Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 199

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Wolha Contest (4)

The old man and Cheon So-seon were sitting cross-legged in a row. After finishing the fortune-telling breakfast, the old man placed his palm on Cheon So-seon’s back.


“Why are you doing that?”

“thank you.”



The old man’s innate Qi began to be injected into Tian Shaoxian’s body. The old man’s appearance was truly pure and solemn.

It was not simply instilling internal energy, but conveying innate energy. In other words, the internal power of Cheon So-seon is permanently increased.

The old man’s tremor was almost as strong as four years ago.

I did my best to convey it.

Have you ever cared for someone like this? There was absolutely nothing. I have never felt anything like this to either my father or my son.

Eventually, the transmission of Seoncheonjingi was completed.

Cheon So-seon, who received all of the old man’s internal skills, combined them with his own internal skills and became a six-time expert. In fact, in terms of internal strength alone, it has become a body that no one dares to compete with.

His main skill, Light Kill Wind, will become stronger and faster. Unfortunately, even though his strength tripled, he was unable to use it twice in a row. Regardless of the amount of internal strength, it was a martial art that was created that way from the beginning.

However, if the speed of the earth wind becomes faster than now, you will become much stronger. Even now, it is a martial arts skill that few people can avoid, so will anyone be able to avoid his attacks anymore?

Moreover, as he accepted the old man’s pure spirit, his previous injuries were completely healed.

On the other hand, the old man who had learned all the internal techniques looked ten years older. He only has a few years of experience left.


Cheon So-seon’s eyes filled with tears.

“Don’t cry. “I will definitely succeed in Dafa.”


“Help me.”

Tian Shaoxian took him into Tianlan.

The old man lay down on the throne. Originally, more materials were needed. The blood of the person who succeeded in reincarnation was needed. The stronger the reincarnated person, the higher the chance that Dafa would succeed. That was the reason why the Heavenly Demon was reincarnated. However, because there was no reincarnated blood, the probability of success was only 50%.

“Why are you doing this?”

All of his grandfather’s life that Cheon So-seon remembers was related to this Dafa. His grandfather was strong enough. It’s so strong that you feel like there’s no point in pursuing strength.

“But why are you trying to make Dafa a success like this?”

“Because it was my father’s long-cherished wish.”


It was my first time hearing it.

“My father was a thief. “He was a person called a phantom thief.”

Surprisingly, the old man was none other than the son of the phantom thief Cheon Bo-myeong.

The old man’s name is Cheonwanggun (千王君). It was the moment when the old man’s identity was finally revealed.

King Cheon never told Cheon So-seon about his father.

“My father enjoyed stealing from powerful people rather than making money. “The Dafa that he wants to do from now on is also contained in the secret book that his father stole.”

Cheon So-seon asked in surprise.

“Who did you steal it from?”

Prince Cheonwang shook his head.

“They said it was an old man. “He said that he found out that the booklet, which had no title written on it, contained a letter of heaven that could not be seen in the royalties, so he belatedly went out to look for the old man, but could not find him.”

“You believed what was in the booklet.”

“It was trustworthy enough. Because everything was correct. Both the reincarnation of the Heavenly Demon and the production method for this Heavenly Orchid were listed in that level. “My father failed in Dafa, but I will definitely succeed.”

Cheon So-seon couldn’t get the words that came to her mind out of her mouth.

‘But is it possible to create a perfect, immortal human being through artificial means?’

But now was not the time to say such things.

“You will definitely succeed, grandfather.”

“Even if you fail, keep in mind what I said.”

“You will succeed. “I will definitely succeed.”

The Heavenly Lantern slowly closed. Cheon So-seon watched her grandfather until the end.

When the door closed, Cheon So-seon connected several pipes on Cheon-ran. Then I operated the device attached to the back.


The Cheonran began to vibrate and operate.

Dafa has begun.

After thirty-three days, this heavenly orchid will be opened. At that time, it will be decided whether Dafa is a success or a failure. If successful, no one will be able to beat Grandpa. Because you will be reborn as an immortal being.

Cheon So-seon looked down at Cheon-ran and spoke softly.

“Please get over it, Grandpa. “I will protect you until then.”

But if things continued like this, there was a high chance that this place would be discovered. Galsaryang’s side was also powerful, and the dark target was probably looking for them as well.

“I need to distract myself.”

* * *

On a dark night, two people were meeting in an abandoned house in the mountains.

They were Demon Spirit and Jucheolryong.

“Have you made your decision?”

Joo Cheol-ryong had no answer to the demon’s question.

“Before that, I have something to tell you.”


“There is a problem within the organization.”



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“I lost contact with my superiors.”

This was the result of running away with King Cheon and So-seon Cheon.

The corner of the Demon Spirit’s mouth curled up.

“You don’t believe me. I understand. But what I say is true.”

For a moment, the Demon Spirit stared at Joo Cheol-ryong. It was too elaborate and condescending to be an excuse, so it felt like the real thing.

“Okay. I will believe you every word. “If there is some change within the organization, it could actually be an opportunity.”


“If what you say is true, wouldn’t there have been internal strife? In that case, it would be easy for Judanju to turn this way.”

Joo Cheol-ryong didn’t say anything.

“Dance after week. This time, they tried to kill my brother, the leader. Who will be next? you? Sobering up on iron tools? me? How many turns are left until the end of the week?”

When he, who was usually touchy-feely, became serious, the demonic spirit’s persuasive power showed its power.

“Dance after week. They just use us as expendable items. If we continue like this, we will all die. “Now is your last chance.”

“Give me more time to think.”

“Okay. Instead, decide until the next meeting.”

“I understand.”

The devil left first.

Joo Cheol-ryong sighed lightly.



Joo Cheol-ryong kicked the broken tree in front of him. The tree was smashed and scattered. If you don’t listen to him, he will be retaliated against by the demonic army and demonic people. Since he lost contact with his superiors, there was no guarantee that they would protect him. But it wasn’t easy to betray them either.

He turned around with a sigh and was surprised. Cheon So-seon was standing in front of the door.

“How dare you try to betray us?”

Joo Cheol-ryong was shocked.

“no. Absolutely not.”

Cheon So-seon raised a finger. It felt as if a gust of wind would fly out of my fingertips at any moment.

“You misunderstand! “Please save me!”

“It’s not betrayal, but conflict?”


He answered quickly, but his voice was already shaking a lot.

The finger that pointed at Joo Cheol-ryong folded again.

“I have one command for you. “Whether or not I carry out this order will determine whether I can atone for this mistake.”

Cheon So-seon’s eyes towards Joo Cheol-ryong were extremely cold.

“Kill Seongwangbo as quickly as possible.”


Joo Cheol-ryong opened his eyes wide. I never dreamed that such an order would come.

Killing Seongwangbo would be a huge blow to the target of darkness. It will probably cause problems in finding yourself and your grandfather.

Before Joo Cheol-ryong had time to ask anything, Cheon So-seon had disappeared before his eyes. It was truly a ghost-like movement.


* * *

Papa papapang!

I was watching Cheonma perform the Seonhak secret technique.

Even though it was a beginner’s meal unfolding with the same structure, it definitely felt different from what I unfolded.

[How do you feel? This is the true Seonhak secret art.]

[Are you already showing off how long it has been since you learned it?]

[This is a martial art made by my grandfather. I feel like I’ve already learned it for ten years.]

Although that may be an exaggeration, I was definitely learning it much faster than I was used to.

It seems that the foundation of Seonhak’s secret arts was clearly based on magic and martial arts.

We talked about what we had observed and about herbivory.

[Is there a need to hit that herbivore so hard?]

I laid out one of the herbivores that Cheonma had done a little while ago, in the same way.

[Isn’t this level of softness enough?]

[There is no way.]

The Heavenly Demon resumed herbivorous behavior as usual.

It was much stronger than mine. Certainly, even when Cheonma and I looked at the same martial arts, our interpretations were different.

[You bastards from the political faction often say nonsense, like how softness beats hardness, but that’s because they haven’t experienced what’s really strong.]

[I’m there, right?]

[That’s funny. You don’t think that the reason you defeated me was because you were soft, do you? When it comes to martial arts, strength and softness are only relative. It is softer than my martial arts, but objectively speaking, your imperfect Chuhonsura swordsmanship is also a very subversive martial arts. With that defeat added to your genius talent, you barely won.]

It was hard to deny.

I was lost in thought for a moment. Harmony and balance were at the center of the meaninglessness I pursued in the past. There was a thought that focusing on one area would only be inadequate.

On the contrary, the Heavenly Demon aims to reach the ultimate power. Stronger, a little stronger.

I thought maybe I needed to try that method at least once.

Suddenly, what Cheonma said before came to mind.

You are stuck in a rut.

I couldn’t deny it back then, but I feel that pattern again today.

The framework that was vague in the past, or not even recognized in the first place, was gradually becoming more and more outlined.

[Do you ever feel out of place? I’m trapped somewhere.]

[You bastard. Where am I stuck now? Are you intentionally making fun of me?]

[haha. sorry. That’s not what I asked. This means that you have never felt any limitations.]

Of course, how could the Heavenly Demon not understand the gist of my question?

[there was. Just once.]

[When was it?]

[When challenging the demon spirit.]


[When trying to break the demon chain.]

At that time, I saw a galsa ryang entering the outside of Cheongisimhwangong.

[We’ll talk about it again later.]

[Next time I will be stronger.]

[I look forward to it.]

I returned to reality after reaping my courage.

“What’s going on?”

Gal Sa-ryang spoke quickly.

“Joo Cheol-ryong moved alone.”

The key point of the report was that he moved alone. In the normal affairs of the Murim Alliance, Gwangwoldanju would never move alone.

“What is your goal?”

“It’s our money.”

I said with a chuckle at Galsaryang’s meaningful words.

“Others may not know, but he shouldn’t say that.”

* * *

Seongwangbo, riding in the carriage, was lost in thought.

Both sides standing between them reached out to them.

The King of Heaven recommended betrayal, and the dark target advised not to betray.

What Seongwangbo chose was both, and it could be seen that he chose himself.

If he had only made a choice to save his life, he would have chosen the dark target.

King Seongbo knew well. No matter how powerful the Heavenly King’s army is and how ambitious it is, it will not be able to defeat the Dark Target. He has a financial power that cannot be destroyed by any force. And above all, he was a merchant himself.

but… … I wanted to be in the position of an object of darkness.

Even if the target of darkness recognized his ambition, the dream did not change. Rather, it burned more intensely. However, if you are under him, you cannot remain in that position forever.

So, in a part of my heart, I hope that the Heavenly King will kill the object of darkness. So that you can rise to that position yourself.

At that time, the carriage came to a sudden stop.


Starting with the sound of the wind quickly cutting through the air, it became noisy outside. The sound of clashing weapons and screams continued.

Seongwangbo hit the back of his head against the carriage seat as if blaming himself.

“Damn it! shit!”

I didn’t know who was attacking me, but I felt that death was just around the corner.

The warriors guarding him were strong. But if someone tried to kill him, he would have sent stronger people.

Damn it, am I going to die in vain like this?

Why didn’t you use a really crazy strong escort? If it were your wealth, wouldn’t you be able to find a great expert?

However, such thoughts arise because we do not know much about the physiology of this bloody organization.

Being watched, being watched again. Then, the moment you deviate from the framework set by the organization, all doubts focus. Doubt turns into disbelief, and disbelief soon becomes a messenger and appears before your eyes.

I looked out the carriage window.

The moon was bright and bright. The moon seemed to be saying this.

-It’s a good night to die, right?

‘at all.’

King Seongbo really did not want to die. So he looked at the moon and prayed earnestly.

‘Please, if someone will save me, I will do anything for him.’

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