Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 200

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Wolha Battle (5)

Under the bright moonlight of Hwiyeongcheong, a middle-aged man was plowing the field wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

A fat man walked there. It was the same man who was present at the underground business meeting the other day. The man who was plowing the field was a target of darkness.

“What are you doing this night?”

“If you work in the fields, you will know how well these weeds grow.”

“Anyway, what kind of monk are you at night?”

“Where is day and night in work?”

The fleshy man knew. The fact that when the object of darkness is disturbed by something, it becomes absorbed in field work.

“It’s because of the singer, right?”

The dark object made no reply.

“This was done in the wrong order to begin with. I should have gotten rid of the chanter first. Anyway, if a brainiac gets in the middle, the problem gets complicated.”

The dark object stopped touching for a moment and raised its head.

“What if we get rid of him? Who should take that position? Are you going to do it?”

The fleshy man waved his hand.

“Why did sparks suddenly fly like this?”

“So who do you entrust it to?”

“You’ll find it if you look for it.”

“There is no one who does it better than Seongchonggwan.”

The fleshy man squatted down together and pulled out weeds.

“You haven’t found the runaway Cheonga guy yet, have you?”


“This incident was a betrayal by that bastard.”

The target of darkness said as he diligently pulled out weeds.


“Oh, what is money?”

A fat man who had been roughly pulling out a few weeds struggled to raise his heavy body.

“Oh my, my waist. I just can’t do it. What do you do with all that money? Buy someone to pull the weeds. “I will pull out all the weeds in the world.”

Although the dark target was tired, it still did not move its hands.

“Come on, let’s go and play with me. When you drink with pretty girls, you’ll think about what to do with that guy. “What I’m saying is that as you get older, you need that kind of stimulation.”

Of course I thought he wouldn’t go, so as soon as he finished speaking, the fat man said goodbye.

“Anyway, I’ll just go.”

At that time, the object of darkness stood up.

“Let’s go together.”

The fleshy man was surprised. Under these circumstances, she had never asked him to go out with her.

“For what reason? Who says work is rest?”

“Hey guy, I like playing too. “Like you said, we need new stimulation.”

The fleshy man’s expression became expressionless. He looked cold because he only made noisy noises, but when his expression hardened, he gave off a colder and colder feeling than any other man. The thick skin was hiding his true nature.

“Is your feeling that bad?”

The dark object silently nodded.

“Something cheap.”

“Whenever the subject feels like this, a serious problem always arises? “It’s not a matter of things like Seongwangbo, is it?”

The dark object silently nodded.

“Damn it! “It’s going to be an uproar.”

The dark object walked slowly, shaking off the dust from its hands.

The fleshy man grinned with his original expression and followed the dark target.

“But even so, we always found the answer. The pretty ones will give you the answer. Hahaha.”

* * *

The sounds of fighting outside stopped.

Seongwangbo opened the door and got out of the carriage.

The corpses of the bodyguards who had been protecting him were scattered everywhere. There were corpses of those who appeared to be enemies, but their numbers were only a small fraction.

There were about a dozen masked men lined up in front.

Seongwangbo said while looking at the man standing in the middle of the masked men.

“I didn’t know it was you.”

When he recognized himself, the man pointed out took off his mask.

He was none other than Joo Cheol-ryong. The devil’s temptation was something to worry about over and over again.

However, Cheon So-seon’s one-word command was not something to be given without much thought.

Moreover, once he realized his agitation, the betrayal was gone forever.

Even though I came here, I regretted it several times.

‘I should have shown a cool attitude by rejecting the demon spirit’s offer.’

But it was already in the past. He will have to make up for being branded more loyal.

Zhou Chelong slowly approached Cheng Wangbo.

“Things always change.”

“Don’t you know who’s behind me?”

“Who is there?”

Joo Cheol-ryong did not know exactly about the existence of the dark object. Of course, since he also made a living in a powerhouse, you can guess that he has a lot of money other than himself.

But I didn’t know anything about the dark object.

“If you kill me, one day I will die because of it.”


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“Maybe so. But if I don’t kill you today, I will die tomorrow.”

Joo Cheol-ryong spoke honestly.

“Cheon So-seon came in person.”

I didn’t mean to show mercy and tell you who was trying to kill you.

The goal is to alleviate the guilt of conscience. He makes excuses, saying he can’t help it.

“I guess so.”

Seongwangbo nodded. He tried to kill him and his grandfather, so perhaps it was a natural result.

But I also thought it was unexpected. Considering Cheonwang-gun’s personality, I think he would have come directly if he wanted to kill him. I think we exchanged one or two last words.

Zhu Chelong said to his subordinates.

“Send it off in peace.”


The masked man who came with him was not a member of the Gwangwoldan group. Because it was impossible to bring in a Murimmaeng warrior to kill the head of the Jungwon Merchants Association. These were warriors personally raised by Joo Cheol-ryong. They were mainly used to kill people who should not be killed.

A man walked forward with long strides. Since he was a holy king who didn’t know martial arts anyway, one person was enough for him.

The man who came right in front grabbed the handle of the sword.

Seongwangbo closed his eyes tightly.



Even though there was the sound of wind and the sound of flesh being torn, Seongwangbo didn’t notice anything and opened his eyes in surprise.

The man who was trying to cut him stumbled forward, trying to remove the dagger stuck in his neck.

Everyone’s eyes turned to where the dagger flew. Seongwangbo’s gaze followed suit.

About twenty steps away, a man was slowly walking towards me.

“Was it because the situation changed that you betrayed Cheon Ha-jin?”

When Cheon Ha-jin was mentioned, Joo Cheol-ryong’s expression turned cold. On the other hand, relief bloomed on Seongwangbo’s face.

I was the one who saved Seongwangbo by blowing the dagger. King Seongbo knew very well how great my martial arts skills were. He might be thanking heaven right now.

Joo Cheol-ryong asked, exuding murderous energy.

“Who mentions him?”

that? Not even Lord Maeng? He’s so rude that he’s already dead.

“Isn’t it true that Kang-ho knows that you betrayed Cheon Ha-jin?”

Joo Cheol-ryong’s impression became even stronger. For him, that would be the unpleasant part.

“What do you know? Why are you talking so recklessly?”

“okay. “I didn’t know much about you.”


He will never know where my bitterness comes from.

When Joo Cheol-ryong gave a glance, the men all jumped at once.

As expected from those raised by Joo Cheol-ryong, their movements were not normal. Just by looking at the first movement, you could tell that the combined arts were well trained.

As if wings were unfolding and closing, they all surrounded me from all directions, and then they all rushed towards me.


Even Seongwangbo, who did not know much about martial arts, screamed in surprise. It was that much of a threat.

Although it seemed like the rush was the same, each attack was clearly different in my eyes. The speed was different, the target area was different, and of course their skills felt different.

My new type rushed towards the opponent. The first place I headed was towards the man who was rushing the fastest.

A move was made to subdue the steamer.


A line was drawn. Everything that came in line was cut off.


The man’s sword broke and the Sura Myeongwang’s sword cut off the man’s neck.


The man rolled around on the floor, spewing blood into the air.

There was no mercy on my sword. The Sura Myeongwang Sword aimed at the next man was faster and more accurate.

The sword thrown by the second man was aiming for my torso.

In comparison, the Sura Myeongwanggeom definitely started late. But he quickly caught up to his opponent’s speed.

Hiss, hiss.

The two swords crossed as if grazing. However, the results were as different as the speed of the sword. One hit the air, and the other hit the opponent’s chest.



With a scream, I stepped on the man’s back and jumped behind him.

Whoosh! Phew!

With that momentum, he pierced the neck of the man who was running from behind, and as he landed on the ground, he swung his sword left and right, cutting down the man who was running from both sides at the same time.

Hiss! Suddenly! Hiss! Oh my!

In an instant, the three men fell down, spewing blood.

It was a speed difference they could not handle.

The moment my mind recognized that my sword was coming and that I had to block it, my sword had already entered the opponent’s body.

Meanwhile, the men’s swords came at me from three places, aiming at the back of my head, my waist, and my heart.

My body jumped on the spot and lay down in the air.

Hiss! Hiss! Whoosh!

Three swords passed up and down my body. I dodged it in an instant, but I could clearly see their surprised expressions in my eyes. The man on the right, who was closest and most surprised, was the first target.


I spun around in the air and stretched out my body. It was a distance I could never reach, but my movements destroyed common sense.


The Sura Myeongwang’s sword pierced the man’s neck.

Shhh! Shhh!

At the same time, two daggers flew with a cheerful wind noise.

As soon as I got down on the floor, I threw a dagger at him. Of the two men who were attacking my back, one man was unable to dodge, and the other man barely managed to deflect the dagger with his sword.

But my sword rushed at him right away and blew off his head. His head rolled next to the man who had collapsed earlier after being hit in the face.



The last two men died after being swept away by my sword energy. I don’t know if they received an order from Joo Cheol-ryong, or if it was their own decision, but they abandoned me and rushed to kill Seong Wang-bo.


Seongwangbo screamed once again. It was a scream that he let out in surprise, thinking that the sword energy would sweep over him as well.

However, although the two men were cut down by the sword before my eyes, not a ray of wind came to me. It was truly a sword technique as precise as Gong Su-chan’s number calculation, cutting out only the enemy with precision.

Joo Cheol-ryong was astonished. The explanation was long, but all of this happened in an instant. Huh? After saying, “Ah, no,” he realized that all of his subordinates were dead.

“Such a great trick… … .”

I was about to say that I had never seen him before, but was cut off. One person came to mind. He is the same person who made the mistake of betraying him.

Yes, Cheon Ha-jin fought like that. Therefore, he was unable to reveal his desires even once due to the pressure of his tremendous martial arts skills and force.

I didn’t drag out the fight for long.


The Sura Myeongwang Sword rose into the air and was slowly aimed at Cast Iron Dragon.

Joo Cheol-ryong, who was gripping his sword to show off his best skills, opened his eyes wide. His entire body lost strength.

“no way?”


I love you so much!

A ray of light appeared between me and the cast iron dragon.

An absolute move that cannot be prevented by any means.

This is where the sword technique was unleashed.


The hole created by the beam of light was originally where the iron dragon’s heart was. The Sura Myeongwanggeom drew a large circle and then calmly returned to me.


I brushed off the blood on my sword.

Since I was once a subordinate, I naturally felt sad, but I didn’t feel any remorse.

It was a serious crime that should have been punished by the death penalty for a person holding a powerful position as the leader of the Murim Alliance to collude with external forces.

The reason why I killed him with the most powerful sword technique was to show off my skills to Seongwangbo. Because in order to use him and attract him, I had to make him trust me.

As expected, Seongwangbo’s mouth was wide open.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah, thanks to you I survived. But was that technique from a little while ago actually a sword technique?”


“oh my god! “I can’t believe I saw swordsmanship in person during my lifetime!”

There is a big difference between what many people in the world vaguely know and what they know by seeing it firsthand. Martial arts would fall into the category where the difference is the greatest.

Seongwangbo now knows my strength clearly and accurately.

“But how did you know that you saved me?”

“Joo Cheolryong was under my watch. “He came straight after receiving reports that he was trying to kill you.”

“Why did you save me?”

“Don’t we still have a deal left? Even if you die, you have to pay the balance.”

Seongwangbo chuckled at the unexpected words. However, she soon looked at the corpses lying around and her expression hardened as if she was thinking about her situation.

I told him.

“Consider saving you this time as a reward for completing a big deal. Okay then, that’s enough.”

After finishing speaking, I was about to turn around and King Seongbao spoke softly.

“Let’s talk.”

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