Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 229

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Demon Spirit (4)

It was a place used as a lodging for warriors.

There were dozens of large rooms on each floor, and the rooms were equipped with facilities to accommodate dozens of unmanned people.

I looked carefully at each room.

What if leaving the building where the test was originally held was some kind of test? There must be something out there that needs to be solved.

After looking around the building, I looked around at another building.

The building next to it was a dining area. It was decorated like a guesthouse, with seating for hundreds of people to eat at the same time, and there was a kitchen attached to one side where dozens of guests could cook.

Next to it was a warehouse where weapons were stored, and there was also a stable where horses could be raised. There was a place to make, wash, and dry clothes, and a vegetable garden to grow all kinds of vegetables.

To give just one example, the stables were capable of holding thousands of horses, and were twice as large as those of the Murim League.

It wasn’t just the building. I didn’t know it when I first came in, but the exterior walls of the building were equipped with all kinds of defense measures to prevent external intrusion. The engines and formations were prepared, but even though they were not in operation, it was clear that they were unusual.

[It is a really well-built castle.]

[of course.]

[Now, shall we take a look around there this time?]

[Do you want to keep watching?]

[I have to see it. I’ve already set out to see every nook and cranny. why? Are you bored already?]

[Rather than saying it’s boring, I’m wondering if there’s a need to watch it all. How about learning the Blood Lightning Blade instead?]

He taught me his German martial arts skills, but I thought he might have been upset because I was distracted.

I said in a nice tone.

[later. Let’s look around a bit more first.]

[If that is what you mean.]

The building in the back was an indoor training center. From unarmed, where you can do martial arts, to places where you can practice each of the eighteen classes of weapons. When training outside is not possible due to rain or other reasons, there are sufficient facilities to allow training inside.

The more I looked around this place, the more I thought about this.

Although it was named Demon City, it was a place better suited than any other place to accommodate and train warriors.

I felt the ambition to become a demon and rule the world.

At first, I could see a variety of buildings, but the more I looked, the more buildings with the same purpose that I had seen before were repeated.

After passing through one area, another area appeared, and there was a space to accommodate soldiers, a place to eat, an armory, other warehouses, and a training center.

But I looked into every single one.

[Hey guy, why are you looking so closely? Are you planning on making a map?]

[ha ha ha.]

The Cheonma couldn’t stand it anymore and started complaining, but I just laughed. To be honest, it wasn’t because I was curious about those places. It was also annoying and boring for me.

But I had faith. The choice to leave the building was clearly meaningful.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be opening rooms with the same structure over and over again.

Then my movements stopped.

[what? Something is different here.]

While continuing to check the dormitories of the unmanned people, another room was discovered.

[It looks like a study?]

[I see.]

There were bookshelves everywhere, filled with books.

I can be sure. It was almost impossible to leave the building where I was taking the exam and find this room in this building.

That’s why my heart started pounding. It could have been just an ordinary study, but it could also have been the place I needed to find.

As I was about to go inside, the Heavenly Demon asked.

[why? Want to read a book?]

I answered the Heavenly Demon’s question.

[They say that sometimes books can become a light that illuminates the darkness, right?]

[It’s been a while since I went back to being old.]

[haha. Let’s take a look around while we’re here.]

When I went inside, I slowly looked around the place.

There were various books on the bookshelf.

There were many different types of books. There were books about history and books about geography. There were also special ranks related to martial arts.

‘Oh, this martial artist is here?’

There were some martial arts secretaries who felt that way. But that was just it.

I looked through the books carefully. I carefully examined the buildings of this castle and each room of those buildings to find this study.

If so, shouldn’t the same level of meticulousness be exercised in this world as well?

I started looking through each book from the first section of the first bookshelf.

How many books did you look at?

A book caught my eye. The moment I saw the title, my eyes widened.

I took out the book with trembling hands.

Cheonma shouted first after properly checking the title.

[oh my god!]

The title of the book was this.

Annotation of Masinyeongpungbo.

It was a book that interpreted the Mashinyeongpungbo.

I slowly turned the pages.

It was actually a booklet that explained the secrets of the Demon God Yeongpungbo, the contents of which I had no idea about before. Unfamiliar words were interpreted, and mental techniques and movements were explained in detail.

[It was like this.]

[Damn it. I wish I could write it like this from the beginning.]

I spoke to the Heavenly Demon’s complaint.


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[It’s some kind of test. Can you leave the building? So, can you find this book?]

The test required several things.

First, I had to break my rigid thinking. I had to boldly take off the racehorse’s blinders that prevented me from looking elsewhere.

You must overcome the anxiety and fear that the exam may be over once you leave the building.

When you leave the building, you should be able to inspect each item carefully. Would an ordinary person be able to discover this library and find this collection of interpretations in this library? It’s definitely not easy.


The Heavenly Demon asked as if he was puzzled by my greeting.

[Why all of a sudden?]

[It’s thanks to you that I found this book.]

The question of whether rigid thinking can be overcome or not.

If Cheonma hadn’t made fun of me for being a political old-timer and told me I was stuck in a rut, would I have even thought about leaving there? I think it never would have happened.

[Bland guy!]

The Heavenly Demon blurted out, but seemed happy about what I said.

I stood there and read the booklet slowly. Since I was already familiar with the original content, I was able to figure out what to do just by reading the commentary.

[Damn it! This is what it meant.]

The Heavenly Demon also understood immediately. No matter how difficult something is, once you know it, it really doesn’t matter, and the same was true for this martial art. Of course, that didn’t mean that this martial art was nothing special.

This walking method was truly something amazing that I had never seen before.

[Shall we test what we learned?]

[Is it possible?]

The Heavenly Demon asked worriedly. This martial art was operated in a completely new way, neither true nor magic, from the point of view.

If I hadn’t learned the Blood Lightning Heart Technique and the Blood Lightning Heavenly Technique, I wouldn’t have been able to learn this martial art so easily.

This martial art was clearly based on both magic and magic, but the distinction was meaningless.

Perhaps, if I had learned boatcraft, I would have thought that boatcraft was also based on it.

In other words, this martial arts was on a different level from the martial arts of our generation.

This means that it is a martial art that is much higher than the martial arts we have learned. It encompassed everything, but at the same time, it did not apply to anything.

[I think I can do it.]

[be careful. It is not usually martial arts.]


I went straight out of the building.

At first, I tried light movements. It was literally a very basic movement, like walking and standing. Still, it felt different.


[That’s really true.]

There was a special feeling that cannot be described as being definitely faster and more cheerful. A feeling of being of a different class. Even basic movements felt profound.

Is this really the martial arts of Demon God Resolve?

Both Cheonma and I were excited. Before he and I were the Murim Lord and the Heavenly Demon, we were warriors from head to toe.

I felt like I needed to continue researching and practicing basic movements.

Anyway, for now, I was planning to try all possible movements from the beginning.

Next, I tried the next level of movement. It moved back and forth and left and right. Even though it wasn’t very flashy, I felt confident that I could avoid any anomalous attack.

[ah! It’s really amazing!]

At first, the Heavenly Demon expressed this exclamation, but eventually he let out an exclamation and said:

[ha. What kind of martial arts have we learned so far?]

Of course, it was a bit of an exaggeration, but the impact of this method was great.

I moved my body according to the rules. The radius of movement gradually increased.

My body moved where my mind went. The movements were fast and precise. Above all, there was a sense of elegance to the movement.

I practiced the difficult parts over and over again.

I really didn’t notice the passage of time.

After trying out the basic movements, I stood at the edge of the gym to try one thing.

What we were going to try this time was not just a simple movement, but a herbal diet with a name.

Chosik’s name was Demon God Ilbo.

It meant a step taken by a demon, but what would that step be like?

It was said that if you follow the explanation in the commentary, you can cross this wide training ground in one go. This means that you can go from here to the end in the blink of an eye.

Is that really possible?

It was absolutely impossible with my current Shinshin techniques. Of course, it was the same with Cheonma. No human being I know can do this.

While I was standing and catching my breath, I launched myself towards my target.



The moment I screamed at the thought of not being able to control my body.


I crossed the training ground as fast as light and crashed mercilessly into the wall of the building.

A hole burst through the building and I rolled around on the floor.


As the debris and dust from the wall poured down, I pulled up my self-defense gear and closed my eyes.

After a while, I got up. The place where I first jumped and this place were not a distance that could be traversed in one go.

What was even more surprising was that if it weren’t for the building here, it would have gone much further.

Even on the first try.

If this is the first movement of Demon God Ilbo, what kind of movement will the Demon God Flying that we will learn next be like? And what about the next herbal meal?

[What happened?]

I answered the Heavenly Demon’s question with deepened eyes.

[perhaps… … The saying that you can become a demon by passing the demon determination test may not be a lie.]


Boom! Boom!

Cheon So-seon sighed as he heard a series of loud noises coming from outside. A subordinate ran over and reported.

“They are the Destruction Demon Order and the Iron Foundation Order. You must avoid them quickly.”

Of course, Cheon So-seon couldn’t do that. He couldn’t leave this place, leaving his grandfather inside.

“You won’t last long.”

Suha jumped up again.

The location was revealed sooner than expected. I thought that perhaps the Dark World might have joined in and leaked information to them. Tian Shaoxian walked to Tianran.

“grandfather! “You need to come out now.”

But still, Cheonran did not move.

If the Ten Demon Danes and the Iron Knight Dans attacked together, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn’t be able to deal with them all.

This secret room was a good place to hide, but it was the worst place to deal with multiple enemies. Moreover, his main weapon, Gwangsalpung, was a martial art specialized for dealing with masters, not a martial art suitable for dealing with large numbers of people.

“Damn it!”

Still, I couldn’t die here.

Clap clap clap clap!

The sound of weapons clashing was heard nearby.


The door was broken and soldiers came in.

Love it!

The warriors were swept away by Cheon So-seon’s performance.

The opponents were the elites of the Murim Alliance. Once you’ve been hit once, you won’t just rush in like a herd of animals heading towards a cliff.

What if they throw poison bombs or lightning bolts? What if you set it on fire?

If he were alone, he would have broken the wall and escaped, but he couldn’t leave Cheonran behind.

‘We have to go out and fight.’

No matter what happened later, I had to leave.

Cheon So-seon rushed to the entrance. As the second warriors entered, they stabbed with their swords.

Love it!

Cheon So-seon swung the double pole. The warriors’ entire bodies were crushed and they were thrown away.

It was then.

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk,

Jin Cheon-roe rolled in one after another.

Cheon So-seon stepped back and raised his self-defense flag.


There was a huge explosion.

Thanks to my self-defense skills that were raised to the maximum, Cheonran was not destroyed.

“Damn it!”

It was at that moment when Cheon So-seon was clenching her fists to run away.


The Cheonran behind me vibrated loudly once.

It rattled.

The door to Heaven slowly began to open.

Cheon So-seon was surprised.

Someone inside slowly stood up.

He wasn’t my grandfather. He was a strange man younger than himself.

martial arts,

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