Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 237

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Will it become a typhoon?(1)

From the moment I first heard the word ‘Mashingyeol’, I felt that it was destined to connect with me.

But that doesn’t mean I want to become a demon. I just walked as fate led me.

“My choice?”

“Yes, depending on your choice, you may or may not become a demon. Besides, not everyone who wants to become a demon can become one.”

“What choice is that?”

“If you achieve great success in Demon God, you will have the opportunity to choose to become a Demon God. “The choice is yours then.”

I felt fortunate. If I had to make that decision right now, I would have been so embarrassed.

Crucially, I am old enough to understand the double-edged sword of the word immortality. That living forever is not a blessing.

“Then let’s break up for today.”

“Will I be able to see you again?”

“How can a person know his future?”

Then the Heavenly Demon spoke.

[Let me see him for a moment.]

[i get it.]

I said to the old man.

“The friend I drank with earlier wants to meet you.”


When permission was given, I built this room with all my might.

The old man stayed in his place as if he had been in this new room from the beginning.

The Heavenly Demon appeared.

He immediately bowed deeply to the old man.

[Meet the Demon God.]

The old man said with a strange smile.

[Do you think I am your god?]

[That’s right.]

It was natural for the Heavenly Demon to think so. Otherwise, how would he know the demonic spirit and be able to enter this Heavenly Qixin Huangong?

The Heavenly Demon raised his head and looked at the old man.

[Are you not?]

The old man said with a smile.

[You will find out who I am later.]

The old man walked to the wall.

Then a door appeared in the wall where there was originally nothing. The old man opened the door and disappeared.

I thought that someday, if I achieve great success, the door to that test might open again.

What choice will I make then? Now I don’t know.

Now, only Cheonma and I are left here.

[It’s finally over.]

[Good job.]

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]


[Let’s shake hands.]

He approached the Heavenly Demon and held out his hand. The Heavenly Demon took a step back and said.

[What kind of modification is this?]

I could sense that he was really embarrassed.

The Heavenly Demon spoke quickly again.

[In which powerhouse is it said that the Murim lord and the demonic cult leader shake hands?]

[Instead of the Murim Lord and the Demonic Cult Leader, let’s use Ha-jin and Cheon-gwang.]

At that moment, passion flashed across the Heavenly Demon’s face and his eyes shook.

[This young guy!]

[You did that before, right? He’s not even a few years older than me.]

Cheonma chuckled, probably remembering what happened at that time.

[Damn you! This is just this one time.]

He took my hand. There was no need to thank him. Because this handshake contained all my gratitude for him.

Now I have something to ask him. He said that he had a favor to ask in exchange for passing on the drink.

[What do you want?]

[I’ve been away for a long time, so I’ll go back first.]

It was a consideration to take care of my family and subordinates first.

Seeing that he answered without hesitation, it seemed like he had already made up his mind to do this.

[Okay, let’s go back first.]

* * *

Masters gathered at the Murim League’s main guest hall.

They were the heads of each sect who gathered together with the message of the Murim League.

Each person sat in the seat with his or her name written on it. He was present most of the time, but there were some empty seats here and there. The representative organization was Tianmanghoe, and it also included Shandong Byeok Clan Inspection, Song Jajang, and Yang Sobang.

It was revealed that it was Byeokridan in the Dark World, but it was not yet known to the Heavenly Kings Army or the Magic Iron Army. So I didn’t know the reason for my non-attendance. In addition, there were many sects who did not attend.

“I heard a strange rumor.”

The person who spoke carefully was Chungyang, the head of Jeonginmun. Those around him looked at him.

Lee Do Bangju (利刀?主) Ju Myung (走命), who was sitting across from me, asked.


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“What rumor are you talking about?”

“It was a rumor that trouble had occurred in the Murim Alliance.”

“What are you talking about?”

Chongyang hesitated to answer, then lowered his voice and spoke.

“They say there was a rebellion.”

For a moment, there was silence around.

At that time, Hong Jong, the great swordsman who was sitting next to Chungyang, shook his head and decided.

“It’s a rumor. “This time, the Demon Destruction Troupe was attacked by the Demon Cult, so all kinds of rumors are going around.”

“Then I’m glad.”

At that time, the door to the main guesthouse opened and three people came inside. Cheonwanggun and Cheonso-seon came in together, led by Macheolgun. Because she was a young man and woman, she looked like a military escort for Ma Cheolgun.

In particular, Cheon So-seon’s beautiful appearance caught everyone’s attention.

The military leaders did not know. The two people standing on the left and right of Macheolgun have completely taken control of the Murim Alliance. All deaths that occurred in the process were attributed to the demonic cult.

Ma Cheol-gun stepped forward with a dark expression. He didn’t need to postpone the serious situation. Because he was already darkness itself.

“The reason we have brought you all here today is because the evil deeds of the Demonic Cult have greatly damaged the spirit of Gangho and brought about a crisis in the central plains.”

Everyone had serious expressions. I don’t know about other issues, but the issue of demonic religion touched on fundamental fears.

“According to our investigation this time, it is said that the Demonic Cult has penetrated deeply into various sects in the central plains.”

The room buzzed at the unexpected words.

“So, we came up with a solution.”

The door opened and the warriors came in. There was a pile of medicinal herbs on the tray they were carrying.

“This is the Tamma Dan (探魔丹) who hunts down demons. “If you have had any interaction with the Demonic Cult, you will be able to find out with this medicine.”

Everyone was shocked.

“Of course, many of the Kangho-dong residents gathered here think that cannot be the case, but since this is an issue, it would be better to make it clear. Now, one by one, please come forward and take the medicine.”

Of course, no one came forward. Displeasure appeared on everyone’s faces.

Then someone came forward.

“The only reason you called us was to suspect us of being remnants of a demonic cult?”

He was Jeong In-munju Chungyang, who mentioned the Murim Alliance rebellion earlier.

“Even if there is a member of the Demonic Cult among us, I think this method is wrong. “I’ll just leave.”

That was when he turned around and was about to leave. Cheon So-seon called his name loudly.


Then Chongyang became furious and turned around.


Even the leader would be angry, but a young woman whose name he did not know called his name.



Chongyang, who had a hole in his forehead, slowly fell back. He could not avoid the light blast thrown by Cheon So-seon.


Everyone was shocked. It happened so quickly.

It was truly unimaginable that something like this would happen in the presence of the Murim Lord. Some people thought this was an act to scare them.

However, the blood from Chongyang’s forehead soaked his face and the floor.

“What are you doing?”

Gokju, the governor of Seohyeopmun, who was close to Chongyang, suddenly stood up.


This time, I thought I could hear a gust of wind.


Gokju’s head exploded.

The person who killed him with a single blow was King Cheon. He was holding his hand out in front of him.

A heavy silence fell in the hall. I couldn’t understand the situation before I was surprised by the amazing moves that Cheonwanggun and Cheon Soseon showed. Such indiscriminate murder in the presence of the Murim lord?

Ma Cheol said softly.

“We can never forgive those who joined hands with the devil.”

It was as if the two people who died a little while ago had joined hands with the Demonic Cult.

But the soldiers here knew. Those two people have nothing to do with the Demonic Cult.

If they had anything to do with the Demonic Cult, they wouldn’t have come forward in the first place and said they would leave this place.

“Now, take them all.”

It occurred to me that the herbal medicine might not be Tammadan. No, probably not. I thought it was a poison to control them.

Someone had to step in and stop it. Even if something goes wrong, it goes very wrong.

Unable to endure it, Rodawi, known for his hot-tempered and aggressive personality, stepped forward.

“There is evidence that this drug is Tammadan… … ”



Before he could finish his words, his body broke into pieces and scattered.

As expected, King Cheonwang’s palm was facing him. His flesh and blood splattered everywhere. Those around them trembled in fear.

The Heavenly King just looked down at everyone coldly, as if he didn’t mind killing everyone here.

Majeol looked at the person in the lead and spoke as if giving an order.

“Take it.”

I no longer dared to refuse.

One by one, each person went forward and took Tammadan. But as everyone expected, it was not Thammadan. It was a severe poison that required anti-inflammatory drugs to be taken at regular intervals.

It was a terrible poison that would cause extreme pain and lead to death if the medicine was not taken.

Everyone there took poison.

Everyone glared at Majeol with anger in their eyes. Ma Cheol was in pain. It was something he never wanted to do. But he gave in to the woman’s persuasion. Because if he didn’t do as he was told, he would have to die. It was just too unfair for him to die like this.

However, I had no idea that the two people would feed poison to the soldiers.

Cheon So-seon came forward and spoke.

“Tammadan has minor side effects. “You have to take anti-inflammatory drugs regularly.”

Everyone had a stern expression. The common thought was, ‘Don’t talk nonsense.’

“Fortunately, there is a treatment that can cure the side effects, but because it is a rare drug, the number is limited.”

The intention was to give medicine only to some people.

Cheon So-seon revealed his intentions.

“Those who did not attend today are those who betrayed the Murim Alliance and joined the Demonic Cult. From today onwards, I will regard them as rebels and treat them as strong enemies. “If we catch them, they’ll be entitled to the cure, right?”

Everyone looked like they were holding back the words, “How on earth can they look at us and say such things?”

After the soldiers left the main guesthouse and the three men remained, Ma Cheol looked at Cheon So-seon and said.

“It would be a big mistake to think that they would betray their comrades.”

Then Cheon So-seon smiled strangely.

“Is that really true? Many of them will move before anyone else to kill the leader of the faction that was absent today. “You can bet.”

“Why on earth are you doing this?”

Cheon So-seon could not answer that question. Because she herself couldn’t know. What on earth does grandpa want?

King Cheon spoke to Cheon So-seon in a languid tone.

“You must find the whereabouts of the object of darkness.”

* * *

After leaving Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province, I was quickly returning to Hubei.

I was practicing Mashinjiro among the Mashinyeongpungbo. Masshinjiro was a truly amazing light technique that moved as if teleporting to a visible location.

I continued to practice repeatedly based on Ten Gapja’s magnificent inner skills.

Then, the distance traveled gradually became longer. At first it only took a few steps, then a few chapters, and now a dozen chapters in an instant.

I practiced over and over again. This technique was related to the achievement of Demon God Spiritual Pungbo, separate from the achievement of Demon God’s Consciousness. Since ancient times, the only way to improve your skills in light engineering was by moving and running.

In a flash, it moved about a dozen pages. When it flashed again, it had moved another dozen pages.

As I was running like that, I heard unexpected news at a guesthouse where I stopped for a meal.

The warriors who were drinking had a conversation about him.

“Did you hear? “I heard that they have hunted down all the sects that joined hands with the Demonic Cult this time.”

“Damn you guys! “You’re a religious sect, but you’re joining hands with a demonic cult!”

“I heard it’s not just one or two factions.”

“You declared all of them strong and powerful, right?”

“The new leader is doing well.”

“Wow, the right leader was chosen.”

“If we eradicate the devil cult, now we can sleep with our legs stretched out.”

As I was listening to the conversation, I immediately tried to find out which faction had become a powerful enemy.

As expected, not only the Byeok clan interrogation, but also Song Ga-jang, Yang So-bang, and Cheon Mang-hoe were all public figures. Several sects had already been exterminated because they were accused of collaborating with the Demonic Cult.

[That’s not unusual. The scale of the incident is too large to say that it was done by Majeolgun.]

[Is this the work of a dark world bastard?]

[Of course it could be them. If not, it could be the old man behind it.]

I thought it was most likely the latter. Until now, the conspiracy of the dark world had been secretly controlled from behind the scenes.

But what happened now was a blatant display of intent. It literally felt like war had been declared against Kangho.

[Well, it doesn’t matter who it is. Because I plan to just wipe them all out.]

The Heavenly Demon laughed loudly at my words.

[Hahaha, that’s very nice to hear.]

[Now, let’s go back.]

I climbed into the air.

Easy profit.

I put off my training as a Demon God until later and flew through the air using Demon God Flight, which is the fastest way to move.

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