Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 240

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Will it become a typhoon? (4)

My palm touched Song Hwa-rin’s chest. Her whole body was thrilled by the soft feel of her body.

Song Hwarin grabbed my wrist.

“I don’t like it here.”

Those words made me even more excited. Song Hwa-rin was making a plan. The affection for me that had been steadily building exploded today.

Yes, this shouldn’t happen here in the training hall where anyone can come.

He held her tightly and showed off his courage.


A while ago, a blood seller was brought into Cheongisim Hwan-gong. At that time, her blood seller had learned her extreme skill and succeeded in attracting her by taking advantage of her martial skill.

However, Song Hwarin did not learn boating. In other words, it was her first attempt at attracting ordinary people.

As I looked around, her eyes naturally followed mine.


She was surprised.

We were in the middle of a field with no end in sight.

He succeeded in drawing her into the world of Cheon Gi-sim Hwan-gong.

I was worried that she might get confused if I did it in the same place, so I used the lawn a little away from the training ground as a reference point to create Cheon Gisim Hwan-gong’s world.

That also made the lawn enormously larger.

The reason why this attempt was successful was because I was in close contact with her, my wish for success was more earnest than ever, and my martial arts skills improved dramatically after learning the demonic spirit.

“How can this be?”

That wasn’t what mattered now. I said to the surprised woman.

“It’s just us.”

She was startled by those words.

I kissed her lips again. She lightly bit Song Hua Lin’s lip, feeling the soft touch, and then went out to find her tongue again.

I was even more excited by the soft exclamation she let out. The lips fell apart and came back together again and again.

At first she started it, but now my emotions were running wild.

It was a feeling of desperation that I had felt for the first time in a long time.

I wanted to make her my woman.

I had met many women in my past life, but I had never felt this way.

I took off my jacket and laid it on the grass.

And he laid her down on it. She was nervous. She lowered her eyes slightly and was unable to make eye contact with me.

My hands were shaking as I removed her clothes. She was so beautiful that she could be considered the most beautiful mummy in the world, beyond Shandong.

It was the moment when the beautiful body hidden under clothes was revealed to the world.


Without realizing it, I let out a soft exclamation.

It was so beautiful. Her pure white skin was so transparent and clear that it made you wonder if a person practicing martial arts could be this beautiful. It was soft and smooth.

The bulging breasts, slim waist, elastic thighs, and smooth legs literally shook my heart. I have never seen such a beautiful woman’s body in my life.

We often emphasize the nobility of the mind rather than the body.

But at least at this moment I can say.

That physical attraction can trump anything else. Her body gave me as much excitement and joy as the emotional unity of my heart.

I hugged her tightly. She could feel the warmth of her body. Her trembling was felt.

She whispered so softly that it was barely audible.

“love you.”

“me too.”

That’s how we became one.

* * *

After a dream-like time, we sat side by side in the field.

The wind blew and blew her hair.

Is it because of my mood? She seemed much more mature.

We put our clothes back on, but she couldn’t look at my face, perhaps because she was embarrassed by the intense love we had made just moments ago.

Sometimes love creates unexpected situations. Because when I woke up this morning, I had no idea that I would end up sharing my love with her like this.

I know. How many strong people died trying to protect their loved ones. What a burden it is to have someone you truly love. Because that love became the greatest weakness to the enemy.

But I also know.

Nevertheless, that love is worth it all.

“This martial arts skill is so amazing.”

She couldn’t talk about the love she shared earlier. Both she and I were embarrassed.

“It’s magic.”

“A magic craft?”

She looked at me in surprise. She did not tell her of the existence of her Heavenly Demon. If I knew someone was inside my body, I would be so embarrassed that they slept with me before.

I believe in the Heavenly Demon. At least when I was with her she would fall asleep on her own. Isn’t the Heavenly Demon also a man? Isn’t he curious? Of course there is. But at the same time… … Because we are also friends. I trust him.

“When your martial arts reach the level, the distinction between righteous and sama will become meaningless.”

“Will that day ever come for me?”

“It will come someday. “Unless you give up your martial arts training until the end.”

She nodded.

It was a normal conversation, but I felt it. Her eyes towards me have changed. She may be feeling the same way. Because her eyes would have changed as much as my feelings for her had deepened.

“Let’s stay a little longer and then go out.”


She leaned her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelled nice.


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she asked.

“Aren’t the enemies strong?”


“No matter what… … You can’t die. I’m going to die. It’s an unfortunate thing to say, but… … However, hissing actually makes people more anxious. So let me just say it. do not die. Never die. “If you die and leave me behind, I will never forgive you.”


A thought suddenly occurred to me.

Maybe one day I will have the opposite problem.

* * *

After a sad farewell, I left the island and returned to the safe house where Galsaryang and Baekpyo were.

Gal Sa-ryang asked, relieved that I was safe.

“Have you met Prince Cheonwang?”

“I met you.”

“How did you feel about him?”

“He was really great. “If you fight me, your odds of winning are half and half.”

In particular, you must tell Gal Sa-ryang accurately. Military operations should always be based on clear facts.

Baekpyo was rather surprised to hear the word ‘half and half’.

“I felt that the Lord’s accomplishments were great, but I had no idea it would be to that extent.”

“You got lucky this time.”

“It’s really fortunate.”

When Baekpyo was relieved, Galsaryang spoke.

“If the leader wasn’t there, the operation to deal with them in the first place would have been meaningless.”

It must have been so. What strategy would work against that ignoble bastard?

Next, Gal Sa-ryang raised a question.

“But there is one thing that bothers me.”

“What is that?”

“This guy has the skills to crush the Macheol Army. With that level of skill, he could have ascended to the position of leader himself, but he still placed Ma Cheolgun in the position of leader. “I think he has something else up his sleeve.”

“It certainly is.”

“Finding out what that purpose is is the top priority.”

“Thank you soldier for your hard work.”

“All right. Oh, and look at this.”

Gal Sa-ryang held out a piece of paper. It was full of various lists and numbers.

“This is the money that King Seongbao gave us after disposing of the upper part of the continent.”

I was surprised when I checked the contents.

“There are so many?”

The amount was over 200 million nyang.

“Continental Sangdan is one of the three major Sangdans in the Central Plains. In fact, its value cannot be converted into money. “If we had taken the time to dispose of it properly, we would have made more money, but we disposed of it as quickly as possible.”

“Good job.”

“During that process, the Gong Gong-gwan went through a lot of hardships.”

Now we have secured an enormous amount of funding. The top business that Gong Soo-chan is carrying out will gain even more strength.

If I had my way, it was only a matter of time before Taesung Sangdan became Kangho Jeil Sangdan.

However, I did not necessarily give such an order to Gong Su-chan. Since they were deep in hiding, there was no need for us to come forward either.

“Where is King Seongbo now?”

“We are taking him away from the dark world and taking him to a secret place. According to Seong Wangbo, they declared bankruptcy.”

“Declared bankruptcy?”

“yes. “They all closed down their businesses and went into deep hiding.”

“It won’t be easy to find.”

“yes. Still, we will move people secretly and track their movements.”

The currently revealed enemies were Cheonwanggun and Cheon Soseon, and the hidden enemy was the Dark Target.

There was only one thing I had to do while Gal Sa-ryang set up the plan and tracked his movements.

“From now on, I will begin martial arts training. “If there is an emergency, please let me know right away.”

“All right.”

The key to this fight was whether or not the Cheonwanggun could be killed.

Fortunately, the achievement of my demonic determination was only three stars.

I couldn’t be happier that there are still many steps left to take.

I created a large training hall using the training hall of the safe house as a reference point.

The Heavenly Demon appeared.

[You ended up sleeping with her.]

[You didn’t steal it, right?]

[This crazy guy! How do you see me?]

[believe. I was able to sleep because I believed in it.]

[You really say that.]

Rather, the Heavenly Demon was embarrassed. It wasn’t something I was comfortable talking about either, so I naturally changed the topic.

[Did you see a guy named Cheonwanggun?]

[I saw it.]

[how was it?]

[It was amazing. But what kind of Dafa did he learn? I can’t believe I sense your presence from so far away. Besides, it flew by in an instant.]

[He must have learned martial arts that are almost equivalent to that of a demon, or it was a technique that allowed him to show such movements.]

[There is no such thing as martial arts. It must be demonstrating some strange Dafa power.]

[Anyway, I need to increase my Demon God’s Resolve achievement. You help me.]


[Be my partner.]

[oh my god! How can I handle your martial arts skills?]

[But you are the strongest person I know, right?]

[shit! I’m going to die to my heart’s content.]

[thank you.]

* * *

Ten days after that.


I rolled around on the floor with a loud noise. Heavenly Kishen Hwan-gong was unable to withstand the martial arts of Demon Spirit and was destroyed.

I shouted urgently.

[are you okay? hey! Cheon Gwang! Are you okay?]

[I’m fine.]

I breathed a sigh of relief at Cheonma’s answer. This was my first time experiencing something like this, so I was worried that something would happen to the Cheonma who was fighting with me.

[Were you worried that I might be dead?]

[No way.]

Contrary to my blunt response, I was worried. At least I didn’t want to lose the Heavenly Demon in such a ridiculous situation.

The achievement of Demon God’s Gyeol, which was three stars, has now reached five stars. Two steps were achieved in ten days. Demon God Gyeol also followed the general case of rapid growth until Chilseong.

Of course, I worked hard for the past ten days without much sleep. Of course, Cheonma’s help was great in the process. Cheonma must have died a hundred more times in that time. Even though he died in the world of Cheon Gi-sim Hwan-gong, who comes back to life, the feeling of death must have been really dirty.

However, Cheonma did not show any displeasure and helped me with my martial arts training as if it were his own work.

While I was continuing my training, a problem arose today.

Heavenly Qishin Huan-gong was unable to withstand the power of the demon spirit that had reached five stars.

The power of martial arts has definitely changed compared to when it was Samsung.

The seven herbivores of Demon God Sword.

The first herbal medicine Hwangeomcheonpok.

Jay Chosik’s lightning sword attack.

The third herbivorous worker bee black jade.

Jingeommuseong of the ancestral rite ceremony.

Zeocho-type light speed secret sword.

Jeyukchosik Demon Sword Hyeolwoo.

Seventh herbal magic sword.

All herbivores became faster and stronger. Of course, because the great success had not been achieved, the Seventh Chosik could not be used yet.

Instead, even the six-second meal has changed markedly.

For example, in the case of the One Second Style Hwangeom Cheonpok, eight swords made of sword energy appear around the Sura Myeongwang Sword aimed at the front. It is a martial arts technique in which sword-shaped swords continuously fly and explode while rotating around the real sword in the center.

Now the rotation speed is much faster. In other words, the speed at which swords of sword energy are created has increased. In addition, the power of the explosion became stronger.

The scary thing about Demon God’s Gyeol was that in order to become this powerful, the amount of internal energy consumed actually decreased.

It felt like it was becoming more and more perfect.

[Anyway, where do I train now?]

Other herbivorous types simply find places in reality without people, but the six herbivorous Demonic Sword Hyeolwu could not be trained carelessly.

The reason why Cheon Ki-shen Huan-gong was destroyed this time was because he could not withstand the Demon Sword and Blood Rain.

[There is one place that comes to mind.]

[Where is it?]

Then, a completely unexpected answer flowed from the Heavenly Demon’s mouth.

[In the water.]

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