Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 210

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Blood seller (2)

Everyone was very happy when I returned safely to the island’s safe house.

“I wish you a safe return.”

First of all, we met Galsaryang first. He welcomed me with an extremely happy face. I felt sorry for always making him worry as he aged.

“This time, Baek Dae-ju was especially worried.”

“It’s not like a kid put out on the water. Why should you be so worried?”

When I said this with a smile, Galsaryang also laughed along with me.

“Isn’t it an ordinary waterfront? It’s a place full of monsters targeting the lord.”

“Tell them that all those monsters are dead.”

“ha ha ha.”

After laughing happily, Gal Sa-ryang spoke seriously.

“You know? He’s a very loyal and responsible person. I guess he gets on my nerves for one reason or another.”

Yes, even if they don’t tell me, I know this better than anyone else.

“I understand. I will talk to Lord Baek about it.”

Those words were enough. Because Gal Sa-ryang knew very well that I would not handle such matters rashly.

“If they call me again, will you go?”

“Yes, but he probably won’t come.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Somehow, I handled it too harshly this time.”

Gal Sa-ryang guessed what I meant and smiled.

“It doesn’t matter. We will soon take the lead. We are currently concentrating all of our intelligence on investigating these people. “I think there will be good news soon.”

“I will trust you and wait.”

Galsaryang was not the only one who rejoiced at my return.

“Let’s have a drink tonight. It’s been a while since I showed off my skills.”

Lim Yeon-jeong rolled up her sleeves and entered the kitchen. As I was about to follow her in, the white lotus smiled at me. Her whole heart was put into that smile that put her heart at ease just by looking at her.

In the afternoon, Baekpyo and Gwangdu, who had gone out, returned.

“You idiot!”

The speed at which it rushed towards me was not the same as before.

“It seems like the affection has cooled.”

“Oh, it’s because I’m tired. I couldn’t sleep.”

Gwangdu was helping Gong Soo-chan and risking everything to grow Taeseong Sangdan and Taeseong Geomdae.

“Are you tired?”

“How have you been doing this difficult work?”

“You have to endure it with your will!”

“I’m not asking you, Master?”

Then he playfully looked back at Baekpyo standing behind him.

“I am honored, Lord Baek!”

I said, shaking my head.

“I respect you too. Even when you’re tired, you never forget to be kind.”


Everyone laughed together.

At the end, I held Gwangdu’s hand tightly.

I remembered him having his first dream about Gangho in the carriage. Now he has become a person incomparable to what he was then.

“I’m proud of you.”

Gwangdu’s eyes wavered. Soon Gwangdu pouted her mouth and spoke.

“You really keep setting traps that you can’t escape.”

“I’m telling your subordinates to set traps like this too.”

Gwangdu chuckled.

“You have no idea how grateful I am.”

“Pay back by sacrificing your life.”

“Oh my God! When will I become such a shameless leader?”

I turned around with Baekpyo, leaving Gwangdu with an absurd expression on his face.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”

“Yes, my lord.”

I walked around the dock with Baekpyo.

“I’m so glad you came back safely.”

Other than that, he didn’t say anything else. But I could tell just by looking at the eyes on me. How worried he was about me. It made me wonder if I could truly care about others like this.

Because I know that feeling, that’s probably why I care about him.

In my past life, I did not have this kind of feelings toward my subordinates. Because we had to fight a war for a long time. Because you couldn’t fight a war while protecting someone’s life.

The moment you put meaning into someone’s death, war becomes unbearable.

So I said this to my subordinates on the battlefield.

Instead of burying your colleagues in your chest, just bury them in the ground. That’s how you live.

Maybe those words were meant for me.

“I heard you were worried about me a lot, right?”

“It’s not because I don’t trust you, my lord, but I’m actually worried a lot.”

And then he smiled awkwardly.

“Please worry about me a lot from now on.”


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“What do you mean?”

“I feel good because I feel protected because Baek Dae-ju is worried about me.”

“Haha. Don’t say that.”

“Baek Daeju.”


“Thank you. Sincerely.”

When I spoke seriously, Baekpyo also smiled.

“No. I am always grateful.”

We exchanged words of gratitude to each other.

Meanwhile, I also had that thought.

I wonder if he is too ignorant of the feelings of his subordinates because he wants to protect them.

I’m really sorry, Baekpyo.

That day we drank until late at night.

It was an opportunity for Lim Yeon-jeong and Baek-ryun to become closer to everyone. The drinking party was fun and comfortable as the gwangdu served as licorice and brightened the atmosphere.

Galsaryang, who was drunk, seemed so excited that he decided to sing a song.

I felt unexpected.

I thought that if one of Gal Sa-ryang and Baek-pyo were to sing, Baek-pyo would sing, but surprisingly, Gal Sa-ryang came forward.

Have I ever heard him sing? Now that I think about it, there has never been one.

I thought I knew a lot about them, but there’s so much I don’t know.

Gal Sa-ryang sang with a composed voice. We beat our knees with our palms and matched the rhythm.

Instead of avoiding the strong snowy wind, he wielded his sword and fought in a remote place a thousand miles away.

Suddenly, I looked up at the sky and saw that our lives were flowing like clouds in the wind blowing in the clearing.

The love I let go cannot be returned, so let’s wander freely through the rivers alone.

My last remaining friend, I’m offering you a drink now, so please don’t refuse.

When Galsaryang’s song ended, everyone applauded and cheered and raised their glasses high.

I could guess Gal Sa-ryang’s thoughts. It’s been a while since I got drunk, so I thought of Cheonmanghoeju’s anti-seojeong. Once this fight is over, the two will be the first to bear fruit.

Lim Yeon-jeong and Baek-ryeon also had moist eyes. They were tears of longing and regret. They were also tears of joy about a new life.

Baekpyo drank while missing his family in Shandong. I will miss my wife and child so much.

Gwangdu suddenly said he wanted to see poached eggs and took a sip of his drink. These days, she said, her affection is growing by exchanging letters with her in Shandong. I jokingly said that she sends her letter whenever she thinks of it.

“You can’t be too nice from the beginning!”

“You don’t know love!”

“ha ha ha.”

I laughed out loud and said it was fun, but inside I felt sad. It was true that he couldn’t understand women’s feelings well.

Naturally, Song Hwarin came to mind.

How is she doing?

The night of rest that came after a long time deepened into longing.

Early in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I walked around the manor alone. At that time, the Heavenly Demon called me.

[Would you like to see me?]


A space was created through Cheon Gisim Hwan-gong.

[Your skills have definitely improved.]

[It seems so.]

In addition to recreating the space almost perfectly, the bonfire in reality was extinguished, but the bonfire was burning in the place I created.

As the level of martial arts rises, it seems that the appreciation for Cheongisimhwangong also deepens.

[The atmosphere is nice, so I think of having a drink.]

[alcohol? Can I drink here?]

[It won’t work, right?]

[You’ll understand if you try. Please wait a moment.]

I broke the heavenly dream and returned to reality.

I went straight to the kitchen, got some bottles of alcohol, and put them next to the campfire. Using the bonfire as a reference point, he demonstrated Cheonkisim Huangong once more.

[oh my god! There really is alcohol, right?]

The Heavenly Demon lifted the bottle of alcohol placed next to the campfire. He opened the cap and took a quick gulp.

[Kaa, this is real alcohol. This is crazy!]

It’s probably the first alcohol I’ve had in a really long time. I could tell how good it tasted from the Cheonma’s expression as if it was about to fly.

[Good, very good.]

[I’m so glad this worked.]

I also drank from the bottle.

It was truly something I never imagined that I would be drinking with Cheonma.


I raised my head in surprise. It was the first time Cheonma said thank you to me.

However, Cheonma walked and sat next to the bonfire as if he had never said such a thing.

I also sat down next to him.

We drank together there. When the bottle of alcohol was empty, the Cheonma spoke.

[The loyalty of his subordinates was great.]

[Thanks to them, we won the war against you.]

[But why don’t you tell them both?]


[You are Cheon Ha-jin. There’s nothing I shouldn’t say, right? It would be easier in many ways once I knew your identity. I will worry less about you.]

[There is nothing that cannot be done.]

[But why didn’t you tell me?]

Cheonma seemed curious about that.

I told him honestly why.

[There were two reasons. Firstly, because I think it is the will of heaven. Since I was born in someone else’s body like this, I thought it was heaven’s will for me to keep my secret and live.]

The Heavenly Demon stared at me for a moment and then shook his head.

[You’re such a stuffy political sect.]

I knew what he meant by that, so I didn’t say anything.

[The meaning of heaven? Tell me not to laugh. Is there such a thing as will in heaven? Do you really believe it?]

[What if you don’t believe it? How do I understand that we met like this?]

[It may be the devil’s will.]

[Then isn’t that too harsh on you?]

[You crazy bastard!]

Yes, sometimes I wonder where there is such a thing as the will of heaven, like the words of the Heavenly Demon.

When good people who should not be treated by scoundrels suffer miserably, I wonder if the will of heaven is something made up to hide this miserable reality.

The Heavenly Demon still raised her voice with excitement.

[good. Even if there is such a thing as the will of heaven. Why do you care? I’m busy living my own life. why? Do I owe something to heaven?]

I chuckled.

[After all, it is Heaven’s will for you to tell that secret. If the sky was that great, it would have already known the outcome.]

Was it because he saw Baekpyo’s loyalty earlier? Or was it because of Galsaryang’s song? What I would normally have laughed off sounded strangely persuasive.

[Why are you being so reckless today?]

[It’s because I’m frustrated. Now, what is the next reason?]

[It was because of the parents of this new body. I was worried about how shocked they would be if they found out the secret.]

Now, they were people who had a deep affection for them, no different from their biological parents. Especially when her mother finds out, the heartache will be indescribable.

[Are Gal Sa-ryang and Baek-pyo soft-spoken people?]

[Not really.]

These were people who would not open their mouths even if they were subjected to any torture in the world.

[What are the chances that your parents will accidentally hear such a huge secret?]

[Should I assume there is none?]

It was difficult to even look at the two people’s faces, let alone hear their secret.

[Then the conclusion has been reached.]

I chuckled again.

[Why are you laughing?]

[It is not that easy to think about.]

[Thinking that it is difficult is also your limitation and framework. Does the frame only apply to martial arts?]

Cheonma’s words touched my heart. In this case, you can see that Cheonma is an old ginger who has gone through many hardships. His every word is spicy.

[If you don’t break this mold, you will never be able to kill me.]

[Why are you so anxious not to die?]

[This old school bastard! This is advice given out of concern!]

While screaming, the Cheonma spilled the alcohol from the bottle in front of him.

[You have an injection.]

[what? This crazy guy? Who is this because of?]

[I guess I should spread the word. The Heavenly Demon has an injection.]

[shut up!]

[but. When you get older, you tend to spill and spill more.]

[You bastard! No! It’s a mistake!]

[Surely you don’t pee anywhere when you’re drunk?]

[Damn you! Let’s die together!]

[go away! Spill the drink!]

We drank a lot. The first drinking party with Cheonma was extreme but enjoyable. We were excited and excited like children.

Unable to overcome the alcohol, Cheonma reached out first. She fell asleep screaming that she was not old.

I looked at the sleeping Cheonma for a moment.

Yes, he is right. I was still stuck in a rut. The frame of martial arts is being broken, but the frame of life is still the same.

I realized that it was time to break even with that and become truly free.

As I came out of the heavenly paradise, I made a decision.

I decided to reveal my identity to Gal Sa-ryang and Baek-pyo.

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