Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 256

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Opportunity flies like a bird (2)

When I returned to Jay safe house, I met Gal Sa-ryang.

Earlier, I told him about what happened in the Murim Alliance.

First, we talked about the most important issue with the King of Heaven.

“I am confident that I will win. But he’s not guaranteed to win.”

He spoke honestly as always. This is information to be conveyed to the general military. Even if you don’t know anything else, you should know this part accurately.

“That alone is amazing.”

Next, the story about Cheon So-seon and Ma Cheol-gun was told.

Gal Sa-ryang, who heard the whole story, was surprised.

“So, Cheon So-seon and Ma Cheol-gun, who became women, met each other… … oh my god! I thought I had been through all sorts of things together with the leader… … .”

I think Cheon So-seon will be as deeply hurt as Gal Sa-ryang’s surprise. But as long as he or she has walked the path of evil, that wound is an opportunity for me.

“I think if we make good use of their relationship, we can find out what they are making.”

“Yes, it certainly seems like there is room to dig into. “We will first conduct further investigation.”

“Please take charge of it.”

As he left the room, Cheonma spoke to him.

[The martial arts training you mentioned.]

[Did you find a way?]

[I thought about it carefully, and if Cheonkisimhwan-gong can’t withstand it, I don’t think other magic-gongs can withstand it either.]

[As expected.]

Well, since it was the best among similar types of magic techniques, the Heavenly Demon must have learned it.

[But a completely different magic trick came to mind. Have you ever heard of fantastic magic?]

[Gihwanmagong? I think I vaguely remember hearing about it.]

[This is a German magic technique taught by a phantom demon who was an elder at our school in my father’s generation. He was someone who cared for me a lot when I was young. At that time, the Hwanma said something like that. He said that he learns martial arts in his dreams.]

[That is absurd.]

[But it’s true.]

[what? Are you really learning martial arts in your dreams?]

[I was young at the time and hated martial arts training. So, I grumbled to the Hwanma that it would be nice to learn martial arts while sleeping, and that’s what he said back then. It was a magic technique called Mongryun Bisul (夢練?術).]

[So did you learn it?]

[learned. I actually tried it.]

[Do you remember all the details?]

[Of course. But I have never used this magic attack since then.]

[Why? It would be the best if you could learn martial arts while sleeping.]

[Because there were serious side effects.]

[What are the side effects?]

[First, after waking up, you suffer from a huge headache and hallucinations. It is said that the stronger your mental power, the fewer side effects, but in most cases, your head hurts like it will break.]

[This is a chance to test my mental strength. What are the other side effects?]

[This is the problem, you can fall into a dream demon or even be eaten by a dream demon.]

[Even so, it doesn’t seem to be a very dangerous martial art. I see what the Hwanma told you, the successor of the religion.]

[No, it is a very dangerous martial art. It is said that many disciples actually died. The reason he told me was because of the Blood Lightning Method I had learned. Because it was a higher level of magic than the magic he had learned, the side effects of the secret dream technique were not threatening.]

[I also learned the Blood Lightning method, right?]

[That’s why I say it.]

[Training in your dreams?]

I thought it was worth a try at least once. I was also curious about what it was like.

[Teach me.]

[Are you serious?]

Even after making the suggestion, the Heavenly Demon hesitated. He was not sure what kind of magic technique it was because he had not studied it in depth. Of course, it was a hesitation that stemmed from concern for me.

[I am a person who has mastered the magic of the demon spirit. At least I don’t think that something called a magician can harm me.]

Hearing these words, Cheonma also made up her mind.

[Okay, let’s give it a try.]

Cheonma began to teach the nine techniques of the secret magic of Mongryun, one of the magical magic techniques.

* * *

At the call of Majeolgun, Majyeongin came.

Both of them were trapped in the Murim Alliance civil war, with their inner strength suppressed. Fortunately, we could come and go, but we could not go outside.

“Why are you looking for this useless little brother?”

As soon as the Demon Spirit saw him, he began to utter a mocking remark. He still looked the same.

“I need money. “Contact your family and ask them to raise money.”

“money? “What are you going to use it for?”

The Demon Spirit’s eyes became stronger and he immediately raised a question.

“You don’t have to look at it so suspiciously because it’s meant to be used to deal with those guys.”

Ma Cheol walked to one side and leaned against the window. It was uncomfortable to face the demon spirit. The voice of a demonic spirit coming from behind.

“I am the lord of Cheondomun. “f*ck that nonsense!”

“I don’t just ask for it. “Lend it to me.”

“I also have ears to hear. There was a rumor that Cheonwang-gun had become wealthy? Is that why?”

“okay. he demanded. “If we refuse, we will die.”

Prince Ma Cheol kept quiet about his relationship with Cheon So-seon. He just hated it when demons got involved in his women’s problems. He’s definitely going to mess everything up.

“The Murim League was robbed, and now all the property in my house is being robbed? What on earth are you doing? If you’re going to act like an asshole like that, you’d rather die!”

Ma Cheol-gun frowned and turned around at Ma-ryeong-in’s verbal abuse.


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“You bastard! Do you think words are everything?”

“I even brought my father to see me like this… … .”


Majeolgun’s fist struck Demonyeongin’s face mercilessly. The magician toppled the table and rolled around on her floor. Even so, it was a punch without any real strength.

“Damn it!”


Ma Cheol-gun hit the wall with his fist nervously. He realized that even if he tried to grapple with the devil without any internal strength, he would only end up fighting the Parakho.

The Demon Spirit stood up and wiped the blood flowing from his burst lip with his sleeve.

“You lost a lot of temper? “I see you hit the wall, not me.”

“I’m frustrated too, so stop.”

The magician, who was staring at the back of Majeolgun for a moment, asked softly.

“how much?”

“As much as possible.”

“You’re going to give it all?”

“As long as you get your power back, you can always get your money back.”

“It’s probably a story about someone who can regain their strength. Yeah, sure. “If things continue like this, everything will be taken away, so I’d rather just use my generosity.”

“Well thought out.”

The demon spirit said before going out.

“You asked for my help and said we should join forces, right? If you really want to do that… … “Do it right.”

The demon came out, closing the door roughly.

He looked up at the sky. His interest was not power or revenge. It was ‘survival’.

“The last one standing is the winner. Okay, let’s see who survives.”

* * *

Crumbling, rumbling.

In my dream, I heard birdsong.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a clear sky. I slowly got up and realized that this was a dream world.

In other words, I was dreaming and waking up from a dream. Still in my dream, I was standing in a wide field.

“… … “Where?”

It definitely seemed like a place I had been to at some point, but I wasn’t sure where. It seems like you can’t decide the location of your dreams as you like.

Anyway, I knew this was a dream. This was my first time having such a clear lucid dream.

[It’s fascinating.]


The Heavenly Demon also seemed to be amazed by the dream magic after a long time. Normally, he would have boasted about magic, but he was also immersed in the world of dreams along with me.

[Maybe it’s because I’m just starting out, but I don’t see anything like a dream.]

The Heavenly Demon warned me at my words.

[Still, don’t let down your guard. Because you never know when and how Simma will come to you.]

[Honestly, aren’t we past the age where we fall into a fantasy?]

[I heard Simma is trying to determine her age?]

If so, I was rather curious. How will Simma come to me?

[Shall we bet? Is Simma coming or not? I’m betting it won’t come.]

[Is there any way you won’t come up when you’re making such a fuss like this? I’m betting on it coming.]

[If I were to bet, what should I bet?]

[Tell me anything.]

I spoke to the words of the Heavenly Demon.

[How about making your wish come true?]


The Heavenly Demon was surprised. I guess he never thought I would put such a condition on him.

[Are you a kid? Are you going to impose such childish conditions?]

[It’s fun, right?]

[Do you know what I wish for?]

[Are you going to do it or not?]

The Heavenly Demon made no reply to my urging.

After a while, the Heavenly Demon answered.

[I don’t do it.]

[Let’s do it, I think it’ll be fun?]

[done. You’re such a terrible person that even Simma won’t come.]

[You’re scared.]

[Think whatever you want.]

My suggestion was extremely accidental, but at the same time it contained my deep sincerity that is difficult to express in words. Anyway, if it were my wish, there would be no difference, but if it were his wish, it would be different.

But he refused. Perhaps this rejection also reflects his feelings?

I didn’t talk about him anymore.

[Now then, shall we practice?]

It flew up into the air. When I used martial arts, the feeling was slightly different from the reality. What should I say? Should I say I’m a bit drugged and dazed?

I tried to keep my wits about me. The efficiency of training will vary depending on my concentration.

A one-second type Hwangeomcheonpok was unleashed. As it spun, the sword of sword energy flew through the air continuously. The power of Hwangeomcheonpok, which had reached eight levels, now boasted incredible speed and power.

Boom! Kwaaaang! Boom!

The ground turned over.

I flew through the air with demonic flight.

As the two-second thunder sword lightning was unleashed, lightning began to strike from all directions, and the three-second sword sword trapped the rock and cut it into exactly the same size.

The four-chosen Jingeommuseong successively cut down giant trees in the distance, and the five-chocolate light-speed secret sword confirmed how big this dream world was.

The six-second style magic sword blood fight unfolded. This Yukcho-sik was also the reason why a new space was needed to practice martial arts.

The surroundings darkened and thunder struck.


Soon, the rain of sword energy began to pour down. When it was first unleashed, the demonic sword blood of the Demon God Gyeol that had reached the eight-star level was on a different level.

Instead of the surroundings becoming dark, the whole world became dark.


As strong black rain poured down, the place turned into hell.

Where else can you practice this martial art if not here?

Jjororong, Jjorororong.

I woke up to the sound of birds. Pleasant morning sunlight was coming through the window. It seems that the beginning and end of Mongryeon Secret Art always begins and ends with this pleasant bird song.


I vividly remembered practicing all night long.

[Are you okay? Doesn’t your head hurt?]

[It’s a bit heavy. How much of a hangover do you have?]

[shit. Your mental strength is incredible. I thought I would have been lying in bed for 10 days if I had practiced that aggressively all night.]

[Surprisingly it’s okay.]

[You are crazy!]

[ha ha ha.]

After laughing out loud, he expressed his gratitude to Cheonma.

[thank you.]

[Thank you. Since you listened to my request, I should also help you with the results of drinking.]

At that time, Galsaryang’s voice was heard outside.

“Did you cough?”

“Please come in.”

Gal Sa-ryang came inside. Gal Sa-ryang said with concern after seeing him sitting on the bed at a time when he would normally have already woken up.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve slept this late. “Are you feeling unwell at all?”

“No. I slept well. “It’s been a while since I had a dream.”

“What kind of dream is this?”

I grinned at him.

“It was a very nice dream.”

It was only then that Gal Sa-ryang’s expression relaxed.

“But what’s going on?”

“I have something to report regarding Cheon So-seon. After examining various circumstances, it seems that Cheon So-seon asked Ma Cheol-gun for money, and Ma Cheol-gun asked Ma Ryeong-in for it.”

Gal Saryang explained the reasons for drawing the conclusion.

“Immediately after their meeting, Macheolgun met Maeryeongin, and after that, he started moving to secure funds at Cheondomun Gate.”

In a situation where the King of Heaven is looking for money, all the pieces fall into place.

“Can we block Heavenly Island’s funds?”

“It may be impossible to completely prevent it, but it may be possible to delay it to some extent through various methods.”

“That’s enough.”

The plan is to block the financial lines and then attack Cheon So-seon in the meantime.

“yes. “We will immediately discuss this with the Public Relations Officer and implement it.”

“I hope you have a hard time.”

I just lay down on the bed.

Gal Sa-ryang, who was about to open the door and go out, widened his eyes again. The bed and I are truly an unsuitable combination.

“Are you sure you want to go back to sleep?”

“I suddenly feel better about sleeping.”

Galsaryang looked puzzled at my words, but soon realized that my expression was relaxed.

He said with a smile.

“Leave the outside work to us and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Thank you.”

I closed my eyes and began to chant according to the instructions of the secret dream technique.

[I can’t sleep.]

[shut up! Go to sleep.]

I won’t miss this opportunity. Cheon So-seon’s work and martial arts training.

Every time I wake up from my dream, I will feel stronger. It will come together to form the Demon God’s Soul and further reach greatness.

Opportunity is like a flying bird. It seems to be commonly seen, but it is out of reach and never lands anywhere. That’s why you have to seize the opportunity when it comes.

Jjororong, Jjorororong.

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