Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 291

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Return of God (4)

Muyangjang is located not far from Wuhan.

Cheon So-seon was sucking blood and energy from the last victim.


Eventually, when she threw the withered body on the floor, Yang Sa-hwi, who had been sitting next to her and watching, stood up.

“Are you hungry? “Let’s go eat.”

He walked towards the carriage with long strides.

As he was about to get on the coach seat, he looked back. Normally, she would urge me to hurry up and go, saying she was hungry, but today I followed her and stood still in her place.

“Why but?”

Yang Sa-hwi, realizing that the situation was unusual, ran to her again.

“Are you okay?”

At that moment, Cheon So-seon opened her eyes. Her eyes were all red.

The energy was so strong that Yang Sa-hwi stepped back. At that very moment, an unknown energy surrounded him and pulled him.

In an instant, Cheon So-seon’s hand grabbed him by the collar.

“You bastard!”

The blood flowing from her eyes was so intense that Yang Sa-hwi closed his eyes tightly.

“Why are you like this? “Come to your senses!”

“I finally don’t have to worry about you.”

The moment Yang Sa-hwi heard those words, he knew.

“You have finally achieved great success in Hyeongjongbi practice!”


“ha ha ha. “It went really well!”

“Why do you like someone who will soon die so much?”

“Dying? why?”

When Yang Sa-hwi came out like this, Cheon So-seon was rather embarrassed.

“Why do you want to kill me?”

“Because you’re so cocky.”

“Are you saying you’re going to kill me just for that reason? “Are you just that kind of person?”

“If I say something like that, it only makes me feel sorry for you. “The worse I become, the more likely you are to be killed by a lousy person.”

“It must be a bitch.”

At that moment, murderousness surged from Cheon So-seon’s eyes.

Yang Sa-hwi said confidently.

“You can’t kill me.”

“The reason is?”

“Because if you kill me, you will die too.”

An even more intense energy emanated from Cheon So-seon’s eyes. However, even though Yang Sa-hwi closed his eyes tightly, his spirit did not break.

“My body and your body contain a pair of bugs called Yeonrigo (連理蠱). If one dies, the other dies too. Of course, it is also connected to the owner’s life. When I die, the Yeonrigo in my body dies, and when that happens, the Yeonrigo in your body dies and you also die. If you want to check, check it right away.”

Cheon So-seon grabbed him by the collar more harshly, but Yang Sa-hwi was confident that he would never be able to kill him.

After a while, Cheon So-seon loosened her grip on the collar. Only when the blood gushing from his eyes disappeared did Yang Sa-hwi open his eyes.

The two people faced each other.

Yang Sa-hwi had a premonition of her betrayal, and had put Yeon-ri in on her without her knowledge.

“I will never die until I see the Blood God descend.”

Cheon So-seon, who was quietly staring at Yang Sa-hwi, seemed to have a smile on her lips, and then suddenly spit out something.


A large silkworm-like bug came out of her mouth. The light pink silkworms wriggling on the floor were so disgusting.

Cheon So-seon raised his foot to trample on it.


Yang Sa-hwi shouted earnestly and fell down to block the attack with his body. It was Yeongo planted in Cheon So-seon’s stomach.

“How can this be?”

It was known that once it was implanted in the body, it could not be removed no matter what was done.

“I am the one chosen by the blood god.”

Yang Sa-hwi raised his head and looked up at her.

Cheon So-seon held out his hand as if to prove his words.


Yang Sa-hwi screamed.


Another yeongo came out, tearing open his stomach. The pain was not that great as the intestines were torn and the belly skin torn open again.

Yang Sa-hwi tried to stop the bleeding by pressing on the acupuncture point, but he was unable to come to his senses for a moment due to the pain and shock.

Cheon So-seon stepped on Yeon High School without mercy.


When one died, the other exploded.

“Yes, let me watch the moment the world changes. “You will realize how much of a scum you are.”

Chen Shaoxian walked first and got into the carriage.

“Get in.”

As if the time had come, she sat on the coach seat instead of entering the Cheonran carried in the back.

“Where are we going?”

Yang Sa-hwi staggered over and sat down next to her.


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Cheon So-seon said as he started the carriage.

“I’m going to change the world.”

* * *

The door to the entrance hall opened again.

Like a lie, the 20 people from yesterday were standing in line. I wasn’t sure because they all looked similar, but somehow they seemed like they were from yesterday. As the guide said, they seemed to be reborn over and over again.

“Nice to meet you again.”

But no one said hello.

Come to think of it, are these people unable to speak? Or is it possible to speak when the black devil changes to the white devil?

I didn’t know yet.

“Come on, let’s try again!”

I flew through the air first and rushed towards them.

Love it!

He rotated his body once and swung his sword. Four people fell with a single blow. My new model spun once more.


He struck the jaw of the devil who was running after him with a round kick.

The demon army that flew away rolled around on the floor along with the demon army that followed.

He again launched himself at another demon army, hit his chin with his knee, and swung the Sura Myeongwang sword again.

I love you so much.

The two demonic forces that were charging from the left and right simultaneously turned over and fell. I dealt with them using my hands, feet, and sword appropriately.

I, who defeated twenty in an instant, ran forward.

Thirty, forty, fiftie, sixty. The same numbers popped up in the same places as yesterday, and we dealt with them as efficiently as possible.

I was planning on using only half of my strength today. In theory, if you return after using only half of your strength, you will never die. Since I came with the strength of my class, if I went back to the remaining half, it meant that I could go back even if all the demons on the path I passed were resurrected.

Of course, it was a life-threatening fight, so if I let my guard down or made a mistake, I could die. But we decided to rule out that possibility.

Unlike yesterday, I handled the second gate myself. Of course, it was that much more dangerous. The memorization equipment they used was coated with poison, and even though they said their bodies were full of poison, it was not certain whether they could block the poison here.

I dealt with them as carefully as possible and passed the second gate.

As I passed through the second gate, I took a log with me.

Today I decided to pass the third swamp gate in a slightly different way. During the fight yesterday, they ignored the log and only attacked me. At least the demon soldiers waiting in this swamp had more murderous intent to kill me than an intelligent fight.

Yesterday, the logs were continuously moved using internal force, but this time, the logs were thrown all the way to the end of the swamp. Then he flew his body and climbed onto the log.

But I soon realized that this method was wrong. The internal energy consumed in that short moment of riding on a flying log is more than the internal energy consumed by continuously moving the log. Indeed, like a big hole in a poison, my energy disappeared as if gushing out.

Fortunately, the flying speed was fast, so the number of demonic forces that had to be dealt with was reduced. Thanks to that, I passed through there after consuming a similar amount of internal energy.

The fourth monsters were dealt with by demon blood. No matter how much I thought about it, there was no way to kill these hundreds of monsters more efficiently.


All the monsters died from the falling sword.

Yesterday, I went back after processing up to this point.

But today, I had more than two-thirds of my strength left.

I entered the next gate again.

As soon as we entered the wide plain with regular lines drawn like a checkerboard, the battle system was activated.

This gateway was the gateway to Jinbeop.

It was a similar level of formation to the one that had unfolded earlier when I broke through the black territory. In other words, it means that it can be destroyed by pushing with force.

However, that also meant that a significant amount of internal energy was consumed, just like back then.

I tried to find a way out on my own before pushing through with force. If I could just find the raw gate, I could just pass through this place without wasting my stamina.

Since I had studied Jinbeop with Galsaryang in the past, I thought it was worth a try.

If you break through this with force, half of your strength will remain. If I think about the rules I set, it means I have to go back right away.

If the next stage started right away and it was much more difficult than the previous gate, I had no choice but to break the rule of returning when half of my strength remained.

I put aside for a moment my curiosity about what the next gateway would be. The gateway would continue anyway. I thought it would be better to follow natural principles.

I slowly began to search for Jinbeop’s life sentence.

* * *

After returning to the cave, I visited the guide who was cooking rice in the stone room inside.

“Could you possibly get a booklet related to the Jin method?”

“If you want to destroy the true law established within the exam, it is not possible. No, it is possible if it is a booklet for studying Jinbeop.”

“A booklet for studying is enough. “It would be better if it was as helpful as possible.”

“I’ll save you.”

“Thank you.”

I wandered around for two days, but in the end, I couldn’t find the real gate of Jinbeop at the sixth gate.

Maybe it’s at Galsaryang’s level, but my level wasn’t yet high enough to figure out the basics of a formation I was encountering for the first time.

Instead, he didn’t struggle in the battle. He carefully searched for the living gate, but eventually gave up and returned.

As I was resting and soaking in the Sosaeng Yeon, the guide brought me some booklets.

I began to read the booklet while soaking in the resuscitating yeon.

The guide, who was looking at me for a moment, hinted.

“As expected, you are not an ordinary person.”

“Why are you doing that?”

“In a case like this, an average person would not think about studying and passing the Jinbeop.”

“That’s too much praise.”

I knew very well that when something big happened, if I got emotional or rushed, I would end up in trouble.

What is needed in times like this is the mindset that ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’.

The longer the road, the slower you have to walk. Because each step adds up to create a ‘journey’.

I asked, keeping my eyes on the battle book.

“Has anyone passed through this gate?”

Then the guide answered.

“It hasn’t happened since I took over as guide.”


“I don’t know much about that.”

“I understand. “Thank you for your answer.”

“you’re welcome. “Dinner will be ready around half o’clock.”

“It seems like you’re just wasting food without doing anything.”

“haha. Don’t say things like that. “Isn’t this all about making a living?”

Hearing such human words in the testing room to become a Demon God made me laugh.

“You have to eat well to pass the test.”

“Thank you.”

The guide went to prepare the meal and I returned to focusing on the strategy book.

* * *


Hearing the urgent voice of the subordinate soldier, Gal Sa-ryang calmed down. There have been a series of days recently where I wondered if there would be any more surprises.

“What’s going on?”

“that is… … “Something strange has appeared.”


“Words cannot explain it. “I think you should go.”

“let’s go.”

It was said to have appeared behind the Murim Alliance headquarters.

He arrived at the main camp of the Murim Alliance with his subordinate soldiers. The warriors of the Destruction Demon Order were already tightly controlling the area.

Baekpyo came first and was waiting.

“Are you here?”

“What’s going on?”

“Please follow me.”

Baekpyo took Galsaryang aside. There were warriors forming a band to one side, guarding it, and they opened the entrance.

The moment Gal Sa-ryang confirmed what was inside, he was surprised.


There was something that looked like an egg standing there.


Gal Saryang could tell that it was Cheonran. According to Byeokridan, he was in a secret room in the basement of Maengjujeon and disappeared along with Cheon Soseon. It is said that he carried it on a wagon, and it was discovered in the front yard of Murimmaeng.

It wasn’t just lying there either, it was standing vertically. It didn’t even hit the ground, but surprisingly it stayed balanced.

Gal Sa-ryang’s heart was pounding. I could instinctively know that something serious and dangerous had happened.

“Look over there.”

The place where the white mark was pointing was the border of Cheonran. It was transparent so I could see inside. Red blood had pooled in the lower part.

“Ever since I discovered it, the blood has been slowly rising.”

“It’s rising?”

“yes. “It’s building up very slowly.”

“When will it be full?”

“After calculating the rate at which it is filling, I think it will be full in three days.”

Gal Sa-ryang had an ominous feeling. It felt like something terrible was going to happen in three days.

No, it will definitely happen.

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