Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 292

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Return of God (5)

In the next challenge, I broke the Jinbeop.

Did studying Jinbeop at Sosaengyeon improve your brain?

Of course not. Instead, the strategy book that the guide brought became a crucial study in breaking down the strategy. He said he couldn’t tell me the law of destruction, but I was able to learn enough information to find the law of destruction from the booklet he brought. The guide prepared the food and all I had to do was eat it.

I could tell.

There may be a law of destruction of Jinbeop itself, but there is another law of destruction outside of it.

It was an ‘attempt’ to study in order to destroy this system. In the end, the act of asking the guide for a booklet was itself another act of destruction.

Anyway, thanks to that, I passed the battle without expending any energy. When I passed the sixth gate, Jinbeop, I had more than two-thirds of my energy remaining.

At the seventh gate, twenty demonic forces were waiting.

They were people who had learned the art of passing the test.

This gateway is the gateway to passing the test. Their martial arts skills were at the level of a martial arts leader. Twenty Danju-level demon soldiers who have learned the best passing techniques.

These weren’t opponents that could be easily defeated.

Even as I fought, I fought thinking that this fight would not be my last. I thought about how to kill him safely with the minimum amount of effort.

As a result, I was able to realize it when I fought them for the third time. When dealing with them, you can use your internal energy much more efficiently if you use Chuhonsura swordsmanship rather than Demon God Gyeol.

It was the gateway to learning that the strongest martial arts skill in a fight is not the most certain solution.

At each stage, I was gaining enlightenment through trial and error.

* * *

The atmosphere in the tent was heavy.

Gal Salyang, who was sitting at the head table, was silent for a long time. Baekpyo was silently waiting for his decision.

A day has passed since Cheonran was discovered.

Gal Sa-ryang was still worried about Cheon-ran’s disposition.

Even at this moment, Cheonran’s blood was slowly rising.

Now a decision had to be made.

Should we leave it like this until Cheonran’s blood drains, or should we accept Baekpyo’s opinion?

“You shouldn’t wait until the blood runs out. When all the blood is gone, something bad will definitely happen. “Such things cannot be allowed to happen at the Murim Alliance training ground.”

I completely agreed with what Baekpyo said. It was clearly something that should not have been left like that.

However, military instincts were preventing the decision.

Why did Cheon So-seon bring that?

Did they bring it without knowing that we would get rid of it?

Probably not. Of course he expected us to eliminate him. He wouldn’t have thought that he wouldn’t be caught by setting up Cheonran in the middle of the Murim Alliance’s training ground.

If so, why did you bring it there?

“What if it’s a trap?”

Is worrying like this a trap? It’s a simple problem if you just get it out of the way.

“Of course, that’s a possibility, but there’s something strange about it that makes me think it’s a trap. For example, if it was a trap that would explode if you touched it, why did you choose this method? “If you had the skills to bring that thing into the Murim Alliance yard, wouldn’t you have just exploded it right away?”

Well, it was like that.

Gal Sa-ryang came out of the tent. I could see Cheonran erected in the distance.

Cheon So-seon must have brought this for people of his political faction, including himself, to look at.

It was as if they were about to perform some kind of ritual.

In the end, Gal Sa-ryang made a decision.

“Move it away from the training ground.”

Whatever his purpose, he couldn’t let it do whatever he wanted.

“All right.”

The work of moving the Cheonran began immediately. The location where Cheonran was moved was a remote warehouse far away from the Murim Alliance. It was decided to move there first and then work on dismantling the Cheonran.

The masters of the Destruction Demon Order approached and attempted to place Cheonran on a cart.

But I couldn’t. The moment they got close to Tianran, an invisible curtain stopped them.

The subordinate ran over and reported to Baekpyo.

“There is an invisible curtain blocking it.”


Baekpyo ran over and checked it. There was definitely a curtain surrounding Cheonran, blocking it. The texture was not hard, but bouncy and soft. It was like a kind of protective shield.

“Cut it with the sword.”


The warriors ran and swung their swords.

But the sword bounced back.

“Use sword energy to remove it.”

Three or four warriors retreated far away and fired sword strikes at the same time.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Shhh!

phut! Paang! phut!

However, the shield held the incoming sword energy for a moment and then bounced it away.

“I will do it myself.”

Baekpyo came forward in person. He injected his inner energy to the limit and unleashed a do-gang.

However, the protective shield absorbed the power thrown by Baekpyo. Normal force is repelled, and stronger force is completely absorbed.

I was wondering if my method was wrong, so I injected my energy and tried to push it with my body. However, the membrane was only gently bent and did not tear.

In the end, a large number of Jincheonroe were mobilized.


However, the protective shield was not damaged at all by the thunderstorm.

Baekpyo went to Galsaryang again. Gal Saryang was already watching the entire process, so there was no need for him to report separately.

“What should I do?”


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Baekpyo made an embarrassed expression.

“Raise the emergency level to Blue Dragon Spirit.”

The Blue Dragon Order was an emergency issued in times of war. Galsaryang decided that the war had already begun.

“And move all those who do not know martial arts within the Murim Alliance to another branch. Also, evacuate civilians near the headquarters far away.”

“all right.”

Gal Si-ryang said calmly, looking at Cheon-ran, who now looked even more gloomy and dangerous.

“If you won’t move, we will move.”

* * *

“You’ve finally arrived!”

After repeated attempts, I finally reached the bottom of the castle.

There were thirteen gates to the castle in total.

There were literally various gateways. There were naked beautiful demons who attempted to use the art of seduction, and demons who used stealth techniques also appeared. Both Seophon and Eunsin were top-level talents.

Afterwards, they had to engage in a bloody battle in the labyrinth. In a maze where you don’t know where you are, demon armies have been attacking you endlessly.

If it weren’t for my extraordinary memory after reincarnation, I would still be wandering in the maze.

There were demonic soldiers who only used quick swords, and we had to deal with those who used heavy swords. I had to fight against an archery team whose skills were such that the Cheongungdan was reduced to a social archery club.

I had to say this several times at first.

This is a crazy test!

But if you think about it again, it was a test for humans to become gods. It is a test that cannot be easy to begin with.

Anyway, I arrived at the castle.

Until this moment, I had always followed one rule.

It means that half of the inner strength remains.

Thanks to this, I was able to stand here with half of my strength remaining.

It wasn’t that I was much stronger than the first day. I have thoroughly adapted to this test.

This fight was a fight against repetition.

I was always focused on the fight that went on, and I never got tired of the repetition even for a moment.

I always fought as hard as I could. All I could think about was how to kill the enemy efficiently.

The biggest pitfall of this fight was the simma that came from this repetition.

Okay, let’s just do it!

You’re leaving half of your strength! This is a cowardly choice!

Trust me. It’s my life anyway, so I have to trust my instincts.

It’s a god-like test, so what’s the need for this little practice? Destroy it with one blow!

Continuing fleeting temptations.

At that moment, it seemed like it would work out just as I thought, but in reality, it was a desperation due to being tired of repetition.

Fortunately, I overcame that feeling.

Standing in front of the castle gate, I thought for a moment.

Should I repeat more times and gain more strength?

I thought about it calmly. If I try again, I wonder if I can gather a little more strength.

But I didn’t think I could stand here in a good mood like I did today.

Somehow I felt like I could do it. I felt like I could climb to the top.

At least this feeling did not come from Simma.

To the extent that I thought that it might be a test to distinguish this, this feeling right now was not a temptation but closer to certainty.

Okay, trust my judgment.

I took a deep breath. Sura Myeong grabbed the king’s sword and tightened her mind. The fate of me and everyone waiting for me depended on this fight.

I will never lose.

As I pushed the gate, it slowly began to open.

* * *

Three days have passed.

The Murim Alliance soldiers set up a multi-layered perimeter around Cheonran, and not only those inside the Murim Alliance but also the general public living nearby were evacuated far away.

Of course, it was said externally that it was an emergency training in preparation for a war against demonic religions.

The elite warriors of the Murim Alliance, including the Order of Destroyers, surrounded Cheonran in layers and watched as his blood began to well up.

Flash! Rumbling.

Thunder suddenly thundered and dark clouds gathered in the clear sky. It became dark everywhere, as if the end of the world had come.

The warriors there naturally felt afraid.

The blood was almost all over.

Everyone was tense and just looked at the blood rising.

At that moment, Cheon So-seon slowly descended from the sky. With the hem of her long robe fluttering, she looked like a goddess.

But her beautiful face had an instinctive murderousness that could not be hidden with anything.

“Now it is finally time for the Blood God to descend!”

Her voice rang out loud. She was heard even by people far away. Everyone in Wuhan could hear her voice.

She waved her hand once.


A bloody wind blew, blowing away the warriors guarding the surrounding area.


All the warriors who hit the wall vomited blood and died.

It was truly overwhelming power. It was a power that could not even be compared to the Heavenly King’s army that had invaded the Murim Alliance in the past.

Gal Sa-ryang pushed his subordinates far back. He realized that he could not deal with ordinary drones. Rather, Galsaryang’s mind became calm.

When he stepped forward, Baekpyo stopped him.

“It’s dangerous.”

“It’s something I have to do.”

“I will go instead.”

“No, that doesn’t work. “You have to look after me.”

“Then I will take care of you.”

Gal Saryang knew very well that Baek Pyo would never let him go alone.

“Good. “Let’s go together.”


Two people stepped forward.

Chen Xiaoxian looked down at the two people and smiled comfortably on his face.


But Gal Sa-ryang did not kneel.

“I am a representative of the Murim Alliance. “As an individual, I can kneel as much as I want, but I cannot kneel as a military general.”

Then Cheon So-seon lifted his finger. A wind came out from her fingers.



Baekpyo swung his sword and blocked the attack aimed at Galsaryang’s knee.

Although he barely managed to stop it, Baekpyo burst out crying and coughed up blood.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

But Baekpyo’s complexion was not good. My insides were in a state of disarray when I blocked that move just now.

When Chen Xiaoxian raised his finger again, Gal Si Liang quickly knelt down and sat down.

“Okay. “I will kneel.”

At the same time, he pulled Baekpyo and made him sit next to him.

-Pointless resistance is meaningless.

-all right. I will follow your wishes, soldier.

I could kneel as much as I wanted. The important thing now was to save as many people as possible.

At that time, unexpected people appeared there.

Song Hwa-rin, her father Song Woo-kyung, and Byeok Ri-dan’s father Byeok Do-jun and Lim Ye-hwa appeared.

“Why here!”

Gal Sa-ryang was surprised. Even hiding in a safe house on the island was not enough, so they appeared in this dangerous place.

But they did not come voluntarily. Their demon blood had already been suppressed. The person who brought them in after suppressing them was none other than Yang Sa-hwi.

Looking at them, Cheon So-seon smiled brightly.

“You can’t avoid my eyes.”

It was she who found out where they were and taught them how to break through the line. She was now in the state of a half-god and half-human. After a while, when the heavenly egg opens, she will be completely reborn as a blood god.

It was truly a pity that Byeokridan was not here today.

However, if it were the woman that Byeokridan loved and her parents, it would be great wealth. Even Yang Sa-hwi, who was annoying in every way.

Meanwhile, Cheonran’s blood had almost completely filled up.

“Now, when the Heavenly Rebellion opens, the standards of the world will change. What you believe to be good will become evil, and what you believe to be evil will become good. “A hundred thousand blood armies will come out and cover the world with blood.”

It was exactly as it was written in Samsin Bulmanggi. At the same time, it also meant the end of the existing world.

At the moment when the last blood filled, an intense light emanated from Cheonran. Everyone closed their eyes tightly.


With a roar that opened the heavens and the earth, the orchid began to open.

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