Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 260

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Secret story in a dream (4)

I was surprised when Gal Sa-ryang said that he remembered.

“It was quite a while ago, how do you remember?”

“Do you by any chance remember the Epiphany Church?”

“Hyeonhyeongyo? ah! I remember. “Isn’t this a cult that was once insensitive to the world with the promise of eternal life and immortality?”

“you’re right. “It is them.”

“ah! “Come to think of it, it was around that time.”

Now I remembered. At that time, Hyeonhyeonism spread around Hebei and became a big problem. Those who became Epiphanists gave their possessions, and many went missing at the time.

“That’s why I went to Qubu.”

“Yes, at the time, I received information from Jeongjeongak that their headquarters was in Shandong, not Hebei.”

“I remember clearly now. “I went down to sweep it all away with my own hands.”

“you’re right. In reality, Lord Maeng eliminated all their leaders and important personnel. “The Hyeonhyeon Church was destroyed at that time.”

“It was a big incident, but I didn’t remember.”

“There were many incidents at the time, so it’s natural that you don’t remember. “The reason I remembered it right away was because something bothered me.”

“What is that?”

“After the Lord eliminated all of them, I discovered something strange while discarding their data.”

“strange thing?”

“yes. It was a sign that there was someone behind the Manifestation Cult. “There were some data that could be used to make an estimate, but no accurate evidence was found, so I did not report it.”

Of course, the meticulous nature of the galsaryang did not go away as is.

“Afterwards, I separately investigated the matter through Jeongjeongak, but in the end, I was unable to find out anything. Since then, there have been no incidents related to the Hyeonhyeon Church… … Strangely enough, that bothered me.”

That’s why he remembered the purpose of his trip to Shandong when I asked him a question.

On the other hand, it was a name I had forgotten for a long time.


Suddenly, a scene came to mind. Just before he died from being hit by my sword, the Hyeonhyeon cult leader said this.

“Cheon Ha-jin! “You don’t know anything.”

I didn’t even pay attention to the last words of the cult leader who dreamed of eternal life.

However, after listening to Galsaryang’s words, I feel like they contain some meaningful meaning.

Are we really missing something? Could it be that the guy in the dream had something to do with the Church of the Epiphany?

“But why are you suddenly asking about that?”

I informed Gal Sa-ryang of everything related to the secret magic of dreaming. I knew that I was in Byeokridan’s body, so I didn’t bother to hide it. To the general military, the truth is always true, and this is my theory.

After hearing what I said, Gal Sa-ryang was greatly surprised. He was surprised that he could practice in a dream, but when he found out that the dream was Byeok Lidan’s dream, it was more than a surprise and a shock.

“It has many implications.”

“I think so too.”

This is the crux of the problem with regard to the Epiphany.

Is it really related to Byeokridan?

* * *

I went out to the guesthouse at the appointed time.

Cheon So-seon was sitting there drinking yesterday.

Although I couldn’t see her expression because she was writing with bamboo sticks, I could feel her concern. She is still hesitating.

“You came early.”

“Have a drink.”

As I sat in front, she poured me a drink into a glass.

As the situation changed, the attitude and atmosphere towards each other were different from yesterday.

“Have you ever imagined becoming a woman?”


“Then you don’t even know how terrible this is.”


“It wasn’t that bad at first. It never occurred to me that it was heavenly punishment. Because I looked at Tokyo all day and was amazed. As you can see, she also had a pretty beautiful face. But it really started to get difficult after I realized that I was satisfied with the way I looked as a woman.”

She lifted the bamboo lip slightly. As she spoke of her distress, she was putting on her beauty pageant. It was truly a beauty worth trying at least once.

However, it was a difficult attempt to succeed as long as I had a peerless beauty named Song Hwarin.

A hint of disappointment flashed across her face as she sensed failure from my calm expression.

She emptied her glass, and this time I filled it.

“I was thinking about just running away somewhere all night. “Should I live deep in the mountains digging up herbs?”

“Why didn’t you do that?”

“It seemed like it would be more unfortunate than dying. However, it was not like I could live comfortably in the mountains, and I thought it would be better to die than survive by just grazing grass.”

“I would have done the same.”

“If I try as hard as you said, will I be able to survive?”


Cheon So-seon stared at me. Her worries did not last long. If she had meant to say no, she wouldn’t have come forward in the first place.

“Okay, I’ll hold hands with you. “Let’s kill him together.”

“Well thought out.”

“What do you want from me?”

“First of all, I have a question. Why do we need such a huge amount of money? “Is it because of what’s happening underground in Maengjujeon?”

“You knew that too.”

The moment she answers the question, she will definitely betray the King of Heaven. It was a moment when fate changed.

“Have you heard of Cheonran?”

“Cheonlan? “This is my first time hearing this.”


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“It is the device that made this Dafa a success. “He is trying to mass-produce something called Dark Heaven Weapon through Heavenly Rebellion.”

“Dark Heaven Weapon?”

“If you put a warrior in the Heavenly Orphan and the Heavenly King’s Army infuses it with black energy, it will be born as a Dark Heavenly Weapon. Due to absolute loyalty, existing martial arts skills become more powerful, and even reason and memory remain. Moreover, it is a weapon that does not feel pain and has powerful regenerative abilities.”

“Why are you making them? “Even if it’s not necessary, he has enough power, right?”

“I don’t know either. “I guess it’s because they’re afraid of you, or because they want to destroy Gangho.”

The words, “the destruction of a great power” that was said as a joke, did not sound light. Because the situation was so unpredictable.

“I need money right away.”

I gladly answered her words.

“I will provide the money.”


“Instead, take me to the basement where Cheonran is.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Find a way! “Then you will take one step towards life.”

After saying that, he stood up.

Since her life is at stake, she will definitely find a way.

* * *

Jjororong, Jjororong.

I woke up to the sound of birds. I woke up to a new place again.

It was a quiet and distant place in the middle of a hallway where the red light of a lamp dimly illuminated the surroundings.

I could tell that this was Giru from the woman’s incense and the scent of alcohol. Now that I think about it, the walls on both sides of the hallway are full of colorful paintings.

At that moment, the door in front of me opened and someone came running out. He was pale-faced and a member of the Byeokridan.

He ran past me and into the next room. He was so impatient that he just ran in without even knocking on the door.

I entered the room where the wall protruded.

There was a naked woman lying on the bed, already dead. Judging by her bruises, it appeared she had been strangled.

Soon after, Byeokridan and the man came in there.

The man looked at the woman on the bed and asked in surprise.

“What on earth happened?”

“Well, I don’t know either. “I was thirsty and when I woke up, he was dead next to me.”

“You killed him, didn’t you?”

“no! Absolutely not.”

Byeokridan looked like he was about to cry at any moment.

“I don’t remember anything. I remember drinking, singing, and having fun… … “But I don’t even remember entering this room with this woman.”

It would have been a big problem just to spend the night with a courtesan in Giru, as a child of a prestigious family, and especially in a situation where he had a fiancé. But when the courtesan died, the sky was about to fall.

“The problem is that there is no memory.”


Those meaningful words made Byeokridan think. He was filled with fear, wondering what if he had killed him.

Of course, I could tell as I watched from the side.

All of this was the work of that guy. The intention is to completely entangle Byeokridan.

Giru must have been surprised when he first came to Byeokridan. Next to her, a pretty courtesan would pour her drinks while blowing incense, and she would continue to drink one or two glasses. Then he would have become indifferent.

“jeon… … no!”

“I will trust you. Just put on your clothes and get out of here. “Leave the rest to me.”

I urged him once again as he hesitated, not knowing what to do.

“Hurry and leave before people come.”

Hearing that someone was coming, Byeokridan hurriedly got dressed.

Before leaving, Byeokridan looked at the man.

“Don’t worry, just go. “Let’s meet again at the guesthouse in the evening.”


Byeokridan ran out.

As expected, a smile appeared on the man’s face.

He lay down on the bed. There was a woman’s body next to him, but he didn’t care. He lay down and began to hum his tune.

I stood there with cold eyes and quietly looked down at him.

* * *

That evening, the man and Byeokridan met again at the guesthouse.

Byeokridan was completely stiff and tense, like a criminal. He still hasn’t recovered from his shock. Rather, by this time he was troubled by all sorts of disturbing thoughts.

“Come on, have a drink.”

The man filled Byeokridan’s glass with alcohol.

Byeokridan drank the drink in one go. He wanted to drink alone, but he couldn’t. I came here after being so scared that I couldn’t go anywhere and stayed in my room.

“What happened to the woman?”

“I handled it secretly. “I gave quite a lot of money to Giru’s owner.”

“I am… … .”

I was about to say that I was not guilty, but I closed my mouth. The guilt about all of this was still tormenting him.

The man poked Byeokridan’s weakness.

“Are you afraid your parents will find out? Are you afraid that the woman you promised to marry will find out?”

Byeokridan’s eyes trembled.

“Don’t worry. I will definitely keep your secret. “Please trust this Woohyung.”

“thank you.”

“Now, wake up.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m thinking of going to another giru.”


Byeokridan was surprised.

The man said with a serious face.

“If you let this incident go like this, it will scar you for the rest of your life. You might not be able to look at a woman directly. There is only one way to heal. “Go and have fun and forget about it.”

Without waiting for Byeokridan’s answer, the man walked forward.

Byeokridan stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

At the entrance to the guesthouse, the man looked back.

In the end, Byeokridan walked towards him as if he was being dragged. Since he had already identified his weakness, he had no choice but to be dragged around by the man.

I was watching this entire process with a calm expression. My heart was already dominated by cold anger.

In the end, Byeokridan will feel like everything will happen. The first time is difficult, but the second and third times are easy. Because I knew very well how easily a person can be broken when desperation joins hands with escapism.

I was wondering.

Why is that guy trying to ruin Byeokridan like this?

Late at night, I was looking down at Byeokridan who was drunk and asleep.

Byeokridan’s eyes were stained with tears. She drank too much and played, and eventually shed tears before falling asleep. He kicked out the courtesan who insisted on staying with him. She asked him never to let her man know, and he watched her.

As I looked down at the young Byeokridan’s sleeping face, I couldn’t help but sigh.

If I could, I wanted to wipe away Byeokridan’s tears.

I wanted to tell you. The way the strong treat the young, the way the strong treat the weak, the way the wicked treat the good… … Don’t be fooled. Don’t cry. Be sure to overcome this.

I don’t know how far the dream will reveal what happens next.

However, what is certain is that the Byeokridan has become increasingly corrupt since then.

In order to forget this, he will gradually indulge in entertainment, and as he becomes distressed by his actions, he will become increasingly violent. I blame myself for it again and fall into entertainment.

If they repeat themselves, they will become a fool’s errand. Because the results were already out that way.

At that time, a man came into the room.

With a grave expression, he quietly looked down at Byeokridan.

I looked at him.

I couldn’t figure out the identity of the disgusting malice it was giving off.


At that time, I heard a noise coming from the hallway outside the door.

As if he had been waiting, the man pointed to Byeokridan’s blood transfusion.

Byeokridan fell into a deep sleep.

Then a person appeared in the room.

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