Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 281

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Secret story of heaven (2)

As usual, Cheon So-seon was immersed in fortune-telling.

She felt herself changing. The biggest change was internal. To her surprise, her own blood was changing. Of course, the color of her blood did not change or anything.

How should we explain this change? To put it simply, I felt like my blood was coming back to life. The feeling of life being in the blood, the stronger that feeling became, the stronger I became.

And today, while eating breakfast, I felt different from usual, and when I came to my senses, I found myself standing in a strange place.

It was a battlefield. There were mountains of corpses piled up everywhere, with blood rising to the ankles.

Cheon So-seon bent down and touched the blood rising to her ankles with her hands. It was real blood.

‘It’s not a fantasy or a dream.’

She habitually opened her hands and absorbed the blood.


But soon she screamed. The moment her blood entered her body, her entire body felt as if it would be torn apart.

After draining the blood that had entered the body, the body was examined.

Of course I thought it was a human corpse, but in addition to humans, there were corpses of monsters and monsters I had never seen before.

“shit! “What on earth is this?”

Her voice rang out unrealistically.


The sound of water flowing from somewhere. When I turned my head and looked, I saw blood flowing somewhere.

She slowly walked along the blood. It occurred to him that her blood was guiding him.

How long did you walk along the blood like that?

A wall blocked the front. The corpses formed a tall mountain.

Someone was standing on top. It was so far away that I couldn’t see who it was.

She started climbing up the corpse. The piled up monsters and monsters were so disgusting and hideous that it made me feel sick. But she had a feeling that she shouldn’t fly up with light techniques.

It went up and up and kept going up.

Eventually she arrived at the top.

There was someone standing there holding their back. He was an old man with gray hair.

The old man looked back at her and smiled.

“Nice to meet you. “This is our first time, right?”

I could tell at a glance that he was not an old man to be treated carelessly.

“Who is the old man?”

“You are the one I have been waiting for for a long time.”

“Why did you wait for me?”

Instead of answering, the old man turned around again and looked around.

“What’s the view like here?”

Only then did she relax a little and look around. Bodies were spread out endlessly.

“It’s terrible.”

“Do you really think so?”

“yes? Excuse me?”

“Didn’t you try to absorb the blood as soon as you came here?”

“that… … “I just did it out of habit.”

“That habit is also you. Oh, don’t be nervous. Because I didn’t say this to criticize you. White people, white people, everyone is different. “You are a particularly special person.”

“Am I special? “Why?”

“Because he is the one who will become the blood god.”

For a moment she was shocked.

“I’m becoming a blood god?”

“That’s right. “That is your destiny.”

Chen Xiaoxian was really surprised and embarrassed. He knew that Yang Si-hui had tried to make the blood god descend and had failed.

But how could you not be surprised that you yourself became a blood god?

“Didn’t blood gods exist separately?”

“Who is the blood god you are talking about? “You mean the one made out of stone statues?”


“That is an illusion created by humans. “Neither the person who made the statue nor the person who asked to make it would have ever seen the blood god in person.”

Cheon So-seon was unable to say anything and was confused.

“When did this become a decision?”

“It was decided from the moment you were born as a yin-yang metamorphic body.”

“then… … “If all of this is fate, does that mean that both my grandfather and Byeokridan are people who existed for me?”

“Not really. Everyone lives according to their own destiny. Just as you have your own destiny, they too have their destiny. Now, what do you think?”


“Do you want to become a blood god?”

The moment Cheon So-seon heard the question, she heard a cry of emotion bubbling in her heart. It was anger that had built up, and it was screaming. Become strong so that you can freely explode this anger.

She nodded and said.

“Yes it is.”

Then the old man smiled and said.

“We will see each other again soon.”

The moment those words ended, she woke up from a time where she couldn’t tell if it was a fantasy or a dream, and returned to reality.

* * *

“You really said you saw the blood god?”

Even though Yang Sa-hwi had an emotional expression on his face, he did not let his suspicions go down. Although he spent his entire life trying to make the blood god descend, he never showed up for himself. Even at the moment when he failed while trying to accomplish the great work of descending the blood god through Byeokridan, the branch of Gwangse Myth.


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However, since it is said that he appeared to Cheon So-seon, suspicion is raised.

“So what did you say?”

“He asked me to continue training and quickly bring him down.”

Cheon So-seon did not tell what she had experienced. He did not consider it necessary to inform Yang Sa-hwi that he was becoming a blood god. It was because of this heart.

‘If I become a blood god, you will die by my hands.’

Yang Sa-hwi did not hesitate to do hard work for himself. But I didn’t appreciate it at all. He thought they were just using him for their own purposes.

Yang Sa-hwi could not understand her inner thoughts. The moment she heard the name Blood God, she was so excited that she couldn’t understand the true meaning of what Cheon So-seon was saying.

“ah! “The day is finally coming.”

Yang Sa-hwi’s heart was turbulent. It’s a shame that the blood god didn’t appear to him, but isn’t Cheon So-seon also his work? It was the moment when his long-cherished wish of descending a blood spirit was about to come true.

“What did he look like?”

“It was no different from the appearance of the stone statue. “He had the appearance of a god dressed entirely in red.”

“ah! “You are a blood god!”

she asked, looking at him for a moment.

“Why do you want to descend on the Blood God so much?”

“Because it’s what I have to do.”

“Just because you are a descendant of Empress Blood?”

“Is there anything more important than that?”

Chen Xiaoxian couldn’t understand. Because bloodlines are so important.

Suddenly, what the old man said came to mind. Everyone lives according to their own destiny.

“I’m hungry, let’s go eat.”

“That’s right.”

Two people stood up.

she added.

“Hurry up. “We need more blood.”

* * *

I shared love with Song Hwarin.

My current relationship with her could be described as indulgence.

Is it because of compensation for the anxiety that I may not have enough time in the future? We shared a fiery love whenever we had time.

Sleeping with her brought me great joy and satisfaction. To the point where I was worried about whether she would like it as much as I do.

“What’s going on today?”

She asked as they lay side by side after making love.

“Why do you think so?”

“Because it’s different than usual.”

Now that I think about it, it was more intense and bold than usual. After the Heavenly Demon left my body, I felt at ease. No matter how much I believed that the Heavenly Demon would not be watching, I couldn’t help but feel concerned.

“I made a friend.”



I told him about the Cheonma that entered Ma Cheol-gun’s body and about my friendship with him. Since she would have to interact with Ma Cheolgun for a long time in the future, she thought that she and her Gwangduman should know her inner story.

“A thousand horses, it’s a little scary.”

“He’s a good person.”

“I heard that Cheonma is a good person… … “It’s scarier.”

“ha ha ha.”

“Still, I’m jealous.”


“I don’t have anyone I can call a friend, right?”

“I am there. “We’ve been friends since we were young.”

“Oh, I did. I keep forgetting it. “That we were friends.”

I understood her. Because the change between when I was young and now is so big.

“We are friends and lovers… … .”

It will be your companion for the rest of your life.

She said playfully, standing up and covering her breasts with her clothes.

“My friend and lover, our lord, please close your eyes for a moment.”

I closed my eyes.

I heard her getting dressed. She won’t know. When she closes her eyes like this, how sensuous the sound of a woman’s dressing sounds. What a spark of imagination she has.

She said after she finished dressing.

“I’m going to visit the island for a while. “My father said he wanted to see me and told me to come.”

“You must be lonely.”

“I should go and show off some tricks for the first time in a while.”

“I will also be away for a while.”

“Where are you going?”

I said as I put on my coat.

She’s on the island, I’m on it.

“In the castle.”

* * *

I came to the Demon God Castle again.

Originally, it was a place where I planned to come to meet the old man once I had achieved greatness. There was no need to come since I had already met the old man, but for some reason I wanted to come here.

I went back to the old way. Since I had been there once before, I walked to find the exact main gate.

While walking along the Saengmun Gate, I practiced the Blood Reaper Heart Method at a fork in the road. Then a new door appeared, and I walked along a new path.

I encountered several turning points like that, and each time, I created a new life pattern using the blood-roe-sim method.

As we made our way through this complex formation, which was difficult even to memorize the route, a vast field spread out before our eyes.

And a huge castle towering in the distance.

The huge and majestic Demon Goddess still radiated an energy that was difficult for ordinary people to encounter.

I walked slowly across the field. The sky was high and the air was extremely clear.

I continued walking until I reached the bottom of the castle.

He placed his palm on the small stone slab next to the castle gate and used the Blood Lightning Technique.

Then the door opened.


A middle-aged man greeted me behind the door. It was the first time I met someone here.

“My name is Gumo, the commander in charge of the Demon God Castle. “From now on, you can call me District Commander.”

“Nice to meet you, Commander-in-Chief.”

I felt an unknown mystery. He was no ordinary person.

“I am reducing the greatness of the demon spirit.”

“How did you know?”

“I know everything about demons.”

“I’m not a demon yet.”

“I know. “You’re about to take an exam.”

“You may not take the test.”

“He knows it too. Now, please come in.”

I followed the old commander inside.

The interior also changed a lot. It was empty then, but now there are people. Some people were cleaning, and others were cutting branches from trees. Now it looks like a real castle where people live.

“I was curious before. How do you prepare a meal so quickly? “Are you not showing any signs?”

“Because that’s how they are trained.”

I thought he was probably learning related martial arts or techniques.

“You can make yourself feel at home.”

“Thank you.”

When I came to Masinseong Fortress, I somehow felt at ease.

That day, I slept soundly and woke up.

The next day, I walked around slowly here and there. She knew this internal structure well from previous exams. At that time, Commander-in-Chief Gu greeted me and walked towards me.

“Did you sleep comfortably?”

“Thanks to you, I slept well.”

“If you need anything, just let me know.”

“There is one thing I need.”

“What is?”

“Do you know anything about Cheonran?”

I found out about it through Cheon So-seon. A rare item that was used to create the Dark Sky Weapon.

A while ago, a car disappeared from the basement of Maengjujeon along with Cheon Soseon. If you can find Cheonran, you will also be able to find Cheon Soseon.

This was a question I asked just in case, but the answer came out unexpectedly.

“I know.”

“Can you tell me what you know?”

“Please follow me.”

The district commander took me somewhere and headed somewhere. The place we arrived was a study room full of books. I’ve been to this place before, but of course I haven’t read the book about it.

Governor Gu took out a thick book from the bookshelf.

Samsinbulmanggi (三神不忘記)

Judging by the title, it was a record about three gods.

“Have you ever heard of the Three Gods?”

“Three gods? “I’ve never heard of it.”

“The demon god, blood god, and dark god are the three gods. It is said that in the beginning, there was only one being called an evil spirit. It is said that it was then divided into three gods.”

Governor Gu turned the pages of the book and found a place where a picture was drawn.

It was a picture of three gods fighting each other.

“These are the demon gods, blood gods, and dark gods.”

In the picture, the blood god and the dark god were joining forces with the demon god.

As I was about to ask about the content of the fight, my eyes fell on one part of the picture.

“Is that by any chance?”

Behind the three fighting gods, an elongated coffin-like object was drawn, and it resembled the broken one seen in the underground secret room of Maengjujeon.

“Yes, it’s Cheonran.”

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