Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 236

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To the middle of the sky (5)

The moment I entered the room, my surroundings changed as it became pitch black.

I was standing alone in the empty darkness.

The surroundings were quiet, as if I was the only one who existed in the world.

When I looked down at my feet, the place was empty. She realized that she was not standing on the ground, but in the sky.

At that time, a light twinkled in front of me, and soon a star appeared.

From that point on, stars began to appear everywhere. They also appeared above the head and under the feet.


The experience of standing in the middle of the starry night sky was truly amazing and amazing. Hundreds and thousands of stars brightened up, and I was standing in the Milky Way. It was really beautiful.


A comet fell in front of my eyes, forming a long tail.

[ah! That is really cool.]

The Heavenly Demon spoke to my admiration.

[Don’t lose your mind. The test is not over yet.]

[That should be it.]

we know The most beautiful things are sometimes the most dangerous.

It was then. I thought there was one light that was particularly strong.


It flew towards me.

It was literally the speed of light.


I instinctively turned my body and narrowly avoided it.

Grumbling. I felt pain as blood flowed from my shoulder where the light touched it.

[oh my god! Do you really mean to fight this starlight?]

As if the Heavenly Demon had heard my inner conversation, another light sparkled and shot towards me.


This time it grazed my arm. Her flowing blood was hot. It was real blood, a real wound. What was even scarier was that self-defense techniques did not work here.

I could tell. If that light penetrates my heart, I will truly die. This was not the world of Cheon Gi-shen Huan-gong. This is where the real test of one’s life-threatening determination is held.


A third attack came.

Fortunately, I escaped unscathed this time.

The fourth attack was also successfully avoided without injury. Through the previous two experiences, I had adapted to the attack of light.

This is the fear of a true expert. Whatever it is, if it’s related to martial arts, you get used to it in an instant.

The fifth and sixth attacks were also avoided. As the number of attacks increased, I was dodging attacks more easily. Since I used the minimum amount of internal energy, I was able to avoid attacks as much as possible.

The Heavenly Demon shouted happily.

[oh! Well done!]

[Hehe, this is normal.]

[Oh, I’ll admit it proudly.]

It was then. The stars that had been shining one by one suddenly began to shine two.

[no way? I guess not?]

Next moment.

Pot! Faaah!

This time, two lights flew in at the same time. I instinctively avoided it, but avoiding both was impossible.


Blood spurted from my shoulder. It was bigger than the first wound. My heart sank.

Contrary to my urgent feelings, two stars shone again.

I desperately avoided it. I thought I would die if I got hit, so I barely managed to avoid it.

Let’s focus! You can avoid it if you focus!

I dodged another attack. Because I focused all my attention, I knew how to avoid it.

Two lights continued to fly towards me. It came up from the floor and fell from above my head.

As I dodged the two lights, this time three stars shone.

“oh my god!”

Three lights flew in. I dodged two, but I couldn’t dodge the other one.


The side was cut long. It was the biggest wound I had ever suffered.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before I died.

However, the test of unconditional death cannot wait until the third time. There must be a way to pass this test.

At that moment, the nature of this test came to mind.

Breaking the mold.

What the Heavenly Demon said to me was the key to this test. The previous test was the same. When I made an unexpected choice, I passed the gate.

At that time, three lights flew in again.

I dodged two, but I didn’t dodge the light that flew towards Jeongmyeong. Instead, he cut the light vertically with the Sura Myeongwang Sword.



Surprisingly, the light split in half. It split into two and flew to my left and right.

I breathed a sigh of relief. For me, it was a life-threatening attempt. If my choice had been wrong, I would have been fatally injured.

The reason I made this choice was because I had one thing in mind.


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Isn’t the idea that light can’t be cut out also a prejudice?

For some reason, cutting head-on the attack that was supposed to be avoided was the solution to this terrifying attack.

Now four stars shone.

Of course, the attack that came was four rays of light.

However, since he knew that he could cut the light with the Sura Myeongwang Sword, the light was no longer a threat beyond a fast-flying sword.

Two were dodged and two lights were slashed. This time, the four cut strands of sword energy passed through my body.

As if testing the limit, the number of lights that flew in gradually increased.

The number of beams of light gradually increased, but I was unfazed.

Will I be able to block this attack?

I was confident I could do that. Because he had the martial arts skills to do so.

That confidence became the driving force to block attacks.

When the nine lights were blocked, there was finally a change in the attack method.

The surrounding stars shone all at once. No matter how much I was, I couldn’t block the attacks of so many starlights.

Under normal circumstances, I would have thought of death, but I watched it calmly.

I trusted this test. Although I had experienced it many times before, this test seemed merciless, but it definitely had class.

The belief that something ignorant like that light flying all at once will not happen.

It was exactly as I expected.

The brightly shining lights gathered in one place.

It created a human shape.

It was a person who was created by gathering starlight. No, to be more precise, it was a lump of light in the shape of a human being, a madman.

I had a premonition. This is the final gateway to the exam in this room.

The Heavenly Demon said worriedly.

[It doesn’t seem normal.]

[It looks like that.]

[Are you confident?]

[I have to try something.]

You can’t spend endless time here. Because I had a place to go back to, and there were people waiting there.

The madman rushed towards me. It was a fast movement like the light that flew before.


I crossed my arms to block the strike he fired.

As I felt the heavy blow, I realized that this fight would not be easy at all.

In a flash, the madman was punching me in the face. The speed of the flight and the speed of the fist were literally like light.



The Sura Myeongwanggeom cut him down one step first. My sword definitely decapitated him, but his fist kept flying.


After allowing one hit, I went backwards and fell.

On the other hand, a ray of light flowed from the place where it was cut, and soon the split parts came together.

The madman seemed immortal. With his speed and power, I won’t be able to last long.

I urgently asked the Heavenly Demon for help.

[Say something!]

[I want to run away from your body.]

[Is that what you want to say to me now?]

[Can I be sharp?]

[You were the true darkness opposing the light, right?]

[Is that kind of joke coming out in this situation?]

The situation got even worse.

The sword of light began to extend out from the madman’s hand. It seemed like even the Sura Myeongwanggeom couldn’t withstand that sword.

[Pour some water. Or at least cover it with a wrapping cloth. Then that light will go out.]

[oh my god! Are you calling that advice?]

The next moment I was shocked.



[You are right.]

[What are you talking about?]

[The opposite of light is darkness, and we who have mastered the demonic skill are the darkness, right?]

[what? Please explain in an easy-to-understand way.]

[Why are you fighting here? Isn’t that still a disadvantage? I have to fight on my battlefield.]

I unleashed the Demon God Sword, the Sixth Chosic Demon Sword, Blood Woo.

Suddenly the surroundings became dark and black energy began to pour down.


The sword energy of the demon spirit falling in the darkness.

It was not ordinary sword energy.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!

The pouring rain of sword energy pierced the madman. The madman stumbled. Despite this brutal attack, the madman did not die.

Every time the sword energy pierced the madman’s body, a halo of light flowed out. Originally it went back into his body and merged together, but here in the darkness it was different. The darkness, like an anglerfish, absorbed and devoured the light that flowed out.

It stumbled through the rain and walked toward me. The rain of sword energy continued to pour down, blocking his steps.


Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!

As the sword energy continued to hit, the amount of light escaping from the body increased, and its size gradually decreased.

I poured all my energy into it. I thought this fight would be my last. No, even if there was a next fight, that was a matter of later.

At least my choice in the fight against the madman was correct.

It was destroyed before all of its internal strength was used up.


The last remaining light exploded and disappeared into darkness everywhere.

The next moment, the world became brighter as the Demon Sword and Blood Rain ended.

I was standing in the third room, not in the empty space where the star cluster had been before.

A smile formed on my face.

The mysterious old man I had met earlier was standing in front of me.


“What do you mean?”

“You are now a true inheritor of the demonic spirit. “The test just a moment ago was a final test to see if you were qualified to become the master of Demon God’s Soul.”

Finally, the Demon God’s Resolve test was over.

I bowed my head politely to the old man.

“thank you.”

“Now, come here and have a glass of celebratory wine.”

I sat across from the table with the old man. The old man filled the glass he had prepared in advance with alcohol.

I toasted with him and drank happily. It felt like all my past hardships would disappear in this one drink.

The old man asked calmly, as if it was now time.

“Do you believe heaven exists?”

In the past, I might have answered ‘no’ to this. Or ‘I don’t know’.


This was my answer for now.

The old man grinned.

“I believe it too. The sky I believe in is neither on the side of good nor on the side of evil. “We always work for the balance and harmony of the powerhouse.”

Since it was clearly something to do with me, I listened to the old man in silence.

“If peace lasts long in a river, evil will appear to destroy that peace. So, the logic is that when a villain appears who will disrupt the world, a hero appears to stop him again.”

“Am I a villain or a hero?”

“Which do you think it is?”

“At least he’s not a villain, right?”

Then the old man said with a strange smile.

“That is unknown. “For someone to be evaluated properly, it is only possible after death.”

I nodded. I had already had a similar experience. It was only after I died that I was able to know exactly what the powerful people thought of me.

Now I asked.

“Who is the old man?”

Then, instead of answering, the old man asked.

“What is it like to be born again?”

For a moment, I was startled. Even though I met the old man with the Heavenly Demon, I don’t remember saying anything that would reveal my identity. However, there is no way the Heavenly Demon told you.

“How did you know?”

The old man just smiled.

“Is this something the old man did?”

oh my god! What on earth am I asking? How is such a thing possible? If so, who is this old man?

The old man naturally changed the subject, as if he would eventually know everything I was curious about.

“You still have a choice.”

“What is?”

“Do you know the legend of the demon spirit?”

“yes. “I heard that if you unlock the secret of the demon spirit, you will not only be able to learn the best magic arts of all time, but you can also become a demon god.”

“You have now mastered the best magic arts of all time.”

He has learned the sword technique of Demon Spirit, which is so powerful that it cannot be called a human martial art.

From now on, it will depend on my efforts to achieve greatness and learn the last Chilcho style.

“I have learned the skills of a demon god, and now the only question left is whether I can become a demon god.”


“What does it mean to be a demon?”

“It literally means becoming a god.”

“Are you saying that we can’t live in the human world?”

“You can survive. But you will live an immortal life without growing old.”

“… … Immortal life.”

I had no idea what it was like because I had never thought about it before.

But one thing was certain. Having to watch everyone around you die. Who on earth can completely believe this crazy conversation?

“Becoming a demon is entirely up to your choice.”

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