Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 205

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God of Carnage (2)

The man who appeared from the smoke was holding a long spear.

Even at a glance, it was clear that he was an expert in spearmanship.

Clap clap clap clap.

Footsteps were heard from all directions. Behind the man, men holding spears were walking in unison. It wasn’t just the front. Men carrying spears came from behind, making the sound of footsteps.

I could tell just by looking at their steps. They are a highly trained elite spear corps.

In particular, the man who appeared to be their leader looked really strong.

The men who approached me circled around me and aimed their spears. The deadly force that flowed out along with the spirit of the spear tightened like a spider web.

The man who appeared to be the leader opened his mouth.

“That’s really amazing.”

The man seemed to find it surprising that it was his turn to come.

“Is it really worth holding a night city?”

Night vision? This probably means that a market has opened to kill me.

I said, smiling at him.

“Do you think we should close down the business?”

The man snorted and said.

“We decide that. In truth, the guest is an envoy.”

“If I did my business so dirty, should I expose the truth?”


As soon as the command was given, five or six spears stabbed me from behind.

Whoosh! Hiss! Whoosh! Hiss!

I dodged it by flying forward without looking back.

The cool feeling of the tip of a spear flying into my back awakened all my senses.

My eyes were still on the head man in front. He just watched quietly, holding his spear. He was found to be a very cautious and calm person.

“We’ll see if it’s someone worth taking on personally.”

“Aren’t you afraid to take the first step?”

The head man chuckled. He didn’t waver at all to this extent.

The men rushed towards me in earnest.

They all lashed out with their spears, aiming for the blood vessels in my body.

I used my godly skills to avoid the attack. It bounced, rolled on the floor, jumped over the bars, and jumped back and forth again.

It may have seemed to them that I was in a hurry to avoid it, but I was making careful calculations. Through their movements and attacks, I was reminded of each person’s skills and who and how they would eliminate them in the future.

When the leader raised his hand, they all stepped back. Steadily and methodically, they retreated.

“Are you going to keep acting like a puppy scared of sticks?”

It wasn’t to provoke me. Rather, he realized that my skills were not average and stopped fighting for a while.

“It would have been better when I was avoiding them.”


A dagger flew from my hand.

The man standing in front was unable to avoid it and fell, clutching his neck.

With that, my attack began.

My goal was not to become a leader. There are fights where you have to knock off the enemy’s head first, and there are fights where you have to leave until the end to gain an advantage. I decided that this fight was the latter.

As I rushed in, the warriors threw out their spears. The spear blade rolled in like a wave. In an instant, he jumped over the pole and attacked his opponent.


The man’s face fell into my lap. Before I knew it, his spear was in my hand, and in an instant it flew towards the person rushing backwards.



The flying spear pierced the men behind. Two men fell to the ground after being skewered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Hiss! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Spears flew into the spot where I was standing.

But I was already rolling on the floor and swinging my sword.


The man’s ankle was cut off and he collapsed.

Spears once again hit the floor where I was standing. But I had already risen through the air and was slashing at another man with my sword.



The man’s torso was cut vertically along with the spear blade. I rushed towards the man behind me through the gushing blood.

The sight of me running towards myself, covered in blood, must have been terrifying, like an evil spirit rushing towards me. He couldn’t dodge or block.

After decapitating the man, it spun around like a pinwheel and flew up.

Swish swish swish!

A dozen windows passed by where I was standing.

I just didn’t fall. When it hit the floor, the two heads fell along with it.

My movements were faster than theirs. Just because they move fast doesn’t mean they can be killed.

The powerful power to balance the fast speed and the judgment to kill the enemy as efficiently as possible were being displayed together.

Just then, the three men were cut down with the spear again.

I love you so much.

A spear flew towards me. It was a spear thrown by the head man. The attack was truly threatening, as the opportunity had been seen so far.

When the spear flew in a straight line and was about to pierce my body, I leaned back as much as I could and swiped the Sura Myeongwang sword out of the way.



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The spear scratched my sword and sparked as it passed. It was a powerful attack that contained tremendous force and could have resulted in internal injuries if the force had not been distributed diagonally.

The spear missed my face and flew off somewhere far away.

When the spleen’s attack failed, the chieftain’s expression became serious.


One of his subordinates brought him another spear.

I did not participate in his analysis of the loss. Right after he threw away the spear, it was actually an opportunity for me. Everyone was surprised to see me blocking it, and my offense and defense were cut off in a split second.

Shhh! Hiss! Whoosh!

Phew! Sigh! Phew!

The Sura Myeongwang Sword efficiently cut down the enemies. The chieftain who threw the spear was completely treated as someone who did not exist.

Every time one of his subordinates falls, he will become anxious. The subordinates will feel resentment towards the leader who does not act quickly according to the subordinates.

No matter how well-trained an organization is, as long as it is a human being, such feelings are bound to occur.

From the beginning until now, I haven’t changed one bit. He quickly moved between the flying spears and accurately cut down the opponent’s vital points. My movements were agile, destructive, and relentless.

I ran up the wall of the collapsed building and chose an unexpected opponent.

Their usual sense of distance changed and their common sense was destroyed. It was too far away for me to come, but I was rushed, and I didn’t go when it seemed like I was going to come. The spears that had never been broken by the enemy’s swords were cut off one after another.

The men became agitated and their movements became sluggish. How could you not feel fear at the sight of people dying one by one by the sword?

Sooooooooooooooooooo much!

A second window flew out. It was faster and more powerful than before, and the blade of the spear was filled with strength.

But I dodged it more easily. As it became more powerful, it also contained the other person’s nervousness.

Rather, several of his subordinates were swept away by the violent attack.

The expression on the head man’s face was completely frozen as he held the third spear handed to him by his subordinate. Even at the moment of receiving the spear, and even at the moment of letting out a short curse at the sight before my eyes, the men holding the spear were falling.

Most of them were now corpses.

Nevertheless, I treated him like a person who did not exist and only dealt with his subordinates.


The men retreated at his command.

Since it was not an order given to me, I immediately followed the men and swung my sword. It was literally like cutting down a retreating enemy.

Three or four people fell helplessly again.

I was showing what real fighting is like.


The chieftain man jumped up with all his might.

You might have watched to find a weakness, but you probably wouldn’t have found it. It would have been better to attack first. Right now, your body is probably stiff with tension, anger, and fear.

Nevertheless, he was one of the top three spear masters I’ve ever faced.

His spear pierced five blood points in the blink of an eye.


Clap clap clap clap!

It was an attack that could never be blocked by looking at it. I instinctively swung my sword and blocked it.

He pushed me with tremendous force. He was pushed back. The expressions of the surviving men brightened, perhaps because they thought they had won.


The Sura Myeongwang Sword, which I had barely managed to block the spear with, escaped my hand and flew away.

Love it!

Without missing the opportunity, the man sharply stabbed me with his spear.

I twisted my body to avoid it.

The spear grazed my body just in the nick of time. But that is his point of view. The window was not grazing me, I was grazing the window.

Rushing into the man’s body with an attack

did. The exact moment when he was so embarrassed that he tried to hit me with the spear.


My fist hit the man’s shoulder one step earlier. The shocked man staggered back. But the man did not miss his spear.

It didn’t matter. What I was aiming for was not to make the spear miss, but the small gap between the armpits.

The next moment my arm penetrated the gap, the man’s body flew through the air.

I know this because I was attacked by the Heavenly Demon. How much pressure he feels.

Like everyone else, he too resisted with force. Because of that, he will be even more shocked.


The man fell to the floor.

Everyone looked at us with puzzled faces. As the next action was not followed, a look of puzzlement appeared on everyone’s faces. Why can’t his leader rise up from such a simple fall?

But the man had already died.

I intentionally missed the sword and tried to kill him with this one move.

The remaining men rushed in, throwing out their spears.

They were well trained and did not run away even in this situation.

However, their morale was at an all-time low, and instead of the initial fierce spirit and determination to win, only the roughness and roughness that came from the despair of having already taken a step forward remained.

My Seonhak secret technique, which had become a thief, swept them away in an instant. Fists, kicks, and elbows hit their bloodstream. Without fail, one person lost their life in each move.

After a few deep breaths, there was no one left alive.


When I held out my hand, the Sura Myeongwang Sword that had fallen on the floor flew out.

Then the Heavenly Demon asked.

[How much strength is left?]


[Something comes again over there.]

From far away, an old man was slowly walking towards me. He was showing off his great presence just by walking.

“I didn’t know you would make me come out too.”

“Were you the last resort?”

I intentionally used the word ‘last bastion’.

It stimulated his pride because he hoped it would be the last time. Fortunately, the words I wanted to come out of his mouth came out.

“Yes. “I am the last.”

“Thank goodness.”

“Thank goodness?”

That was when the old man made a puzzled expression.


The Sura Myeongwang sword came straight out of its scabbard and flew into the air.

At the moment when the thought ‘What on earth?’ led to ‘No way?’, the black sky was already aiming at the owner of the thought.



The Sura Myeongwang Sword became light and flew away.


And then it pierced the old man’s chest. He tried to block it with his hand, but it pierced his palm and also pierced the old man’s self-defense weapon.

He used up his last remaining strength and unleashed this sword technique.

The old man fell backwards. He didn’t know how to use the sword technique from the first move, so he fell without even drawing his sword.

It would be nice to kill other enemies like this, but each time I used the sword technique, a huge amount of my strength was consumed. It was not something that could be used carelessly.

[It was a good decision.]

[I think I would have to use up all my strength to win against such an expert.]

[I hate to tell you this, but… … “Your judgment and skills are getting stronger.”

[is it?]

I didn’t feel like I had gotten stronger. However, due to the nature of the Heavenly Demon, I will not say anything that is not true… … It seems like he has become stronger without knowing it.

[I’ll leave for today.]


[They won’t end like this. We will contact you again.]

[You’re going to go again even though it’s a trap? Hehehe, I like it.]

[trap? Tell them to dig very deep. This is not a trap, but my own grave that I dug myself.]

[As expected, you are Gwangoh.]

I walked slowly towards the horizon where the sunset was starting to fall. The Heavenly Demon asked.

[Why don’t you bring your subordinates? Are you afraid of dying?]

[If you are afraid of death, you should not wear a knife. And in practice, you have to pay money.]

[yes. But why do you cherish it?]

[It’s not that I care about it, it’s that it’s not worth fighting for. I didn’t raise them to fight those who carry Jin Tian-lai on their backs and try to die with them. You’ll get your fill of worthy fights later. So, let’s take care of the dirty and dangerous things.]


[Yes, us. you and I.]


The Heavenly Demon laughed loudly. Although we were different in many ways, we were similar in that we loved fighting and the desire to become stronger.

[And you’re curious, right? What is the power they have built up over hundreds of years?]

The Heavenly Demon asked again.

[Aren’t you scared?]

[Why am I scared? I am the best person in the world. They should be scared.]

[Gwangohae, I really like it. Hahaha!]

I really fought with that kind of mindset when I was young. After fighting a nerve-wracking fight, I felt like I was back in the old days.

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]

[Why, Hajin.]

I was surprised by the unexpected reaction. It seems like it feels really good.

I stopped for a moment. Both I and the world were colored by the sunset. Cheonma will also be looking at the sunset.

[Let’s let them know. At least, money cannot buy this powerhouse.]

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