Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 264

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Cheon So-seon had been hovering around Meng Ju-jeon since early evening.

Because no time was given as to when the operation would take place, all we could do was wait impatiently.

‘Are you trying to screw me over?’

But that couldn’t have been the case. There was no need to bother someone like this who could be killed at any time. Moreover, considering the opponent’s martial arts skills, this is especially unlikely.

And when the time came, Cheon So-seon uttered one word.

“You crazy guy!”

With the heavy drinking, Maengjujeon disappeared.

I finally found out. Why did you say that if you wait, you will find out naturally? It was an operation that not only he, but all the warriors of the Murim Alliance could know about, and even the people living near the Murim Alliance could know about it.

Swords of sword energy rained down from the sky in succession. It was a spectacle as if shooting stars were pouring down toward one point.

Moreover, it was not an ordinary sword technique. The moment it hit the target, it exploded with tremendous power. Every time one exploded, everything around it was swept away and disappeared.

Boom! Quang! Boom!

It was truly my first time seeing such an incredible sight. I couldn’t believe that humans could display such martial arts skills. It felt as if there might be an agency installed somewhere in the sky that would carry out such a massive attack.

When Maengjujeon was devastated, the King of Heaven flew into the sky.

‘They’re not humans.’

Anyway, now was the time to do what he had to do.

Cheon So-seon began to descend underground through the broken passage. The massive attack had destroyed the organ, exposing a passageway leading underground.

Cheon So-seon was wearing a mask. Moreover, unlike usual, he was now a man.

Since she’s only been walking around in the form of a woman lately, even if someone spots her from below, they won’t recognize her.

There wasn’t much time. The promised time may be too long. I had to destroy the Heavenly Lantern within it and come out.

The basement did not collapse. Because it was built so strong, the room did not collapse when the stomach was attacked.

The researchers who produced Cheonran were eliminated by throwing a memorization technique.

He didn’t have any mercy in his hands. He was willing to kill anyone who got in his way if it was for his survival.

He walked from the fork in the hallway toward the room where Cheonran was. If you walk to the other side, there is a place where the Dark Heaven Weapon is stored.

Seeing as no one was out in the hallway, they seemed to be quietly staying in place.

His mission was to eliminate Cheonran. It would have been better if all the dark heavenly weapons were eliminated, but there was no need for him to take the risk.

Cheon So-seon slowly opened the door where Cheon-ran was.

The next moment, he opened his eyes in surprise.

Inside, ten dark heavenly weapons stood surrounding two heavenly orchids. It seems that he had been ordered to protect Cheonran in case of an emergency.

Their eyes all turned towards themselves. Facing the pouring hostility, Cheon So-seon hardened his expression.


* * *

The black energy emitted by the King of Heaven was unique.

It was similar to living, but definitely different. Killing is a common energy that comes out when you want to kill someone, whether they are a good person or a bad person.

However, this energy could only be produced by evil people, and not just evil people, but true evil people.

And this black energy made him stronger. He became faster and stronger than in the previous fight.


My sword and his sword collided in the air.

It was heavy. So much so that I thought I might have poured everything into the first move.

But no. The Cheonwanggun’s face, seen through the swords that were touching at an angle, was relaxed.

I could feel it. If you want to cut him down, you’ll have to use the demon spirit. That’s why he didn’t use the Demonic Resolve martial arts.

The time to use Demon Spirit is when you have decided to kill that person. It’s the moment you’re about to kill that guy. There is no need to show my martial arts skills in advance.

What I used was the Chuhonsura sword technique.

This time, as he reached the level of Demon God Gyeol, his overall martial arts level increased, and his Chuhonsura swordsmanship also became much more powerful.

Considering that he was Park Bing when he used Seonhak’s secret technique earlier, I expected that Chuhonsura swordsmanship would also be Park Bing’s skill.

Whoosh! Hiss!

The two swords crossed each other in the air, making the sound of two gusts of wind.

The King of Heaven aimed for my face, and I aimed for his neck.

The sword was held out, and our bodies turned in opposite directions.

The speed of stabbing and dodging were almost the same.

It was I who took the lead in the next attack.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

I was the first to stab the sword in succession. The order was heart, stomach, heart.


The sound of swords clashing was heard only once.

The first attack aimed at the heart was dodged by twisting the body, the second was blocked with the sword, and the last attack was dodged by flying backwards.

The moment he got off!

Clap la la la la la rock.

The first herbivorous Chalnain was released.


Heavy drinking erupted in front of Cheonwanggun. Just before I was hit by a split second, I unleashed a sword attack and eliminated my attack.

He was only thrown backwards by the impact of the explosion, but was not injured.

You can stop Chalnain without any injuries? Moreover, this battle took place in the sky, not on the ground.

“That’s amazing.”

King Cheon said what I had to say first. It wasn’t easy to block the moment.

“You’re not bad either.”

I thought to myself as I leisurely listened to the words. How much strength does this guy have?


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Only one corner held on and tried to retreat. But after he started fighting with the guy, his mind was gradually changing.

I wanted to beat that guy. The source of that desire was not hatred or hatred toward the bastard.

It was the demon god who had reached the nine castles. I wanted a fight with the martial arts guy I had learned.

A martial artist’s desire to achieve greatness. It was truly something I had experienced for the first time in my life.

It seemed like if I killed him, I would be able to achieve greatness in the Demon God’s Confidence. Even if I couldn’t achieve it, I thought it would be of great help.

It was a powerful temptation.

I wanted to use the Demon Sword and Blood Cloud on him.

However, if that happens, many warriors in the Murim Alliance will die.

Sacrifice a cow for the greater good?

* * *

Cheon So-seon’s sword split the air.

Pooh wow!

It was the moment when the head of the seventh Dark Heaven Weapon flew off.

While accomplishing that task, Cheon So-seon was also not safe. He was covered in scars. The Dark Heaven Weapons were the complete opposite of themselves. His own most powerful martial skill was Ji-Fung, and Ji-Fung alone was the reason they did not die. The only way to kill them was to cut off their heads.

Throughout the fight, Cheon So-seon trembled with fear.

No matter how unfavorable the compatibility between martial arts skills was, his skills were such that no one in the powerhouse could compete with him.

However, I don’t know how many wounds I already suffered while cutting off the heads of these seven people. If only ten Dark Sky Weapons are this good, what if they are mass-produced? What if you have hundreds or thousands of gigabytes? It was something I didn’t want to even imagine. No one in this powerhouse can stop him.

The fortunate thing about the current situation was that Cheon So-seon himself avoided fatal wounds.


He cut off the head of another Dark Heaven Weapon. Now there are two remaining.

But it was no time to relax. Everything that had been promised was coming to fruition.

Easy profit.


I faced the remaining two teams, risking injury.

Only after receiving wounds on my arms and thighs again did I cut off the remaining two heads.

After roughly pressing the acupuncture point to stop the bleeding from the wound, I quickly walked to Cheonran.

His sword was filled with sword steel.

First of all, one Tianran was destroyed. It was created later based on the original.

Paaaaaaaa! Faaah! Wow!

I cut it several times so that I could never use it again.

Then I walked to the original Tianran.

“Now all I have to do is destroy this and that’s it.”

He raised his sword filled with sword steel with a tired face.


At that moment, the lid of Cheonran slowly opened.


In an unexpected situation, Cheon So-seon reflexively took a step back.

A person in the room slowly stood up and spoke calmly.

“Put down your sword, Cheon So-seon.”

When the other person called her name correctly, Cheon So-seon’s eyes widened.

* * *

Easy profit.

We rushed towards each other again.

Chang chang chang chang chang chang!

A feast of speed took place, taking advantage of the gaps. They attacked and blocked each other at a speed that was almost invisible to the eye.

I instinctively stabbed, cut, and blocked.

The moment you lose concentration, you won’t die, but at least one of your arms will be cut off.

Chang chang chang chang chang!

I was so absorbed in it that I forgot I was fighting.


But it was no ordinary trance. Being able to fall into a trance during a fight is definitely a great fortune and something everyone hopes for.

In normal cases, when you come out of the trance and come to your senses, the other person will have collapsed in front of you.

However, falling into such a trance during the fight against the Heavenly King’s army is dangerous.

When I come out of the trance, I will be the one dying at the other person’s feet.

Because the King of Heaven was not a person, but something perfect. Because it felt like a perfect martial arts system.

Ecstasy is necessary when dealing with people.

On the other hand, the Heavenly King is something complete that excludes emotions.

This also requires thorough calculation, analysis, and judgment.

So I must clearly recognize that I am fighting. This means that I need to objectively look at my other soul, which is in a trance, and control it.

When that happens, this fight will be in my favor.

Because in the battle of perfection versus perfection, I have human emotions that that guy doesn’t have.


Prince Cheonwang’s shoulder was cut. His blood spattered. The sword flew through the splattered blood.

I barely twisted my body to avoid it. It was a moment when I cut him once on the shoulder and his arm almost fell off.

However, the wound on the shoulder regenerated and healed in an instant.

Surprisingly, it even had the ability to regenerate.

King Cheonwang-gun spoke with a stern expression, as if he was surprised that he had been injured.

“you… … “He sent it.”

that! Who exactly does this mean?

I thought that it was probably the man that Byeokridan had seen in his dream, or perhaps the white energy that had blocked the man.

I neither confirmed nor denied.

Anyway, if you ask who he is, he won’t give you a straight answer. In that case, there is no need to give him my information.

“I’m a person who just hates complicated things.”

It was like that in my past life, and it was like that even now that I became a Byeokridan.


“I have to kill you today. “If you destroy them one by one like this, you will eventually find out.”

“Is that possible?”

“So let’s give it a try.”


The two of us clashed again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the swords clashed, it sounded like hammers hitting each other.

If the previous fight was a fight of speed, this fight was a fight of power.

The sword and the sword, both filled with internal power, threw themselves to destroy each other. It was an attack with the power to crack the ground and collapse mountains.

The Heavenly King Army was much stronger than I thought, and I could see that it was getting stronger. Because every time he fought, the black energy he gave off became darker and more evil.

If the second fight was a battle of strength, the third fight was full of crazy sword power and sword power.

Sword Qi and Sword Gang became two living dragons and became entangled.

I was concentrating all my concentration on killing him, but at the same time, I was observing the fight and maintaining a calm mind.

I came to the conclusion that I needed to use my demonic spirit before consuming any more internal energy.

My prayers changed. If the prayers until now had been burning like lava, now they were cold. It wasn’t as cold as ice. It was so cold that it would freeze your heart just by looking at it.

“I have decided to kill you now.”

I added with deepened eyes to the guy who was laughing at me.

“And I found a way to do it.”

martial arts,

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