Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 28

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On the road to spring (3)

The next day, Song Hwa-rin came again.

“Did you tell the Lord of the Wall House?”

I could tell that her mind was in a hurry. It looks like Song Woo-kyung is in a mood to make a decision between today and tomorrow.

“I didn’t give it to you.”

Disappointment spread across her face.

“Yes, it can’t be helped. “I’m sorry for asking you a useless favor.”

She immediately turned around and tried to leave.

“I think the method is wrong.”


“If you stop someone, they want to do more. Yes, like you said, if my father really tries to stop me, I might be able to quit. But won’t I have regrets about this for a long time?”

She didn’t say anything, as if she hadn’t even thought about it that far.

“Not only that, but it could also cause a rift in the friendship between my father and your father. “That’s not what you want, is it?”

“of course. “I don’t want the relationship between you two to change because of this.”

“So, even if I quit this job, I think I need to go through a process where I can fully understand myself. Or find a clear reason to say no.”

“Why should I definitely refuse?”

Although she had clear opinions, she was not the type to be needlessly stubborn.

“You’re right. but… … “How on earth do you find the reason?”

“Have you looked for it?”


“Did you look for it? “Have you looked for a specific reason to stop it, other than the suppressed desire you mentioned?”

She flinched as if she had hit the nail on the head. Soon she shook her head.

“I looked. So, I found out something worth checking through our chief general.”

“What is that?”

“It’s about Shandong Chamber of Commerce trying to start a big business a few months ago. But they say that at some point the story about him disappeared.”

“What business is it?”

“I don’t know either. I don’t even know if that has anything to do with this incident. But I feel the need to find out why the project was discontinued. “Because you will be able to know their attitude and feelings towards the martial arts sect.”

“But we don’t have time. “Father will answer them soon.”

“There is a way to find out today.”


“You pay money to information merchants to buy information about them. “It’s the fastest and most accurate way to find out.”

“Information merchant?”

Her voice trembled. In fact, she probably has never used an information merchant before.

“I need money.”

“how much?”

“A thousand nyang? Two thousand nyang? I don’t know exactly. “Perhaps the more we have, the more accurate information we can get.”

“it’s crazy? “Two thousand nyang is a huge amount of money.”

In my experience, the most effective statement in these cases is this:

“The choice is yours.”

After two visits, she came back with money. She didn’t ask where she got it or how she got it. By the time she became the successor to the Song family, she would have been able to save about two thousand nyang. Of course she must have overexerted herself. Two thousand nyang was quite a lot of money for a twenty-year-old woman.

I went to the information store with her. On her way, she bought two banggats and pressed them. She seemed scared and trembled about this whole process.

She had a bad impression about the intelligence department. She had a vague fear that it was a dark and rough place and also had disbelief that people would trick her into eating in exchange for money.

This is natural for someone who has never used an information store before. Moreover, her companion would not be a trustworthy person from her perspective.

There were several intelligence merchants in Gangho. From small, individual-run businesses to large-scale information companies with branches throughout the region.

I knew them very well.

Jeongjeongak, headed by Gal Sa-ryang, was basically an organization that dealt with information.

Therefore, not only did it have its own information network, but it also had exchanges with various intelligence groups in the Gangho region. In particular, there was a deep exchange with Cheonmanghoe (天網會), which means heavenly net.

Cheonmanghoe is one of the three major information organizations along with Gwiangok and Mantonghoe.

I had previously researched about several information merchants in Shandong.

There are two most important things in growing Byeokri Geommun.

Money and information.

If you do not master these two things, you will never be able to grow into a strong sect. So, I looked into what kind of information merchants existed here in Shandong.

So I knew that there was a branch of Cheonmanghoe here in Gokbu.

I took her there and went there.

At the entrance, she hesitated to enter.

“I’m nervous because it’s my first time.”

“Then I’m being ripped off.”


“Don’t pay for your first-time ticket.”


She took deep breaths repeatedly. She slapped herself on the cheek and tried to stay calm.

A middle-aged man with a goatee greeted us. He had a meticulous and attentive appearance that did not seem to miss even the smallest detail. Although he did not have a favorable impression, he had an appearance that suited the job of an information merchant well.

“What information do you want?”

“I want to know about Shandong Chamber of Commerce.”

All information has a price. Of course, the price of information changed faster than any other product. Information that was worth 10 nyang yesterday could be worth 1,000 nyang today.

“It’s 1,500 nyang. It was originally 200 nyang, but the price has recently gone up.”

It was a word with meaning. This means that the value of information has recently increased.


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I looked at her.

She was hesitating.

I told the information merchant.

“Give me a moment.”

“Of course.”

As if it was a common occurrence, the information merchant willingly left the room.

She and I took off our banggat. she asked with a worried look on her face.

“Is this really 1,500 nyang worth of information?”

“I don’t know.”

This is something you will never know until the merchant opens his mouth.

“What would you do?”

“If it were me, I would buy it.”

She asked without hesitation in answering.


“Because it’s my father’s job. “You don’t want to leave even a single possibility behind.”

This time she didn’t hesitate. She pressed her bangat again and nodded her head.

When the information merchant returned, she offered 1,500 nyang.

“I will buy it.”

“great. “I’ll tell you.”

I asked them about their collaboration with the Ganghomun faction. He told me some information about it.

“A few months ago, Shandong Chamber of Commerce joined hands with Yang Xiaofang and advanced into Hebei.”

“Sheep fire!”

She and I were shocked in different ways. An unexpected name came out.

It was a few months ago when Yang Ki-cheol was in the ark.

“As you know, it is as difficult for a sangang to advance into another region as for the martial arts faction to advance. “This is because the existing merchant associations do not just exist.”

“You believed in the power of Yangsobang and pushed forward.”

“you’re right. In the process, there was a conflict with Shijiazhuang, who supported the Hebei Chamber of Commerce. “A local fight broke out, and it could have turned into a big fight.”

It was a surprising event that was not revealed to the outside world.

“But this time, with the death of Lord Yang Xiao, the Shandong Chamber of Commerce was in trouble. This is because Jeong Yeo, who became the new Ark, cut off her relationship with the Shandong Chamber of Commerce. “Currently, Shandong Chamber of Commerce is in a state of disrepair.”

“What is the reaction of Hebei Chamber of Commerce and Shijiazhuang?”

“Of course I am seeking revenge. There are even rumors that Hebei Chamber of Commerce is using this opportunity to seek expansion into Shandong. “Now, this is all the information related to the Shandong Chamber of Commerce.”

If this content was not helpful to us, 1,500 nyang could be said to be an exorbitant price.

But she didn’t complain about the price.

As soon as I left the information store, I exploded with anger at the Shandong Chamber of Commerce.

“The Shandong Union was all nonsense. “They were trying to attract us to escape the pressure of Hebei Chamber of Commerce and Shijiazhuang.”

I nodded and agreed.

“I saw it exactly.”

There’s one more thing.

“The issue of Shandong Union was raised and attention was focused on that. “The essence lies somewhere else entirely.”

Right now, Song Woo-gyeong was so focused on the Shandong Alliance that he did not notice that they had different intentions. This means that Shandong Chamber of Commerce has a proper manager.

“… … “It’s scary.”

“Yeah, it’s scary.”

She was quite shocked, but it was actually nothing. In a world full of conspiracies, this is nothing more than a trivial matter.

“I have to go right away and tell my father about this.”

She was running away and looked back at me.

“thank you.”

“This is information you bought with your own money. “You don’t have to thank me.”

She stared at me for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

He had feelings for her, but even more than that, he wanted to protect their friendship.

Because it was definitely something worth protecting.

* * *

Song Woo-kyung rejected the Shandong Chamber of Commerce’s offer.

Of course, I politely declined without informing them that I had discovered the inside story.

Because of that, Song Woo-kyung and Song Hwa-rin visited our house again.

At the gathering where everyone gathered, Song Woo-kyung expressed her gratitude to me.

“I heard that the truth was discovered thanks to you.”

“It’s not like that. This is what Lin revealed. “I only accompanied you for a moment.”

“I know it’s not like that. “If it weren’t for you, the chief would have been in a lot of trouble.”

Song Hwarin seems to have said in detail that this incident was all thanks to me.

Song Woo-kyung held my hand. His large, rough hands were unexpectedly warm.

“Thank you so much.”

I felt trust in the eyes looking at me.

If I had to attach any meaning to this incident, it was a repayment for my deep friendship with my father.

“It’s thanks to Lin.”

I gave her credit until the end.

Song Hwa-rin stood silently. She didn’t know what she was thinking.

Song Woo-kyung spoke to her father and mother.

“Thanks to our son-in-law, we were able to avoid major disaster. “Thank you so much.”

Father and mother also could not hide their joy.

In particular, my father was very happy that I had played a decisive role in getting Song Jiajang out of a difficult situation. I felt it in the expression. Still, he wasn’t the type of person to openly brag about his children.

“Lin was able to do this by boldly seeking out money.”

I helped my father.

“You have a really good daughter.”

Song Woo-kyung looked at me and Song Hwa-rin in turn and spoke loudly.

“Looking at it like this, it seems like a match made in heaven. ha ha ha.”

My mother did not miss the opportunity.

“It suits you really well.”

I went outside with Song Hwa-rin because I felt like if I stayed any longer, it would be like setting up a date tomorrow.

In this way, Song Ga-jang overcame one crisis.

I was once again amazed at the fact that everything was connected to me. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t killed Yang Xiao Ark. If I, the leader, had not died, the strategy of the Shandong Alliance would not have occurred.

She apologized to me for the first time.

“I asked to break off the engagement first and even asked for this. It must have felt shameless. Sorry.”

She said, bowing her head slightly.

“Thank you, really.”

I smiled slightly.

I have no ill feelings towards her at all.

If I were young, if I liked her and wanted that beauty to be mine, I would have attached meaning to all of this. I would have listened to everything one by one. Just like her previous friend Li Dan visited her and misbehaved with her, she must have been unable to control her emotions.

But I am a person who has lived seventy years of life.

I fully understand the woman who could not tolerate Byeokridan’s behavior, the woman who asked to break off the engagement, and the woman who asked for a favor for her father.

“As I said before, you did it.”

She turned around. As she walked away, she looked back at me once. I waved her hand and she gave me an awkward smile and then she ran away.

I support her 20-year-old youth.

I just hope that your dreams come true.

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