Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 254

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The richest man of all time (3)

“Let’s draw lots fairly.”

However, it was not possible for merchants to fight with each other, and it was not possible to do calculations using an abacus.


“I like it too.”

Two people accepted the offer of the dark target.

Darkness took two sheets of paper, marked one and folded the other without marking.

The remaining four people who were watching the series of events became nervous inwardly.

They were people who had absolutely no intention of giving up half of their wealth. The intention was that if he died, he would die and not give up his property.

However, as I watched others desperately draw lots, I became nervous inside.

I really thought I might die. I felt like I was a stubborn old man who was stubbornly alone as he jumped off one by one from a carriage heading towards a cliff.

However, it was impossible to give away half of one’s assets.

Their common sentiment was this.

‘How did you save this money?’

It’s money earned through all kinds of work. To earn this money, he had to shed tears from so many people’s eyes that the blood shed along with the tears flowed like a river.

But you want me to give up half? It was truly an absurd sound.

“ah! “I lived!”


There were many people who won the lottery. Seeing him cheering, Gusang shouted.

“If you choose only five people, doesn’t that mean you are planning to sacrifice us to this guy and only you will live?”

When I heard the word sacrifice, my stomach instantly froze.

The dark target did not miss this opportunity.

“A sacrifice? A sacrifice! “How can you say this about me?”

Although he spoke sternly as if scolding him, he deliberately repeated the word sacrifice twice.

“Then don’t limit the number and accept everyone you want.”

“That’s impossible. “The five are also something I obtained through special circumstances for you.”

“Persuade him further.”

“I can’t do that. Look. “Do you really think I would betray you?”

“The target may not do that, but… … .”

Gusang’s eyes turned to the other four people next to him.

There were four more people who were likely to betray.

There was silence for a moment. The suspicion that began with the word sacrifice weighed on everyone. A family that came together naturally.

‘What if it were me?’

The expressions of the five people who were not selected hardened.

Wouldn’t you betray yourself if you were in the opposite position? What if I could sacrifice my partner and live? In that case, can we be sure that we can keep our loyalty?

Betrayal may be difficult if you are alone. But if there were five, the guilt would be one-fifth.

The remaining four people finally realized it. That this was not a matter of fair choice.

Another option is out there. The choice to sell this side and survive on their own.

Can’t we just sell this side first?

Can not be done. Because there was a Byeokridan over there to protect them.

The four people looked at each other. They all happened at the same time without any question of who was first.

“I will participate too!”

“We will pay half as well.”

“Don’t abandon us!”

“Let’s work together in harmony!”

They shouted frantically.

The target of darkness made an embarrassed expression. Of course, no one could see the triumphant smile hidden behind that face.

The object of darkness sighed deeply and said.

“Good. Considering our relationship with you, I will ask him again. “I don’t know if it will work or not, but I will definitely kneel down and protect everyone.”

Four people gathered around the subject.

“Thank you.”

“We will only believe in the target.”


“Please save us!”

Darkness, who was watching, felt afraid.

It was a dark target that was selling them out while hearing them say thank you. It was also a moment to see once again how meticulous and scary he was.

* * *

“The dark target succeeded in persuading them.”

I said with a smile upon Baekpyo’s report.

“You can do it too.”

“I thought it would take a long time to persuade him because he was so greedy, but surprisingly, he did it easily.”

“The more things you have to protect, the more difficult it is to make the right choice.”

The Dark Target was in a desperate situation. He would have exhausted all possible means to deal with the dark ideals.

Even if the dark target failed anyway, the result would not have been much different.

I planned to kill all of their subordinates who came with me and torture them as well.

I was determined to punish them all anyway. They were people who created a dark world and accumulated wealth through illicit methods. At the end of this project, I plan to leave you completely penniless.

However, if you voluntarily give up money like this, the period will be much shorter. Because the property of eight people could be disposed of at the same time.


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It would not be known until the work was finished how much the amount would be. Anyway, one thing was certain.

“Congratulations. “You have become the best in the Central and South Koreas, no, the best of all time.”

“ha ha ha. “So it happened.”

In my past life, I lived my entire life without any connection to money. Money was not the goal in this life either. By accumulating money to deal with powerful enemies, he accumulated enormous wealth.

“It doesn’t matter how rich you are, but what you do with that money is important.”

“Aren’t you the person you don’t need to worry about that much?”

“Haha, you never know. “You go to Seongwangbo and find out who among the warriors brought by Tensang should be saved and who should be killed.”

“all right.”

Everyone will be busy from now on. Gal Sa-ryang and Gong Su-chan had to take over their property, and the White and Black Panthers would have to help with the task and escort the two.

When Baekpyo left, Cheonma said.

[Ahm, that guy doesn’t know. How obscene and dark your inner thoughts are.]

[It must be because you are in it.]

[Hehe, is that really the case?]

[Let’s stop talking nonsense and have a drink to celebrate.]

[ah! Drinking is good.]

After preparing the drink, I summoned him to Cheongisimhwangong.

As soon as he saw me, he said with an excited face.

[Well, now that we’ve earned a ton of money, let’s go have fun! You get to meet all the beauties in Kangho! Throw away Song Sojeo! Let’s just play! Enjoy!]

[The embodiment of frustration has awakened again.]

[It must be a guide to joy.]

[What kind of money is this?]

[Hey! Regardless of whether one is greedy for money or not, it is an incredible thing for an individual to have billions of nyang. I guess you are the first since Kangho was created?]

[is it?]

[Why is the response so lukewarm?]

[Actually, neither you nor I know much about money, right? You lived a rich life by just giving away thousands of won, but you never thought deeply about money, right?]

[but. That’s right.]

[You invest in your subordinates, you do good things, you use it to enjoy things, as you said, there must be a lot of things to use. Let’s think about it slowly. Now, take a drink.]

[Hahaha! Let’s get a drink from the richest man of all time.]

I drank a lot with Cheonma until late at night. This work, which started as the son of the Heavenly Demon, was ending with truly tremendous results.

* * *

In Shaanxi, the work was done quickly and quickly.

I scattered all their minions. Through Seongwangbo, those who should be killed were identified.

Even though it was an order, the vicious people who enjoyed killing were brutally cut down in front of everyone.

Those who had not committed a sin worthy of death were scattered on the spot. There was no need to threaten with force. Now your master has said he can’t give you any more money. They all left there quietly. They were warriors whose contracts were strictly based on money, not loyalty.

The assets of the eight Dark Ten Masters were absorbed into me one after another. Since I had previous experience with dark abnormalities and objects, the work was done very skillfully and quickly.

Seongwangbo, who was known to have betrayed and joined the Cheonwanggun, helped the work without anyone knowing, making the job much easier.

In this way, half of the eight people’s assets were absorbed.

Their respective assets ranged from 500 million nyang to 700 million nyang. The property he acquired in this way was 2.4 billion nyang. When combined with the money I originally had, it came to 4.1 billion nyang.

Gong Su-chan came and gave me a ledger showing where and how the money went.

In my name, I put 300 million nyang in each of the three major battlegrounds in Jungwon, 900 million nyang, distributed them to small and medium-sized battlefields, and 100 million nyang, and so on, 1 billion nyang.

The rest were all distributed and invested in dozens of merchants in the central region, centered on Taeseong Merchants.

Taking their money wasn’t just about increasing my money. This has the effect of slowing down as much time as possible for the Heavenly King to achieve something new.

“Now, let’s go back quickly.”

“What about them?”

“We should take him and take care of him. “Later, even the marrow will be sucked out.”

All your possessions will be taken until the last penny is left. But not yet. Because we had to use the dark target to deal with the Heavenly King’s army.

* * *

Before heading back, I stopped by the Son of Heavenly Demon.

Baek Seong-won woke up from his hospital bed and had completed his recovery.

“I heard you helped me a lot. thank you.”


“But how did you know about Cheonyang Baekcheonsa?”

It was the name that Cheonma left to Baek Seong-won’s mother. The only link is to leave contact there when times are difficult. I heard through my son that I mentioned the name of that place.

“I also received orders from a noble person.”

I was announced as a subordinate of the Heavenly Demon. Because it was the most natural thing.

“What about him?”

“He’s already passed away.”

“As expected, you said that.”

Baek Seong-won smiled lonelyly. Everyone knew that the Blood Heavenly God Church was destroyed. It was the same when the Heavenly Demon died in the last fight.

“But I did it just in case. “My father might be alive somewhere.”

Baek Seong-won revealed what he had hidden in his heart.

“Honestly, I didn’t know much when I was young. To be honest, I was scared of my father who came to see me. “He was really blunt.”

“It was only because of his personality that he expressed it that way, but he must have really cared for Baek Mu-in.”

“Yes, I know how you felt after raising your son. By the time he realized it, it was already too late.”

He looked at me and smiled slightly. It may be that parents and children are things that we only know in passing, but it is still that feeling that touches our hearts the most.

“This is what he left behind.”

I held out the envelope. It was an amount decided after discussion with Cheonma. It wasn’t a lot of money. Enough money to get you back to where you were before you were in the hospital. That added up to enough money to live comfortably for several years. Cheonma took my advice that suddenly too much money could shake up his life.

I gave him something else as a gift instead.

“The Shaanxi Tianyang Baiquan Temple is still valid. In the future, if you encounter a difficult situation in your life that you cannot overcome, please send a message there. “This is my father’s legacy.”

“Ah, Father, you never abandoned us until the end.”

Baek Seong-won eventually shed a tear.

In addition, I placed a special branch and expert of Samangak here. Orders were given to never intervene in their lives and to protect them from afar.

After saying goodbye to their family and leaving the house, Cheonma spoke.


I couldn’t see it or feel it, but when my son cried earlier, I thought that maybe the Heavenly Demon also shed tears.

[Thank you.]

Seeing Cheonma’s son, grandson, and even great-grandson made me feel envious on the one hand and fearful on the other.

Will I be able to raise my child well?

[Don’t be jealous.]

[What should I do?]

[marriage. Just live freely and alone.]

[Is this the leisure of someone who has tried it?]

[This is advice from someone who has been harmed.]

[ha ha ha. What did you do to me like that?]

[I don’t know, but it bothers me a lot. Family is not easy for people like us.]

Yes, I know. Because that was a big reason why I lived alone in my past life.

[What about Hwarin?]

[When we open Bimuchoqin (比武招親), men will be lining up from Hubei to Shaanxi. He is smart and will live a hundred times better than you. So don’t worry about her.]

[ha ha ha.]

[You have to sacrifice too much for a little bit of joy. Don’t forget what I said!]

I know it’s half joking and half serious. Today, I think he would make a joke about getting married, but he is on the other side.

I could guess what he was feeling.

It’s so good. So much so that I can’t control my emotions. So much so that I want to live next to those kids. It’s contradictory, but that’s why I want to stop it. Sometimes, when something is too good, you want to run away.

He kicked the ground and soared into the air with Demon God Buun.

[Let’s deal with the ones that need to be dealt with first, and then think about it later.]

[It’s good! Kill them all!]


Immediately afterwards, I flew through the sky, cutting through the refreshing wind in a magical flight.

The destination was Hubuk, where the Murim Alliance was located.

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