Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 257

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Secret story in a dream (1)

I woke up to the sound of birds.

The place where I woke up this time was on a trail halfway up the mountain. In the distance, I could see the field I had seen in my first dream. As I looked around, the trail here seemed somehow familiar, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember ever being here.

The Heavenly Demon said bluntly.

[What kind of training are you doing in broad daylight after spending your whole life practicing martial arts?]

Cheonma ignores the fact that she can’t sleep and starts a fight for no reason because she entered the dream again.

[haha. That’s right.]

I thought that reaching the final stage of martial arts was truly an endless journey of asceticism.

[But you can still see the end, right?]

[end? I think this is just the beginning, right?]

After quickly climbing up to Chilseong and reaching Palseong, ordinary warriors often ended up at Palseong. This was especially true for ascending martial arts, so in the case of Demon God Gyeol, it would be at the peak of difficulty. But I am also someone who has reached the peak.

[I think it will be easy to get to the castle, right?]

[To be polite.]

Martial arts training began by kicking off the ground and flying up.

After 11 days, I practiced Demon Spirituality until all my energy was exhausted.

When I finished my training, the mountain where I first woke up had collapsed and disappeared.

We had a lucky breakfast in a place that had become a wasteland. I had a conversation with Cheonma, feeling the energy building up in my Danjeon.

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]


[I mean a bet. Should I do it now?]

[Why do you say you don’t like it?]

[Why do you not like it?]

[Because I have no wish.]

[Who doesn’t have a wish? Everyone has one or two.]


I remembered his wish in my heart instead.

I want to live. I want to get out of my body.

Two things are not easy for me.

What if you are still young and have to live with him for the rest of your life?

Me too, but how can he endure that frustration?

Exhaled from my body?

I thought that I might be able to get rid of him through divorce law.

But that too is not an easy choice.

What came into my body was not from Dafa, but from an accident resulting from an explosion. Can it really be exported to Dafa? The most important thing is whose body will it enter?

This is precisely why I came up with such a wish despite this difficult situation.

I don’t want to kill him anymore.

But the words never came out of my mouth. It wasn’t something I would say with my mouth. Where in the world is the Murim lord who saves the Heavenly Demon? What if, just by chance, he goes out into the world and causes bloodshed again?

That’s why I’m trying to place a bet. I want to at least encourage him to win and keep his promise.

But the Cheonma never said such a thing.

[I have fulfilled all my wishes.]

He spoke as if seeing his children and grandchildren was his last wish.

[joy! Envy you. I live well without any limits.]

[Are you angry?]

[I’m angry.]

I lay down on my back and said the opposite of what I was doing.

[Let’s stop waking up now.]

Jjororong, Jjororong.

I opened my eyes. The sun was setting outside the window.

[this! Should I sleep again?]

[Stop sleeping!]

I got up from the bed and played pranks on the Heavenly Demon again.

[Okay, I’m hungry, so let’s eat and sleep.]

[Hey! Stop it!]

* * *

The black energy flowing from the body of the King of Heaven enveloped the inside of Maengjujeon. It was much darker than the energy he gave off before.

When a warrior standing guard inside Maengjujeon was exposed to smoke, he vomited blood and fell forward.

The soldiers standing guard behind the opposite pillar ran to rescue him. But he also collapsed, bleeding on the way.

Three or four more warriors came out again, but they were all the same. The number of steps they took varied depending on how much or less their inner strength was, and they all fell to the floor and died, bleeding from the seven balls.

The black energy that killed them was an evil energy that humans could not tolerate, regardless of their martial arts skills.

If I had anticipated this situation, I should have attacked my subordinates in advance. But King Cheonwang didn’t care at all. He was treating the Murim League warriors like objects.


The black energy scattered everywhere began to gather in one place and form a single shape.

Surprisingly, it was a human shape. But I could still only make out its rough shape.

The face was extremely bizarre, with the eyes, nose, and mouth barely formed.

The mouth opened.

Is it because it hasn’t taken shape yet? The sound was so mumbling that I still couldn’t understand it. It sounded like a password and sometimes like a spell.

However, King Cheonwang, who was looking at it, was looking at it with meaningful eyes, as if he understood everything.


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After it finished speaking, it scattered in all directions and swirled around making ghostly noises.


Soon the black smoke was absorbed into the body of King Cheonwang.

The King of Heaven slowly arose from Taesa Temple. There were corpses lying around him, but he only glanced at them and paid them no attention.

He took a step and walked to the window. The scenery seen through the window in Maengjujeon was the most beautiful scenery seen in Murimmaeng.

But what was in his eyes was not the beautiful scenery.

Tension and crisis, fear and murder, sadness and curse. It was full of all kinds of bad and dark things.

Soft words flowed from his mouth. It wasn’t Cheonwanggun’s usual voice. It was a deeper and more humid voice than that.

“… … “You will never stop me.”

* * *

It’s been ten days since I started martial arts training in my dream.

For the past ten days, I have been immersed in the secret magic of dreaming all day and night. I trained like crazy. To the point where I wonder how I can try harder.

Today I was practicing Chuhonsura swordsmanship in the field.

All the time, I was only practicing swordsmanship, but today I suddenly felt like I wanted to try Chuhonsura swordsmanship. The reason was unknown. I suddenly had that desire.

After Cheonma told me that my swordsmanship was imperfect, as my martial arts skills grew, I realized that there was a misunderstanding of Chuhonsura swordsmanship. Thanks to that, from that day on, I was able to use the Chuhonsura sword technique perfectly.

I didn’t use it much after learning the Demon God’s Gyeol, but today I’m practicing it in my dream training.

Chalnain, Jinmyeongin, Mugeukin, and Talhongeop were released one after another. Its speed and power had become faster and stronger than before.

As the 1000 kalpas unfolded, whirlwinds of strength swirled from all directions.

one two three four… … Twenty, twenty-one… … Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two… … .

A whirlwind of enormous power appeared endlessly. There was no comparison with the previous Hweryun kalpa.


If in the past it seemed as if the world was being turned upside down by a terrible natural disaster, now the world was really turning upside down.

The six-second type of great annihilation has been unleashed.

Everything around was completely destroyed. The scope of extinction was incomparably wider than before.

If in the past it felt like the end of the world had come, now the end has really come. Everything in sight has disappeared. How else to explain this situation?

It was a martial art that could exert such powerful power, but I was not able to use its full power. It was only now that I had reached the level of martial arts that I was able to properly confirm it.

[It’s huge.]


It was so impressive that even the Heavenly Demon was impressed.

This time, I tried out the secret skill of Seonhak.

My state was now free from the previous worry of whether to pursue it in a hegemonic way or not.

Seonhak’s secret art was unleashed to its extreme power.

I could have sworn. Even Cheonma’s grandfather could not have known that the martial art he created was so powerful.

After performing a bout of Seonhak’s secret techniques, he performed the demonic sword technique again.

When I finished all of the Demon God’s Swordsmanship, I spoke softly.

[The castle has been reached.]

[what? Holy crazy! Don’t talk nonsense!]

The Heavenly Demon shouted excitedly. No matter how powerful the country is, it seems they never thought that they would be able to break through the walls of the old castle in 10 days.

[I told you, right? It seemed like it would reach its composition easily.]

[How on earth?]

[I realized this clearly a little while ago while performing three martial arts skills in succession. That the distinction between Jeongsama and Sama has no meaning.]

Chuhonsura swordsmanship is Jeonggong.

Demon God Gyeol is a magician.

A Seonhak secret art that lies between true and magical techniques.

Today, I practiced these three martial arts perfectly to the limit, and in the process, I completely broke away from the distinctions, limitations, and framework of Jeongsama. It is not something you know in words or in your head, but something you really know. Now, for me, the distinction between honest, evil, and evil has become meaningless.

The moment one attains this realization and reaches this state, one simultaneously overcomes the wall of the Eight Castles of Demonic Spirit and reaches the Nine Castles.

It occurred to me that perhaps this moment had been prepared for me by fate ever since I learned the secret art of Seonhak, which would bridge the gap between Jeonggong and Magong.



[I’m serious.]


Yes, I really know now. His heart too. Maybe he knows how I feel. Actually, that’s why my mind has been more complicated these days.

[Now only Daesung remains.]

[Won’t you do it in the end?]

[To be polite.]

[ha ha ha.]

Only the biggest hurdle remains.

If you want to achieve greatness, you will be able to achieve it tomorrow, and if you cannot achieve it, you will not be able to achieve it even if you train for a hundred years.

Suddenly, I remembered the old man I met at the Demon God Castle. He said that if he achieved greatness, he would be given a choice regarding the Demon God.

What kind of choice is it and what kind of test will be given?

This is unknown at the moment.

And the relationship with the Heavenly Demon will also come to an end.

The Heavenly Demon spoke again.

[You bastard, you’re really cool.]

There were curses mixed in, but I knew that it was Heavenly Demon’s highest praise.

I answered with a boastful tone, trying to joke one more word with the Cheonma.

[Hehe. Do you know that now?]

* * *

Galsaryang’s reports continued every time he woke up.

One good news came to me when I woke up earlier.

It was said that they had succeeded in delaying the flow of funds from Cheondomun to be delivered to Majeol Army by one margin.

Gong Su-chan wrote numbers on the top and battlefield related to Cheondomun Gate.

Because the two of them worked together and did an excellent job of handling the tasks assigned to them, I was able to concentrate on my training.

Jjororong, Jjorororong.

I came into a dream again today.

As was my habit, I tried to fly into the air and put my sword in its sheath.

[Why here?]

[What do you mean suddenly? Why are you here?]

[Why is this place always in my dreams?]

[It’s good, right? It’s spacious and there are no people.]

[Yes, but.]

There were times when I woke up on the trail halfway up the mountain around this field, and other times I woke up at the lakeside a little distance away. Some days, I woke up near a waterfall with water flowing through the valley, and other times I woke up in a beautiful bamboo forest that was too precious to blow away. All those places were not far from this field.

Even on the first day, I felt curious, but I thought martial arts training came first, so I didn’t look into it further.

But now that the demon spirit had reached its final stage, I became curious.

Why here?

Today I planned to find out why.

I slowly began to walk as fast as I could. It was a familiar yet unfamiliar place. It certainly looks familiar, but no matter how much I remember, I’ve never been there before.

How far did you walk like that? At the end of the field, I stopped in shock.

From a distance, two people were walking towards this direction. They were a boy and a girl who looked to be about six years old. The boy was walking a few steps ahead, and the girl was following behind him.

The moment I saw them, a shiver ran through my body from shock and surprise.

They were two I knew. No matter how young you were, they were two people you couldn’t not know even if you tried to.

Those children were Byeokridan and Song Hwarin in their childhood.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t say anything.

The children walked in front of me but did not recognize my presence. I can’t see myself. This moment is a dream space and a slice of the past.

Byeokridan looked angry, and Song Hwarin was trying to appease him.

“Sorry. “I can’t help it.”

“Can’t I just go?”

“I promised Dad I would go.”

“Tsk! Then go away!”

“do not be angry. “I will train hard in martial arts and come back.”

I could tell. It was around that time when Song Hwa-rin left Shandong to learn her martial arts from that strange master.

When I first woke up as Byeokridan, Gwangdu was like that. Before leaving for martial arts training, the two were very close. I, too, have changed a lot since she left.

oh my god! Now that I think about it, the dream in which I continued to practice was not my dream, but Byeokridan’s dream!

I could understand why this place seemed familiar but I had never been there before.

But why?

Why am I dreaming of Byeokridan out of nowhere?

martial arts,

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