Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 19

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There is a separate owner of the elixir (2)

We arrived at the Gokbu branch of the Murim Alliance that afternoon.

Usually, small branches are maintained with about 50 members, and the same would be true here.

I bought expensive clothes and wore a bast mask on my face. I purchased the bast noodle from Moorim General Store, which sells various miscellaneous tools.

Bast is not made from human skin. Long ago, people actually used human skin, but in modern times, you can think of it as meaning that they are made with much more precision.

There are probably very few people in this river who know as much about human skin protection as I do.

When I was at war with Sima Oedo, I had to wear a cotton helmet almost every day for my own safety as the leader. It was a time when he sent shots from the opposing camp several times a day.

In general, there are three types of bast masks: low-level, middle-level, high-level, and top-level. The low-level ones were marked by wearing bast masks, and the intermediate ones could only be distinguished by those with a very sharp eye. It was impossible to tell the difference between the high-grade noodles unless you were a noodle expert, and the best grade noodles were so well made that even a noodle expert could not tell them apart. It was mainly written by me.

I spent some money and bought a high-end cotton ball.

You would be surprised if a cotton ball costs a thousand nyang, but cotton balls were originally very expensive items.

Being able to change one’s face in Gangho has many meanings. If you dismiss it as a fun plaything, it may only be worth a few nyang, but if you can save your life by changing your face, it becomes a value that is difficult to put into price.

When I put on my clothes and changed my voice, I became a completely different person. The reason I’m doing this is to deceive him.

Part of me wanted to drag him out and beat him until he told me the truth, but there was a wiser and more certain solution than that.

“Who are you looking for?”

He did not hide his prayers from the gatekeepers. Therefore, it will be seen as a considerable expert to them.

“I came to visit the branch manager.”

The unmanned person looked at me. It’s because my actions were too confident.

“Shall I tell you where you are from?”

“Tell them that it came from the Heavenly Sword Gate.”

The gatekeeper Mu-in was surprised to hear the word Cheondo-mun. Cheondo-mun was one of the five great powers of the Central Plains. The five Joseon Dynasties referred to the five most powerful powers of the time.

If it weren’t for me, the five families who might have been fighting for the midfield battle. To that extent, they were a family and clan with great power.

I suppressed them entirely with my own force. I knew that the moment they popped out like an awl, they would shatter in my hands, so I didn’t move them carelessly.

“Who should I tell Cheon Do-moon to be?”

“If I tell you, will you understand? “Please guide me to the branch manager immediately.”

“Sleep, please wait a moment.”

One of the gatekeepers rushed inside.

I am a person who knows the ins and outs of the Joseon Dynasty.

Among them, the family I knew best and was best at disguising was Cheondomun.

The reason was simple. Cheondomunju Ma Bong-gi (麻奉基) was a man with complicated issues with women. He had more than ten women and had dozens of offspring. It was said that even Cheondomunju was confused about who was who. They say you can’t lie about blood, and the situation was no different for Ma Bongi’s brothers. It was truly a complicated family.

But whether you know the inside story or not, Cheondomun is definitely a name that works. As can be seen just by looking at the quickening behavior of these gatekeepers.

After a while, I was guided to the branch manager’s office.

‘Discipline is really a mess.’

When I heard that I came out of Cheondomun Gate wearing expensive clothes, I didn’t even check who I was. If I were to kill the branch leader, he would surely have died.

Even though it was a small branch far away from the headquarters, this was something that had to be severely punished according to the decree.

The branch leader’s name was Gongjong (孔從). This is the person whom Gwangdu previously called Gongdaehyeop. He had a good personality and appearance, and he had an appearance that was quite suitable for the word great.

“welcome! “You came out of Heavenly Capital Gate?”


“What is your honorary name?”

“It’s Ma Yeongchong (麻英沖). “The current Lord Mun becomes Sosaeng’s uncle.”

The Duke’s head bowed involuntarily.

“I have heard of Jonseongdaemyeong well. “It is an honor to meet you like this.”

It might be a normal greeting, but if you know it, it’s funny.

Ma Yongchong actually existed, but he was a secluded person within the family, so little was known to the outside world. What do you hear when you hear the honorific name?

“Now, please sit down here.”

The Duke led me to the head table.

As if it was natural, I walked over and sat down, but inside I just felt pathetic.

No matter how high the opponent’s power is, he is clearly the branch leader of the Murim Alliance. Moreover, Ma Yeong-chung was not the legitimate successor, but with that kind of reaction, it seemed like he would have bowed down if Cheon Do-mun’s direct descendants had come.

Was it because there was a preconceived notion that he might be with Kwak Do-soo in the first place? There were many things that were disturbing to the eyes.

But I worked hard to get rid of the discomfort. If you have preconceived notions, you will not be able to make a cool-headed judgment.

Several stories were exchanged.

I secretly revealed the inside story of Cheondomun, which I knew only because I was the Murim lord.

When he sees it, it will seem like something he can understand because he is Ma Yeongchung.

King Gongjong asked about some of the stories he had picked up about Cheondomun Gate. Of course, there was nothing I didn’t know about it. On the contrary, it was only after I told them about the things that were incorrectly known that they started to believe me.

Eventually, I got to the point.

“The reason I stopped by here is because I have something important to tell you.”

“Please tell me.”

“I was chasing a person down this street.”

“Who is that?”

“My name is Kwak Do-su.”

The moment I heard the name Kwak Do-su, I saw Gongjong’s eyes become slightly agitated. It was definitely different from just being surprised because he was an unexpected person.

“Why are you looking for Kwak Do-su?”

“Do you know who Kwak Do-su is?”

“Oh, of course. “He is a villain who has committed all kinds of evil deeds and has a large bounty on him.”

“That’s right. That’s him. Through my own investigation, I received information that a hostage situation was taking place here. “They say you intervened.”

“Something like that happened the other day.”

“What kind of idiot are you?”



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“The guy who was taken hostage by him.”

“Ah, I am the successor to Byeok Clan Gate. “It’s called Byeokridan.”

“He must be such an idiot.”

Duke Gong smiled sympathetically. He said with an expression that he couldn’t bear to say that with his own mouth.

“According to information, I heard they hung out together?”

Then he lowered his voice and said:

“Isn’t there a time in life when you have to drink with idiots?”

“That’s right. ha ha ha.”

Duke Duke also laughed, probably thinking his joke worked. Her mood became much softer.

“But why is Ma Daehyeop looking for Kwak Do-su?”

Hearing the word “Daehyeop”, I naturally lowered my voice and threw bait to catch it.

“This guy committed a big sin against the text. “Now all the soldiers in the text are stepping out to track him down.”

Then there was a second reaction. The Duke’s face hardened slightly and his eyes trembled. It was clear that he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

This reaction confirmed that my guess was correct.

There is some kind of relationship between Gongjong and Kwak Do-su.

If he had conspired with Gwak Do-su and brought in the Byeokridan, Gongjong had no excuse even if he was beheaded. The mere fact that the branch leader of the Murim League had interactions with a heinous criminal is a crime worthy of death.

“What crime did he commit?”

“I can’t tell you that because it’s an internal matter. However, this is a very important event that even the elders of the family are paying attention to. “You can tell just by looking at me that I came here in a hurry and without training, right?”

I struck the player in advance because I was worried that people might suspect that I came without training.

“of course.”

“Now that the main text is out, it’s only a matter of time before he gets caught. I’ll be honest with my head of public information. I want to catch him first before anyone else in the family catches him. So I want to prove that my abilities are superior to other successors.”

Gongjong swallowed his saliva. All kinds of thoughts are probably going through your mind right now.

This is when you should throw the strongest bait.

“Shouldn’t you advance to the center too?”

Gongjong’s eyes widened at the word ‘center.’ I know. Many local managers of the Murim Alliance dream of advancing to the main branch of the Murim Alliance.

Advance to the center.

Moreover, what if there is a background called Cheondomun?

“If you find Kwak Do-su’s whereabouts this time, I will send you to the headquarters.”

Gongjong’s eyes wavered.

“Are you serious?”

“Because I also need trustworthy people in the headquarters. “I promise in the name of Cheondomun.”

I stood up to reduce any doubt. In this case, you should not sit for a long time. Going backwards actually pushes you further.

“I’ll wait for your call. But we need to find out as quickly as possible. “You don’t have much time to take a chance.”

It was the last test.

If he found out ‘as quickly as possible’, he would be admitting his guilt ‘as soon as possible’.

* * *

The result was as I expected. Two days later, the Duke of Gongjong came to the guesthouse where I was waiting.

“I gave it my all to find out.”

You found out his whereabouts in just two days? How could it not be known if Gal Sa-ryang had commanded the entire force of the Murim League?

If you ask him why he hasn’t caught that vicious criminal until now, if he can find out like this, what answer can he give?

However, he is blinded by success and admits that he is on the same side as Kwak Do-su. He must have known Kwak Do-su’s whereabouts, and over the past two days, he must have been trying to figure out if I was real.

But there is no way to find out that I am a fake Ma Youngchong in two days. I guess it was just a matter of confirming some of the stories I had leaked.

That alone would have left him deceived. The information I leaked was truly leader-level information.

“Where is he now?”

“It’s in Jinan.”

Jinan! Luckily, this is the exact place where the Jinan branch of Heuksi was located. Kwak Do-su was hiding in a large city with many people.

“Where in Jinan?”

“I don’t know the exact location.”

In an instant, my impression hardened.

“Are you kidding me? Are you telling me to search all of Jinan?”

He said urgently.

“no. Could that be possible? There is a way to find him. “There’s something he’s crazy about.”

“What is that?”

“It’s gambling. If it were a gamble, he would sell his own children. “Maybe you can find him if you search the provincial capital of Jinan.”

“It’s not certain information.”

“no. It will definitely be in the province. “I suspect that all the murders he committed previously were to raise money for gambling.”

“Good. “I will believe you.”

“And look at this.”

He took out what he had brought. It was a piece of paper with his features drawn on it.

“You will easily recognize him because he has a uniquely shaped scar on his left cheek.”

It was truly a definite betrayal.

“If I catch him, I will push you into the main branch of the Murim Alliance.”

He even added a realistic word to it.

“Of course, it will be a small scale.”

Even so, it was truly an unprecedented promotion to go from being the head of a village branch to being the head of the headquarters.

“I will serve you faithfully from now on.”

Duke Gongjong bowed on the spot.

“This matter must be kept top secret.”

“of course.”

“And how much is the bounty on him?”

“It’s 5,000 nyang.”

“Twenty thousand cats? “It’s pretty good.”

I deliberately raised the price by 15,000 nyang.

At first, I guess I thought I heard wrong.

“It’s not just 20,000 cats… … .”

However, seeing my stern expression, he quickly changed his words.

“you’re right. “It’s just 20,000 nyang.”

Since he was someone who had received many bribes, he immediately understood what I meant. That much has to be sacrificed to advance to the central region.

There is probably that much money that has been illegally accumulated up to now. The 5,000 nyang he extorted from his father was 10,000 nyang in interest.

“How do you want to be paid? You can send it to the battlefield… … .”

“With untraceable small amount vouchers.”

“All right.”

“And three days later, come directly to Jinan with the money. After handing over that useless bastard’s head, I plan to go straight back to the main text. Wouldn’t it be better to get things done as quickly as possible?”

“Yes, of course.”

We made an appointment at a place not far from Heuksi.

If things go smoothly, you will be able to get to Heuksi within the promised date.

When I got up from my seat, he asked me to do so.

“Be careful. “He is a very vicious person.”

If he went crazy with gambling and killed an innocent family, it would be the worst of evils. And you are the one who made money by joining hands with such a vicious guy. What happens to these two villains?

“See you in three days.”

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