Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 295

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Changcheonhyeolro (2)

If I hadn’t injected my energy, the Sura Myeongwang Sword would have broken in Cheon So-seon’s hands.

That’s how powerful and threatening her power was.

Soakae liquid. Pow!

When I kicked her, she let go of her sword and flew backwards.

It wasn’t that he was hit, it was hit to increase the distance.

The moment the appropriate distance calculated by Cheon So-seon was created between us, she swung both hands in front of her chest.

Whirly rilirik.


The space I was floating in was twisted and my body was twisted along with it. It was as if something huge and invisible twisted me and the space I was in, like wringing out laundry.

Do you fight back or dodge?

My choice was to fight back.


I raised my self-defense skills to the limit and wrapped both my hands in resistance.


This time, the space where Cheon So-seon was in was twisted.

I am trying to believe in my strength and persevere.

Let’s see how powerful you are!

Cheon So-seon also did not avoid a head-on fight and applied even stronger force.


Although the sky was empty, it began to tremble as if there had been an earthquake, and rough waves swept around.

Cheon So-seon and my strength were tense. The extreme strength was endlessly pushed out to my fingertips. Just looking at her being the same number as me, Cheon So-seon was already beyond the limits of humanity.

How much effort did they put into crushing each other?


With a loud bang, we were thrown backwards and flew away.

The space could no longer hold and exploded.

We glared at each other from a distance. I could tell with this one number. Our powers are almost similar.

“You really killed all the blood soldiers!”

“Now you believe it.”

“How can humans be this strong?”

“You were human too, right? “Didn’t we start with humans and go there?”

“I am… … .”

“He was an unlucky being who almost became a great blood god, but ended up not becoming one?”

“You bastard!”

I love you so much.

Cheon So-seon rushed towards me again. I didn’t hesitate to provoke her.

I kept feeling her heart. From the first time they met, until now, when she was going crazy, he had been able to read her mind.

I had doubts again. Is that really the only heart for Cheon So-seon? Could I kill her by just cutting out her heart?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

She punched like crazy. It was an attack with such tremendous destructive power that it could turn the world upside down with a single blow.

This time, I dealt with her using Seonhak secret techniques. She didn’t want to lose in the power struggle.

The reason the old man gave me undying energy was because he wouldn’t have given it to me to use when running away in a situation like this.

I won’t lose to someone like you.

It wasn’t a feeling of ignoring the other person. I thought highly of my efforts so far.

It seems like she read my mind too. I could feel her determination not to be defeated by her flying fists.

Boom! Boom! Kwaaaang!

It wasn’t an excruciating pain, but it felt like my arm was going to fall off. Even though I was demonstrating extreme self-defense strength and endurance, it really hurt. At this time, only one faith is needed.

If I hurt, you will hurt too.

If that trust is broken, you lose. Whoever collapses first loses.

Boom! Boom!

The fists broke apart and collided with each other. It was painful, but I felt like my eardrums were going to explode from drinking so loudly.

How many punches did they exchange?


Strange wind noise.

She threw a light blast. It was a surprise attack, but I instinctively dodged it well. A light breeze passed by my shoulder.

Because of that attack, the exchange of fists stopped for a moment.

The person who attacked was Cheon So-seon, but the person who was laughing was me.

They didn’t launch a surprise attack to kill me. He was pushed into a battle of strength and was unable to withstand, so he fired a lightning bolt. She was in more pain.

Cheon So-seon frowned as she saw a smile forming on my lips.

“To you!”

Next moment.


Blood-red vines began to wrap around my body.

Of course, the thing that instantly entangled my body was not an ordinary vine.

A tremendous amount of energy was pressing against me as if my body was about to break.

Of course, it didn’t just happen.



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The Sura Myeongwang sword worn at his waist was pulled out and flew up.

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

And without hesitation, he put me down in succession. Like a living sword, I found the place where the vine was strangling me and cut it off accurately and quickly.

Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly!

Although it didn’t seem like a big deal at first glance, this technique was amazing. A single mistake could result in a cut, so the sword had to be handled very precisely.

Crucially, quick decisions were key.

The decision to cut down the vines in this way before they revealed the next level of danger was a decision that could never be made unless you were confident that you could do it.

Puck, puck, puck, puck.

The cut vine disappeared into smoke in the air.

When one attempt at conversion failed, her face became distorted.

This is when I have to make a decisive move.


Without hesitation, I unleashed the Light Speed ​​Blade, an Igigeo sword technique. Precipitation should not be skimped. Because to slack off in her fight with her was to invite her death.


The Sura Myeongwang Sword flew like light and hit her right in the chest.


She flew backwards while being impaled by the sword, and I quickly chased after her with Mashinjiro.

But surprisingly, she did not die even though she was hit by the light-speed secret sword. Her chest wasn’t even penetrated. It was because of her blood armor that surrounded her.

Instead, the red energy flowing through my chest became darker, like a bruise. She scrunched up her expression and clutched her chest.

“It really hurts.”

I said as I adjusted the sword that had returned to my hand.

“I’m sorry.”


I answered her question coldly.

“If you don’t die easily, you will die painfully.”

* * *

Cheonma and Song Hwa-rin were standing side by side far away from the training ground, looking up at the sky.

As we were fighting in an unseen place, a soft roar was heard from the sky.

All of those who were injured retreated far away from Meng Jujeon and began to receive treatment. Those who were not injured recovered the bodies and tended to the injured.

“Thank you so much for saving me earlier.”

“It’s okay.”

“I will never forget this grace for the rest of my life.”

“There is no need for that. I am not a person worth remembering. “I’ll just forget about it.”

“I thought he was a scary person… … I’m glad it wasn’t. “Then I’ll go.”

Song Hwa-rin bowed politely and ran to where the injured were.

The Heavenly Demon looked at her back for a moment. She never thought she would hear these words. Although her words were unfamiliar to her, she did not dislike them.

At that time, Gal Sa-ryang walked there.

“The fight is getting longer.”

“Don’t worry. “That guy won’t lose.”

“Yes, I believe that too.”

Cheonma looked up at the sky for a moment and said to Galsaryang.

“I’m leaving now.”

“Are you talking now?”

“That’s right. “When that guy comes down, tell him he’s gone.”

“all right.”

“You’re not that surprised?”

“For some reason, it seemed like he was going to leave.”

“I see.”

Galsaryang did not think that Cheonma would continue to remain in the Murim Alliance. On the contrary, I felt that it was truly heavenly to leave at such an unexpected moment.

“Don’t you think it’s cowardly?”

“Isn’t your faith in the Lord as strong as mine?”

“Why do you think that? “Isn’t it possible that he’s running away because he’s worried about losing, and because he feels like he’ll die if he stays here?”

“Is that so?”

Cheonma smiled faintly at Gal Sa-ryang’s question.

What if Byeokridan loses, even if just by chance? If that’s the case, then I have to leave even more. If I stay here and die, there won’t even be a chance for revenge. One day, Cheon So-seon will see what revenge really looks like.

“The lord will be upset.”

“If you want to see it, you will come.”

“Have you decided where to go?”

“I just plan on wandering around here and there for a while.”

“Please be considerate.”

“You too.”

Cheonma left the Murim Alliance that way.

A roar was occasionally heard from the sky far away. I felt like I had to leave now. I felt like I wouldn’t want to leave once Byeokridan came down. You will want to continue to stay in the Murim Alliance with him.

But I will leave. I will leave and start a new life. Because we are so close… … There are times when you have to break up with people who are not close to you.

* * *


The light-speed flying sword flew towards Cheon So-seon again.


Cheon So-seon’s new model bounced back and flew away. It was already the moment when the fourth light speed secret sword hit the target.

This time too, Cheon So-seon blocked the light-speed secret sword without being penetrated.

But the shock continued to pile up.

Cheon So-seon tried to grab the Sura Myeongwanggeom and destroy it, but the speed of the light speed secret sword was too fast, and the speed of the Sura Myeongwangsword returning out was also the same.

The armor of blood flowing down her chest was now discolored black.

The Sura Myeongwanggeom made another large rotation and unleashed its fifth Light Speed ​​Secret Sword.

Sooooooooooooooooooo much!


She bounced back and flew away.

It was rolling around in the air, as if rolling on the ground.

“for a moment! for a moment!”

It seems that Cheon So-seon was in a hurry. A brief moment in a life-or-death fight?

Of course, I pushed her even harder. When you have her victory, giving her a chance to counterattack with her clumsy mercy is to spit on the god of her victory.


This time, the light speed sword hit her stomach. Rolled over, clutching her stomach. Originally, it was a method that could never have been attempted.

Because it was impossible to pour out the light-speed secret swords, which were extremely draining of stamina, in succession like this.

She threw a light blast at random.

Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh!

There was no way the light wind blowing like that could hit me. I easily dodged the one that flew right in, and the rest missed significantly.

But my light speed flying sword hit her exactly.

Sooooooooooooooooooo much!



For the first time, a scream came out of her.


She is both human and god. One was clearly felt, the other was not felt.

There is no trace of God in her current appearance.

So where is the other half of God now?

Where is that lump of unfinished resentment?

Is it hiding inside her?

I was wondering.

What does the god in her body think of her?

Would you feel sympathy? Or is he selfishly thinking of taking advantage of her? What if it’s not? Does it just exist without any emotions?

Where are you?

Sooooooooooooooooooo much!


This time, I was properly hit by the light speed secret sword.

Cheon So-seon was unable to get up again and was lying in the air.

She screamed, her face contorted in pain.

“Cheon Ha-jin!”

Her voice echoed through the sky. Her screaming was like a struggle, as if she had given up on everything.

“Yes, it is me.”

It seems that she heard from Yang Sa-hwi that I am Cheon Ha-jin.

“Why did fate bring you here face to face?”

Cheon So-seon looked up at the sky.


I told her.

“Maybe it wasn’t you and me that fate brought us together.”

She turned her head to me.

“What does that mean?”

“You were just used, and the being that fate brought to face me must have been something else in your body.”

“What else is in my body?”

She looked puzzled and then became angry and shouted.

“There is nothing like that in my body!”

“Prove it.”

“proof? how?”

“Prove that there is nothing in your body. “You are the only one who can do it.”

“It’s just me?”

“Okay, if there is another being, get it out there. “If you can do that, then you acknowledge that it was you and I who were brought together by fate.”

There was a good enough reason.

“I also sent someone out of my body.”


Cheon So-seon looked up at the sky with eyes full of resentment. You might want to deny it, but it would have been something you couldn’t just ignore.

She quietly closed her eyes, as if trying to look into her own mind.

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