Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 259

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Secret story in a dream (3)

I tried the dream magic again just in case, but it had no effect. After all, a certain amount of time must pass.

I immediately used the Heavenly Qixin Huangong and summoned the Heavenly Demon. Because it was important, I wanted to talk face to face.

As soon as I saw the Cheonma, I asked.

[Have you ever seen that guy?]

The Heavenly Demon shook his head.

[This is my first time seeing him.]

It seemed like it would be so. If the Heavenly Demon knew a person well, there was a high possibility that I knew about him too. Besides, he was young. It was not a distribution that suited us. Of course, there was a possibility that he was much older than he appeared.

[What was your first impression?]

[It’s strange. It’s so strange that it’s hard to find words to express it.]

Clearly, this guy was shaking not only me but also the Heavenly Demon’s nerves.

The Heavenly Demon asked hurriedly, as if he had suddenly remembered something.

[Isn’t this Simma?]


My answer was quick and decisive.

[Why do you think that?]

[Because there is no way I would fall for something like that.]

[This is crazy! Looking at your cheeky answer, you are already in trouble!]


Of course, that was just a joke to make Cheonma laugh, and my instincts told me the real reason. This is not something like Simma.

Isn’t there such a thing as feeling? My age, my experience, and my martial arts skills that have reached my peak. It was a premonition that would never be wrong.

This is not Simma.

I thought that perhaps Byeokridan’s unconsciousness, or his last memory, that remained in this body might be a message to me.

I wanted to let people know why I changed so much.

* * *

When we arrived at the headquarters of Taeseong Sangdan, Gwangdu was giving a speech in front of the warriors of Taeseong Geomdae.

“Never forget. Our most important mission is to protect the merchants of Taeseong Sangdan. Put people before money or things! After there are people, there is money! Did you understand?”


The warriors answered loudly with one voice. Although it wasn’t as good as the Black Panthers, I felt that they were quite well trained.

Their skills were great, but what I liked more was their atmosphere. Bright and healthy, it resembled Gwangdu.

“Now, let’s live diligently today!”


Gwangdu, who dispersed the warriors and turned around, was surprised to see me.

“young master? young master!”

Gwangdu came running, smiling brightly.

It was the smile I saw in my dream. That smile that could not be damaged by anything and that seemed to never change, was Gwangdu’s loyalty that he showed only to me.

“What are you doing here this morning?”

Gwangdu is now well-suited to being the sword master of Taeseong Sword University, and I can feel his outstanding skill and endurance.

“I came to see you.”

“oh my god! at las!”

“at las?”

“The moment has come when you want to use me as a sword holder!”

I couldn’t be happier to see Gwangdu’s jokes after a long time.

“Yes, it has finally come. But I feel bad thinking about you becoming a bachelor ghost and wandering around the nine heavens.”

Gwangdu was knocked out with this one hit.

“Sword demon, demon demon, martial arts demon. What a name for this ghost! Are you a bachelor ghost? I’m not that newbie! “He’s an experienced guy!”

“ha ha ha.”

I guarantee you. This guy is still there.

“Let’s take a walk.”

“yes! young master.”

I walked through the upper training hall with Gwangdu. It was Gwangdu and Taeseonggeomdae who were together in the safehouse and were recently in charge of protecting the top. It was a possible move because Taeseong Sangdan itself was completely independent from me.

“How is work these days?”

“It’s going well.”

“how is it? “Is swordfighting aptitude for you?”

“Seeing as how I enjoy waking up in the morning, it doesn’t seem that bad. haha.”

As expected, the guy’s face looked bright and good.

“Ah, I took the elixir you sent well. Thanks to that, my skills have increased dramatically! thank you.”

“If you want to become a swordsman who never dies, you have to become stronger.”

“You always pay so much attention to me… … “It’s difficult for me to die.”


You have to pay attention. For what reason and for whom am I going through this trouble? Never die.

“Oh, and I decided to try again with her. She came looking for me. She says she’s sorry and wants to try again… … .”

I found out that it was with Suran, who I had recently broken up with.

“It’s difficult. “I don’t know how women feel.”

“How could it be easy and simple to date someone and be responsible for them for the rest of your life? Anyway, congratulations.”

“Please congratulate me on the day I get married. “It might not be her these days.”

“haha. “That’s how you become a womanizer.”


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“Of course, it’s better than the bachelor ghost.”

After walking like that for a while, I stopped and asked.

“Do you remember when I was young?”

“When are you talking about?”

“When I started to change.”

“Why are you suddenly asking about that incident?”

“Just curious.”

“Song Sojeo changed a little after he left martial arts training. Up until then he always went with me, but from then on he liked to be alone. After that, he became increasingly violent and had many accidents.”

Gwangdu sighed and blamed himself.

“When I think about that time, I still regret it. I should have been there by force at that time. “I should have helped you.”

Gwangdu’s eyes slightly filled with tears. Now it’s like I was born again, but at the time it must have been a really difficult time for everyone.

“What happened back then wasn’t because of you.”

I spoke calmly, staring into Gwangdu’s trembling eyes.

“So there’s absolutely no need to blame yourself.”

* * *

Jororolong, jororolong.

When I woke up from my dream, I heard a loud noise. I was standing in the middle of the guest room.

People were drinking, laughing and talking everywhere. I woke up in a completely different place than before.

Looking around, I realized that this was the guest house across from Gokbu branch where we had arrived in the dream earlier. Byeok-ri Dan and his man met on the railing of this guest house.

When I looked inside the crowded guesthouse, I saw that the man and Byeokridan were sitting in the corner. It seemed like they decided to have a drink here instead of splitting up right away.

“After all, a man must know how to have a drink. Drink it all the way.”

Byeokridan took the drink the man offered him and drank it in one go.

“oh! “You drink well.”

But soon Byeokridan let out the cough he had been holding in. It seems like he had very little experience drinking alcohol properly.

“ha ha ha. Soldiers have been drinking strong liquor since ancient times. “The Heavenly Lord you respect also loves strong alcohol.”

“How do you know?”

“I know because I have worked on a masterpiece with the Heavenly Lord.”

You bastard! How can you lie so naturally?

I’ve never met that guy, but I’m not a person who enjoys drinking alcohol.

Anyway, his lie paid off. Wall Li Dan’s eyes towards his man became a little softer. The feeling of wariness decreased, and the favorability increased. He said that he was drinking with someone he respected, so for some reason, his feelings grew stronger.

Every single word he says works easily.

First of all, he had a likable appearance. The sad look didn’t seem to lie. He has a basic trustworthy appearance.

“You said it earlier, right? “Dreams don’t come true.”

“It did.”

“So you don’t have a dream?”

“No, I have a dream too. “Dreams aren’t necessarily meant to come true, right?”

Plus, the surroundings of the horses were very nice.

But while he might be able to fool the young Byeokridan, he couldn’t fool my eyes.

I could feel the perfection of a counterfeit product from him. A flower made perfectly, down to every petal and leaf, but a fake flower with no scent. He and his words gave me that exact feeling.

But that doesn’t mean he isn’t great. He was one of the most powerful enemies I had ever encountered.

Who could it be?

Is this person related to the person I’ve seen so far? Or is he a completely new character? I couldn’t even figure out the name yet.

“So what dream do you have?”

“Did you say your dream was to become someone like Cheon Ha-jin?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then you can say that my dream is similar to my brother’s dream.”

“It’s similar to my dream?”

“Because I am taking this powerhouse into my hands.”

Byeokridan blinked and looked at him. He didn’t know whether this was a joke or serious, and if it was serious, how to take it.

“My brother, who do you think is the owner of this river?”

When Byeokridan hesitated to answer, the man asked again.

“Is this the Murim Lord Cheon Ha-jin?”


“Then are they the masters of the Central Plains?”

“They are not even more so.”

“Then who is it?”

“The owner of Kangho is… … “They must be our strong people.”

“yes. That was a great answer. “Everyone thinks and lives like that.”

The man said as he filled his glass.

“Now I will ask you a question. Are you the owner of this river?”

When Byeokridan could not answer, the man smiled.

“If what you said a moment ago is true, I should say yes.”

Those are just the man’s words, and in this situation, how can he answer that question that he is the master of Gangho?

The man’s expression finally became serious.

“I hope that when someone asks who the owner of Kangho is, my name comes out of their mouth. I hope my name comes up when I ask the person next to me the same question. When one name comes out of everyone’s mouth, won’t that be the true owner of this powerhouse? “Isn’t that right?”

Byeokridan still stared at him, unable to respond. He said something that shook one’s values. Part of him thought he should definitely say he was wrong, but on the other hand, it might sound very attractive.

Are you shaking a child with words like this?

I felt even more upset with the man.

The man smiled brightly and said.

“Hahaha, it was a joke. So there is no need to look so serious. Don’t people like us have to hold a banquet like this to become a powerhouse?”

“Ah, that’s what you said.”

Only then did he realize that the man’s words were a joke, and Byeokridan’s expression relaxed.

But my expression still remained frozen. I felt that the man’s words were sincere.

The man filled Byeokridan’s drink again and changed the subject.

“Is there a girl you like?”

They even ask Song Hwarin there? I was doing all kinds of things that were really getting on my nerves.

Byeokridan’s face turned slightly red. Her man grinned as he looked at her.

“There is, there is. “How are you? Is it pretty?”

“In my eyes, it’s very… … “It’s pretty.”

“Please introduce me to Woo-hyung Lee sometime.”

“You can’t do that by going to martial arts training far away.”

“Oh my. “I brought up a useless story.”


“Come on, let’s have a drink.”

The guy clearly approached Byeokridan with clear intentions. Otherwise, there would be no reason for a guy with such great prayers to have a drinking party with a boy who is 16 years old. He probably already knows that Song Hwa-rin left for martial arts training.

The man stood up.

“Come on, I will guide you to a good place that will relieve your loneliness.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll find out when you go.”

The man left the guesthouse, taking Byeokridan with him. I followed them.

The place he took Byeokridan to was Giru.

I heard from Gwangdu that Byeokridan fell in love with a courtesan and gave her money. It was probably from this time that I learned the taste of kiru.

As I was about to follow the giru, I stopped.

I didn’t think there was a need to see two people playing in Giru anyway.

But why did I come here to Shandong?

Suddenly a curious thought occurred to me. Could it possibly be related to this incident?

I soared into the air and flew toward the corner of the valley with demonic flight.

Shhh, profit.

In an instant, it flew across space and all the way to the bend. As I landed in the yard of Gokbu branch, I heard birdsong.

Jjororong, Jjororong.


I opened my eyes in bed.


I couldn’t tell if I woke up because I was away from the two people, or because it was time to wake up.

Since I still had time left for my appointment with Cheon So-seon, I went straight to Gal Sa-ryang.

It was to find out why I went to Shandong at the time. I can’t remember because it was so long ago, but I was just thinking about it just in case.

But surprisingly, Gal Sa-ryang remembered the incident.

“ah! “I remember!”

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