Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 272

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Murim Lord Byeokridan (5)

Majeol was suddenly arrested.

An unprecedented situation occurred in which the Murim lord was arrested by the ruling party.

Of course, originally, it wasn’t going to be this big of a deal.

However, it was possible because the head of law enforcement was on Gal Sa-ryang’s side, and all the leaders who overheard the conversation with Byeok-ridan that day turned around at once.

Moreover, Kangho’s public opinion about Macheolgun was very negative.

When the news of his arrest came, Kang-ho became enthusiastic.

“Justice has finally been served!”

“ha ha ha! It feels good. “I’m buying all the alcohol today.”


“no. That’s how good it feels.”

“By the way, did you hear the story about the master who killed King Cheonwang?”

“What are you talking about?”

“They said they were there the day Ma Cheol was arrested. It is said that he was like a heavenly god who came down from the sky, showing great force, striking a remark on Ma Cheolgun’s misdeeds, and then flying into the sky.”

“Ah, we should promote him as our leader!”

“But who is he?”

“I heard no one knows.”

“That can’t be possible. “Someone will know.”

“Heaven helped us. If it weren’t for him, someone named Cheonwanggun would have swallowed up this mighty lake.”

At that time, someone shouted from somewhere else.

“I’m paying for the drinks today!”

This time it was real. Cheers erupted from all directions.

The whole of Jungwon was literally a melting pot of festivals.

* * *

The gals moved quickly.

In the Murim Alliance, a special organization was created to nominate a new leader.

As before, the heads of the ten important organizations of the Murim League put forward candidates and elected them through voting.

The leaders of the ruling party and Cheongungdan were definitely on our side. Gal Sa-ryang began to persuade others with the head of the law at the forefront.

In the past, I was bullied by those guys. So, although he suffered the humiliation of having Ma Bong-gi become a leader, he no longer took matters into his own hands.

Most of the leaders of the ten organizations were people who aligned themselves with power and followed their own comfort rather than loyalty to the alliance.

If Byeokridan becomes the leader, they will replace everyone except the head of the Cheongungdan and the head of the law. The new wine will definitely be put into new bottles.

So, I made sure to get the job done. He used the head of the ruling party and the head of the Cheongungdan to put pressure on those who remained. They made it known that there would be consequences if they did not agree.

Because he was the one who arrested Machulgun, the most powerful person within the Murim Alliance was Ga-gyeong, the head of the law enforcement branch.

When Gal Sa-ryang met Ga-gyeong again, he warned her like this.

“I’m saying this out of anger, but it would be better not to think in vain.”

“I have no such ambition.”

“I don’t care whether you have ambition or not. Just know this. “The person who killed King Cheonwang was our lord.”

“oh my god!”

That was enough. After learning that fact, Ga-kyung, the head of the law enforcement agency, took the lead in following orders more than anyone else.

If Galsaryang had overwhelming power, loyalty was the only way to survive.

At the first meeting, the head of the law put forward one person.

“I don’t think there will be any disagreement about this leader candidate.”

After hinting that others should not even dream of it, he revealed the candidate he was putting forward.

“I will nominate as a candidate the new expert who killed Prince Cheonwang.”

Everyone was surprised, but at the same time agreed.

Ga-kyung persuaded them in earnest.

“I believe that the merit of killing the King of Heaven is meritorious enough to ascend to the position of leader. Besides, Kang Ho-dong’s followers also want him.”

Since they were all people who had experience with Cheonwanggun, they sympathized with what he said. Moreover, I knew that the popularity of the man who killed Prince Cheonwang was skyrocketing.

“But aren’t you too young?”

The person who presented the opinion was a servant of the Senate. He was the one who tried to unravel Macheolgun’s inner strength and failed. He was thinking of supporting another person.

When Seo Bok mentioned the biggest obstacle, Jong Cheon-rak, the leader of the Heavenly Palace, came forward this time.

“Age doesn’t matter. Did Ma Bongi end up like that because he was not old enough? Although Ma Cheol-gun was young, he had more greed than an old man, and Ma Bong-gi was an old man, but he was the embodiment of lust worse than that of children. Again, age doesn’t matter. “What matters is what kind of heart and beliefs the person has.”

Everyone nodded. Then, one new problem remains.

“I don’t know his identity.”

When Seo-bok again raised an opposing opinion, this time Ga-kyung came forward.

“I know.”

From now on, it was a game prepared by Gal Sa-ryang.

“He is Byeokridan, the successor to the Shandong Byeok clan.”

Everyone was shocked when Ga-kyung honestly revealed her identity.

“Are you really saying that he is the successor to the Shandong Byeok clan?”


“How on earth can the heir of a local sect demonstrate such authority?”

“It’s because I had a great master.”

“Who is the master?”

“You said you learned it from Master Cheonmaengju. In other words, it’s like the relationship between a Heavenly Lord and a deathly enemy.”


Everyone let out an exclamation. Now all questions have been answered. If one had learned martial arts from the master who taught Cheon Ha-jin, this great prestige was natural.


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The fact that Ga-kyung knows this fact means that she has already discussed it with Byeokridan to some extent. They were quick-witted and spoke quickly.

“oh! “Then I agree!”

“Me too.”

“If you are the one who raised the Heavenly Lord, you must be a great person. If he were another disciple raised by him, his age would not matter.”

When everyone came out like that, Seobok could no longer voice his opposing opinion.

Ga-kyung put in the last pin.

“There is one more reason why you can trust Byukgongja.”

“What is it?”

“The person serving him is Gal Sa-ryang, a former soldier.”

If Gal Sa-ryang, who is known as the best soldier, helps by his side, all the issues of age and experience that bothered him the most will be resolved.

One final blow to the name Galsaryang was enough.

* * *

He took Song Hwarin and Gwangdu to a guest house nearby where the Murim Alliance headquarters was located.

“This is a bit of a strange combination for today’s drinking party, isn’t it?”

Song Hwa-rin smiled and said at Gwangdu’s words.

“I heard there was a strange combination of drinking parties the other day?”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard the three of you drank together, excluding me?”

“ah! “It was like that.”

Byeokridan, Gwangdu, and Suran had been drinking the other day. From that day on, the relationship between Gwangdu and Suran took a step forward.

“What is this combination today?”

Gwangdu playfully answered Song Hwa-rin’s question.

“Well, wouldn’t it be a combination that counters the last combination? “We can have more fun!”

“ha ha ha.”

Song Hwa-rin burst out laughing.

Yes, the presence of Gwangdu creates such a happy atmosphere.

I wanted to talk in this atmosphere.

“I have something to say to you two.”

“What’s going on?”

“I have become the Murim lord.”

The results of the vote by the Murim Lord election organization came out this morning.

It was Galsaryang who produced the overwhelming result of unanimous approval. At the same time as pressuring and persuading the heads of ten organizations, I worked hard to get public opinion in Gangho to support me until the end.

Gwangdu blinked, then turned to Song Hwa-rin and said.

“Our master wants to become a Murim lord?”

“Didn’t you just say it was done? “That’s what I heard she said.”

Gwangdu nodded at Song Hwa-rin’s words.

“Actually, I heard that too. “You haven’t had much to drink yet?”

Gwangdu’s voice was increasingly trembling.

“Situations like this happened several times while I was with you. If you say something unbelievable like this, of course I don’t believe it. But… … .”

Song Hwarin received Gwangdu’s next words. Because I, too, have had similar experiences several times.

“But they all turned out to be true.”

“Could it be that way again this time?”

“Anyway, you’re the Murim lord?”

The eyes of both people turned to me. I smiled and nodded.

Gwangdu swallowed his saliva and asked.

“You really became the Murim lord?”


“Have you created a secret organization called the Murim League?”


“Isn’t it something like Wuhan Jidanju?”


“You weren’t dreaming, were you? “No, is this a dream?”

“It’s not a dream.”

“Are you really the Murim Lord? “That’s the Murim League over there.”

Gwangdu looked out the window at the Murim Alliance in the distance.

My eyes naturally followed him.

“Yes, he is the leader of the Murim Alliance.”

“oh my god!”

It was right then. A carriage came to that street and stopped.

The twenty or so warriors who had escorted the carriage were all showing great spirit, but they wore the same uniform and had bamboo ribs, so it was impossible to tell which warrior they belonged to.

They were on guard around the carriage and guesthouse. One of them came in, walked over to where we were sitting, greeted us politely, and then spoke.

“I left the Meng Tiger Group to go to see the leader. “As you said, the number of escorts was kept to a minimum.”

Gwangdu and Song Hwa-rin were really surprised. As expected, what was said was true.

“Have you really become the Murim Lord?”

Song Hwa-rin covered her mouth with her hand, wondering if anyone would hear her after speaking.

“young master!”

I got up from my seat and walked after the man, then turned to the two of them and said.

“What are you doing? “We should go together.”

Gwangdu asked in surprise.

“Me too?”

Even so, Song Hwarin was very surprised and embarrassed that he was taken to the Murim Alliance.

“Yes, of course you should go together.”

“yes? “Of course?”

Then the warrior who greeted me approached Gwangdu and said.

“I meet the new Meng Haodanlord. “I am Vice Danju Cheongyang.”

Gwangdu was so shocked that he couldn’t say anything with his eyes wide open.

I said while looking at Gwangdu.

“This is the first order I gave. From now on, you will protect me.”

Gwangdu was overcome with passion. A mix of surprise, joy, and worry spread across my face.

“I don’t think I should do this, but let me call you this one last time.”

“I don’t know what it is, but try it.”

“young master!”

“You bastard, my ears are falling off.”

“How can I hold the position of Meng Haodanju? I can’t do it. “How can I do what Baek Dae-ju did?”



“You are the one who overfills the position and remains. In fact, we should do something much bigger.”

“young master?”

I meant it sincerely. Gwangdu’s martial arts skills, which had increased to one level, were by no means insufficient for the position of Meng Haodanju. Moreover, considering Gwangdu’s good and wonderful personality, my words were by no means an empty compliment given to please people.

“Do you know why I appointed you to the position of Meng Hao Danju?”


“Because I want to always have you by my side.”

Gwangdu’s eyes wavered.

It was a place where the warriors of the Tiger Corps were listening. For Gwangdu, who will lead them in the future, I am showing how much I care and like him.

“It’s always like this. “I’m falling for something like this again.”

“It is the fate of the sword holder.”

“That sword holder is a succession of successes these days.”

“ha ha ha.”

Gwangdu bowed deeply to me.

“As the leader of the Maengho Dan, I will serve you with all my life.”

Gwangdu was raised.

I remember Gwangdu when he woke up as Byeokridan.

At that time, neither I nor he knew. I never thought we would look at each other as the Murim lord and the fierce tiger lord.

What kind of life is left for us in the future? From what position and with what feelings will we look at each other? Yes, you won’t know unless you go there.

“thanks. “Don’t just trust yourself.”

“Yes, please believe me… … Lord Maeng.”

“let’s go. “Let’s go and talk.”

I looked back at Song Hwa-rin. She still looked dazed and touched. She, too, would never have imagined that she would be alone as the Murim Lord.

“Shall we go?”

“huh… … No, yes, Lord.”

“There’s no need to be formal.”

“I have to set it up. Especially in a public setting like this.”

“let’s go. “There is a lot to do from now on.”

Many things will be waiting for me in the future. Unexpected difficulties will block your path. But I’m not worried. Because the people I love and like are with me.

As the two people and I climbed up, the carriage started running towards the Murimmaeng.

The last greeting was given by Cheonma.


[thanks. But it’s a pity.]


[I’ve never been as cool as you.]

[You’re embarrassing someone again.]

[ha ha ha. Because you always feel this embarrassed. It’s because it’s fun.]

[be careful. If fate leads you back to the Murim Lord, a great enemy will probably appear.]

[Maybe so.]

Outside the carriage window, the magnificent Murim League building was slowly approaching.

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