Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 189

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Seonhak Secret Art (2)

Three days later, I was standing in front of an iron room in Uichang, Hubei Province.

The plaque had an unusual name: Iron Heart.

[Is the owner of this place a mine?]

[It was like that at one time. But now there are no Mines left.]

The Cheonma obediently revealed that he was a demon. At the very least, I had faith that I wouldn’t kill my opponent just because he was a demon.

[No mine? They have already revived the Demonic Cult to a large extent.]

[Stop being stupid. That kind of thing is just an imitation.]

[Imitation? He imitated it so well. Didn’t I tell you too much because I was intoxicated with the feeling of being reincarnated?]

[This bastard!]

Cheonma, who had hit the nail on the head, became enraged. I didn’t want to get into an emotional argument with him about this, so I quickly changed the subject.

[What is the name of the owner here?]

[Doo Baek (杜白). I called him Ducheoljang (杜鐵匠). [He is a person with amazing skills.]

[Now, take a look at that skill for yourself.]

I went into the iron room.

I thought that anyone who had a relationship with Cheonma would be an old man, but a middle-aged man greeted me.


“Do you have a doucheoljang?”

The man was startled by the word Ducheoljang.

“He is my father.”

If it is a deceased father, it means that he is already dead. I put my hands together and bowed my head.

“I didn’t know. Rest in peace.”

“Thank you. But you seem young. How do you know my father? Moreover, the word Ducheoljang… … .”

It must have been the word the Heavenly Demon used when calling.

At that time, the Heavenly Demon spoke in an angry voice.

[Damn old man. What’s so urgent that you’ve already gone?]

[Now that I think about it, I guess it’s not already.]

[It’s all fleeting and useless. Get rid of everything and just enjoy life.]

Both Cheonma and I had forgotten for a moment that so much time had passed. When the two of you talk like this, you get the illusion that it was back then.

“Have you ever heard the name Baek Cheon-gwang?”

For a moment, Dujeong was startled. Soon he pretended not to be surprised.

“This is my first time hearing that name.”

“it’s okay. “I am close to that person named Baek Cheon-gwang.”

I calmly explained it to him who looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“You may be worried that the Murim Alliance or another sect may be trying to deceive you by using the name of a dead demonic cult leader. But think about it. “Is there a good reason for that?”

My persuasion worked for him.

“What is your relationship with the religious leader?”

“It is a relationship that cannot be separated even if we are separated.”

He looked like he couldn’t understand. But then he nodded, perhaps because he thought I was a descendant of Baek Cheon-gwang. Earlier, calling it Ducheoljang was very effective. That’s what Cheonmaman called it.

The man introduced himself. His man’s name was Dujeong (杜正). Even though the Demon Cult disappeared and his father died and his connection with the Demon Cult disappeared, he still respected his father who was once a Demon Cult. What I mean is that I have a deep connection with the Demon Cultist.

It will mean a lot to him.

“Come in here.”

He guided me toward the backyard. Several young people were sweating and working.

Dujeong had his own workshop in the backyard.

When I entered the workshop, I put down what I was carrying on the floor.

Dujeong was startled by the sound of a thud. Only then did I realize that the large load I was carrying was heavy metal. Because it was wrapped in cloth, he couldn’t tell what was inside.

“Are you carrying this heavy thing?”

“That’s right. “I plan to use this as an ingredient.”

“Can I unpack it?”

“of course.”

You might wonder what kind of metal it is and why he brought it here himself.

Dujeong unwrapped the tightly wrapped cloth. After seeing what was inside, Dujeong opened his eyes wide.

“no way? this is?”

“It’s a permanent season.”

“oh my god!”

He looked at the whole year again, wondering if it could be possible. No matter how many times I looked, it was clear that it was a permanent season.

“I have never seen such a large amount of water per year.”

His voice trembled. It would be similar to how a warrior felt when he discovered an elixir or the best medicine in the world.

“Did your father teach you how to handle the seasons?”

He nodded.

“I learned it. However, I only helped with the work from the side and never handled it on my own.”

It will be so. It was an opportunity for the ironbang craftsmen to have the experience of handling iron that lasts forever.

[shit! There has to be a two-rail cabinet.]

[hmm. I don’t necessarily think so.]

[What are you saying?]

[My skills may not be as good as my father’s, but it means that this person here can make what I want to make better.]



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[Because I’m younger. And better skills don’t always lead to better results, right?]

[This is nonsense! Let’s just go.]

It seemed like he was worried that he might ruin things by introducing himself. On the other hand, I actually thought that Dujeong could do well.

[We’ve come this far, so let’s believe it.]

[anyway. Don’t ruin it and blame me.]

[Of course, if you mess up, it’s your fault. What is that person’s crime?]

[what? This bastard!]

Dujeong asked cautiously.

“What do you want to make with this?”

Of course it was a weapon. Because I had no intention of making a chair using the strongest metal in the world.

However, the sword Sura Myeongwanggeom was enough. The Sura Myeongwanggeom was already in mental communication with me. It was like that when I saw him cry when he saw me before.

So this is exactly what I was thinking.

I took out some papers and showed him. It was a blueprint I made in my spare time on the way here. I drew a picture so I could roughly understand it and wrote down the numbers and explanations next to it.

Dujeong, who had been reading it carefully, looked at me in surprise.

“This is my first time seeing these items.”

“Can you make it?”

Dujeong looked down at the blueprint again.

“As I said earlier, this is my first time working with a full-length iron. “Would you trust me like this?”

“I believe it.”

“Okay. “Then I will try making it.”

There was a glimpse of will in his eyes. It was an opportunity he would never have again in his life as an iron room craftsman.

“How long will it take?”

“It will take at least three months.”

“If it’s okay with you, I’ll be there to help you. “It could probably save a lot of time.”

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

“Okay. “I would appreciate it if you could do so.”

Originally, it wasn’t supposed to happen. Because he must have had his own secret method for handling all seasons.

However, he gave me special permission because he thought I had a deep connection with the Demon Lord. He would also make me look special. Because I asked him to make something he had never seen before, carrying it with him for 10,000 years.

From that day on, we started working.

A forced march day and night began.

* * *

The first thing Song Hwa-rin did after returning to Shandong was to negotiate with her father.

“I want to raise Song Jiajang into the best clan in Shandong. “I want to take the lead in that.”

They began to put into practice the Byeokridan’s request to take control of Shandong. she knew How difficult it is to be the loser of a region. She also said that the task begins with taking control of her own family.

Song Woo-kyung was surprised by her daughter’s words. She had previously done her family’s work by deliberately taking her daughter with her. But at that time, Song Hwa-rin was literally just helping herself. But she was coming forward voluntarily now.

“I want to learn Kangho’s work properly. “Please teach me a lot in the future, father.”

“Hahaha, I’ll teach you as much as you want.”

Song Woo-kyung entrusted Song Jang-jang’s various tasks to her. He noticed a change in her daughter. It was not simply an impulsive change. It was a sincere change and effort.

Song Woo-kyung knew. The fact that the cause of that change was Byeokridan.

From that day on, Song Hwa-rin took charge of all kinds of tasks, from the work of the head of Song to external matters.

At first, people’s views of her, both internally and externally, were not very positive. I was like, why is he acting like that all of a sudden?

But she steadfastly devoted herself to the task at hand. As she slept less, she practiced martial arts and took care of Song family’s work.

As time passed, my perspective on her began to change.

The source of her ability was a mental change, but at the same time, the improvement in her martial arts skills also played a significant role.

He practiced the Jinhwa swordsmanship taught to him by Byeokridan without missing a day. Not only is she outstanding among her later exponents, but her skills have become difficult for even experienced Shandong masters to deal with.

Because I had skills, I was able to deal with anyone with confidence. Moreover, her beauty also helped her a lot in getting things done.

Of course, Byeok Clan Gate was the closest ally, and Yang So-bang, the Shandong First Bang faction, joined hands with Song Jiajang in earnest.

Because Yangso Ark Jeong Yeo was a person who had pledged loyalty to Byeokridan, they now moved as one body.

Byeok Clan Gate, Song Jajang, and Yang Sobang joined hands and began to absorb other forces in earnest. The strategy was different depending on the situation or circumstances of each sect.

In this way, Song Hwarin began to expand his influence in Shandong.

Song Woo-kyung expressed her gratitude to Byeok Do-jun, Byeok Ri-dan’s father, for her change.

“Thanks to my son-in-law, my daughter has changed.”

Now he was openly calling Byeokridan his son-in-law.

“How could that be because of Dan? “Hwarin has grown up.”

“No, no. “My son-in-law had a big influence.”

In fact, Byeok Do-jun also thought so. Because his son was changing everyone around him. Just by checking Mr. Byeok, a lot has changed since my son came to his senses. The small sword belt continued to expand and grow, and the existing sword belt was also incomparable to before.

The road has become stronger.

Now, in terms of pure force, we have built up the strength to be in the top five in Shandong.

“I guess it’s time for the kids to get out of my arms. “When I think about it that way, I feel a little sad.”

“This man. “It’s actually a good thing.”

“Still, it feels strange that Hwarin has suddenly become an adult.”

“but. “So did I.”

There is a saying that a child who leaves his own path cries for only one day, but the sadness of the remaining parent lasts for a long time.

They were two people who knew better than anyone else that one day they would have to let their child go from their arms.

They looked at each other and smiled. We had been friends since we were young, but now we had become parents who were worried about our children.

Byeok Do-jun smiled happily and said.

“Didn’t we say that we should go out and play by ourselves after raising the kids? “It looks like that time is coming.”

* * *

I used the Heavenly Qixin Huangong and met the Heavenly Demon again. His reference point was the backyard of the iron room. It was a yard visible from the window of Dujeong’s accommodation.

In the place where it was created, all kinds of steel tools of different sizes were placed. Fortunately, the fire did not grow, so we did not have to have a conversation with a huge fire next to us.

This place today was created after Cheonma asked me to see him several times.

[I heard you’re busy.]

[It’s okay to have some time to talk, right?]

I’m not just saying this, I was really busy.

Doo-jeong and I devoted ourselves to work in the iron room, except for eating and sleeping. I became a complete assistant to the head and helped him, and the work was progressing much faster.

[Why did you ask to see me?]

The Heavenly Demon looked at me for a moment and spoke cautiously.

[Can you tell me the details of Seonhak’s secret art?]


I flatly refused.

[Damn you! You should listen to what I have to say and reject it.]

[You can hear it. hate.]

[Heartless bastard! bad guy! Cruel guy! Rude guy!]

After a lot of fuss, Cheonma brought the cause.

[It is a martial art created by my grandfather. You have a duty to inform me.]

[You might think so.]

[oh! Would you tell me?]


[shit! Damn it! You’re like a political old-timer with no morals at all!]

When that didn’t work, he resorted to appeasement this time. The Heavenly Demon called me in a gentle tone.

[Hey, Hajin.]



[Because I don’t like it.]

[I taught you that your martial arts skills are not perfect, right? If you said such important things, I should repay you.]

[Yes, well said. As you said, if the Chuhonsura swordsmanship is not perfect, the Seonhak secret art is now my best skill, and I cannot teach it carelessly.]

For a moment, the Heavenly Demon was silent and regretted.

Soon after, he changed his words.

[Chuhonsura swordsmanship was perfect! I used a strategy to prevent you from using it.]

[Then it was successful. Because I won’t use it again.]

[ah! Please let me know!]

It’s a lot of fun making fun of Cheonma. Of course, I am steering the conversation in the intended direction.

[From now on, I will let you call my name freely.]

[You can still sing it to your heart’s content.]

[I will improve your skills while dancing.]

[Did you forget that you lost in the last match?]


Just when his heart seemed to be heating up, I suddenly spoke.

[Okay, I’ll tell you.]

[what? really? You are also the coolest… … .]

[However, nothing is free in this world.]

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