Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 204

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God of Carnage (1)

The place where we agreed to meet Seongwangbo was Daru, a small village on the outskirts of Wuhan. It was not a place we normally meet, but a new place. Of course, it was the location that King Seongbo had requested.

With about a hundred steps left before the meeting place, I realized that Seongwangbo had betrayed me.

The smell of blood came from the wind that blew up and kicked up a cloud of dust. This does not mean that there is an actual smell of blood, but that there is a slight difference in feeling. I had a premonition that this would be a battlefield, or at least in terms of fighting, it was never wrong.

I didn’t feel surprised or betrayed. Anyway, I was keeping in mind the possibility that this place could become a trap.

Merchants were selling goods in each building, and several passers-by were coming and going. Even though it was an extremely ordinary and everyday sight, Cheonma seemed to have felt the same way.

[Is it a trap?]

[It seems so.]

[That guy is so disgusting.]

[I’m struggling to survive.]

This time, Seongwangbo made an effort to survive somehow, standing between me and the object of darkness.

Later, if I survive, I will claim that by setting up an appointment in an unfamiliar place, I was sending a danger signal.

If you plan to use him further, you can pretend to trust him, but if not, just get rid of him.

As I was walking slowly again, three people, one male and one female, appeared, blocking the road.

The man in the middle was holding a flute, the man on the right was holding a chilhyeongeum, and the woman on the left was holding a pipa. Their prayers were palpable.

Yin hole?

It was a martial arts attack that I had faced for a long time. It was also the first time the three of them performed Yin Gong together. Attacking an opponent with an ensemble is more difficult than passing a swordsmanship, so it has never been easy to do.

A woman among them smiled and asked.

“Would you like to listen to one song?”


There was no way I would just let them go just because I didn’t like them, so I raised my stamina and prepared for their attacks.


When the first note from the lute vibrated the air and made my insides vibrate, I knew.

It’s a proper sound hole. They were truly hard-to-find pitch masters with tremendous inner strength.

The Heavenly Demon also spoke in a somewhat surprised tone.

[Was there a music expert of that level in Kangho?]

[I have never seen or even heard of it.]

[That’s amazing. People like that aren’t known to the Gangho.]

As great as they were, they were targets of darkness.

Managing people is a job that takes a lot of effort, even having a woman to cook for you.

Moreover, the fact that such experts have managed to prevent them from becoming powerful proves how great the leadership of the underworld is, regardless of how much or how little money they have.

Now, shall we listen to a song for the first time in a while?

I slowly started walking towards them.

Their performance began with my movements.

The tone of the chilhyeongeum was unique, the pipa was soft, and the flute was extremely pure. The three sounds fit together beautifully.

If this performance did not contain any attack, it could be said to be a truly excellent performance.

Every time the string was plucked and a sound echoed from the pipe, it felt like a blade was flying and cutting into my body.

With each step, the shock became stronger. But so far, my self-defense skills were enough to withstand it.

As I approached as if nothing had happened, the sound of the playing grew louder and became faster and more lively. To say that I am now stronger was not enough. It became bloody and dangerous.

The hand embroidering the chilhyeongeum moved so fast that it was invisible.

Ding ding ding ding thiiiiing.

The next moment, strong energy poured out through the melody from Chilhyeongeum.


The attack that vibrated the ears, body, and mind changed into a direct attack.

I quickly jumped to avoid Ganggi.

Papa pa pa pa pa pa!

Deep scratch marks appeared on the floor where I was standing. It was such a sharp attack that it felt like it would tear apart even a self-defense weapon.

The pipa and tungso also assisted the chilhyeongeum and increased attack.

The low sound of the flute penetrated my hearing and threatened to damage my inner power, and the tune of the pipa shook my mind.

Chilhyeongeum’s attacks became more harsh.

The river flew endlessly. It seemed like the first time I had encountered an attack that unleashed so much powerful energy in succession at once. That too in umgong.

I dodged the flying force as if I was dancing to a musical instrument.

Gradually we approached them and the performance reached its peak.

Chamrang, chanaaang, chanang, lara lala.

My movements were almost based on instinct. Even when attacks seemed impossible to avoid, I always found a blind spot and avoided them.

The performance, which had reached its peak, slowly subsided.

When the performance ended, I was standing in front of them.

They were drenched in sweat and looked at me with blank faces. He didn’t look scared or resentful.

“Thank you for listening to our performance until the end.”

they knew I could have killed myself earlier, but I deliberately listened to the performance until the end. So they looked like they had no time left.

“I heard you well.”

Easy profit.

He cut down three people at the same time with a single blade of his sword. They fell down simultaneously, gushing blood.

I walked slowly again.

The Heavenly Demon said without hiding his irritation.

[Did you intentionally lose to this bastard during the fight?]

A little while ago, he seemed very surprised to see me avoiding Chilhyeongeum’s strength.


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[right? Do you think you couldn’t avoid it?]

[what? Do not be ridiculous! of course… … No, I killed them all before they got close.]


[It was avoidable! I am the person who killed you with one blow!]

[Yes, I didn’t lose.]

Anyway, great people came forward from the first time.

Another person blocked the way, as if it was about to start.

He was a well-groomed man with cleanly combed hair. He took out the cotton that was blocking his ears, looked down at the three corpses, and shook his head.

“He shouted loudly that there was no need for me to come out.”

There was a sense of leisure in the words. Even though he was hiding and watching my fight, the fact that he was so relaxed probably meant that he was confident in his skills.

“Is it worth making a big fuss about?”

“Is that so? “As you can see, I can’t hear properly.”

“Who are you?”

“Six hundred thousand nyang.”

“Six hundred thousand nyang?”

“What does it matter who you are? How much you get is important. He receives 600,000 nyang a year. “They cost 300,000 nyang.”

I could see that the man in front of me was a man who evaluated everything only in terms of money. It was unknown whether he was originally like that, or whether something dark had raised him like this.

“Aren’t those people worth 300,000 nyang each? “If that’s the case, I guess they got treated better.”

In an instant, the man’s face twitched. I just threw this out there, but it seems like what I said was true.

“You’re very rude at first meeting.”

“Didn’t you come out to kill me at the first sight?”

He added calmly, pointing his sword at him.

“I’ll find out who gets their due.

The man roughly pulled out his sword.

“I really don’t like you.”

The man lunged at me.

I love you so much.

From the first move, they attacked with tremendous energy. It was unclear whether 600,000 nyang was an appropriate amount for his ransom, but he was truly a rare expert.

You know it instinctively. If you make a clumsy attack while dealing with me, you will die before even being able to attack properly.

Rough pottery flew towards me. The sweep was large enough to cause injury if I just dodged to the side, so I quickly twisted my body and dodged three steps to the side.

Boom! Papa pa pa paak!

The place where I was standing was shattered.

At the same time, the man attacked me. After throwing her sword, she immediately rushed towards me. It was a technique I often used when dealing with enemies.

I love you so much.

The flying sword flew towards the neck.


It collided with the Sura Myeongwang Sword so hard that it seemed as if it would explode in the air. They looked at each other through the swords and swords that faced each other in the air.

“You are blocking my way! “This is truly amazing.”

Indeed, he had the skills to be proud of. Even at this moment, he was flawless.

The problem was that his mental power could not keep up with his skills, and I was able to see that through. He was so proud that the provocation worked.

“Isn’t it too easy to make money?”

When I tilted my head slightly, the man’s face distorted. The next moment, his tightly closed mouth opened like the scream of a monster that had been stabbed.



The man’s finger was cut off and blood splattered. She slashed her sword and cut off the man’s finger.

Although he was injured, it was his opponent who counterattacked first.

Awesome! Love love!

Sensing a crisis, his attack was extremely fast and powerful.

In the process, blood drops from the severed finger flew into the air.

One of the blood drops exploded and a sword passed in its place.

Easy profit.


This time, the Sura Myeongwang Sword was lodged in his right chest. The wound was not deep because he quickly twisted his body back.

The man backed away, swinging his sword, but I followed him like a shadow. And this shadow was faster than the main body.

Despite his efforts to make up for it, a fatal blow struck him on the shoulder.

Shhh. Suddenly!


The man’s arm was cut off and fell to the floor. Her hand was still holding the sword.

At the moment when the man was in despair, someone jumped towards me from the building next to him. It was a man carrying a baggage on his back.

Hiss! Sigh!

After quickly stabbing the man with the severed arm in the chest, my sword flew into the air.

Easy profit!

The sword energy split the air. Normally, when it fell in front of me, I would have cut the man, but something didn’t feel right. just as expected.


The man exploded in the air. To be exact, it was a man’s gift. There was Jincheonroe in it.

I was swept backwards by the explosion. The Botjim man was broken into pieces and scattered, and the man whose arm had been cut off earlier fell to the other side. He was still squirming, not out of breath.

I walked towards him slowly.

Dark red blood was pouring from the man’s mouth.

“The author should also receive 600,000 nyang, right? “If you have that level of courage, don’t you think you deserve it?”

As he was dying, he looked up at me and spoke with difficulty.

“……How much are you worth?”

With those words, the man died. He was judging the world by money until the end.

It was a moment of sadness for the man and anger for the dark target.

At that time, men with heavy luggage appeared on the roof of the building. The number was dozens of people.

I said quickly, looking at the already dead man.

“What I said a little while ago is cancelled. “There are too many of them to give 600,000 nyang each.”

The men jumped towards me at the same time. It was a suicidal team with no fear of death.


My new model flew straight into the air. It flew vertically like a fired firecracker.

A few men saw me move, but most of the men following me had no idea where I had gone.

They both launched their bodies into the air belatedly, but their speeds were not even comparable.

I continued to build up my strength and soar endlessly.

I took off in an instant and swung my sword downwards twice in succession.


Sword energy poured down from the air like rain. The Sacho-style Talhongeop was issued twice in succession. Following the single ray of sword energy that began to split, another sword energy followed suit.

The fragmented and scattered sword energy hit the men accurately.

Starting with the first explosion, they began to explode in succession.

Boom! Wow! Kwaaaang! Boom! Boom!

A huge explosion erupted. He raised his self-defense flag and flew even higher with the force of the explosion blowing beneath his feet.

I felt like this was my first time flying this high. Is it because we climbed to a place so high that humans cannot climb? I felt refreshed, as if my heart had been opened.

[Feel so good.]

[That’s really good.]

The Heavenly Demon agreed with my exclamation. It seems that not only I but also Cheonma felt a similar sense of liberation. Maybe I was feeling a much greater sense of freedom.

[Anyway, these really don’t work. Even when I was fighting with you, there was no suicidal behavior like this.]

[Smash it!]

If I wanted to hold on, I could have stayed in the air for a while longer, but doing so would have consumed too much stamina.

I just threw myself down. It floated in the air and fell at an alarming speed.

The Heavenly Demon shouted excitedly.

[and! kill! more! Faster!]

[You old man, then die!]

[let’s go! You cowardly old man!]

[What are you going to call me from now on, a partisan old man, a playboy, and a coward?]

[It’s all up to you. Hahaha! exciting!]

We were falling at a tremendous speed. I could see the ground in the distance.

[Now slow down!]

[I am not a coward.]

[what? This crazy guy! Slow down!]

[hate! I am not a coward! We have lived enough to live!]

[no! please! This is not how you die!]

At the last moment, I spun my body a few times in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

Although it may seem like a very light movement on the outside, it was a new technique that incorporated the essence of my martial arts skills. It’s a joke that’s safe to say. No one can come down from that high up so lightly. Because I made it to heaven.

[Now you know who is a coward, right?]

[Ugh, you crazy guy! If someone who doesn’t know you sees it, they’ll think you’re the Heavenly Demon.]

[ha ha ha.]

Smoke and the acrid smell of exploding gunpowder pierced my nose everywhere, and the surrounding area was almost devastated.

At that time, something appeared through the thick smoke.

martial arts,

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