Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 197

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Wolha Battle (2)

In the darkness, a cave is visible in the distance.

I slowly walked towards there.

There was no separate operation in mind. I was planning on pushing through with my own force.

I know very well what experts of my level of skill think. He knows very well how he treats his enemies.

There will be no small warriors protecting him here. If there’s anyone, he’s probably one or two very powerful and decent people.

As I approached the cave, there was no sound of footsteps or any signs of movement.

Eventually, I stood in front of the cave and looked for signs inside. But there was no sign of anything.

The old man might have noticed that I was there, but he showed no reaction.

If this is the case, I will have no choice but to go in.

I pulled out the Sura Myeongwang Sword and slowly walked into the cave.

The inside of the cave was dirty and humid, and it looked like poisonous insects would crawl in at any moment.

I walked slowly until I reached the end of the cave. The wall was blocked and no matter how many times I touched it, there was no special device to open it. It seemed like a door that could only be opened by injecting internal energy somewhere.

I raised my self-defense skills to the limit and at the same time injected internal power into the Sura King Sword.


Sword steel spewed out from the Sura Myeongwanggeom.

The intention was to cut the door off with a sword. Something could explode, or memorization could fly. I was planning to just force my way through.

It was right then.


The door opened by itself. The door was opened from the inside.

I went inside carefully.

The inside was unfamiliar and bizarre. In short, it felt like I was in the stomach of a monster, and there were things that looked like water bags hanging down from the ceiling. They wriggled like living creatures.

The floor was uneven, but when I looked closely, I saw that it was a human skull, and the strange shapes drawn on the wall were painted in strong primary colors.

I have been to many places, but this is the first time I have come across such a bizarre and mysterious place.

There stood a man without eyebrows.

“Who are you?”

“This is the person who lives in this house.”

“Where is your master?”

“The old man has left.”


“I can’t teach you that.”

“but. That’s not important. “Why did you stay?”

“Because this is my home.”

I could tell. The old man expected me to come and left first.

I never thought you would run away from me.

It was a truly unexpected situation.

“You can’t get out of here alive.”

Before I knew it, the door I came in was closed.

“If you forcefully break down that door, this mountain will collapse.”

I chuckled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“You’ve never forced it open, right? “Because this mountain is still fine.”

“That’s right.”

“Did the person who made that door really install such an incredible device?”

The man gave a puzzled look.

“Why do you think not?”

“Because no one builds an institution that can collapse a mountain. If someone tried to invade this place, this mountain would collapse and everyone inside would die? Who on earth will create or allow such an institution to be created?”

“Are you by any chance an institutional researcher?”

“Not really. “I just have experience with numerous organizations.”

In particular, I have experienced various organizations related to the door. Because there were several doors to protect the Murim Lord.

Nevertheless, the man was resolute.

“I believe what you said… … .”



The door was smashed and scattered into pieces.

The Sura Myeongwang Sword was thrust backwards. The Sacho-style escape from soul was demonstrated. The door was smashed but nothing happened. Let alone the mountain collapsed, not even the common memorization was released.

The man looked at the broken door and then at me with a surprised face.

“How did you know? “Nothing will happen.”

“Even though I don’t know much about the institution, I know very well about the man you call old man. Not telling the truth, because you guessed that’s how he treats you.”

It was a situation that could have been agitating, but the man was unperturbed. She was clearly a man with emotions, and she was thoroughly trained to control them.

I turned and walked towards the entrance.

“I didn’t come to deal with people like you.”

“But I have been waiting for a day like this.”

Look! self! Sssssssut!

I turned back at the strange sound.

Colorful energy was emanating from shapes everywhere. That energy was absorbed into the man’s body.



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When the long scream ended, he became a different person. The shapes that had been intense primary colors were now unpainted.

Instead, the man’s eyes changed into various colors.

Even though it was a scary situation, I remained calm.

“If it were me, I would never have left my subordinate here alone. Especially for this purpose.”


The man rushed towards me. He could no longer be called human. He absorbed the energy of the cave wall and became a demonic beast.

It was really fast. The speed and power were incredible.


His main weapon was two-handed. He swung both hands with such force that they could tear even steel apart.

Cough! Kang!

My sword clanged as it hit his hand. The hands that became his weapons had suddenly become stronger than steel.

Sigh! Wow! Sigh!

Rather than learning martial arts, I felt like a creature born to perform these movements. The movements were perfect and the power was extreme.

Boom! Gurgling! Quang!

Everything his hands touched turned to powder.

The feeling of fighting was also unusual. He was very smart, like a seasoned master.

Twenty or so passes passed in an instant, and only then did I get my chance.


The exact moment when the Suramyeong Sword was about to pierce the man’s chest.


The next moment, the man was no longer there.


It was an amazing stealth technique that would surprise you even if you saw it with your own eyes. Although it was different from the stealth technique used by Cheon So-seon, it showed almost as much skill.

I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Then the round spheres hanging inside the cave began to shake and make sounds. Surprisingly, it’s trying to disrupt my concentration.

That wasn’t the only help from the cave.

Sigh. Clap la la rock.

That’s when I felt like something came up from the floor and wrapped around my ankle.

Love it!

A force of immense power poured out of the air on the left.

What wrapped around my feet were vines sticking out from the eyes of a skeleton on the floor. Of course, it was not an ordinary vine, but a hard vine like Cheonjamsa.

Instead of dodging his body, he swung his sword straight ahead.


The strong energy created by the Sura Myeongwang Sword and the strong energy that flew in collided in the air.

The surroundings were swept away.

Boom! Quang!

A series of strong waves flew at the spot where I was standing.

But I was no longer there.

After cutting the vine with a single sword, I was stabbing the sword into the air where Gangi had flown.

Shhh! Faaah!

Blood splattered in the air.

However, the man was not affected by the movement at all.

The next moment, the strange ball-shaped object hanging in the air suddenly broke and flew towards me.

As I dodged it slightly, it fell to the floor and exploded.


Poisonous smoke came out from inside.

It was a poison so severe that even I, who was invulnerable to poison, felt sick to my stomach. If he were an ordinary expert, the moment he took a sip of this poisonous smoke, he would have died, bleeding from every pore in his body. It was such a powerful poison.

At that moment, the man’s dual arms flew out from behind his back.


He twisted his body and used that momentum to hit the man’s chin with his knee.


I followed him as he was pushed back and punched him one after another.

puck! Pow! puck!

The man flew backwards and landed. But she jumped up as if she wasn’t shocked at all.

The man’s eyes widened, and he seemed shocked that I was able to cut down the vine in one go and not be affected by the poisonous smoke at all.

I was equally surprised. How can they remain so unharmed even when my attack goes well?

The company itself is also the result of a certain test. It seemed like if they were to randomly create demonic beasts like this to increase their power, they would end up in a big accident at some point.

In any case, if things continued like this, my strength would deplete first.

[Well done. I can’t deal with a guy like that.]

[Don’t just talk, come out and fight.]

[Even if I could, I wouldn’t like it. What are all these disgusting things?]

[I know yeah.]

Inadvertently, my eyes gazed at the things hanging in the air.


Then something caught my eye.

Some of the hanging things had turned gray and were drooping.

I knew it the moment I saw it.

[thank you! Thanks to you, I found out its weakness.]

[what? What? What?]

[haha. You will know it when you see it!]

[It’s because of me, it’s thanks to me!]

Once again, I fought with the man.

Wow! Wow!

puck! puck! puck!

The man who had been pushed backwards ran towards me as if he had not been shocked at all.

I saw. The sight of one of the other things hanging limp and dying.

My guess was clear.

They are absorbing the shock of interest instead!


I flew into the air and swung my sword. At the same time, Chuhonsura swordsmanship and Sacheo-style Talhongeop were demonstrated.


Wow! Wow! Sigh! Sigh!

One sword energy split into sixteen and they cut down everything hanging from the ceiling.

pop! pop! Pow! pop! Pow!

The things that were hanging exploded, filling the room with all kinds of poisonous smoke.


The man shouted, but everything that protected him had already been cut down.

As long as that was gone, winning or losing was easy.

The man could not withstand even five moves and allowed my sword.

Easy profit!


I could see the moment the Suramyeong Sword pierced his chest.

The expression of a man who has given up everything. He had been thoroughly trained on how to face even his death.

“No matter what reason you give, your master cannot be forgiven.”

Despite my anger, the man smiled and closed his eyes.

I slowly walked out of the cave through the poisonous smoke.

[I told you this.]

[What you told me was that this place was disgusting. This is something even a seven-year-old child can understand. But still… … It was thanks to you.]

[Ahm, this is the role of a master.]

[ha ha ha.]

* * *

In the bustling street, there was a secret room in the basement of a small rice shop selling rice and ingredients.

The two people there were the old man and Cheon So-seon. This safe house, built with great effort, was very private and had excellent facilities.

The old man who received his subordinate’s report shook his head.

“We were attacked as expected. “The sheep were killed and the cave was completely destroyed.”

“How did you know he would attack me by surprise?”

The old man answered Cheon So-seon’s question.

“Seongwangbo told me.”

“Seongchonggwan? “Hasn’t he betrayed?”

“You’re a traitor.”

When Cheon So-seon looked like she couldn’t understand, the old man smiled and said.

“At the same time, wasn’t he a merchant? “He hinted that he had betrayed me in case I won.”

That’s what he said when he came to see me. Aren’t there some questions that don’t have the right answer in the first place?

The old man could tell from his unusual behavior. That Seongwangbo rejected his offer and joined the dark target. Also, sooner or later, they will come to kill you.

“Why is that?”

“It’s just in case. If I die, that’s it, but it’s just in case I survive. “He must have begged me to spare his life because he told me that he had betrayed me.”

“You’re such a damn businessman!”

Chen Shaoxian’s face distorted.

“I will definitely get rid of that guy, Seongchonggwan, with my own hands.”

“Anyway, he is just an errand boy. “If you want to get rid of him, you have to get rid of him, the object of darkness.”

“yes. “I will make you pay for daring to betray us.”



“Their power is great. “They must have accumulated wealth over a long period of time and at the same time accumulated enormous military power.”

“If they were that strong, they wouldn’t have joined hands with my grandfather in the first place.”

Then the old man shook his head and spoke calmly.

“They never took me in because they were weaker than me.”

Cheon So-seon asked in surprise.

“Then what is it for?”

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