to live alone. “Free and comfortable.”


“So, let me meet someone who wouldn’t mind cutting off my happiness and giving it to someone else.”

Suran showed an emotional expression.

“You really are amazing, young lady. “I truly respect you!”

“I respect everything.”

The next moment, Suran was startled.

“omg! But all the herbs were torn into pieces. He broke it into pieces.”

Song Hwa-rin, looking down at the torn greens, smiled eerily.

“I’m already gone, what should I do? I need to send it off in a good mood. Instead, if you come back, you’re dead!”

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