Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 233

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To the middle of the sky (2)

I began to learn the art of drinking in earnest.

Regardless of the fact that my strength had increased to ten levels, it was still difficult to control the demon spirit.

Although increasing internal strength is certainly a very important factor in strengthening a warrior, it is not absolute.

This means that you can use herbivorous powers that cannot be used and that you can fight for a longer period of time, but it does not mean that you become two and a half times stronger just because you went from four to ten.

Just looking at my case now, the same is true.

I still couldn’t freely unleash my demon spirit. My internal strength was not being used freely, and my body was as heavy as if I was wearing water-soaked cotton clothes. Even the smallest movement created doubts, which eventually led to a lack of confidence.

The more I did it, the more I memorized the nine rules of the demon spirit over and over again. I learned it so well that if someone poked my side, I could immediately read it line by line.

One day passed, then two days passed, and even after three days, it just stayed the same.

I felt like I understood it, but when I thought about it again, I realized I didn’t know what it was.

The Heavenly Demon, who was inferior, added a word.

[Isn’t the method wrong? Better try another way!]

[I don’t think you should do that carelessly?]

[Why is it so difficult!]

Actually, I’ve been thinking about it. The conclusion I came to was this.

[perhaps… … Could it be that we were used to martial arts that were too easy?]

[what? Easy martial arts? Are you now ignoring the Blood Lightning Blade?]

[Do not misunderstand. That’s not what I meant.]

[Then what do you mean?]

[If you look at a certain martial art, how long does it take to learn it?]

[Every day? If it’s long, half an hour?]

[yes. You can understand Gugyeol the moment you see it. If you try it once or twice, you can actually use herbivore. If you devote yourself to it for a few days, you will reach Daeseong. That’s our skill, right?]


[But was it like that when we first learned martial arts?]


[Do you remember the day you first learned martial arts? I remember. That day when I was confused because I had no idea what this was. Did I say I was learning martial arts for no reason? That was the moment I regretted it.]

[What do you want to say?]

[Could it be that this demon spirit is like that? Just like when we first learned martial arts, it means that there is a big difference in level between this martial arts and us.]

In other words, the level of Demon God’s determination is that high. Our current level is the same as that of the child who first learned martial arts a long time ago.

When I thought about it that way, I was able to understand a little why this Demon God’s Gyeol was so difficult. How could it not be difficult to learn martial arts of a completely different level and system?

[But because I keep doing it over and over again, it’s better than the first time. Just keep practicing.]

I practiced and practiced again.

But it was too difficult. No matter how positively I tried to think about it, this wasn’t it.

[It won’t work.]

[Are you going to give up? Do not give up!]

[I don’t give up. Instead, we should try something new.]

[Try what?]

[I have to meet you with Cheongisimhwangong.]

[Are you trying to use Cheonkisimhwangong here? no!]

[Is there anything better than death? Break that mold!]

[You crazy bastard, no!]

Despite the Heavenly Demon’s dissuasion, he activated the Cheonkisimhwangong.


In an instant, a space was created based on the training center.

I looked around the empty place, but there was no one there.

[Did you fail? Hey, where are you?]

Then, from afar, the Heavenly Demon walked towards us and spoke.

[If that were the case, we could have made fun of them forever, right? You bastard, what are you doing without any solution? What if I make a mistake and the test ends in failure?]

[You also feel that this is not a test that will end so easily, right? And life doesn’t necessarily require a plan.]

[I told you to break away from the old ways, but you are trying to live a debaucherous life.]

[ha ha ha.]

It was so nice to see him. He was someone I hadn’t seen since I came here.

[And I told you before, right? I told you to make a smaller place because my legs hurt, right?]

[Sorry. There was no place to set a reference point.]

The Heavenly Demon walked in front of me. Although he was nagging, he was also very happy.

[I need your help.]

Cheonma smiled happily at my words and said.

[of course.]

* * *

King Cheonwang-gun was sitting in Taesa Temple.

Cheon So-seon was watching the scene. The unfamiliar feeling was getting stronger. It was a sense of distance that was more than just a change in appearance, and that distance was growing further day by day.

At times, I felt a strange energy flowing from King Cheonwang’s body. It had an unknown nature and never gave me a good feeling.

‘… … grandfather.’

He himself is by no means a good person. He is a person who the powerful people call a villain. So was his grandfather.

However, although he was a bad person, his grandfather and himself were at least human.

But looking at my grandfather now… … There are often times when I don’t feel like I’m a person. I thought it might be because of the extreme martial arts skills, but I couldn’t erase the eerie feeling of something non-human imitating a human being when faced with eyes that were devoid of any emotion.



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When he called himself like this, he was clearly the old grandfather.

“Come in a different form.”


“Come in the form of a woman.”

Cheon So-seon’s heart sank. His grandfather had never once made such a request.

Rather, he suffered and felt guilty about living as both a man and a woman. So his grandfather tried not to mention him as much as possible.

But what is that frivolously confident attitude?

“Are you serious about what you say?”

“I’m serious.”

Cheon So-seon had one expectation.

Could it be that he is trying to amend his own punishment? Because his grandfather clearly had abilities that went beyond human limits.

“all right.”

The cold look in his eyes bothered me, but it was an order I couldn’t refuse anyway.

After a while, Cheon So-seon reappeared. It was the appearance of the beautiful woman who shook Majeol’s heart.

“It’s nice to see.”

Cheon So-seon didn’t know how to accept King Cheon’s praise, so he couldn’t say anything. On the other hand, the Cheonwanggun was unstoppable.

“Go like this from now on.”

“Do you want me to stay like this?”


“Is that the end? “Weren’t you trying to heal me?”

King Cheon tilted his head and asked Cheon So-seon.

“It looks better now, so why are you trying to fix it?”

Cheon So-seon’s whole body froze. Her grandfather was genuinely puzzled. He didn’t have any consideration for his grandson now.

Cheon So-seon could feel it. This was not a matter of personal feelings between grandparents. His grandfather now has no understanding or consideration for others.

At least at this moment.

‘… … ‘Not my grandfather.’

Is it like a side effect of Dafa? If not, does it change like this as a result of that Dafa? What if that’s the case?

“Would you do that?”

Cheon So-seon hastily lowered his head and answered.

“Yes, I will follow your instructions.”

I had no choice but to avoid my grandfather’s gaze. This was because the look in her eyes that had been directed at her a moment ago did not contain the way she was looking at her grandson, but her feelings towards her woman.

His, or rather her, gaze toward the ground became as deep as an abyss.

* * *

I began full-scale training with Cheonma.

Just talking together in our hearts was on a different level from moving our bodies and practicing together and then putting our heads together to study.

[I’ll give it a try.]

Cheonma himself stepped forward and displayed his martial arts skills.

[This part is definitely strange.]

Cheonma and I performed various movements together and discussed the results. There were some areas where we agreed, and there were other areas where we differed. In both cases, it was helpful for training.

I was in no hurry. I didn’t make up my mind in a hurry.

I had this mindset.

I am a beginner who just started martial arts.

* * *

Ten days have passed since I started training with Cheonma.

I flew through the air and landed on the floor.



A spiderweb-like crack appeared on the floor due to the strong impact.

A tremendous amount of sword energy flew out from the sword.

I love you so much!

A tremendous amount of sword energy flew endlessly across the distant training ground and all the way to the distant castle wall.


The walls were completely shattered and collapsed.

I soared into the air again and hurled the Surama King Sword in all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of strands of sword energy tore through all directions. The floor was dug up and the walls collapsed.

After pouring out a lot of sword energy, he landed on the floor.

Cheonma, who was watching from the side, said.

[At least it’s a little better than the first time.]

It’s definitely different from the first time. As I did so, it changed little by little.

As I practiced repeatedly, the uncomfortable movements gradually became better. We also corrected the parts that were misunderstood.

No matter how difficult it was, the Heavenly Demon and I were working together to make an effort.

It was possible to destroy everything with ease because it was inside Cheongisimhwangong. If it were real, it shouldn’t have been destroyed like this.

While I was resting for a while after a bout of training, Cheonma suddenly asked.

[Aren’t you worried?]

[What are you worried about?]

[What does a playboy have to worry about? I’m worried about the women I left behind.]

[I’m sure you’ll be fine. And please say family, not women.]

[Hehe. Well, if something happens, I can just meet a new woman.]

He shook his head with an expression that said he couldn’t stop him.

Why aren’t you worried?

But I was trying not to worry as much as possible.

Because worrying wasn’t something that could be solved.

[They say that out of all the worries a person has, the ones that are truly necessary are not even half of them. Most of them are worries about things that won’t happen, and even the rest are unnecessary and useless worries.]

[You’re so carefree.]

[I guess it’s a positive thing.]

I got up again and started practicing. Because the only thing that sustains this positivity is your best effort.

* * *

Again a month later.

I was standing in the middle of the training hall, looking at the magnificent building in front.

The Sura Myeongwang sword worn at his waist was pulled out and floated in the air.

I aimed straight ahead as if I was swinging a sword. Of course, I wasn’t trying to use swordsmanship right now.


The next moment, the Suramyeong Sword began to split apart. Instead of a real sword being created again, a sword energy in the shape of the Suramyeong Sword began to be created.

one two three four… … Seven, eight.

A total of eight swords in the shape of the Sura Myeongwang sword drew a round circle around the real one. There were now a total of nine swords pointed straight ahead.

The exact moment when I opened my eyes.

The surrounding sword energy began to rotate and emit.


The flying sword landed on the building in front. It was different from normal sword skills.

The moment it collided with the building, a sword energy in the shape of the Sura Myeongwang sword exploded.


The force of the explosion was so great that one side of the building was completely blown away.

But the attack had just begun.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

The real Sura Myeongwang Sword in the center continued to produce sword-shaped sword energy, which rotated in a circle and continued to fire.

Buildings collapsed with a loud noise.

Even after the building in front was reduced to dust, the sword energy continued to be released. The building behind it collapsed and the building behind it also collapsed.

The sword, which was literally made of sword energy, flew endlessly, and its firing speed even became faster.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Boom! Quang! Boom! Wow! Boom!

The sword, shaped like the Sura Myeongwang Sword, shattered everything in sight.

Eventually, the spinning sword of sword energy slowly stopped and the last sword energy flew out.

The Sura Myeongwang Sword, which was floating in the air, returned to its sheath.

There was no need to unleash sword energy anymore.

Because everything was gone.

The place where the sword flew was devastated. Buildings, walls, rocks… … Everything disappeared, turning into powder and scattering.

[You did it!]

[Okay, finally.]

This tremendous attack was the first attack of the Demon God’s Sword Technique.

Demonic Sword First Chosik Hwangeom Cheonpok (環劍天爆).

About 40 days after starting full-scale training, he finally succeeded in producing his first herbivore.

[This is my first herbivore! I really can’t believe it.]

There were a total of seven basic techniques related to Demon God’s swordsmanship. The first of the seven herbivores was Hwangeomcheonpok. For the first herbivore, it was too grandiose, flashy, and powerful.


When I got out of Cheongisimhwan-gong, I again saw the intact castle and walls in front of me. Thanks to Cheongisim Hwan-gong, I was able to fully see the power of Chosik.

The first time is always difficult.

[Okay, now that we’ve learned our first herbivore, let’s speed up!]

[Hehe, good.]

Cheonma was also in a high mood. How could he not have his heart pounding at this incredible feat of martial arts?

I haven’t thanked him yet.

I looked back at the central building.

It was the very building where the secondary exam was being held.

wait. Go back as quickly as possible.

martial arts,

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