Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 216

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When the wind blows from Shandong (3)

“Danwol died and the blood swords that accompanied him were wiped out.”

Hearing his subordinate’s report, the blood seller closed his eyes. The ominous premonition that had been stimulating him all along had become a reality. I had a feeling that what was coming was coming.

“Didn’t one of them come back?”

“Yes, it is.”

It wasn’t just one or twenty people who went. More than fifty people sent blood tests. He went there with Danwol, who had reliable skills.

It was a force that could just wipe out quite a few factions, but what happened to all of them?

“He came here.”

“I think so.”

“How on earth do you know!”

Indeed, the opponent was showing actions that went beyond common sense.

“Did he do this on his own?”

“No. This is a follow-up report that a significant number of military officers who appear to be expert soldiers appear to have gathered at Byeok Clan Gate.”

“You mean you have a powerful organization?”

Since I had been working alone so far, even this obvious fact felt foreign.

She got up and walked to the window. Usually, when I get angry, I feel like my heart is boiling. But when I get angrier, my heart becomes as cold as it is now.

“When will the others arrive?”

“Jeoyo is scheduled to arrive in three days, Hyeolru is scheduled to arrive in five days, and Seobulpae is scheduled to arrive in ten days.”

“Send a message telling everyone to hurry. Bring in all the blood swords.”

“all right.”

“When everyone comes together, it moves.”

“Can I give them that much time?”

“This guy is the one who shut down the Night City of the Underground World in just two days. Sending the Blood Sword Fifty with Danwol ended up being a careless act. Now, what do you think? Are you still worried about giving this guy time?”

“No. You made the right decision. If we send them one by one, they will be destroyed individually. I will immediately send a message to everyone to hurry as much as possible.”

The man admitted his mistake and hurried out. The blood seller walked to the window. The passionate emotions in her eyes as she looked out were not just a desire for revenge or a desire to survive.

Dawn was coming from afar, but her eyes became deeper and deeper, making it difficult to guess what she was thinking.

* * *

An iron-clad security network was set up at the Byeok clan checkpoint.

Although they almost suffered a surprise attack, the sword team led by Seojung had top-level skills. In addition, there was the Sogeomdae led by Gwanhwi, the Taeseonggeomdae led by Gwangdu, and finally, the Baekpyo’s Blackpeopdae.

A triple and quadruple security net was deployed.

Only after that did I explain the past events in detail to my father and mother, Song Woo-kyung, Seo-jung, and Song Hwa-rin.

I honestly revealed everything except my true identity. From meeting Baekpyo and Galsaryang by chance in Wuhan and trying to make them my people, to the incident where the enemies took control of the underground world and appointed Ma Bong-gi as the Murim lord.

Everyone was shocked, but since Gal Sa-ryang and Baek-pyo had joined, they could not help but believe in these incredible conspiracies and events.

Lastly, I also told about my martial arts skills. He said that it was a serendipitous opportunity. It is said that he learned martial arts from his master, Cheonha Jin, who was the lord of the Murim Alliance.

“Ah, that’s why you changed.”

My father and mother accepted that this was the reason for all my positive changes.

Rather, it was a good thing. If you were taught martial arts by such a great master, you would also have been taught lessons that would change your life. I naturally accepted the changes in myself that I could not understand.

As I had told Gal Sa-ryang and Baek-pyo, I never intended to reveal to my parents that I was Cheon Ha-jin. Until they pass away, I will live as their son, Byeokridan.

I truly recognized them both as my parents. They were better parents than anyone else, and they were people who deserved respect as strong people regardless of their blood relations.

When I finished my story, everyone said nothing. I realized that this wasn’t just about dealing with a few evildoers.

“The enemies are strong and evil. From now on, you must be very careful in everything you do.”

Everyone nodded.

Here, Gal Sa-ryang took charge of the first task of dealing with the enemy.

“From now on, we will set up a dark giant. Once the formation is completed, you will not have to worry too much about intrusion from the outside.”

Since Gal Sa-ryang had direct experience installing the Dark Dark Geohaejin in a safe house on the island, the installation here will be able to proceed more quickly.

Song Hwa-rin stepped forward cautiously.

“If it’s okay with you, please let me help you.”

“If Song Xiaoje helps, it will be of great help.”

She had previously learned Jinbeop from Gal Sa-ryang. I would like to take this opportunity to learn more.

Song Woo-kyung asked with a surprised face.

“Do you know about Jinbeop?”

“Last time, when I had the opportunity, Master Gal gave me some teachings.”

Gal Sa-ryang said to Song Woo-gyeong.

“Your daughter is very intelligent and has a great talent for fighting.”

“Hehehe, that’s an over-praise. The child still has a lot to improve on.”

Song Woo-gyeong’s mouth was torn below her ears when she heard Gal Sa-ryang’s praise. His father said to Gal Saryang:

“Our son is also lacking a lot. Please take care of him in the future.”

Then Galsaryang said to his father.

“It seems that Lord Byeokmun has one misunderstanding.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

“Your son did not come under my control. I swore allegiance to him.”

My father was surprised. Mother, Song Woo-kyung, and Seo-jung were all equally surprised. I thought I was helping Galsaryang and Baekpyo, not that I was their master.

Baekpyo put an end to everyone’s doubts.

“I also swore allegiance to Duke Bai. He is my one and only lord.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to me.

“Is that true?”

I answered my father’s question.


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“That’s right.”

After a moment of silence, my father spoke again.

“Did you forget what I told you before?”

“He always told me to consider the other person’s position when making decisions. He also told me to be even more careful if he was a subordinate. I have never forgotten that.”

My father nodded with a satisfied expression.

“Then that’s it.”

This was the first time I saw such a happy expression since I met my father. Yes, my father is also a strong man, so how could it not feel good to have such great subordinates?

So everyone left the room and I was left alone with my mother.

My mother was moved in a different way.

“Thank you so much for your safe return.”

She gently cupped my face with both hands.

“Were you worried? I’m really sorry for making you worry.”

“No. I’m proud of you.”

My mother’s touch was the same warm touch I had felt before.

“Haha, sure. Whose son is this?”

My mother’s hand, which had been gently stroking, pinched my cheek tightly.

“But you can’t be conceited!”


From that day on, Byeok Clan Gate entered into war.

Everyone was busy taking on their own roles, but the top priority was setting up a defense system.

Gal Sa-ryang, Song Hwa-rin, and the Black Panther Team helped. Everyone made a plan by sleeping less at night. Ingredients were procured from nearby Heuksi, and Gong Su-chan sent what was missing.

Song Woo-gyeong moved Song Jajang’s elites to Byeok Clan Gate.

Father and Song Woo-gyeong sent all the remaining family wives and servants back to their hometowns, leaving only the minimum number of people.

They told me not to come back until they contacted me. Of course, he provided us with enough money to enable us to live during this time.

Now, all those left here were strongmen. They too were given a choice. There was going to be a big fight now, so those who were leaving were allowed to leave.

About one-fifth of the warriors left the family. The remaining people happily sent them off. Loyalty is important, but each person’s life is also important, which is what my father and Song Woo-kyung always believed.

While everyone was busy, I used the Heavenly Qixin Huangong in my room and met the Heavenly Demon. It was to express my gratitude once again.

[Thanks to you. thank you.]

[Why is this happening all of a sudden?]

[If you hadn’t told me about the Empress of Blood, I wouldn’t have known that the blood seller could use the Sihon Daebeop.]

In the process, I even learned Jamyeongbo from him as a bonus.

[It’s surprising.]

[Being thankful is being thankful.]

Saying thank you for what you are grateful for, and saying sorry for something you did wrong. I think this is one of the most important things in relationships.

This is especially true when it comes to mistakes. That person will know and understand how sorry I am. That’s mostly an illusion. It must be expressed in words. I’m sorry.

If you don’t hear those words, it will leave a scar on your heart that can never be erased. They say they forgot about it, but… … I just pretend not to know and live my life.

When I was young, I didn’t know. Because I was just passing by. It’s easy to forget, and it’s easy to form new relationships. But as you get older, small things feel bigger and bigger.

He said he had something to ask of me instead of teaching me how to do it. Likewise, I also have something I want to say to him someday.

But will the day ever come when we can say that? Even if that day comes, will I be able to say that?

[You shouldn’t feel flattered just because you defeated one idiot this time.]

[You, tell me honestly.]

[What do you mean?]

[Is there something you didn’t tell me about Empress Blood?]

The Heavenly Demon flinched. He is not a man who is very used to lying about the truth.

[Let’s have a drink.]

[It’s good.]

Last time I confirmed that I could drink alcohol. Now you can have a drink with him at any time inside Tianqishinhuangong.

I brought a few bottles of alcohol and showed off my courage again.

[Drinking alcohol in broad daylight is not bad.]


After drinking a few drinks, Cheonma finally revealed the secret story he had been hiding.

[At that time, Empress Hyeolrak challenged us. Our school was turned upside down. How dare Sapa Naburaengi, and that is because a woman has challenged us head-on.]

It must have been so. Because the vain pride of the Demonic Cult was one of the things that truly did not change.

[The Cheonma of that time was my grandfather, who created Seonhak secret arts.]

[Ah, I see.]

[The first person my grandfather sent was Geomma.]

The word ‘first’ was meaningful. Because it meant there was a second one. It was exactly as I expected.

[The Sword Demon, who thought he would win, came back losing.]

[As far as I know, due to the nature of martial arts, doesn’t magic overpower sailor?]

[yes. Even so, we lost. It is said that the magic used by Empress Hyeolrak was so bizarre.]

[so? I don’t think it would have ended like that?]

[of course. The very angry grandfather went in person.]

I was secretly surprised to hear that Cheonma himself came forward.

Well, he could be said to be the best swordsman of the Blood Heavenly God Church, but since he lost, the Heavenly Demon would have had to step in.

For a moment, the Heavenly Demon remained silent and only emptied his drink. I didn’t urge him. I had a feeling that what he was going to say now would be the most important part of this story.

As expected, a shocking fact flowed from the mouth of the Heavenly Demon.

[Grandpa lost too.]

[what? The Heavenly Demon lost?]

[No, more accurately, you lost.]

[What are you saying?]

[My grandfather fell in love with Empress Hyeolrak.]

I was really surprised. I never imagined that there would be a story like this hidden in the affair between the demonic religion and the Empress of Blood.

[I don’t know the details of the two people’s story either. However, I think it has something to do with her grandfather abandoning his position as head of the church and leaving her main church.]

One question I have at this point.

[Later, when she was killed by the sectarians, why didn’t the Demonic Cult take revenge?]

[Revenge? I remember the incident related to Empress Blood as a disgrace to our school?]

[You said Empress Hyeolrak had a daughter, right? Is it your grandfather’s bloodline?]

[no. She said she already had a daughter at the time. But she doesn’t know. She may have distorted the truth at our school.]

Whatever the truth, it was truly surprising.

I thought that the writing left behind by the corpse in the cave looked like that of a Taoist who had left this world, that the secret art of Seonhak was made softer than the martial arts of the Demonic Cult, or that it might be because of his love with the Empress of Blood.

[Thank you for being honest.]

[You seem to be saying thank you too much these days.]

[is it? Thank you for letting me know.]

[Forget the lame jokes and have a drink.]

I had a drink with him.

Some people might think this way.

How could someone as powerful as a heavenly horse fall in love with such a woman? If I put my mind to it, I could attract dozens of beautiful women every day.

Well, there must have been such heavenly demons in the history of the Demonic Cult. These heavenly demons can truly be called the lords of evil.

But it seems that Cheonma was not that kind of person at the time. I could guess what kind of person he was just by looking at the letter he left behind.

Perhaps he truly loved Empress Blood. For some reason, I think it was like that.

Suddenly, a curious thought occurred to me and I asked Cheonma.

[Have you ever loved a woman?]

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