Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 227

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Demon Spirit (2)

[You are learning the demon spirit here?]

I looked at the castle again.

It was so massive that just looking at it made me feel intimidated.

[Is this a castle created by Jinbeop?]

[no. It is an actual castle.]

I asked because it was so huge that it was unbelievable, but I also knew that this was not inside the camp.

[You’re not using magic or hexes right now, are you?]

[Of course not.]

[When was this castle built?]

[I don’t know exactly. It was probably built hundreds of years ago.]

[How on earth did they build a castle like this? No, more than that, how did you not know that this castle existed?]

If I, the Murim lord, don’t know, it means that the rest of the world doesn’t know either. Well, even within the Blood Heavenly God Church, there were probably only a very small number of people who knew about this place.

[That’s because I built it without anyone knowing. Because unless you pass through the line we passed through earlier, you will never be able to find it. We call this place the Demon God Castle.]

[Demon Holy!]

[If you become a demon, you will become the true owner of this place.]

[So does that mean this place doesn’t belong to you now?]

[okay. This is the most sacred place of the Blood Heavenly God Church, but we are just guests right now.]

This was truly a castle worthy of the word demon god. Just like the strong feeling that the word “demon god” gives, this huge and majestic castle also had a certain energy that was difficult for the average person to encounter.

I walked slowly across the field.

Rabbits ran around where beautiful flowers and grass were in bloom, and birds flew between the trees. The sky was high and the air was extremely clear.

Even though I hadn’t even entered the castle yet, I felt like I was in a new world.

As we got closer, the castle revealed its grandeur.

The Heavenly Demon explained to me.

[Demon spirit is not martial arts.]

[What if it’s not Gugyeol?]

[It’s a test.]

[A test?]

Actually, it was what I expected. If the goal was to pass on the rules and unravel its secrets in an ordinary way, you wouldn’t have come all the way here.

[Yes, it is a test that must be taken at that castle.]

[If so, all the heavenly demons of all time failed this test.]


Those heavenly demons of all time will also include the heavenly demons within my body.

[What kind of test is this?]

[You will know when you try.]

[I have one question.]


[If the Heavenly Demon of the previous generation failed the test, didn’t they tell the next generation about it? Then, future generations would have been able to pass the test through repeated research.]

[First of all, you can only take this test once. And the moment you give up on the test, you forget everything related to the test.]

[Oh, I see.]

My doubts about the exam were resolved, but at the same time, strange expectations and fears arose.

I continued walking until I reached the bottom of the castle.

The gate was so huge that I felt like it wouldn’t break even if I hit it with all my might.

I really wanted to punch him, but I didn’t actually do it.

If it really breaks, I’ll be the first person to break down the main gate of the Demon God Castle before even taking the test.

The gate was tightly closed.

A small stone slab was blown next to it. It was a stone slab that was used to infuse energy as found in high-end institutions.

[Put your palm down and use the Blood Lightning Technique.]

As Cheonma instructed, I put my palms together and chanted the Blood Lightning Heart Technique. As the true energy moved around, the Blood Lightning Heart Technique was transmitted to the tip of the palm. Next moment.


The huge castle gate began to open. Because the door was so big, I thought it would open very slowly, but it opened quickly and smoothly.

How can such a huge gate open like an ordinary gate?

Just by looking at this, I could see how elaborately the Demon God Castle was made.

I slowly went inside with a trembling heart.

A vast training ground unfolded before my eyes. It was a size appropriate for the size of the castle.

I have never seen a training ground this wide in my life. The building in the distance also boasted an enormous size.

As I was looking at the training hall and building, beyond the overwhelming feeling of scale, I felt like it was a waste of space.

What really caught my eye were the stone statues erected on both sides of the road leading from the main gate to the central building. Huge stone statues stood on the left and right, in the shape of evil spirits and demons.

The stone statues were making a variety of movements, from looking straight ahead with their arms crossed, slashing their swords, or flying up with their wings spread.

I walked slowly along the path between the stone statues. It was so elaborately made that it seemed as if the giant stone statue with its sword outstretched would come to life at any moment and strike me.

[Is there someone who manages this place?]

The path I was walking on was clean and clean.

[Of course there is. But it will never appear in front of you.]


We followed the path guided by the giant stone statue and entered the central castle.

The moment you stand in front of the door, the door opens automatically, even if you don’t touch the stone slab.

Considering that there was no one behind the door, it seemed like there was probably a mechanism on the footboard to open the door, or someone was watching and opened it with an engine mechanism.


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The internal structure was simple.

Behind the door was a wide hallway, with a large door at the end. I knew intuitively that that was the place where I would take the test.

To the left was the main hall, and to the right was a visitation hall. The smell of food was coming from the main hall.

Naturally, my steps went in that direction.

There were dishes laid out on a large table, and the food was mouth-watering just looking at it.

I could tell that this dish was prepared just for me.

I picked up my chopsticks without hesitation. First, I tried a dish made with beef. The moment the meat entered the mouth, it melted and disappeared. It was my first time eating food this delicious. The pork stewed with spicy peppers on the side was spicy yet delicious, and the noodles were extremely refreshing and clean.

I ate my fill of food there. It was so delicious that I could say it was my first time cooking something like this.

[I want to kidnap the master who cooked.]

[It seems like it would be as difficult as passing the Demon God’s Resolve test.]


[I also came here to take the exam. I was here for almost a month at that time. I ate here for a whole month. If you get hungry while taking the test, you can always come here and get food. But I have never seen anyone in this castle.]

[No way?]

You probably don’t need one or two people to prepare this kind of food.

But you couldn’t sense the presence of people with the martial arts of the Heavenly Demon? No matter how distracted I was by drinking, it was difficult to believe.

[This is the most mysterious place in Gangho.]

[The food must have been drugged. I must have prepared food while you were sleeping.]

[already… … .]

Cheonma, who was about to yell ‘You crazy guy’ as usual, closed his mouth. Since it was a sacred place for the Blood Heavenly God Church, he was careful about his words and actions.

Of course, what I said to Cheonma was to tease him.

Even just looking at today’s dish, it wasn’t easy to explain. When I arrived, the dishes were already prepared. Even if I started making them when I started passing the Jinbeop, how did I manage to cook all these dishes?

After I arrived and the actual exam began, I could understand the food served from then on. But today?

Did you know when I would come and prepare the food?

Could it be that we cook every day for someone who will come someday? Is this a place where only Cheonma can take the test?

if so? The person who plans and manages this place must be crazy.

It would be convenient to think that the managers here served the dishes they usually eat, but the dishes were too luxurious for that to be true.

Anyway, thanks to that, I was able to eat my fill of delicious food.

In addition to food to eat, all kinds of alcohol were prepared on the side, and there was also rare tea.

After drinking delicious tea, I opened the room across from the main hall.

As I guessed, it was a bedroom. There was a clean blanket on the bed.

I lay down there.

The Heavenly Demon asked urgently.

[Hey, what are you doing?]

[Because I’m so tired. I’ll get some sleep and wake up.]

[what? This crazy guy? Are you going to sleep now? Can you sleep?]

[I heard if this exam takes longer, it could take a lifetime? You’ve come this far, there’s no need to rush, right? I will wake up later and take the test.]

I fell asleep that way. I had a hard time falling asleep in an unfamiliar place, but I fell asleep well, perhaps because I ate so much delicious food.

I fell asleep soundly. Cheonma, who had been muttering a few words, soon became quiet.

How long did you sleep?

I ate and slept so much, but seeing that I was hungry again, it felt like I had just slept all day.

I got up from my seat and went back to the main hall across the street. As expected, new food was prepared.

What was surprising was that the dishes were different from yesterday. I shook my head as I looked at the steaming dish.

[This is really crazy.]

Did you know when I would wake up and prepare a freshly prepared meal?

The Heavenly Demon spoke to my words.

[You’re the crazy one. You came to take the Demon God Resolve test and ended up sleeping all day! What happened to you? Aren’t you curious?]

[Of course I’m curious.]

[But why is it so leisurely?]

[The original test is to be taken under the best conditions. Body and mind.]

I felt the Heavenly Demon startled by my words. It seems he sympathized deeply. There must also have been this kind of self-reproach.

[You took the test right away when you arrived, right? I came running in a hurry. yes?]

The Heavenly Demon had no answer. Perhaps it was from there that he realized something was wrong.

After eating well again, I stood in front of the large door at the end of the hallway.

The Heavenly Demon spoke in front of the door.

[From now on, you must do it on your own.]


[If there is a sky you spoke of… … Why did you make me meet you?]


[I think it is to solve this evil spirit, which is our school’s long-cherished wish.]

But will that be the solution to the Blood Heavenly God Church’s long-cherished wish? I’m not even a member of the Blood Heavenly God Church.

[It’s okay for you to overestimate me, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pass the test.]

[You will be able to do it.]

What if I actually do it? Suddenly, I remembered a saying that had been passed down in the Blood Heavenly God Church regarding the results of drinking alcohol.

If I unlock the secret, will I really become a demon?

I, who was a Murim lord in my past life, am becoming a demon god in this life? Could that possibly happen?

It was truly something unknown. Anyway, I came here following the guidance of fate.

Now my fate will be decided beyond this door.

I was slowly reaching out my hand to open the door when Cheonma spoke.

[Hey, Hajin.]

[Why but?]

[Do well.]

I don’t know. What lies deep within his heart. What are your feelings about me?

Even if he feels this friendship that I feel with him, even if he considers me a friend… … He is a thousand.

How can we be sure that the friendship we have built is not a sand tower that will be swept away by a single wave?

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]


[Thank you for giving me the opportunity.]

After those words, the Heavenly Demon stopped talking to me.

I slowly opened the door and went in.

There was nothing in the room.

Just one table and chair. There was only one booklet on the table. Nevertheless, the air in the room was different. Maybe it was because I was nervous, but I felt some kind of pressure.

There was another door on the wall that was in line with the door I entered, and above it was written:

I sat down.

On the cover of the booklet it was written, “Demon God’s Spirit of Wind.” Military level? That was also the first time I had heard of it.

Why is it a step?

If it was a test to learn martial arts, it would have had to be swordsmanship, swordsmanship, or martial arts.

My eyes turned to the front door again.

I thought that maybe there wasn’t just one test. This is just the first test. Unraveling the secrets of the demonic spirit could not have ended with just learning one step.

It would have been nice if Cheonma had told him about the test, but he didn’t even open his mouth. He wouldn’t be able to do it even if he wanted to. If what he said was true, he wouldn’t remember what happened in this room anyway. He drank the drink slowly and went on to read it. I read it from beginning to end. This was my impression after reading it once.


I was able to understand most martial arts skills at a glance.

However, I couldn’t even understand the principle behind which the Demon God’s Spiritual Wind Bo was made.

This martial arts skill is really difficult.

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