Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 251

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When darkness falls (3)

A tense air current flowed in the room.

The Cheonwanggun card he brought out was very powerful. Because he was at the core of my fight.

“It’s frustrating. Let’s go out for a while.”

It seemed like they wanted to remind us of the defeat in the first battle by changing the location.

I gladly accepted the offer of the dark target.

“Let’s do that.”

When we came out, we stood shoulder to shoulder and looked toward the yard. In the distance, I saw a white leopard and a black sword standing a little apart in the yard.

He looked up at the sky.

“The weather is always nice like this on days when things aren’t going well.”

“Have you ever had a time when things didn’t work out?”

“Why wasn’t it me? “If you have money, troubles arise.”

“Don’t you have too much money to apply such a general theory?”

“is it? “I think it’s still not enough.”

“You are very greedy.”

“I live with that greed.”

He honestly stated his desires. This is also a speech technique to manipulate the other person. If the truth is told in an unimportant but powerful and impressive part, an optical illusion is created that this person is truthful. By pretending to be honest, you are lying about something crucial.

“The sky is so clear.”

There really wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. The sky looked like someone had painted it with blue paint.

Suddenly, the old man came to mind.

“The sky I believe in is neither on the side of good nor on the side of evil.”

As I stood side by side with the dark object and looked at the sky, I felt confident.

‘The heaven I believe in is on the side of good.’

Yes, there will be as many heavens as each person has faith.

[I can’t do anything even if I listen to the stuffy old school bullies.]

[What are you talking about all of a sudden?]

[Haha, just like that.]

[It’s bland. Anyway, what are you going to do with this guy? Just kill it! I’m thinking about killing him.]


It would have been simple to handle it that way, but it couldn’t be done. If sending subordinates to Shandong was not a bluff, many people would die.

We pushed hard to break its momentum, but we couldn’t bring about innocent sacrifices.

Big things require big sacrifices?

I said this with my own mouth to deceive him, but please don’t make me laugh.

Who decided that big deal and for whom is it a big deal? There is no such thing as a big thing that cannot protect the little things. It shouldn’t exist.

Eventually, the object of darkness opened its mouth.

“Torture me and you will not gain my fortune.”

“Why is that?”

“When Lee Sang’s wealth came into the world, I knew you were absorbing his wealth. “But you are not the only ones targeting our property.”

The moment I heard that, one name naturally came out.


“Yeah, he’s after our money too.”

“How did you know?”

“His grandson, Cheon So-seon, is looking for me. We’re using every means we can. “At first he thought it was revenge for what happened in the past.”

In the past, they hired me to kill King Cheon and Soseon Cheon. Of course, this was before the Heavenly Kings succeeded in Dafa.

“Meanwhile, I received information that Cheon So-seon was attracting money from all over. Not only are they tampering with the funds of the Murim Alliance, but they are also stealing money from the wealthy’s bosses and merchant merchants.”

Information related to the flow of money would have been obtained most quickly and accurately by the dark target.

“You know well about King Cheonwang’s martial arts, right? With his incredible martial arts skills and control of the Murim Alliance, why would he try to raise money? So he looked into it again. Yes. “It was possible because my non-envy remained in the Murim Alliance.”

“What was the reason?”

“Recently, they have been making something in the underground secret room of Maengjujeon.”


The dark object shook its head.

“I couldn’t figure it out that far. “I could only guess that it would cost a lot of money.”

He looked at me and said.

“I have given an order to give all my property to the King of Heaven if something happens to me. If my money goes to him, he will achieve what he wants in an instant. “I assure you, this is absolutely not what you want.”

“Give it to me.”


“Give it all to King Cheonwang. “It doesn’t matter.”

As expected, it was something unexpected, so the target of darkness was surprised again. No, this time I was angry.

“shit! Damn it!”

The first method is the same, and the second method is also the same. He was choosing extreme measures.

“Was I that scared?”

He still looked at me with an angry look on his face.

“You killed the blood seller and closed Yasi in two days. This is the first time since the underground world was created. I am guessing that the reason why the King of Heaven is trying to create something is because of you. But are you asking me why you were that scared? Okay, I’ll answer you. “I am so scared of you that I have to threaten to kill all the people of Shandong and that I have to choose to give my property to the King of Heaven.”

Does he feel like a coward? no. I actually thought he was a really smart person.

He decided that force could never be used.

It’s a wise choice. If he had chosen force, it would have been easiest for me to deal with it.

Instead, he discovered the most powerful option available when force does not work.


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Those were things that shook me. If it were me in my past life, I would have been caught. Because I wouldn’t have been able to tolerate even the slightest possibility of innocent victims becoming innocent victims because of me.

But after being reborn, I am not the same person I used to be. My thinking became more flexible, and I was able to see more deeply into the nature of evil.

Now I think about the back side of things. Turn over to see what’s behind it. I have changed a lot and am still changing.

“Why did you come to me when you said you were so scared? Is Lee Sang such a precious person? “Is he even a hidden son?”

“son? “I don’t want to raise such ungrateful people who will want my money as they grow up.”

“Why did you risk your life if you did that?”

“I am now being chased by both you and the Heavenly King Army. If we keep going like this, one of us will get killed anyway. That’s for sure. I would rather join hands with you and deal with the Heavenly King first. To be honest, I wanted to get rid of at least one of them and deal with the remaining one.”

“Why did you join hands with me first? “You could have joined hands with that guy and come to catch me, right?”

“Even so, I’m regretting it now. “It would be better.”

I chuckled at his self-deprecating joke.

Of course, there was definitely a reason why he chose me.

“Have you ever seen King Cheonwang?”

“Nothing is right.”

“I don’t have one either. But I know what the situation is. “He is a monster whose humanity has been destroyed.”

Well, now I had to make a decision.

Should we destroy the dark object here and now? If not, should we join hands with him and deal with the Heavenly King Army first?

It felt like a better option to join hands with him and eliminate the Heavenly King Army. That’s because the King of Heaven was so powerful. Because I didn’t know the end, and I didn’t know what he was trying to do. Obviously, the Dark Target will be of great help.

Nevertheless, the reason I was worried was because I knew very well that this dark target was also very difficult to deal with.

This is true even if you look at the first plan. A condition was put on the line, risking the lives of all Shandong people. This guy is not human either.

The Dark Object saw me worrying and said.

“Listen and don’t be offended. I also have a third defense plan prepared. Since the opponent is you, do you think you brought only this snout? They brought all the kids who fight really well. Of course it won’t kill you. If I could have killed him, there would have been no need to say such lame things. Anyway, if chaos breaks out, even if I can’t kill you, my subordinate will die. Again, don’t feel bad. “It’s not a threat, I’m just telling the truth.”

“Ask everyone to come out.”


“Let’s see if there’s really an uproar and if that person dies. “Ask everyone to come out.”

Of course, he couldn’t give the order.


The Sura Myeongwang Sword was pulled out and floated in the air.

The dark target was startled. The black sword standing far away was also startled.


The next moment, my sword became light and split the air.

It was not aimed at the black sword. It was towards the wall in the distance.


It was a wall made of stone, and it sounded like the head was being pierced.

A scream was heard from beyond the wall.


The sound of a sword scraping against the wall was heard.

Different screams were heard one after another.

The Sura Myeongwang Sword burst through the wall again. It flew towards the opposite wall.

Shhh! Phew!

This time too, I easily broke through the wall.

The sound of a sword cutting through the wind was heard, followed by the sound of flesh splitting.


Papa pa pa pa paak!

Because there was a wall blocking it, I couldn’t see what was going on. However, various screams continued.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Puff, puff, puff!

The wind noises made by the sword were diverse, and the resulting sounds were also diverse. Whatever the sound, it was always followed by a scream.


The sword scraped against the wall, followed by a cruel scream.


I also heard heavy drinking.


I could hear the sound of the cool wind blowing through my chest one after another.

All of this was happening behind an invisible wall.

Hearing that sound, the object of darkness could not even sigh with despair in its eyes.

How can you kill people you can’t even see? And where are they usually experts? Considering the skills of the subordinates in hiding, this was absolutely impossible.

At least there isn’t a single one jumping over the wall. This meant that what was happening behind the scenes was urgent.

I even had that thought. It may be that other warriors were hiding behind the wall and took them by surprise.

The sound of the sharp wind that started from the left blew holes in the walls on all sides and whipped around in all directions.

When the target of darkness came to his senses, he saw that the Sura Myeongwang Sword was aimed at his face.


The walls on all sides collapsed.

The scene unfolding behind.

All the warriors hiding behind the wall were lying dead.

Among them were law enforcement merchants who boasted that if all nine of us gathered together, we could definitely defeat Byeokridan.

They all died without even seeing their faces.

The only person who survived there was Black Sword. He just stood there blankly, shocked. He spared him on purpose.

The blood on the sword was dripping.

“… … “It is a martial art from heaven and earth.”

Many thoughts passed through the mind of the dark target who uttered a single word like a sigh. These were thoughts that only a person about to die could experience.

His whole body was shaking.

Finally, for the first time, he showed his fear. It’s probably a feeling I haven’t felt in a very long time.

He struggled to look up at the sky. He couldn’t bear to look at me, who had done all this in an instant, not to mention the Sura Myeongwang sword aimed at him. I was so shaken and scared that my legs were shaking.

He said in a trembling voice.

“I wonder if it’s like this… … .”

He couldn’t stop talking, but I knew what he was saying.

In fear of this, they prepared for the Shandong Massacre and came up with a plan to give property to the King of Heaven. But none of it worked.

“You… … “What do you want?”

“Now you look like a businessman. If he counted right, he should have been like that from the start. “I’m not going to make trivial threats.”

“… … “I’m sorry.”

He looked at me and lowered his head.

“Tell me. “What do you want?”

My eyes looking down at him were still cold. This guy is really picky. He is a man who will do anything to live. At any moment he will put a knife in my back to keep himself alive.

Of course, that made me feel at ease.

Because it was just someone I could stick a pipe into and suck everything out of it. We have enjoyed it for hundreds of years, so now is the time to spit it out.

“What do people want when all they have is money? Give yourself and half of the remaining Dark Tenjang’s assets.”

The dark target was startled.



Of course, ultimately all their property will be taken away.

“They will not give up their wealth.”

“It’s up to you to let it go. Either die here or get even half of it. “You choose.”

Of course, it was not an easy decision to make.

“Unfortunately for you, I am not desperate for your money. Anyway, I have money that I can’t use all of my life. It doesn’t matter if you just kill it. “If you refuse, you will die right here.”

“If we give up the money… … .”

I said coldly, interrupting him.

“The condition is to bet after putting down the money.”

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