Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 188

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Seonhak Secret Art (1)

It’s been a while since I climbed Mt. Tianmen.

I slowly climbed Seonhakbong Peak, enjoying the surrounding scenery.

It felt like yesterday when I first came. Here, I achieved 10,000 poisons and 100,000 poisons with the use of Sunsage Cho and Amwangsa and gained Ilgaja’s inner strength. And he obtained the secret art of Seonhak from the rank of the deceased, who had become pale.

This is the place where I gained the most important opportunity.

The scenery at the top was still nice and beautiful.

As I took a deep breath, Cheonma also took a deep breath.

[Whoaaaap, good.]

[Do you feel this refreshing feeling too?]

[then. I feel the same way you feel.]

I knew that he shared some feelings with me.

I couldn’t tell if this exchange meant that I felt the same way, or that he recognized my feelings, but I guess it was somewhere along that ambiguous borderline.

[It’s been a long time since I saw a view like this.]

The Heavenly Demon’s voice trembled slightly. I feel that his emotions are as heightened as mine.

Why did he want to come here? Because what kind of feeling did he get from Seonhak’s secret art?

[This place is called Seonhakbong Peak because the rock at the top is shaped like a crane.]

[Seonhakbong, that’s why it’s called Seonhak secret art.]


[I don’t know who it is, but… … You really gave it a martial name without any sincerity. That great martial art!]

[ha ha ha.]

[Did you obtain the secret art of Seonhak here?]

[The crane’s tail told me.]


I slowly walked to the tail of the rock and jumped down the cliff.

I floated in the air as if I had invisible wings.

It looks like any expert could do it, but the move I’m showing you right now was a very difficult move.

In general, it is much more difficult to slowly walk up into the air than to leap off the ground and fly up into the air.

What is more difficult than that is jumping from a high place and floating in the air like this. This is only possible if you have tremendous internal energy and light techniques. Thanks to my strength, my previously brilliant skills were being displayed one by one.

My body slowly descended and walked through the air into a hidden cave entrance at the base of the tail.

[This new law is full of bravado.]

[Isn’t there a cave in a place like that?]

[There really was a cave in a place like this.]

The Heavenly Demon was surprised to discover that there was a cave in an unexpected place.

[You will be even more surprised when you go inside.]

I slowly walked into the cave.

First of all, the pond in the center caught my eye. The water there was still clear.

Sunlight was coming in through small holes in the wall, and grass and flowers of unknown names were growing everywhere.

The Heavenly Demon was surprised by the fairyland in the cave that could only be seen in a dream.

[There is a place like this in a cave! This is my first time in a place like this in my life.]

[Isn’t it really amazing?]

[How did you discover it?]

[I was lucky.]

Then the Heavenly Demon gave a self-deprecating laugh and said,

[Finding a place like this by luck? Nonsense.]

[What if it’s not luck?]

[It’s not just luck, it’s your destiny. It was fate that brought you here, that fate called you.]

[Is this surprising? The Heavenly Demon is a fatalist.]

[Isn’t that you?]

The question was asked so confidently that I felt like I had to answer that I too was a fatalist.

But I am not fundamentally a fatalist.

Rather, when I was young, I think I often thought, ‘Fate can be overcome through effort.’ It was because he was training and dreaming of becoming the best in the world.

[As for fatalism… … I do not know.]

This was my honest feeling right now.

Is there really such a thing as fate for humans?

If not, how can I explain my rebirth as Byeokridan?

Why was I born again as a Byeokridan? As Cheonma said, was it really fate for me to learn the secret arts of Seonhak here?

I didn’t think much about it until I met the Heavenly Demon. But now I have doubts. Is there really some kind of fate at work in all of this?

[I acquired the secret art of Seonhak here.]

I went to the place where the deceased was buried and bowed deeply.

“Today I came with someone else. “Please be greeted.”

Then the Heavenly Demon spoke.

[I do not bow my head to others. So, leave me out.]

Of course, I wasn’t the one to listen to him.

“It is an honor to meet the person who came with us.”

[You bastard! Don’t make up words that don’t exist. I have nothing to do with him!]

[But why did you want to come here so much?]

After a moment, the Heavenly Demon spoke.


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[Strangely enough, I was not unfamiliar with Seonhak’s secret arts.]

[Not unfamiliar? Isn’t this martial arts definitely a magic attack?]

[That’s why I don’t understand either.]

[Could it be that the person who created this martial art is related to you?]

[Maybe. You don’t know who buried it, right?]

[Because it was white when discovered. But… … Maybe there is a way to find out.]

When I first came to Tianmen Mountain, I stayed for a night in a small guesthouse at the bottom of the mountain.

At that time, the owner of the inn said something like that. He heard from his grandfather that a great master came here to practice at Tianmen Mountain.

I heard something back then, but I can’t remember anything.

But wouldn’t anyone else in the village remember that incident?

[Let’s find out.]

* * *

Okdangchu, the leader of the Iron Gidan, entered the office of the General Commander.

Teacher Noh greeted him with a bright face.


“How have you been?”

Okdangchu also greeted with a bright face.

“You must be busy, but thank you for coming.”

“no. “But what did you call me for?”

“A nice car came as a gift. “I heard that Okdanju likes tea.”

“Haha, thank you for your concern.”

However, Okdangchu knew very well that Mr. Noh was not the person to invite him for a cup of tea. Therefore, there must be another purpose for calling you today. Because he didn’t even like cars.

The two people drank the tea brought by Sibi. While Teacher Noh slowly savored the scent, Okdangchu drank the tea in one go.

“How is it?”

“It tastes very good.”

“Haha, thank goodness.”

Various stories were exchanged. Then, Mr. Noh naturally brought up the story of the Destruction Demon Dan.

“Recruitment for the Extermination Order continues. “The most powerful organization in Gangho history is being created.”

It was not good news for him, who is currently one of the leaders of the three major organizations of the Murim League.

There was no way he didn’t know that, but Master Noh pretended not to know and continued talking about the Extermination Squad. He was mainly concerned about how strong the Demon Demon Dan would become.

“It will still take more time to have a proper sense of belonging.”

When Okdangchu hinted at disparaging the Annihilation Demon Dan, Master Noh firmly refuted it.

“The sense of belonging is already stronger than in any organization. “It is an organization gathered under the banner of overthrowing the devil.”

Master Noh quietly stared at Okdangchu and said.

“I believe that forces in collusion with the Demonic Cult are behind the Maeng. “We will hunt them all down and severely punish them.”

It felt as if he was talking to himself, making Okdangchu internally uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

“You should do that.”

“For that, we need the power of Lord Okdan. Please help me a lot in the future.”

“I will do my best.”

Okdangchu quickly changed the topic because he didn’t want to talk about that anymore.

“By the way, I heard there was an escape from the prison this time?”

“Yes, there are circumstances where an insider helped, so we are investigating.”

“I see.”

“But we eliminated all those who attacked.”

Master Noh didn’t even know if they were all dead, but he spoke as if he had eliminated them all. I was confident that Okdangchu would not know the detailed story either.

Okdangchu is a traitor to the Murim Alliance.

A person who betrayed once is likely to betray again, and it was thought that when a dark organization deals with a traitor, it will treat them like a traitor. So there is no way he is giving him all the information.

Before Okdangchu left, Teacher Noh said something meaningful.

“You are human, so you may get shaken once in a while. However, it is absolutely unforgivable to not take the opportunity to correct a mistake when there is an opportunity to do so.”

Okdangchu could tell that these words were being said about himself.

“Haha, you are correct.”

Just like that, Okdangchu left the office.

Mr. Noh stood at the window and watched Okdangchu leave.

Okdangchu’s defection was not for any other reason. This was because Joo Cheol-ryong had the strongest power at the time. It was natural that he was in love with power.

Teacher No will put pressure on him. If he feels that this side has more power, he will turn back to this side.

Don’t blame or blame him. Because he is this kind of person, I might be able to use him in the future.

* * *

Fortunately, the owner of the inn I stayed in before remembered me.

He introduced me to the village people, so I was able to meet them more easily.

But there was no one left who knew what happened then. He kept trying in vain, and when he was about to give up, he met a local herbalist. He went far away to dig up herbs and came back just in time.

“I know about the martial arts people who were on the mountain at the time.”

“ah! “I finally met someone who knows about it.”

“It’s not something I know, I heard it from my father.”

“Can you tell me what you know?”

“Well, sure. My family has been digging medicinal herbs around Tianmen Mountain for generations. Of course, you will meet warriors practicing martial arts at Mt. Tianmen. I heard from his father that the warrior you are looking for practiced martial arts near Seonhakbong Peak. At first, it was said that he practiced Taoism by wearing a sword that was much larger than the sword that ordinary martial people carried. It is said that when that warrior practiced Taoism, the mountain shook and thunder struck.”

“There was a thunderbolt?”

“That’s right. “It is said that if five thunderclaps are heard in succession, then lightning strikes.”

“Five thunderclaps.”

Five thunderclaps? Sounds like a martial arts technique I’ve heard of sometime ago, doesn’t it?

“It seemed like he had been practicing Taoism for several years, but he said that at some point he could no longer hear the sound of thunder. When my father happened to meet him, he said that he was practicing martial arts, not Taoism. “That’s all I remember.”

“thank you.”

“No. It’s been a while since we talked about old times, and it reminds me of my father. “I guess I should go and have a drink.”

I asked him as he left first.

“But how do you remember all the past stories?”

He said with a smile.

“How could I forget a story like this?”

I returned to Seonhakbidong again.

On the way back, Cheonma said nothing.

When we entered the bidong, Cheonma finally spoke.

[Go back and bow politely.]

I bowed again to the deceased without asking why.

Soon, a surprising fact came out of the Cheonma’s mouth.

[He is my grandfather.]


It was the most surprising moment since I met the Heavenly Demon.

[In other words, it is Cheonmai from Jeonsendai.]

[How did know?]

[Because the martial art where the sound of thunder is heard five times is the blood and thunder sword method. It was my grandfather’s German martial arts skills.]

[Hemorrhage method!]

Now I remember exactly. He was a magician seen in the records of demonic religion left in literature.

The main weapon of the Heavenly Demon in my body used swordsmanship even among the Blood Thunder Heavenly Fire Fighters. However, the Cheonma of Jeonjeondae used the Taoist method.

[I think I finally understand why I kept being drawn to Seonhak secret arts.]

Because it was a martial art created by my grandfather, there was something I was connected to.

Now that I think about it, while using Seonhak secret techniques in the past, I thought that this was a martial art created by a very corrupt person.

[But I can’t feel your magic at all.]

[I guess so.]

[Is there any reason for that?]

But the Heavenly Demon did not tell me about him.

I could tell that there was a story related to this. I didn’t bother to ask because I thought it was a family matter. If you feel like telling me someday, you will tell me.

Cheonma changed the topic.

[What is that?]

What was piled up next to Seonhakbidong was a full year’s worth of iron.

[It’s a permanent season.]

It was exactly what was recovered from Yacheon’s secret warehouse in Shandong Yasang.

[What a waste? You’re hoarding those precious things like that.]

[Because I have no place to use it.]

[Are you going to keep leaving it here?]

[or not?]

[I have to make something. Have you thought about anything?]

[There is. As you know, there are few craftsmen who know how to handle iron that lasts forever.]

I don’t expect it to be handled well. In the central plains, there were less than ten craftsmen who could handle the iron itself. Some of them I knew were too far from here. In times like these, there was no time to visit them.

[Take everything with you.]


[There is a craftsman I know not far from here.]


Without saying a word, I packed up my clothes and carried them on my back. As the Heavenly Demon said, it would have been too great a waste to leave it like this.

I, no, we came down the mountain straight that way.

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