Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 194

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Daesangyeon (3)

The guesthouse was crowded with guests.

It was difficult to find a single empty seat, but most of the customers were merchants who had come to participate in this year’s grand banquet.

Since the merchants had gathered, the topic was definitely money. Somewhere someone sold something for a certain amount and made a certain amount of money, someone made a mistake in a contract and suffered a loss, and somewhere someone lost something to Noklim.

There were stories coming from all around that you wouldn’t get bored even if you just listened to them all day.

Naturally, Daesangyeon and Seongwangbo were also the center of attention.

“Hoeju came too, right?”

“Of course. Hasn’t Seonghoeju never fallen in love with daesangyeon?”

“but. He is a truly sincere person. “It can be said that he is the true owner of the central commercial world.”

“I admit it.”

We were eating next to each other and listening to their conversation.

Didn’t know that everyone was being deceived. No, maybe there is someone who knows. Because among them, there could have been someone belonging to the upper world of darkness.

I was the one who broke the silence of the quiet dinner table.

“I’m sorry, but I sent a letter to the Commander-in-Chief asking him to come here.”

It would have been polite to visit him in person, but under the current circumstances, it was impossible to travel all the way to Shandong.

“Master, you will understand. Haha, it’s been a while since I’ll be able to see you, Master.”

Gong Su-chan was very happy. Although they were blunt friends, they were two people who truly cared for each other.

I also wanted to see Jongchonggwan. It’s been a while since I last asked you to decipher the secret language, so it’s been a while since I’ve seen you again.

Through this incident, I once again marveled at how many things in my new life were connected to my past life and the conspiracy unfolding in the dark.

“I have had an interest in business since I was young. I found buying and selling things to be so much fun. Nowadays, Sanggye has become my world. But I feel like that precious space has been trampled on by these guys.”

Gong Su-chan was angrier than me. It was the first time for me and Gwangdu to see him angry.

Of course I understood his anger. It must have been the same shock and anger as when I found out that there was someone behind the Murim Alliance.

“Commerce belongs to everyone in this world: those who make things, those who sell them, and those who buy them. It is a place that should not be controlled by a few people. Please punish me properly.”

“I understand. “I will definitely destroy it.”

“If you need my help, please let me know. “I will help you in any way possible.”

Gwangdu, who was next to him, also spoke with sparkling eyes.

“I will do my best to help too.”

“Yes, I feel secure because I have two people with me.”

Then Gwangdu smiled and said.

“Aren’t those two people Galgunsa and Baekdanju?”

“ha ha ha.”

“oh my god! “You’re just trying to laugh it off.”

Gong Su-chan, who had been frozen by Gwangdu’s joke, also smiled.

“You’ve come to the Grand Prize, but what do you plan to do now?”

I gave a firm answer to Gong Su-chan’s question.

“I plan to attack head-on.”

“Are we going to attack head-on?”

When I glanced at Gwangdu, he looked startled and said,

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Would you like to join us for a head-on breakthrough?”

“I decline! Rear support! “It’s a mission that suits me perfectly.”


Yes, it’s a joke I can tell because he is the guy who will run ahead of me without hesitating for his life.

When I returned to my room on the second floor after eating, Cheonma called me.

[Would you like to see my face?]


He had been quiet ever since he met Jong Sang-hee. So he accepted his will.

There was no need to blindly please him in order to obtain the demon spirit, but on the other hand, there was no need to be too strong either.

I think like this.

You may be able to obtain the Demon God’s Gyeol today, or you may not be able to obtain it even after ten years. I had left the task of obtaining this demon spirit to fate.

Of course, leaving it to fate doesn’t mean you won’t make any effort.

Because at least one thing was clear.

In order to obtain the demon spirit, you must obtain the heart of the heavenly demon.

“Gwangdu. “I’m going to have a fortune-telling breakfast, so please stay by my side and watch over me.”

Then Gwangdu became excessively happy.


“Why do you like it so much?”

“I have been waiting for a day like this for a long time. “The moment when you stand by my side when you are feeling lucky!”

“why? Were you an assassin who had been in hiding for several years? “Have you been waiting for the moment when I get lucky?”

“Please refrain from making such scary jokes during this touching moment.”

“Why on earth did you wait for this touching moment?”

“I heard that asking the most trustworthy person to escort Ungi Josik is something you do?”


“Haha, it’s me!”

“I feel like you have left out the most important fact, which is extremely unfortunate for me and extremely lucky for you to be the only one here.”

Gwangdu pretended not to hear and said with a solemn expression.

“Now, eat your luck with peace of mind! “I will risk my life to protect you.”


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“haha. “Take care of it.”

I used the table in the room as a reference point and used my Cheongisimwangong.

Then Cheonma and I were standing on a huge table.

The Heavenly Demon slowly walked towards me from about twenty feet away.

[Why did you ask to see me?]

[Are you asking about my business as soon as you see me? I’m talking nonsense and shaking, having no fun meeting that damn bastard.]

[also… … .]

[I’m not jealous!]

[haha. Go ahead and tell me your business. I know very well, but I have to participate in the grand prize show later.]

[The thing that that dark world bastard opens? Damn it! Are there people like that in the world? Dark target? How dare you use the word ‘darkness’ so carelessly when I am here!]

It seemed that the Heavenly Demon was also unaware of their existence. Since the righteous sect and the demonic sect didn’t know, the sectarians naturally didn’t know either.

As Jong Sang-hee said, they were truly beings hidden in deep darkness.

[Damn you bastards! Wipe it all away!]

The Heavenly Demon looked very angry. That anger was consistent with my anger to some extent. From the perspective of the person who ruled Gangho, it means that he was unaware of the fact that dark forces were operating in secret.

[That’s what you political factions always do.]

[Do not conclude that it is a political faction. Because it has not yet been revealed who it is.]

[No one at this school would do something like that.]

[You cannot know the inside of a person.]

[Just like you. Even though I’m inside, I still can’t figure it out.]

[ha ha ha.]

That was funny and I burst out laughing. Cheonma looked somewhat proud that his joke worked.

[But why did you call me?]

The Heavenly Demon’s expression became serious.

[I thought about it after that day.]

He walked to the end of the table.

I followed him and walked next to him. The table was so high that it felt like we were both standing on the edge of a cliff.

[I know a lot about you.]

[A while ago, he said he wasn’t sure if it was inside.]

[At least you know this. You will never give up on Demon God, right?]

[I enjoyed it.]

The Cheonma, who had been looking down for a long time with no end in sight, finally opened her mouth.

[My grandfather said this when he left our school.]

Surprisingly, he is trying to reveal a hidden secret.

[To unlock the secret of the demon spirit, magic alone is not enough.]

It was the moment when the secret related to the results of drinking was finally revealed.

I repeated exactly what his grandfather had said.

[Is magic alone not enough to unlock the secret of demonic determination?]

It was a meaningful statement, and one that could be interpreted in many ways.

Cheonma’s interpretation was as follows.

[In other words, only by awakening the ultimate intention of the Demonic Gong and realizing the extreme intention of the Martial Arts of the Righteous Sect can the secret of the Demon God’s Soul be unlocked.]

It was the most appropriate interpretation. Since it was a demonic spirit, there would be no need for only right faction martial arts.

Although it is based on magic, it seems that they decided that their secrets could not be solved with just their blood and lightning techniques. What on earth is Demon God’s Gyeol that requires martial arts like this?

[Your grandfather failed. He created a great martial art called Seonhak Secret Art, but even with that, he could not solve the secret of Demon God.]

[You don’t know that. You may have already become a demon.]

[It’s just your wish. Judging from the books I found in Bidong that day, there was no sign of that at all. On the contrary, he left a legacy of martial arts for future generations with a broad mind, like a monk who benefited from a political faction. It didn’t even look like a demon, let alone a demon.]

The Heavenly Demon could not refute anything.

I didn’t mean to push him. Regarding the results of drinking, we had to make a judgment based on certain facts.

[Can you solve what your grandfather couldn’t solve? Even your grandfather, who created the secret art of Seonhak, couldn’t solve it.]

[joy! The same goes for you. Anyway, you can’t learn the Blood Lightning Technique. As I said before, this is because the operation of the law is completely opposite.]

[Isn’t that the same for you too?]

[This is a martial art made by my grandfather. If it’s a martial art made by my grandfather who learned magic, then of course I can learn it too. Even if I don’t realize the truth, I won’t die. Because there is no body to die.]

[As expected, I believed that.]

This was the reason why he desperately wanted Seonhak secret arts.

Soon he spoke weakly.

[But I will not be able to solve the secret of the demon spirit. There is no way I can solve something that even the Heavenly Demons of the previous generation could not solve, and even my grandfather could not solve.]

I thought that maybe those words were the conclusion that created this place.

[Do you know why I wanted the Seonhak secret art so much?]

I had a guess as to why.

[Because you wanted to become a demon.]

The Heavenly Demon was startled by my words.

[How did know?]

[You are an easy person to understand. Although I don’t want to admit it.]


Soon, the Heavenly Demon let out a long sigh and spoke.

[Yes, I thought that was the only way for me to escape your body. But I realized that was impossible. However, there is a way to solve the evil spirit.]

[What is that?]

After a moment, the Heavenly Demon said something surprising.

[Let’s solve it together.]


[Okay, I’ll tell you the magic. Let’s join forces and solve it.]

I thought that if I joined forces with the Heavenly Demon, I might be able to break the demon chain.

So, will I really learn the best magic arts in the world and become a demon god like the horse left behind in the Demon God?

[Why do you want to help me?]

[Because I can’t solve it anyway. Instead, please do me one favor.]


[I’ll tell you when I solve the secret of the demon spirit.]

My worries didn’t last long. Because I have already taken part in the flow of destiny called Demon God that appeared with the Heavenly Demon.



[Then tell me the secrets of the devil.]

[I can’t tell you here. Demonic spirit is not something that can be explained in words.]


[If you want to learn, there is a place you must go with me.]

[Okay, once this is over, we’ll go together.]

The relationship between me and the Heavenly Demon changed again. As my relationship with him changed, my fate and his fate also changed.

Even I, who had decided to kill him, had no idea how my relationship with him would end.

* * *

That afternoon, a grand banquet was held in the main guest hall of Dongho Sangdan.

Numerous invited merchants gathered at the headquarters of Dongho Sangdan.

King Seongbo was getting dressed in the room where VIPs were treated. Wearing her clean silk clothes, I looked at her own reflection in her admiration.

A short, white-haired old man, I wondered when he had become so old. I need to make my dream come true before it’s too late.

At that time, I suddenly remembered what the dark person had said.

“If you sit in my seat like that, you will have another dream.”

What did he mean?

At that time, the door opened and a man came in carrying a fancy jangsam to wear for the event.

When Seongwangbo opened his arms, the man put a jangsam on him.

Seongwangbo, who had been casually putting on clothes, was startled. He said that the man who dressed him was none other than an object of darkness.

“What about the subject?”

“Haha, it’s an event for merchants, so I should come too. Now, open your arms.”

“No, I will wear it.”

“It’s okay. “Hurry up and raise your arms.”


When Seongwangbo opened his arms, the dark target clothed him with jangsam.

The two people had a conversation while looking at Tokyo.

“It suits you very well. “You look good in gold clothes.”

“thank you.”

For a moment the two looked at each other with longing.

The dark object asked him.

“What do you plan to do now?”

“He would definitely have attended this grand banquet.”

“I guess so.”

“I will draw him to me as you commanded. “You will soon be able to see Admiral Lee’s charm.”


Then Seongwangbo smiled brightly and said.

“Is there anything in the world that money can’t do?”

The object of darkness laughed out loud at his confident words.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

In Tokyo, the two laughed for a long time.

The object of darkness stopped laughing and spoke powerfully.

“Go and show the powerhouse brats the power of money.”

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