Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 206

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God of Carnage (3)

There was a manor not far from where the night market was held.

The priests and servants who came and went there were all wearing white clothes. These were the people who were in the manor where Joo Cheol-ryong met Cheon So-seon before.

Although they are rivals and servants, they are truly great masters.

These were not Cheon So-seon’s subordinates, but people sent by the dark target for surveillance. After Cheon So-seon disappeared with his grandfather, they returned to their original owner.

The main hall of the manor was well decorated, with eleven chairs arranged in a semicircle. The chair in the middle was unusually large and luxurious, a golden chair plated with gold.

A dark object was sitting there, and people were also sitting in the remaining ten chairs. They were the ten leaders, the Dark Ten Leaders.

The person sitting to the left of the object of darkness was originally a silent and reticent person due to his daily life in darkness. The person sitting on the right was the person who was personally closest to the person who was in darkness.

Like the merchants at the night market, they too were hiding their identities. They were even using top quality bast cotton and cotton thread.

Only they knew who they were, but in the beginning when they joined the Ten, they couldn’t see the other people’s real faces.

As time passed and it was determined that they could truly be trusted, everyone revealed their faces and welcomed them into the family.

A person entered there.

Unlike the eleven people here, he did not wear bast cotton or cotton thread.

He was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and he was an ugly man with a prominent angular jaw and cheekbones.

However, once the identity of the ugly man is known, no one will be able to ignore him.

“It’s been a while since I saw you, target. How have you been?”

“How are you, Yasangju?”

He was the owner of the night costume. Yasangs are people who engage in clandestine and secret transactions, mainly lending money at large interest rates or leading the merger of commercial companies upon request.

Interest is expensive, but if you can’t repay the money, they will do whatever it takes to get it. Nevertheless, the reason people used night trading was because it was easy to borrow money.

Previously, the Byeokridan dealt with the night scenes of Shandong and higher, but now this man is the leader in charge of the night scenes of the entire central plain.

Surprisingly, the owner of the night shop, which was full of all kinds of rumors, was a member of the underground business world.

Ya Sangju gave a considerable amount of the money he earned to the dark target. The reason why the current night vision grew so much was because of the help of the dark target, and he was well aware that if he boasted that his power had become stronger, his head would fall off in an instant.

“My income has decreased.”

“There was a gap for a while as the person in charge of Shandong changed.”

“I see.”

“I heard that Yasi was opened this time.”

“Because one customer was very picky.”

“As long as the night vision is open, he will die. No, he might already be dead.”

It was right then.

The door opened and a man came in.

“I need to go for a while.”

“Of course. Please wait a moment. “You two, follow me.”

He pointed out Dark Sang and Seong Wangbo.


Dark Sang-sang and Seong Wang-bo followed the dark subject outside.

The subordinate guided them to the night market. The moment I entered the night market, the dark subject’s expression hardened slightly.

The lamp that illuminated the place had gone out.

As I approached the place, the owner of the music store lowered his head helplessly.

“There is no shame.”

Then he took out the silver coin from his pocket and held it with both hands.

Just right.

When I put pressure on my hand, Eundeokjeon split in half. It was a coin that was originally made so that it could be split in half.

The man carefully returned half of the silver coin to the dark target.

“The mission failed and everyone I sent died.”

Even though the subordinate was given away, the rule was to return half of the Eundukjeon if the mission was not completed. If it was a full Eundeokjeon, you could receive all the support, but if it was a half piece, there were many limitations.

“I’m sorry.”


It was then. In the distance, the lights of another store went out.

That was also the store where the target of darkness gave silver coins yesterday.

As the dark object walked away, the owner of the place also divided the Eundeokjeon in half and returned it to him.

“The mission has failed. sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”

The target of darkness calmly accepted half of the silver coin.

Seongwangbo’s heart was pounding inside. He said he would stand on the other side, but it was he who lured them into a trap. Even if he didn’t mean it, the other person will think that way.

It would have been most comfortable to die at the hands of the night market warriors, but it was not easy.

They weren’t the only ones.

A few stores had their lights turned off with some lag.

The dark target went around the place and retrieved half of the silver coin.

Just like that, the lights went off in all the stores I visited yesterday.

The object of darkness spoke to the object of darkness.

“I told you I had a bad feeling, right?”

“You were correct.”

“How many people did you say he brought with him?”

The warrior who first guided them here carefully answered the dark object’s question.

“I came alone.”


Although the dark subject’s tone was calm, everyone could tell that he was very angry.


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“The business was successful on the first day. Now, you can’t fold it like this.”

The object of darkness spoke to Seongwangbo.

“Tell him we’ll meet again.”

“I found out it was a trap. Will you come out?”

The dark object nodded.

“He’s coming out.”

“all right.”

The question of how he was so sure came to mind, but he didn’t dare ask.

“His fate and ours are already entangled. He would know. The way to solve this is for one party to die. Still, we will be the last ones standing.”

“Of course,” he politely bowed his head, but Seong Wangbo thought to himself.

‘It’s not us, it’s you, right?’

King Seongbo suddenly had this thought.

‘Should I have just escaped and stayed there?’

But then he shook his head.

‘If that were the case, I would have had to give him all my wealth.’

He thought that all his property would have been taken away in the name of protecting him. He could not give his wealth, even if it meant death.

On the other hand, the underground commercial world did not need to donate property because they were in charge of the general affairs. Even the repayment that everyone did, he was an exception to.

The target of darkness took out new silver coins from his chest again.

“Well, we lost a lot on the first day, so let’s do business properly today!”

I stopped by Gong Su-chan to find out how much money I could use right now.

It was about 20 million nyang, of which 15 million nyang was received. Although it was a huge amount, the Gonggungwan gave the money without even asking what it would be used for.

“If you need more, please let me know. “If you really need it, I can make about 10 million nyang more within three days.”

“Haha, this is enough. “I will never have to spend this much money in the future.”

That way, I went to the Heuksi Wuhan branch.

While fighting yesterday, I felt something related to my strength.

When I used the last sword technique, my strength was depleted. If another expert showed up later, we would have had to fight the worst.

[What did you come to buy?]

[Elixir. When I fought yesterday, my strength was quite good.]

I really thought that three rounds of strength would be enough.

But no. Now, my energy, which had been depleted to the bottom, was completely replenished thanks to the sufficient fortune-telling meal, but to fight against them, my strength of 3 gap was not enough.

[Now, there will be stronger guys than the first day. It’s stupid not to prepare at all.]


Cheonma sent his approval. At least when it came to fighting, the Heavenly Demon was almost identical to my will.

[This is the money I received from them anyway. If we take them down with their money, this would also be meaningful.]

[Buy all the elixirs. Buy the whole black poem here!]

[Even if it were me, I don’t have that much money!]

It occurred to me that they might also own this place. Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. After I get rid of them, everything will be mine anyway.

But it won’t be black poetry. Because it was a place that had been around for a very long time. Predictably, it would have had a much longer history than them.

The man in charge of the elixir from the Wuhan branch greeted me warmly.


“Has there been any elixir?”

“You are truly lucky. There was a continuous shortage of elixirs for a while, but the elixirs began to run out last month. “Good young plants have just arrived.”

I am finally sure. That the recent lack of elixirs was related to the old man’s Dafa.

What does it mean for the elixir to be released on the market again? It would mean that their Dafa preparations are all complete. If this guess is correct, it means that Dafa is currently in full swing.

I bought all the elixirs from the Wuhan branch.

There were five roots of the supernormal flower and twelve roots of the thousand-year green onion plant. Gongneung Nanghwa was a high-level spirit herb that gave half a gap worth of internal power, and Cheonnyeonpa Yangcho was a spiritual herb that gave fifteen years of internal power.

The price was 400,000 nyang for a single root of a root of a flowering plant, and 44,000 nyang for a thousand-year green onion candle.

I was willing to pay money and buy them. Since I already had three levels of internal energy, I didn’t know how much internal energy I could fill with this.

If you can fill one space, it will be a huge success. Will it be possible to fill it? If my martial arts skills have improved as Heavenly Demon predicted, I will be able to absorb a little more.

“I have one more thing to buy.”

“What is?”

“It will probably be the most expensive one here.”

The man was surprised.

“no way?”

“I came to buy black dragon armor.”

The best self-defense armor in Gangho, which I couldn’t even look at because it was too expensive the last time I came, was the Black Dragon Shingap. Not to mention the feeling of wearing it as if you were not wearing it, it is the perfect protective armor that will never be cut by any attack under the sword technique.

9.4 million nyang.

It was an item worth almost 10 million nyang.

For me, I never thought there would come a day when I would pay money to buy something whose price/performance ratio was so low.

But I had to buy it. Because I had to prepare everything I could to deal with them.

The man nodded and said.

“Like many people in charge of dark poetry, I am also a person who believes that treasures have owners. Something that hadn’t been sold for several years is now being sold like this. Good. “I will give you all my special thousand-year green onion candles as a bonus.”

“Thank you.”

It was the biggest purchase of my life.

* * *

That afternoon, I was back at the meeting place.

Today’s meeting place was the same place as yesterday. Bodies and debris were thrown away everywhere, and the same buildings from yesterday were built again. It was as if nothing had happened.

It was as if he was saying this.

You can see how amazing we are just by recreating this place overnight, right? Are you ready?

Of course. I am fully prepared.

He wore black dragon armor and on top of that he also wore the black dragon armor that protects his heart. From wrist protectors to daggers made of age-old iron.

Crucially, my inner strength has now reached four levels. Fortunately, the elixirs I bought and took yesterday increased my stamina by one day.

The power of Sa Gap-ja is invincible to all poisons.

This is how I felt after completing all preparations.

Let’s see if you can still kill me like this.

[They really contacted you just as you said.”

[You said so, right?]

[You guys are shameless.]

[If you are not shameless, it is difficult to make a lot of money.]

[ha ha ha. That makes sense.]

[Here he comes.]

At that time, someone walked from afar. They were beautiful women. Women with slender bodies that really attract attention even from afar. They were walking in a line with their swords drawn.

[Crisis from the beginning.]


[I sent beautiful women to the playboy.]

[Where are the men and women in the battlefield?]

In the battlefield, there are only enemies and allies.

[If you wanted to be treated like a woman, you shouldn’t have shown up here today.]

[ha ha ha. Good, very good. I really like it these days.]

I slowly walked towards them. Today I will fight while managing my strength as much as possible.

They all flew towards me. The anger coming from the women deceived my mind. It was a mixture of a powerful stimulant and a numbing scent.

How many people have been killed by this scent?

Unfortunately for them, it didn’t work for me at all.

As their eye-catching beautiful appearance and the stimulants and numbing scents that had always worked so far did not work, they were reduced to ordinary enemies.

They used every tactic they could, including hand-to-hand combat, memorization, and sympathy, but they could not change the outcome of the fight.

Before half an hour had passed, they were all dead.

I gazed beyond the fallen corpses, signaling that today’s fight had begun in earnest.

“Okay, next.”

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