Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 214

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When the wind blows from Shandong (1)

Applause erupted from the guest hall of Shandong Yang Fire Station.

“Thank you for entrusting this important person to me.”

The person standing on the podium was Jeong Yeo, Lord Yangso.

Those clapping below were the heads of each Shandong sect. Among them were Byeok Do-jun, Byeok Ri-dan’s father, Song Hwa-rin, and her father, Song Woo-gyeong.

Today, various sects of Shandong came together to form an organization.

It was the Shandong Jeonghoe (山東正會).

Shandong Jinghoe was a Shandong union to fight against Maqiao. Establishing a single force in the original region was not an easy task. Above all, this is because the central Murim Alliance disapproves of it.

However, the Murim Alliance was currently not in a position to take care of each and every movement in the region. The Murim lord Macheolgun was absorbed in the fight against the forces behind him along with Meryeongin.

Thanks to this, we were able to succeed in creating the Shandong Jeonghoe without any interference or pressure.

Hoeju was promoted by Jeong Yeo-ga of Shandong First Party, Yangso-bang, with majority support.

“It took a lot of effort from one person to create this association.”

Then everyone’s eyes turned to one person. The people gathered here knew who Jeong Yeo was talking about. It was Song Hwarin.

After receiving a request from the Byeokridan to take control of Shandong, she immediately set about turning Shandong into a single power upon returning home.

The first thing I did was persuade my father, and I went with him to meet the heads of various clans. Yangso Bangju was a member of the Byeokridan and cooperated actively, but other sects were not willing to step forward so easily.

Song Hwa-rin visited a certain sect several times, persuading them again and again about the necessity of creating the Shandong Jeonghoe.

As a result, today’s Shandong Jeonghoe was able to be created. Song Hwarin’s power was also great in electing Jeong Yeo as the head. Of course, she knew of her relationship with Byeokridan and Jeong Yeo, so she actively promoted him.

“I would like to sincerely thank Song Sojeo.”

Song Hwa-rin received applause at Jeong Yeo’s greeting. She turned to everyone and waved.

Song Woo-kyung praised her with satisfaction.

“You really did a great job.”

“That’s an overstatement.”

Byeok Do-jun, who was next to him, said with a smile.

“Is this too much praise? “If it weren’t for you, this would never have happened.”

“This was possible thanks to the help of the two of you.”

Of course, it wasn’t wrong. This was possible because Yangsobang, Shandong First Bang, Song Gajang, J Munpa, and Byeokssi Inspection, which has been growing rapidly in recent years, took the lead.

Now, Shandong has come together as one through the Shandong Association. Each sect dispatched a warrior, and the organization was organized into elite warriors of the Shandong Jeonghoe.

Of course, not all factions participated. Even among the major factions, some were left out, but they were not forced to participate.

Song Hwa-rin was in a good mood. More than anything, she was extremely proud of the fact that she had done what Byuk Lidan had asked her to do.

* * *

A carriage came into the manor on the outskirts of Qubu, Shandong Province.

At the manor, warriors who had arrived in advance were camped out everywhere. The warriors were all wearing red military uniforms, but their spirit was unusual.

The person who got off the carriage was a blood seller. Her subordinate, her man, assisted her and guided her into her house.

“I called them all, including Danwol, Jeokyo, Hyeolru, and West Bulpae.”

The blood seller nodded at the man’s explanation.

“I put a blood sign on the target.”

The blood spirits were the ones who found Byeokridan with the face from Sihondaebop. Since they are experts in surveillance and tracking, they will now be able to know the whereabouts of their target at any time.

“There is no need to rush. Anyway, he doesn’t know that we have revealed his identity. “He takes the opportunity and handles it perfectly.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

“Where is the fiancé named Shandong Jeilmi now?”

“Song Hwa-rin is currently in Yangso-bang with her parents.”

“Sheep fire?”

“yes. “It appears that they have formed an organization called Shandong Jeonghoe, with Yangso Bangju as the head.”

“You three are together?”

“That’s right.”

If I waited until the meeting was over, I could catch all three at once. Moreover, since it is outside their home base and not outside, they will be able to handle it more easily.

“Who arrives first?”

“It’s a single month.”

“When will you arrive?”

“It has to be tomorrow.”

“Please report as soon as Danwol arrives.”

“All right.”

The blood seller entered his room. Even if he didn’t have to be Danwol, it wasn’t difficult for him to take them hostage if he went out on his own. Moreover, it was easier if the three of them were together.

However, the reason I hesitated was because of what I had experienced before. Even in the Great Law of the Sihon and when I monitored Seongwangbo through the blood gate, something was different from usual. Maybe that’s why I didn’t have a good feeling.

It feels foreign and ominous, so I will handle this matter carefully.

‘There’s no need for me to step forward in this situation.’

* * *

The next evening, Song Hwa-rin visited Byeok Clan Gate with her father.

To celebrate the establishment of the Shandong Association, a meal was prepared for the first time in a long time.

“We should have invited you.”

When Song Woo-kyung apologized, Lim Ye-hwa smiled brightly and said,

“You need to give me a chance to show off my skills.”

“Haha, that’s what I said.”

It was a joke about Lim Ye-hwa’s poor cooking skills.

Song Woo-kyung stopped being playful and spoke seriously.

“Thank you for always caring.”

“no. “I always think of you as part of the same family, so don’t feel any pressure.”


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This time, Song Hwa-rin bowed her head politely.

“thank you for the invitation.”

“I wanted to congratulate you on something you did so well this time.”

“To be honest, what I did this time was something Dan asked me to do.”

“My son?”

Byeok Do-jun and Lim Ye-hwa were surprised.

“Yes, it was a request to rally Shandong.”

The two people were even more surprised by those words.

On the other hand, Song Woo-kyung did not look very surprised.

“Your father knew.”

“How could I not know?”

Recently, he felt that his daughter had changed a lot. However, I thought that there was no way that change would develop into the will to unite Shandong into one to prepare for the Demonic Bridge. So she was thinking that she had something to do with Byeokri Dan.

On the other hand, Byeok Do-jun and Lim Ye-hwa only assumed that Song Hwa-rin’s latest performance was Song Woo-kyung’s intention.

“I’m sorry for not telling you in advance.”

“There is no need to be sorry. The reason for doing something is important, but the process is also important. “You handled this matter better than anyone else, and this father is very satisfied.”

Byeok Do-jun nodded along.

“I think the same thing. “Even if I had done this myself, I wouldn’t have been able to do it so well.”

“That’s too much praise.”

“ha ha ha. “Let’s have a drink.”

Byeok Do-jun and Lim Ye-hwa met their gazes. I could feel that this moment, how great it would be if Song Hwarin became my daughter-in-law.

After asking the men to drink as much as they could for the first time in a while, Song Hwa-rin and Lim Ye-hwa came out to get some fresh air.

Song Hwa-rin’s proud heart did not subside from the joy of accomplishing the biggest thing in her life.

Naturally, Byeokridan came to mind. How great would it be if he were here right now? I would be proud to tell him.

That I did it so well.

I missed him.

At that time, Lim Ye-hwa, who was next to me, suddenly spoke.

“I wish Dan was here today.”

Song Hwarin was surprised because she had been thinking about Byeokridan.

“What on earth are you doing leaving you alone like this? “You will understand later when you raise a son, but men grow up very late.”

A slight blush appeared on Song Hwa-rin’s face.

Will the day really come for you to give birth and raise a son?

Lim Ye-hwa asked Song Hwa-rin with gentle eyes.

“I understand?”


She knew very well what the Byeokridan was doing and how dangerous they were fighting.

‘I’m sorry for not being honest with you.’

If I find out the truth, I won’t be able to sleep properly from that day on.

The two walked around the garden, talking about various things.

At some point, Song Hwa-rin stopped walking.


Song Hwa-rin, who was looking at the darkness on the wall in the distance, was startled.

“There is someone.”

As soon as those words were out, men appeared from all directions, jumping over the fence.

They were men wearing red military uniforms and red masks. The character ‘blood’ was written in cursive on the left chest of the uniform. The energy radiating from the men was unusual.

Her heart was pounding like it was going to explode.

‘Let’s stay calm. Let’s calm down.’

Song Hwa-rin struggled to pull herself together.

‘I have to protect my mother.’

At that time, Lim Ye-hwa stepped forward and quickly spoke while sending Song Hwa-rin to the back.

“I’ll take my time, so go inside the house and ask for help.”

Without listening to Song Hwa-rin’s answer, Lim Ye-hwa spoke loudly.

“Where are you from?”

They intentionally made a loud noise to be heard inside the building.

Instead of answering, one of the men in front rushed towards her.

“Hurry and avoid!”

Lim Ye-hwa ran forward, shouting at Song Hwa-rin.

‘If only I had a sword!’

She also learned martial arts. But it had been so long since she had practiced martial arts, and besides, she didn’t even have a sword in her hand to learn swordsmanship.

However, he gained courage with the determination to save Song Hwa-rin.

Lim Ye-hwa powerfully kicked the opponent.

However, the masked man who rushed at me was not an opponent I could deal with at this level. Her man dodged slightly and hit Lim Ye-hwa’s leg with the handle of her knife. Just when her shin was about to break!



A sword flew from behind Lim Ye-hwa and pierced the man’s chest. Song Hwarin, who rushed after him, was the sword.

“Leave this to me and get away quickly.”


“Come on!”

Lim Ye-hwa was able to see that Song Hwa-rin’s martial arts skills were much higher than he thought. But that didn’t mean he could leave Song Hwa-rin alone.

“Let’s go together! hurry!”

The two people ran together. It was definitely a good choice, but before I knew it, masked men were blocking the road behind me.

The number of people surrounding them reached about thirty.

The skills of each one seemed formidable. The reason he was able to kill the man in one go was because the opponent was careless and Lim Ye-hwa blocked his view.

But now the men were not letting down their guard at all.

‘Let’s stay calm.’

Song Hwa-rin controlled her mind. In times like this, you shouldn’t panic.

‘I am different from before. You have to trust me.’

The other party did not give them time to think. The two masked men rushed towards Song Hwarin again.

The good news was that they were trying to capture the two people alive, not kill them. If they had tried to kill them, even if 30 men had thrown just one weapon at a time, two people would have already been dead.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Shhh!

Three swords drew different trajectories in the air.

Song Hwarin knew. In the past, he would never have been able to avoid or block the swords flying at his wrist so quickly, especially the two swords.

But it was definitely different now.

Her sword decapitated the man on the left, and with the same force it cut the arm and chest of the man on the right.

In one movement, both men fell down, blood spurting out at the same time.

‘Yes, I am stronger. ‘I can win!’

Song Hwa-rin grabbed Lim Ye-hwa’s hand and sent it behind her.

“Mother, I will protect you.”

Lim Ye-hwa’s emotions were moved by those words. She is said to be a mother and to protect her. I’m grateful and she’s touched, but it’s not her who protects her, she’ll have to be herself.

This time the two men rushed at me again. This time, back and forth, one rushed at Song Hwa-rin and the other at Lim Ye-hwa.

Song Hwa-rin tried to get rid of the man who rushed towards her as quickly as possible and help Lim Ye-hwa.

However, this man was more skilled than the previous men. Moreover, Song Hwa Lin was even anxious in her heart.


The swords collided quickly in the air, but could not kill the opponent. After about twenty moves, Song Hwa-rin was finally able to find an opportunity.

Hiss! Phew!

After she pierced the man’s neck, she quickly turned around.

Song Hwa-rin, who was about to ask if she was okay, was surprised. When she rushed at Lim Ye-hwa, her man was already dead and lying on the ground.

Lim Ye-hwa picked up the sword of the man who had died before him and killed the man who attacked him this time.

Lim Ye-hwa said without turning around, with her back to Song Hwa-rin.

“When I was young, I also played with swords. “I’ll take care of the rest.”

Song Hwa-rin nodded and said.

“yes! mother. “Please do me a favor.”

But the situation got worse. This time, not just one or two men, but more than twenty men began to approach all at once, radiating murderous energy.

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