Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 279

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Walk alone but together (3)

Before entering Dafa, I met Song Hwa-rin. Even if I didn’t know anyone else, I felt like I had to meet her.

It did not reveal anything about Dafa. It wasn’t a lie, it was just that I didn’t want to cause unnecessary worry.

I ate with her and walked around the streets together.

Of course, because we wore bamboo hats, no one recognized us.

Guangdu and three or four elite warrior warriors escorted me from afar.

“An outing like this with the Murim Lord isn’t bad?”

When I saw her happy, my heart also became happy.

“Let’s come out to play often from now on.”

“I’m always on call! “There are people who are busy.”

“Haha, sorry. “I will make plenty of time.”

“no. Don’t worry about me, just do your job. “The lives and happiness of so many people depend on you, right?”

She looked at people passing by on the street. From merchants carrying luggage on their backs to warriors wearing military flags. Everyone was busy walking their own path.

“And I’m busy these days too. I practice martial arts and study Jinbeop. “I also read the books I had been putting off.”

I can feel her efforts. The feeling of being calmer than before may be due to such efforts and changes in thinking.

“To be honest, I worked hard at first because of you. I wanted to try my best to keep up with your level. But these days, my thoughts have changed. Instead of feeling like I have to make up for what I lack by comparing myself to someone else, I just want to become a better person.”

She finished her sentence with an embarrassed expression, as if she had said something big for no reason.

“I still don’t know how to become a better person, so I’m just training and trying. Is this okay? Is it okay to do this, Lord?”

She was living so well that I wondered if I was qualified to answer that it was enough or that the path was right.

All I can do is have fun with her today.

So I really had fun. We bought a lot of delicious food, talked a lot, and talked a lot. Have a light drink.

She said before parting ways.

“Is something important going on? “Is that why you met me today?”

“Did you feel it?”

She nodded. Even though I said that I treat others as usual, it seems that only women have feelings.

Song Hwa-rin did not ask about its contents.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope it goes well.”


I really felt like I had a great time meeting her today.

* * *

The next morning, the moment I had been waiting for finally came.

Ma Cheol and I were lying on the bed side by side.

Lim Yeon-jeong looked down at me and said.

“Then let’s begin Dafa.”

“Please take care of me.”

“Don’t worry, Lord. Now, don’t resist the single pill and just go to sleep.”

Dafa began, and I slowly fell into a deep sleep. It was a very unfamiliar experience to be forced to sleep by an external force.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place.

It was in the middle of the road and I had no idea where it was. The weather was clear and bright like a clear spring day.

I walked slowly along the road.

It was a road with no end. Wild flowers were blooming on both sides of the road, and butterflies were flying around.

But no matter how much I walked, no one appeared.

Just when I felt a little lonely, someone spoke from behind me.

“Life is inherently lonely.”

I was startled and turned around to see an old man standing behind me with a smile on my face. He was the same old man I met at the Demon God Castle.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“I didn’t expect to meet the old man here. “I thought we would meet only if we achieved great success.”

“I see.”

“Anyway, nice to meet you.”

Although it was not clear whether the old man was the body of Heaven or an errand boy on behalf of Heaven, it was certain that he was at least not a human.

I walked slowly down the street with the old man.

“Where am I?”

“It’s in your heart.”

At those words, I looked around. Although the endless single road and peaceful scenery were beautiful, it somehow felt too quiet.

“Is my soul this lonely?”

“Do you feel lonely?”

“Isn’t there anyone there?”

“You are there, aren’t you?”


“All I need is for you to be in my heart. These days, there are so many people who don’t even have confidence in their own hearts.”

I nodded silently and this time looked at the road unfolding in front of me.

“Is this the path I should take?”

“Maybe so, maybe not.”

I asked again in response to the ambiguous answer.

“What is at the end of the road?”

“Before that, we should first ask whether the road will end.”

The old man could guess what the answer meant. Who in the world can reach the end and die? Even a person who thinks he has achieved everything will probably end up arbitrarily set by himself.


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After walking for a while, I strayed from the path.

“Let’s go over there.”


The old man obediently followed me. He turned off the path and continued walking among the wild flowers.

After walking a little bit, I said to the old man.

“I’m sorry, but can I go back?”

“Of course.”

I walked back to the path I first walked with the old man.

“Why did you ask to come back?”

“A while ago, this thought suddenly occurred to me. How can there be only one path in my life? “If I follow that side road, it will eventually become a road.”


“As I was walking down that side road, this thought occurred to me. Yes, anywhere can be a road like this. So, I thought I should go back to my original path. “I don’t really know why I felt that way.”

The old man smiled unexpectedly.

“Let’s sit there for a while and rest.”


I sat on the side of the road with an old man. This road, that road, sitting and resting like this were all good. It was considered good.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a clear mind.”

The old man said it was not the weather but his heart.

“Why did you come to see me?”

“Didn’t you already know?”

“yes? “What do you mean?”

“The fact is that you can only meet me if you achieve great success.”

I was startled and looked back at the old man. Shocking words flowed from the old man’s mouth.

“You have achieved great success.”

I was so surprised that I stared at him blankly for a moment.

“I have achieved great success in demonic determination?”

“That’s right.”

“What happened? What did I do? “How can you achieve great success so easily?”

I practiced every day, every day, but I just practiced comfortably, as if I was pouring water one drop at a time into a large bucket.

“It wasn’t easy to achieve.”


The old man quoted one person’s words verbatim.

“To be young in your twenties, to have such great martial arts skills, to have the greatest power as the Murim Lord, and to have that enormous amount of money. “Wouldn’t it be a waste to die trying to get rid of someone like me?”

“What do you mean by this?”

This is what Cheonma said to me in the process of persuading me to pursue divorce.

“In this situation, you decided to file a divorce for your friend.”

“Surely that decision?”

“It was the last bucket of water to achieve the great power of Demon God.”

A shiver ran through my whole body. Who would have thought that the desire to get rid of the Heavenly Demon would play the most important role in reaching Daeseong?

“Are you able to use the Demon God Sword now?”

“of course.”

“Is it by any chance that the level of the Demon Spirit Sword is the same as the state of the Mind Sword?”

“That’s right.”


I let out an exclamation again.

This is what I aimed for when I was born again.


That difficult goal was achieved.

By making the decision to save the Heavenly Demon, he gained the heart sword that can kill the Heavenly Demon. This was also a truly paradoxical and contradictory result.

“You must now make a choice. “Maybe it’s more important than achieving great success.”

“What decision?”

“It’s a decision whether to take the test to become a demon god or not.”

It has finally come. I am now at the border of success. Whether I walk in or turn around and come out is up to me.

“What kind of test is it?”

“It is a very difficult and difficult test. “You could die.”

If I, who had achieved great success as a demon god, could die, I could guess how terrifying the test would be.

“Can you give me some time to think about it?”

“of course. Think about it for as long as you can, whether it’s for one hour or ten years. You make your decision and I will come back to you. See you then.”

The old man smiled at me.

The next moment, I opened my eyes.

I escaped the dreamlike conversation of my heart and returned to reality.

Lim Yeon-jeong was looking down at me with a nervous expression.

I could see that Dafa had ended.

* * *

Ma Cheol, who had been in a deep sleep, woke up.

He looked up at the ceiling blankly and slowly stood up.

I sat down on the bed next to him and waited for him to wake up. Lim Yeon-jeong was also sitting on a chair next to her, waiting for the results.

It was a tense moment. The Heavenly Demon disappeared from my body. Because I couldn’t feel him anymore.

Now, he must reside in the body of Demon Lord. If the author is still Ma Cheol-gun, Dafa has failed and I have lost a friend.

Please go into that body.

Ma Cheol slowly turned his head and looked at me. I also looked at him in silence.

I could tell by the look in their eyes towards me.

Dafa was successful.

What was contained in his eyes was kindness, emotion and joy, and a passion that could not be hidden even by pretending to have failed in Dafa.

“How do you feel?”

Ma Cheol-gun, or rather Cheonma, answered my question.

“Not bad.”

“That’s you, right?”

“You’re like a suspicious old partisan.”

“ha ha ha.”

I got down from the bed and walked over to him. I hugged him tightly as he sat on the bed.

“Good. “Looking at it like this.”

The Heavenly Demon pushed me away.

“What are you doing so disgusting?”

“ha ha ha. “I’m sure you are.”

“You don’t have to take a test like this. Because I’m sure.”

I stopped him from getting off the bed.

“He has a short temper. “I think it would be better to rest a little more.”

“I’m fine.”


“You’re already nagging me.”

Although the Heavenly Demon complained verbally, he did not look displeased at all. In fact, he doesn’t show any joy, so how happy can he be? He might want to dance. You will want to run to see your children and grandchildren right now.

“Okay, I’m a little tired.”

The Heavenly Demon lay down on the bed again. I still needed time to adjust to my new body. In order to attack Kang-ho, he will need to be able to freely use his German martial art, Blood Thunder Cheonhwagong, in his new body.

“There are so many days ahead, so first get some rest.”

As I was about to turn around and come out, Cheonma asked.

“Are you okay?”


It wasn’t okay.

I could feel it just by standing there. After achieving great success in Demon God’s Gyeol, it was completely different from before.

My inner energy became incomparably more pure, and my body became stronger as if I had become a diamond ingot. Power overflowed throughout my body.

The demon spirit wind wave would have become faster, and the demon spirit’s herbivory would have become stronger. And above all, now you can use the Demon God Sword.

What does the sword of my heart look like?

“Can I just walk around like that?”

“A very talented person taught Dafa, right?”

I walked over to Lim Yeon-jeong and expressed my gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“I’m glad that Dafa was successful.”

Lim Yeon-jeong’s face was full of emotion. After researching and studying her divorce method, she succeeded for the first time and on her own.

“You have no idea how important I have gained thanks to you. “I will never forget this favor.”

I achieved great success in Demon God’s Gyeol and gained a friend named Cheonma.

“Now you have paid it back once.”

“What do you mean?”

“When the lord saved me and my son, I received a favor that I could not repay even if I spent my whole life doing it. “I’ve only repaid it once.”

I know. In a tough world, people who return favors with favors are truly precious.

So this returned favor will be returned as favor. When I need her the most, she will return the kindness that was given to me.

I said with a smile. If my heart is like this, there is no need for long words.

“Thank you.”

I came out of the lab and looked up at the sky.

The sky was extremely clear today. It seemed like an old man was looking down from somewhere in the sky.

What on earth do you want?

It was something unknown.

But one thing was certain. I am still standing on this earth, not in the sky.

I walked across the training ground with great strides.

I remembered what the Heavenly Demon said to me.

If fate has led you here, you will probably encounter a great enemy.


I am ready to fight now.

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