Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 208

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God of Carnage (5)

After Gal Sa-ryang became the head, Samangak was completely established.

The thing that played the biggest role in the process was definitely Cheonmanghoe. As the fight against the enemies deepened, Cheonmanghoeju Ban Seo-jeong’s feelings for Gal Sa-ryang also deepened. Gal Sa-ryang also treated Ban Seo-jeong more gently than before.

As the two people communicated better, Tianmanghoe was of great help in helping Samanggak establish itself more quickly.

Moreover, after learning that the enemy Galsaryang was dealing with with Byeokridan was a force that secretly controlled the upper world, the Cheonmanghoe took an even more active role.

Not knowing of their existence was a huge blow to their pride as a representative intelligence organization of Kangho.

Next, Jin and Su also played their roles beyond expectations. Crucially, they did not fight for position as would normally occur when an organization is formed.

They focused entirely on their own work, and as a result, Samangak established itself as a full-fledged information organization that would not be left out anywhere.

“Investigation of all those listed here.”

Gal Sa-ryang handed Jin a piece of paper. Jin asked after quickly reviewing the contents.

“Who are you?”

“It’s an organization that was raised in secret.”

The content written on the paper contained information about the warriors that Byeokridan had killed. How many people are there, what type of martial arts they use, and what level of martial arts skills they have.

“It is highly likely that he was raised in a commercial organization.”

“All right. “I will investigate.”

“I also asked the Heavenly Manghoe for help. “Let’s do everything we can and find out at the first rate!”

“all right.”

As Jin went outside, Baekpyo, who was sitting and drinking tea, opened his mouth.

“Shouldn’t I help my lord?”

He, who came from earlier, was asking Gal Saryang for permission for this part.

“My lord doesn’t want it.”

“But I… … I’m worried.”

“I understand how you feel. However, my lord’s will is stubborn, so you will yield just this once.”


Baekpyo sighed and walked to the window and looked out. His eyes were full of worry as he looked into the darkness.

Gal Saryang understood Baek Pyo’s feelings. Although his prayers became sharper after forming the Black Panther Party, his original personality was one with a lot of sentimentality.

Moreover, although he is now leading the Black Panthers, his original mission was to protect the leader of the Meng Tiger.

How worried and heartbroken must he be that he, who had lived his entire life to protect others, had sent the Byeokridan to the battlefield alone like this?

Gal Sa-ryang walked to the side, patted Baek-pyo on the shoulder and spoke in a soft tone.

“I know it’s harder. But sometimes you have to know how to wait.”

“Yes, soldier.”

“Let’s trust our lord as we have until now.”

The two men earnestly prayed for the safe return of Byeokridan, who was fighting somewhere in the distance.

* * *

Knock, knock, knock.

As I listened to the sound of blood dripping drop by drop from the Sura Myeongwang Sword, I stood and quietly caught my breath.

Unlike before, the next enemy did not appear right away.

It wasn’t that there were no enemies. I could definitely feel that someone was targeting me. It seems like it doesn’t exist, it seems like it doesn’t exist. I knew what kind of enemy it was that gave me this feeling.


The opponent was either the assassin or someone who had learned martial arts from the assassin.

He will be lurking around, waiting for just one opportunity.

Rather, it was luck for me.

Cheonmuhosimgyeol, my meditation practice, allowed me to practice meditation in any position except while sleeping.

I stood up and quickly began to walk around the ground. Fighting against ten masters earlier drained a lot of stamina. At a time like this, one week of heaven could truly be considered a stroke of luck.

Of course, if you use luck, your reaction will be slower than if you were alert and alert, but now, internal energy was more important.

Even if there was a limit to allowing an attack, it was meaningful to secure internal strength.

When I succeeded in completing the one-round movement of Jinki, I began to move slowly. He can’t even imagine. That I had breakfast while standing.

I walked slowly as if looking around.

I could feel the air flow changing very slightly.

There was definitely a guy somewhere.

The opponent was very careful, and thanks to that, I was able to make my second luck.

When the third luck was successful, Cheonma said as if it was pathetic. Of course, the target was an assassin targeting me.

[You’re stupid.]

[You are being cautious.]

[No matter how bad it is, it fills up my inner strength like this. You bastard, stop measuring and attack! If you delay, only you will lose!]

[Whose side are you on? Are you excited for no reason when you say you can live?]

[I hate Salsu too.]

[Did someone you hate send so many murderers?]

[That’s up to your subordinates to decide.]

Of course, he was the one who gave the final permission. In the past, I would have said that I wanted to kill you that much, but for some reason, those words didn’t come out.

[He may be an assassin, but he is quite an expert.]

[How can a guy who has already been caught be an expert?]

[That’s because the opponent is me.]

As soon as I sensed his presence, he disappeared. After that, he couldn’t figure out where he was. In other words, it means that he is a great expert in stealth techniques.

If he was this skilled, he would have sensed that I noticed him.

The better shooters are, the more patient they are. If you want to kill your opponent, waiting even a month or two is the best way to survive.

Of course, that won’t happen this time.


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Because there will be other people waiting to kill me.

He had a critical weakness in this fight.

A fight in which he could not utilize his greatest strength, patience, was fatal to him.

[This really reminds me of the old days. I was really sick of the spray you sent me.]

[There were a lot of great assassins at that time.]

[Isn’t the memory distorted because it happened in the past? Nowadays or back then, survival is survival.]

[no. Kids these days definitely don’t have grit.]

[They say I’m an old school fan of political factions? If you say something like that, you will be called an old man from the devil’s religion.]

[Do it! Damn people these days! Stupid people these days!]

[ha ha ha.]

This Salsu, who was treated like a child these days by Cheonma, was by no means stupid.

Because I was having a conversation with the Heavenly Demon in my mind, and at this very moment, when I was laughing, I attacked. It was the moment I relaxed the most and let down my guard since talking to the Heavenly Demon. It also meant that he had excellent skills and a good feel.


A dagger flew at my neck.

It was a very small and sharp dagger, but it was so fast and threatening that it felt like a dagger suddenly appeared from the side and stabbed me.

Easy profit!


The dagger, which was so fast that I thought I could never avoid it, stopped next to my neck.

Before I knew it, the Suramyeong Sword that had been pulled out was also stopped in the air.

Blood was dripping from the Sura Myeongwang Sword. It was the blood of the assassin who struck down the dagger.

The moment he felt the arrow’s attack, it struck him as quickly as a thunderbolt.

The masked man’s eyes, which were looking at me with surprise, lost their vitality. Soon he fell forward and started forming a puddle of blood on the floor.

Even if it’s not that I was careless, but my grandfather was careless, the spray of water can’t kill me. Because I experienced too many assassins to be killed by an assassin.

Again, more than a dozen enemies began to appear in the distance.

The reason why they do not attack all at once but engage in a wheel battle is because reckless joint action is much more inefficient.

If you don’t learn the skill of attacking together, your colleagues will get in the way and you won’t be able to show off your skills.

Especially when the opponent is overwhelmingly strong, the most effective way is to continue attacking like this to drain the opponent’s strength.

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]


[Are you sure my martial arts skills have improved?]

[Are you sure. But why do you ask?]

[I thought I would try using the great annihilation.]

[Great annihilation? what is that? Huh! Surely you?]

[Yes, this is the last herbivorous name I used for you.]

[You’re going to use that damn thing here?]

[If you have to kill them all anyway, wouldn’t that be better?]

[That may be true. As I said before, your martial arts skills are not perfect and are dangerous!]

[So I want to try it out. Is it really an imperfect martial arts skill or not? Somehow, I think I can find out if I try now.]

They weren’t enemies who would just leave just because you told them to. If I had to kill them all anyway, I wanted to try Great Destruction.

I was still doubtful that Chuhonsura swordsmanship was imperfect.

[I have to take back what I said about you, calling you a stuffy political s*ut. That’s really bold. From now on, I will call you a slayer.]

[doesn’t care.]

[Are you serious?]

[Given all these things, how can we protect Kang-ho? When I was fighting with you, there was something I felt deeply.]

[What is that?]

[No matter what you think, you can never win a fight. Hey, Cheon Gwang. Do you know how many people we killed each other in that war? Now it’s ridiculous to talk about massacres and all.]

Cheonma said nothing about him. In the past, he had boasted about killing many partisans, but now his mind was changing.

[What is the resistance if I use that?]

[It will all be used up.]

[Is it still okay? What are you going to do with the rest?]

I spoke softly as I looked at the enemies gathering in the dark.

[There will probably be no one left.]

* * *

The object of darkness and the object of darkness were sitting side by side in front of a cart selling tea. Although it was a street tea shop, the tea tasted very good.

“You will not be taken lightly today.”

Despite the assurances of the Dark Man, who was sipping tea, the Dark Man only nodded once.

Darkness could tell that he was skeptical about today’s fight as well.

“Even if we can’t kill it, if we inflict at least some internal injuries on it, we can definitely get rid of it in the next fight.”

“He won’t come out if he’s injured. “He will hide somewhere.”

“Are you saying you’re cowardly hiding?”

“He is not the type to be swayed by a cause.”

Even though it turned out to be a trap on the first day, the Dark Ideal thought that the reason the opponent came out today was because of the political faction’s unique cause of protecting the agreement and the cause. That cause is completely useless.

“yes? “If you’re that kind of guy, why did you come out today?”

“Because I am confident that I will win.”

Looking at the startled Dark Vision, the Dark Vision added:

“Or you have the confidence to run away.”

At that moment, the subordinate who contacted me rushed into Yasi. His steps were busier than when he delivered the news earlier, and his face was even more tense. The eyes of the Dark Object and the Dark Ideal were directed towards the subordinate heading towards the store in the distance. I sighed, thinking that another fire was about to go out, but something unexpected happened. The man stopped by different stores one after another.

Soon, the lights of four nearby stores went out at the same time.

The mouth of the darkness opened wide.

“oh my god! Did it all happen at once?”

“I guess so.”

The object of darkness was astonished, but the object of darkness was rather calm.

“You are much stronger than I thought. “To the extent that I can’t even imagine.”

The object of darkness stood up. Now all of Yasi’s eyes were focused on the dark object.

“As of this time, Yasi is closed.”

Everyone looked on in surprise. It was closed after only two days.

Darkness asked with everyone’s heart in mind.

“Target? Are you serious?”

“That’s right.”

Darkness lowered his voice.

“If it closes like this, it will have a negative impact on the election of the next target.”

“If we don’t close now, we will lose all our stores.”

The darkness did not stop him any further and kept his mouth shut. From the dark subject’s stern expression, it was clear that he had already reached a conclusion. It was also shocking to him that the lights went out at all four stores at the same time.

“I obey your solemn command.”

When the Dark Lord bowed his head and received the order, everyone there bowed their heads.

“I follow your orders.”

Yasi’s lanterns went out one after another, and darkness fell over the place.

“What are you going to do now?”

The target of darkness looked at Yasi buried in the darkness and asked calmly.

“Has the blood seller arrived?”

Then, a sweet woman’s voice came from the darkness.

“I was already here.”

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