Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 209

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Blood seller (1)

A woman walked out of the darkness.

She was carrying a small baggage on her back, and it was very colorful and pretty. She had an appearance that suited that pack very well.

With her chiseled features, she had a cute appearance that made anyone, regardless of gender, want to hug her.

One special thing was the eyes.

It was gray, like that of a dead person. However, because it looked so cute, it seemed mysterious and special rather than creepy.

The woman smiled and greeted me.

“It’s been a while since I saw you.”

“It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“I still live with the smell of blood.”

“Haha, I’m not that different either.”

Compared to the dark target who greeted her cheerfully, the dark target’s expression was slightly stiff. It was clear that she did not like her, but she could not openly express her disapproval.

The woman said, looking at the darkness.

“You’re still the same.”

Whether it was about attitude or about his bloated body, I could tell that he didn’t mean it in a good way.

Darkness, whose cheek was twitching, said with a grin.

“People don’t change easily.”

“Isn’t that an excuse for laziness?”

This time the other cheek twitched. Even though he was laughing heartlessly, Darkness was a very cold and cold person.

As the tension between the two became tense, the Dark Object opened its mouth.

“We have a problem.”

“I see.”

“You please come forward.”

“What result do you want?”

“Get rid of him.”

“You want me to kill the person who shut down all four of Yasi’s stores at once? That’s an impossible spell.”

“I think you can do it.”

“It seems like the opponent is seeing Ha-jin Cheon in his prime. I know there was once a discussion in the organization about getting rid of Ha-jin Cheon.”

“That’s right. Because Cheon Ha-jin was very concerned about the people’s livelihood and could not tolerate injustice. Thanks to this, the time when Cheon Ha-jin was the leader will be recorded as a humiliating era when our profits were the least.”

“There was talk of getting rid of him several times, but it was never put into practice. It was difficult to find Cheon Ha-jin’s weaknesses and we were afraid that if we touched on him, our whole side would be wiped out. But killing someone who is comparable to Cheon Ha-jin? That’s impossible.”

Although she said it was impossible, the woman’s expression was more relaxed than her words. She looked young, but her facial expressions and speech were anything but young. She was someone whose age you couldn’t even guess.

“But he is not Cheon Ha-jin.”

“Well, if that were the case, I would have run away already.”

The woman smiled. Her smiling face looked so cute and innocent.


“Since the subject said so much, I guess I should step forward.”

“Thank you.“

“Do you know the price?”

The woman’s gray eyes shone slightly.

“Of course.”

“Okay, then let’s get the down payment right away.”

The woman unpacked the baggage she was carrying. She opened her colorful and cute backpack and took out a small bottle from inside.

Next, the woman took out a knife from her luggage. It was a sword curved like a half moon, and there was a long snake-like thing carved along the back of the sword. When I looked closely, I saw that it was not a dragon or a snake, but a strange creature.

The woman took out a bamboo tube and handed it to the dark target.

“Please eat.”

The target of darkness drank it without a word. The darkness just watched with a somewhat anxious and disapproving expression.

Next, the woman rolled up the sleeves of the subject of darkness.


When I lightly cut my forearm with a curved knife, blood began to flow. She poured her blood into the bottle the woman had first taken out of her.

When the bottle was full, I capped it and carefully placed it in my bag.

“Okay, I’ve received the deposit. By the way, you know? I need you to give me another bottle of blood when I’m done.”

“I know very well.”

The reason she was called a blood seller was because she was a merchant who really bought and sold blood. Just as other merchants performed her duties in exchange for her benefactors, she desired the blood of her opponents.

“I bought blood, so I have to pay for it. Please leave him to me.”

“Thank you.”

“On the contrary, I am grateful. I will contact you when the work is finished.”

The blood seller put his luggage on his back and disappeared from there.

The dark ideal that was watching spoke to the dark object.

“She’s always in a bad mood.”

“How common is it that there is a woman who can stimulate you to this extent? So, you could probably get rid of him. An ordinary woman wouldn’t be able to do that.”

“Do you know what that blood is used for?”

“I don’t know.”

“But is it okay to sell blood like this?”

“Why not? If only I could drain the blood and clean up this mess.”

“There may have been another way. In addition to Yasi’s battle corps, aren’t there other masters brought by the Dark Ten Merchants?”

“Would they easily give up their secret trick? What if it were you?”

“I’ll give it to you right away.”


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“Yes, thank you. But please save it for when you take my place later.”

“Haha, I don’t have that greed.”

When he laughed, his ample flesh trembled.

“There are times in life when you change your mind and become greedy. Come on, let’s go and have a drink.”

“Okay, drink it all night.”

The two people smiled and walked away. Seongwangbo was standing at the entrance of Yasi.

The dark object stopped for a moment in front of him.

“Yashi is closed, so you can go and continue what you were doing.”

“all right.”

Although he answered politely, Seongwangbo’s feelings were complicated.

‘What are they planning to do with me?’

It felt like he was trying to kill himself, and it also felt like he could just get rid of the other person and get on with it.

At that time, my eyes met the dark ideal that was standing behind the dark object. The darkness smiled slightly.

The two people left there like that.

Seongwangbo, who was looking at the back, gently bit his lip. He was originally a dark ideal who was very displeased with himself. What does it mean that he looks at himself and smiles with goodwill?

‘The decision has been made to kill me.’

Sheng Wangbo looked at Ya Si, who was now completely immersed in darkness.

‘You must not forget that my choice was made because you pushed my back.’

* * *

There was a hemispherical trace that looked like a huge meteorite had fallen. There was nothing left there.

only one.

I was standing in the center.

Literally everything disappeared around me.

[Ha ha ha ha ha.]

After laughing heartily, Cheonma revealed his honest feelings.

[I was angry about losing to you so far. What if you did this then? What if this number was written first? Maybe he didn’t win? I had that thought.]

Cheonma was more honest than ever. It seems I am not the only one who feels that my relationship with him has deepened.

[But it was natural that I lost.]

That is how powerful the apocalypse was.

This time I asked.

[Do you still feel that Chuhonsura swordsmanship is incomplete?]

The Heavenly Demon’s answer came right away.

[no. How could a martial art that produces such power be imperfect? Even so, you’re good at showing off, but I won’t be able to listen to you from now on.]

When I showed no reaction, the Heavenly Demon asked.

[why? Is there any problem?]

[there is.]

[What problem?]

[Chuhonsura swordsmanship is imperfect.]


[You are right. My martial arts skills have increased. This is because we have demonstrated the most stable destruction this time. So, I understand.]

[Swordsmanship is imperfect?]

[no. Chuhonsura swordsmanship is not imperfect. This is very proper swordsmanship.]

[what? You crazy bastard! This and that, what on earth do you want to say?]

[The martial arts were perfect, but there were a few things I misunderstood. Because of that, you felt incomplete, and unleashing the great annihilation was unstable.]

While using Great Destruction, I realized that there was something I misunderstood about Chuhonsura swordsmanship. As the Heavenly Demon said, I have become stronger recently.

In other words, it means that the level of martial arts has risen. Enough to figure out on my own what I had been thinking wrong regarding the operation of herbivorous food.

But even so, I couldn’t use my sword. How many more times do we have to go through this kind of enlightenment and rise to martial arts to reach the state of mind and body?

It was something unknown. It could be right next time, or it could be very far away.

In any case, the increase in martial arts was something to be happy about. Moreover, he can now use Great Annihilation very reliably.

[That sounds good. Because you’re one step closer to killing me.]

[Of course it’s good.]


Do I really feel good?

To be honest… it wasn’t.

When the Heavenly Demon first entered my body, I thought I had to learn the heart and sword somehow to get rid of it.

But now… not so.

Fearing that my heart would be revealed, I walked forward with great strides.

[Let’s go back first.]

* * *

It was a space where the walls on all sides were painted red.

In a place that seemed to be covered in blood, there were several stone statues that seemed to have a mixture of human and devil figures, and incense was rising here and there.

A blood seller entered there.

She unpacked her backpack, put it down, and took out the bottle inside. It was a bottle filled with the blood of a dark target.

She opened the cap and smelled it.

“Hmm, that’s good too.”

She knelt in front of the podium. There was a huge stone statue standing beyond the platform she was looking at.

It was a goddess wearing all red armor, holding a half-moon shaped sword in one hand and a human head in the other. The sword and the blood flowing from the head were vividly carved. She was a goddess, she looked infinitely crueler, and she was just as beautiful.

The woman bowed nine times to the goddess.

“Blood God, please give me new enlightenment and strength!”

He started drinking the blood she was holding. In an instant, she drank all of the dark target’s blood.

After drinking it all without leaving a single drop, she closed her eyes and had a good luck breakfast.


Red heat began to rise and surround her body like a haze.

At the same time, she began to recite a strange spell that she could not understand.

Drinking the blood made her younger and stronger. But drinking just any blood did not have any effect. Drinking the blood of the weak actually weakened your strength.

A person with great power, a will of steel, a fiery desire, a person with greater wisdom than anyone else…

As she drank the blood of those people, she grew stronger.

As the spell reached its peak, the blood-red haze around her seemed to become even darker, and was soon absorbed into her body.

She slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes became a deeper gray color, contrasting with the red aura that had surrounded her until now. She bowed nine times again to her goddess.

At that time, a man’s voice was heard outside.

“I have prepared what you mentioned.”

The person waiting outside was a very young and handsome man. Like hers, her eye color was gray.

“let’s go.”

“Yes, please follow me.”

The man took her and guided her somewhere. After going down the hallway and into the basement, she opened the door to the last room there.

In front of the round altar in the middle of the room, there was a bottle that looked exactly like the bottle that received the blood from the dark target. It was full of blood.

“This is the blood of those who were defeated by it on the first day of Yasi. There was not a single drop of blood left during the fight on the second day.”

They got their strength only from blood. It was the source of strength and martial arts. So when a fight broke out, it was their job to collect blood first.

“This is enough.”

She poured the blood into her palm.


Red blood flowed between my fingers and onto the floor.

“Blood God, please listen to my complaint for this unfair death!”

Then she began to recite a spell in words that were also unintelligible.

Then the blood moved as if it were alive. The blood that had been flowing down, as if defying the laws of nature, instead rose and gathered on her palm.

As the sound of the spell grew louder, the blood on her palm began to rise into the air and form a shape.

Surprisingly, it was the face of one person.

It was the face of the person who killed the owner of this blood. Because they knew how to use her bizarre and terrifying techniques, they called her her blood seller. She was a woman who could do impossible things as long as she had blood.

“Reveal your true colors!”

As the woman shouted, the face on her palm shook as if vibrating.

Next moment!


The bast face of the unfamiliar face tore and disappeared, revealing the original face inside.

There was a face shaped in blood, the face of Byeokridan.

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