Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 193

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Daesangyeon (2)

The place we arrived with Gong Soo-chan was a small school located a little away from Hwanggang Low Street.

Perhaps he came to meet the writing teacher here. A class was in full swing at the school, but somewhere the teacher had gone, a girl who looked to be about thirteen or four years old was teaching her peers.

She was a cute girl who looked to be about fifteen years old, and her eyes were pretty and deep, so she had the power to grab the attention of those who saw her.

The voice was very clear, and it was nice just to listen to the girl’s sonorous voice. At first, I thought that her charm that kept me going was just because of her good voice, but her quiet teachings had a depth and calmness that was unusual for her age.

Gong Soo-chan and I stood a little distance away and watched the class.

“He’s a very bright kid.”

“Yes, it is.”

Gong Soo-chan smiled. Judging from the smile with some unknown meaning, it seemed like he probably knew that girl. Perhaps she is the daughter of the teacher we should meet.

Class ended and the girl packed up the children and sent them out.

“I was going to watch it for a while, but ended up watching it until class ended.”

At my words, Gong Su-chan just smiled inexplicably.

A girl walked towards us.

Gong Soo-chan politely bowed his head and greeted her.

“long time no see.”

“Mr. Gong, it’s been a while since I saw you.”

Gong Su-chan’s attitude towards the girl was extremely polite.

I had a hunch that she was the person Gong Soo-chan had come to meet. But she couldn’t understand. No matter how you look at it, the girl was only thirteen or four years old.

“I received the gift sent every year well. “I had a great time eating it with my kids.”

“It’s not a big deal, but I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

My curiosity grew even more. Who on earth was Gongsun Chan who sent him gifts every year?

After greeting her, I introduced myself to her.

A surprising fact revealed in the process.

“The person here is much older than me.”

“You’re older than the Gong Commander?”

I was surprised.

The girl said with a smile.

“I suffer from a disease that prevents my body from aging even as I get older. “I stopped growing at this point.”

Even though she was talking about the tragedy of her personal life, the girl’s expression was brighter than ever.

I once heard of such a disease. But she never thought she would actually see it.

“Now, please come inside.”

She guided us to the living quarters provided at the back of the school.

I sat down at the table and waited for a while, and she brought out tea. A person’s heart is truly treacherous, and when she thought that she was not a girl, she felt a grace that she had not felt before in her actions.

I asked what I was most curious about.

“But how did you two become connected?”

Gong Su-chan’s answer was truly surprising.

“This is Master’s sister.”

“I beg your pardon? “Are you the sister of the Commander-in-Chief?”

I was really surprised. It’s surprising that she and Jongchonggwan are blood relatives, but they’re older sisters!

The girl formally introduced herself.

“My name is Jong Sa-hee (宗司喜).”

“Sorry to ask, but how old are you?”

“I’m seventy-six this year.”

oh my god!

At seventy-six, she was older than me.

There was silence. Gong Soo-chan and Jong Jong-hee seemed to understand my surprise and gave me a moment to gather my thoughts.

“Are you going to continue living like this?”

“no. “I only look like this, but my lifespan is the same as that of an ordinary person.”

Despite revealing her age, she remained as polite as she did the first time.

“I don’t have much time left to live now.”

She smiled brightly while saying that she did not have much life left. She had the appearance of a young girl, and she had a very strange feeling.

You might think it would be nice to live young, but her case was different.

Since we live anyway, wouldn’t it be better to live young?

However, she would not have been able to live the normal life that others lived.

He would have wandered around the river without being able to settle down in one place. If her family found out about her illness, everyone would treat her with their own prejudices. She wouldn’t have been able to love anyone. This disease was like her heavenly brother to her.

Soon, Gong Soo-chan revealed the reason why he brought me here and introduced me to her.

“This time, while operating the upper division, we investigated the upper division of the midfield from various angles. I received a lot of help from my sources and Samangak. But there were parts in the process that I couldn’t understand.”

“What if there is something I don’t understand?”

“We discovered something suspicious about the movement of funds. A huge amount of money evaporated at some point. In most cases, it is a rough guess that it went into someone’s pocket or was used somewhere. But the funds I found simply disappeared without a trace.”

The moment I heard those words, I had a hunch. It is said that the funds were used as military funds by the forces behind it.

“I thought it must have something to do with what you do. That’s why I brought you here today. “The elder Jong here has very extensive knowledge of the central and western business world.”

I finally found out. Why was Gong Su-chan brought here?

Jong Sang-hee said with a slight smile.

“Teacher Gong is working hard to paint my face with gold, but I am just a sick woman.”

Of course, that can’t be possible. If that were the case, our meeting wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

I stared at her quietly.

She is about the same age as me. She said, “We were born in the same era and have lived in the same era.”


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What kind of person is she? What can we learn about her from this moment of meeting her? Is she someone you can trust?

Regardless of whether Gong Su-chan believed in her or the fact that she was Jong Chong-gwan’s sister, I tried to objectively get a feel for what kind of person she was. I have to decide everything. Because I had to take responsibility for the results.

I read good intentions in her eyes. It was the kind of thing that could never be created through acting.

I finally opened my mouth in earnest.

“I would like to make it clear in advance that what I am saying from now on is completely devoid of lies.”

I told her honestly about my current situation.

“There are those who are trying to control the Murim Alliance and the Murim Lord from behind the scenes.”

Jong Sang-hee was not surprised. From her reaction, I thought that maybe she already knew this.

“I, the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Meng Hao-danju, and the general officer of the Gong here are joining forces to fight against them. They suspect that Seongwangbo, the lord of the upper part of the continent, is related to them. That’s why I came here to participate in the grand prize giveaway this time.”

If you treat yourself sincerely, the other person will also treat you sincerely. Only by telling the truth will the truth be heard.

Jong Sang-hee stared at me for a moment and then smiled.

“You have a strong will for someone your age.”

Although it may not be as much of a disharmony between her appearance and substance, she must have felt similar feelings towards me.

she asked a question.

“Do you know who the person with the most money in Gangho is?”

“Are you Seongwangbo?”


“Are you the owners of Gangbuk Merchants or Hwangryong Merchants?”

Because they, along with Seongwangbo, were the owners of the Kanghosamdaesangdan.

But the answer was unexpected.

“Not them either. “There are people who have a lot more money than them.”

“Who is that?”

She said in a calm tone.

“Have you ever heard of the underground world?”

Underground world?

“Do you mean things like Yeomwangchae?”

Gong Su-chan also looked like he didn’t know.

She explained again.

“People often think that way. But no. The underground world I am talking about has a different meaning. Just as you said earlier that there is someone behind the Murim Alliance, there are people who control the commercial power even in the shadows of the central commercial world.”

When I heard that there were forces behind even the upper world, all the hair on my body stood up in surprise and anger.

“Who are they?”

“I don’t even know who it is.”

“When did these people appear?”

Could it be that he was there even when I was the leader?

“They have been around for a long time. At least it was there before I was born. They never revealed themselves.”

I was dazed for a moment. I never thought that such beings existed.

Her explanation continued. And there was an important mention about me.

“They existed a long time ago, even during the time when Cheon Ha-jin attacked the Sapa and the Demon School and put to rest the internal strife of the Murim Alliance. Rather, they took advantage of division and war to gain enormous profits.”

Damn it! I know better than anyone else what that is like. All kinds of war supplies go into war. That is an unimaginably enormous amount.

Galsaryang would have been dealt with fairly and legally, but what if there were people behind it?

“I don’t even know how many there are.”

“no. The leadership team consists of ten people in total.”

“You said they never reveal themselves, right? But how do you know?”

Then she sighed lightly for the first time since they met.

She said after a moment.

“My younger brother was in the upper world. To be exact, one of those ten people was appointed as the host.”

I was astonished by the great secret. In other words, the Jongchonggwan was in the underground world. Those were truly shocking words.

She said looking at me surprised.

“To cure my illness, the child earned money like crazy. As a result, he earned quite a bit of money in his youth. But that wasn’t enough to cure my illness. “I came into contact with them while doing all kinds of things to make money.”

Her words were extremely calm, but I could sense the deep regret they contained. The self-blame that her younger brother’s life changed because of her is something that no amount of comfort can relieve.

“How did you get out of there, Commander-in-Chief?”

“I was lucky. Most people who tried to get out of there were killed in the name of confidentiality. But sometimes there are good people there too.”

I never dreamed that General Chong would have a past like this.

When I woke up, the person who treated me was Jong Chong-gwan.

I felt like I finally understood. The reason why Jongchonggwan was well-versed in medicine. He even learned medicine to cure his sister’s illness.

“I heard that their leader is called the Dark Man.”

She added as if concluding.

“The upper world of the central plains is controlled by the Dark Target and its ten leaders.”

* * *

“The club has prepared a lot for this event. So, the Grand Opening Ceremony is being prepared without a hitch. First of all, the venue for the grand banquet was decided to be held in the main guest hall of the Dongho Sangdan… … .”

Seongwangbo was listening to his subordinate’s report.

He was thinking about that day’s drinking party with the dark target. That day, he drank to the point where he was intoxicated.

“Why did we bring him in?”

“I’m trying to seize power.”

“yes. “What was the reason for trying to seize power?”

“To gain interest.”

“Why are you trying to gain this right?”

“I’m here to make money.”

“Yeah, that’s it. “We must not forget the reason.”

King Seongbo knew. The reason why the target of darkness was able to hold the position four times was because he never once lost his thorough sense of purpose.

“We should get rid of him.”

“It’s not easy. Now that Cheon Ha-jin is dead, he is now the best person in the world.”

“If he was truly the best in the world, he wouldn’t be struggling like this against his opponents.”

“… … !”

The dark target said.

“Admiral Lee. “Let’s draw the opponent towards us and eliminate them.”

“Then what do you plan to do with the remaining poison?”

“Detox with money. “I guess we can clean it up and leave it where it is.”

“It won’t be covered by money.”

“Why do you think so?”

“This guy is the one who took Gal Sa-ryang under his wing. I know very well what kind of person Gal Sa-ryang was, who was the commander-in-chief. He is never a person who accepts someone easily. If he had such a person under his command, it also meant that he would never be a man who bows down to gold. That may be the reason why the sword of the Heavenly Family did not penetrate him.”

On the other hand, the dark target still did not bend its will.

“I believe in inclusion. “If they are not included, it is probably because they did not give enough money to be included.”

He emptied the glass in front of him. King Seongbo was curious in his heart. Why is that smart person being so stubborn and insisting?

“Are you curious? “Why do I believe that?”

That smart dark target who knows what you are thinking just by looking at your eyes.

“Yes, honestly, I’m curious.”

The target of darkness emptied the glass in front of him.

“If the belief that money can buy anyone is broken… … Because we become nothing.”

Seongwangbo came out of his flashback.

After finishing the report, Suha stood behind in silence.

Seongwangbo asked him. No, he would be asking himself.

“What kind of person am I?”

I couldn’t bear to add the words, ‘Once you take away the desire for money.’

The answer is… … Because he already knew.

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