Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 224

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Don’t get lost in the dark (2)

There was still room.

It was split in two, but it wasn’t enough to kill me.

Instead, the energy consumption required to deal with them increased. Because what was avoided once had to be avoided twice.

I dealt with them while minimizing my movements.

The problem was that they were learning even the economic movements.

“In the end, these are the ones that get a little stronger over time.”

“You’re smart.”

The blood seller smiled brightly at my words. She was literally watching the fight from across the river.

“It would be smart to get rid of this guy.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s impossible.”

The reason why martial arts that can absorb someone’s ability so quickly cannot be seen from the outside is because it is an ability that is only possible in the world of witchcraft.

In other words, there is no point in trying to get rid of them.

We must find a way to destroy this witchcraft.

Clap clap clap clap!

Clap clap clap clap!

I was dealing with them again with swordsmanship. I didn’t want to make them learn the secret arts of Seonhak. Chuhonsura didn’t even use swordsmanship. I dealt with them using only very crude and basic sword techniques.

I was reflected in their faces and bodies, and I fell into the illusion of fighting with myself.

It occurred to me that maybe the person who created this hex in the first place was also aiming for it. If you were only thinking about the visual effect, wouldn’t it have been better to make it red-colored?

Anyway, as I was dealing with the two, I kept thinking about how to destroy this hex.

I thought about crossing it one more time. It is a problem that they are divided, but the bigger problem was the movement of blood sellers.

Just before he was stabbed by my sword, he moved to the other side of the river in an instant.

Realistically, I don’t think that’s possible.

In other words, her movements are also movements that are only possible in witchcraft.

In conclusion, instead of trying to kill her like some of the evil spirits, she must find a way to destroy this world.

Before that, there was one thing to test.

I was planning to hit one of the two guys in the most ignorant way possible. This is a method I should have used when I was one, but I should have tried it now.

While I was slowly dodging, I faced one of the guys who was attacking me in earnest.

Boom! Boom! Quang! Boom!

I started beating the guy with much more strength than I had shown so far.

Nevertheless, neither the limbs nor the head fell off.

I laid him down and punched him in the face.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The guy’s face was sunken.

Another guy was running at me from behind. After kicking the guy mercilessly and making him roll around in the distance, I beat up the guy I had originally beaten again.

Boom! Quang! Boom!

The guy’s head was completely flattened.

It didn’t move anymore.

Okay, just don’t move like this.

I looked across the river at the blood seller.

she was smiling

shit! This method is wrong!

Sure enough, the guy stood up again with a flat face.


His flat face bulged as if air had entered it.

Bung bung bung!

A huge punch flew in. He was swinging his fist like crazy, as if he was trying to get back at her for what he had just suffered. Another guy also joined in the violent punching.

As I ran away to the end of the river, I fired a dagger.


The target was not the guys who had scammed me, but the blood seller across the river.

She easily dodged the attack. Because her inner power could not be released outside of her, the power that could kill her was not released from this distance.

“What are you doing?”

she asked with a smile. It was an obvious ridicule.

“Don’t laugh too loudly. There will be a lot of things to laugh at in the future.”

She laughed at my reaction, but there was a look of fear on her face. In the midst of all this, wasn’t I still getting a bad feeling from my leisurely self?

Anyway, I had to do something.

Before Song Hwa-rin learned about the Jin method, I also learned the Jin method from Gal Sa-ryang. In the process, I learned about the principles by which the highest level of formation is created and how to find a way to break it.

In most cases, the law of destruction lies in places you would never expect.

The next moment, my eyes turned to a certain place.

It was a river of blood flowing between her and me.

As my eyes turned to the river, the blood seller smiled leisurely.

“There are a lot of things waiting to kill you.”

“So. I’m going to give it a try.”

Without hesitation, I threw myself away.

with a plop.

I went as deep as I could. The two guys who were attacking me came in after me.

It didn’t look deep from the outside, but it was deeper than I thought. She kept diving in. The two guys followed suit at a frightening speed.


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No matter how expert you were, there was a limit to how much you could hold your breath. Moreover, it wasn’t just water, it was blood.

Still, I stubbornly held my breath. She was sure there was something in the riverbed for destruction.

But there was nothing on the floor. I swam everywhere, but couldn’t find it.

I climbed back up to avoid them.

While I was gasping for breath as if I was about to die, the guys who came out after me didn’t even gasp.

There was less than half of my strength left. Even before entering this hex, a considerable amount of internal energy had been consumed. The blood that had formed on the end of my hair dripped.

What on earth is the law of destruction?

I told this to Song Hwarin a while ago. There is always a way to destroy witchcraft. We need to find out calmly. I give her her advice and then I can’t find out what she really is?

They approached. If this continues, my strength will dry up, and I will eventually be defeated by those two guys.

A blood seller was smiling across the river.

“It’s not easy, is it?”

“It’s not easy.”

Now, calm down. Let’s think again from the beginning.

It will be in places I never thought of and in things I never want to do.

Is there anything more unpleasant than walking into that river of blood?

The next moment, a thought struck my head.

there is!

One terrible thing that I really don’t want to think about.

When I looked like I had noticed something, the blood seller was startled.


“It’s something you might like.”

Her expression became even more determined at my words.

As soon as I finished speaking, I jumped away.

He crossed the river and swung his sword at her.

Just like before, she disappeared.

The two people who were imitating me ran across the river after me. Two more were added by one each, now there are four. What used to be terrible for two became four.

The blood seller said from behind.

“What kind of trick is this?”

I said, turning to her.

“Now is the start.”

I jumped back into the river and rushed towards her.

Four followed, making eight. Of course, this time she escaped as if teleporting across the river.

But those eight couldn’t attack me. Instead of dealing with them, I went straight back to killing the blood seller.

“You crazy guy! What are you doing?”

“Just to see how many of those damn bastards grow. Why? If there are more of them trying to kill me, it’s a good thing for you, right?”

I was attempting to shake this hex.

In any case, there was a limit to how many people could attack one person. Since it was a place where sword energy could not be fired, the maximum number of people who could join forces was about seventy-eight people.

If this hex’s method of destroying them was to eliminate them all, it was a method that should never have been chosen.

But anyway, if it was something that I couldn’t kill, it was just like one, fifty, or a thousand to me.

I went up and down the river like a crazy person. The number of those who followed them across the river exceeded one hundred, and quickly exceeded two hundred.

“You crazy bastard! Stop it!”

The blood seller shouted urgently.

Meanwhile, the number continued to increase.

I wasn’t sure if this choice was right or wrong. But at least he could see that he had taken the right direction by looking at the panicked look of the blood seller. The venue became a complete mess.

They threw themselves at me, and in the process, they got tangled up and fell. There were things that fell into the water and started floating away.


Blood spurted out for the first time from the blood seller’s body.

It is too late to avoid it. I could tell. As the number of things that divide her increases, it becomes a burden to her and the world of her witchcraft.

I knew it instinctively. This hex is reaching its limit.

The moment when their number exceeded a thousand!

Easy profit!


My sword stuck in her chest.

“Damn it!”

The moment I looked into her despairing eyes, I knew. This method was the method of breaking the spell.

The world changed with a popping sound.

We were facing Jay Jinbeop again. When the magic was broken, they returned to the original world.

The sword stab wound on her chest was gone, but blood was flowing from her mouth instead. When her magic was destroyed, she suffered serious internal injuries.

“As expected, just like you said, everyone is leaving.”

“Didn’t I tell you that they were smart people?”

“If you don’t go far, you’ll all die anyway.”

“Of course you’ve gone far. Even if you’re nearby, there’s something you’re forgetting.”


“This is not the camp.”

Even if there is an explosion, it will explode within the formation. Because it was a top-class formation, it was not easy to destroy it with physical force from the inside.

Of course, since it was not a completed formation, there was a high possibility that the formation would be destroyed, but it would prevent the explosion to some extent.

“Then what about you? On the contrary, you will be even more shocked by this strategy.”

“I guess so.”

She, who had a premonition of her own end, spewed out harsh words.

“You are just a victim. You are just being used by them. Love? Affection? Loyalty? Filial piety? Those are just traps created to entangle foolish idiots like you.”

On the other hand, I was calm.

“Do you think all of this is a unilateral sacrifice on my part?”

“is not it?”

“You’ve never made a sacrifice, so you don’t really know what it’s like. Sacrifice isn’t just about dying for someone else.”

“What do you mean?”

“When it comes to sacrifice, dying instead is a very valuable thing, but a greater sacrifice is not giving up until the end and doing your best until the last moment. I’m still trying.”

She was staring at me silently. I added at the end.

“And sacrifice is not something you do for others. Ultimately, you do it for yourself.”

I didn’t know how much he understood what I said. It didn’t matter. Because, as I said at the beginning of this fight, we were not in a relationship of understanding.

The Sura Myeongwang Sword rose into the air.


I poured all my remaining strength into this one sword technique.


The Sura Myeongwang Sword flew towards her.

she said finally.

“you also.”

Pooh wow!

Her heart was pierced.

The moment she died, Dong Gui Jin’s method, Explosive Blood Demon Heavenly Gong, was activated.


It was a huge explosion. The inside of the camp was swept away by the explosion.


The last thing I heard was the cry of the Heavenly Demon.

Unable to withstand the impact of the explosion, my body was torn apart and shattered.

It was the moment of experiencing death again.

A moment later, I was standing in the yard of the manor.

The corpse of a blood seller lay in front of me with his chest pierced.

And I was alive.

The Heavenly Demon asked in a surprised tone.

[How on earth did this happen?]

[Because I am a good person, they brought me back to life.]

[No nonsense!]

[Where do you think we were standing earlier?]

[what? What does that mean?]

[The moment I came out of the magic spell, I recreated this place with Cheongisinhwangong.]

The place where Jijinbeop, where we originally stood, was made was recreated with Cheongisimhwangong.

I have already achieved the ultimate fulfillment of Cheon Ki-shen Hwan-gong.

And I tried one thing. The blood seller was brought into Cheongisim Hwan-gong. The attempt was successful.

If you die in the Heavenly Qi Heart Hwan Gong, the Heavenly Qi Heart Hwan Gong will be broken. Even if you die inside, you don’t really die. That’s why I was able to dance with the Heavenly Demon to my heart’s content.

Since my death was a death inside the Heavenly Qixin Hwan-gong, it was only when the Heavenly Qi-sim Hwan-gong was broken that I was thrown back into reality.

But she really died. This was because she was not someone who had learned the Heavenly Qi Shen Huan Gong, but someone I had brought in for a while.

[oh my god! Are you thinking of dragging that bitch to Cheongishimhwan-gong and dying with her?]

[A genius?]

[This is crazy! I can say that with my own mouth.]

After a while, the Heavenly Demon spoke as if confessing.

[He is a genius.]

[ha ha ha. Thanks to you. It’s thanks to teaching me the Cheonkisimhwangong technique.]

[How can you say that? Because you’re good at it.]

[Of course.]

[Yes, it’s like you to act proud like this.]

I saw people running towards me in the distance.


With Gwangdu running like a bison in the lead, his father, Song Woo-kyung, Baekpyo and Galsaryang, Seojung and Gwanhwi, and the dazzlingly beautiful Song Hwarin.

[Do you like it?]

[It’s good.]

[Do they even know? How long did you fight to the death?]

[You don’t have to know. Because I never fought to know that. And again… … .”


[You know, right? Then that’s it.]

[What a crazy guy! What should I know!]

Gwangdu jumped towards me and hugged me.

“Doeoeounnieeeeeeeee! I’m glad you’re safe.”

“You bastard! You’re not the one who should be hugged first!”

“I’m number one! No matter what anyone says, I’m number one!”

“ha ha ha.”

The blood seller told me. You are a scapegoat.

Yes, let’s say all of this is a sacrifice.

But then what? I am so happy because I am with them.

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