Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 180

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Thunderstorm (1)

[All the demonic blood has been released.]

The Heavenly Demon was surprised by my words. The original estimated time was one day, the next estimate was eight o’clock, and the time it actually took me to release all the demonic blood was six o’clock. The demon blood was released in exactly half the time than initially expected.


[Don’t you know that the demonic blood has been released?]

[How do I know?]

[You don’t know?]

[It’s your body, how do I know?]

I already realized from the previous conversation that you don’t know everything about me. It was the same this time too.

As expected, there was a clear divide between what he and I shared and what we did not share.

One question that suddenly comes to mind.

[Then how did you think it was me at first?]

[that… … I do not know. I just thought it was you.]

There were still parts that neither he nor I could understand. Some parts share emotions deeply, while other parts exist in the same body but are completely unaware of it. It was something I had to figure out slowly over time.

[Anyway, you solved it in 6 hours?]

There was clearly a mixture of surprise and admiration in the Heavenly Demon’s words.

[If it were you, how long would it have taken?]

[If it were me, your inspection would be enough.]

[Your voice is shaking. Do you always get marks like this when you lie?]


He probably thought that even if he had done it himself, it would have taken a similar amount of time. That alone was surprising.

I learned this for the first time, but it has a similar effect to the Heavenly Demon?

It’s no wonder he’s so surprised.

I said something to him who was scared.

[As you know, aren’t people and martial arts compatible? It seems like the reverse solution works well for me.]

Even if it doesn’t need to be said, the reverse heaven solution was truly an amazing magical technique. No matter how high my martial arts level was, the reverse heavenly solution was magic arts. Being able to learn and use magic skills so naturally means that the martial arts skills themselves are very high.

It proves that you have a high level of martial arts.

[Is that so?]

Immediately, the Heavenly Demon’s voice became brighter. At times like this, he looks like a child, but Cheonma is not a child.

He is the leader of a demonic cult where, deep in his heart, there exists darkness and evil that cannot be considered human. You should never be fooled by that innocence.

[It’s a shame. If you had come to our school, you would have become my successor and become the Heavenly Demon.]

[Did it really happen that way?]

[What does it mean?]

[I wonder if you would have left a talented successor like me alone.]

[joy! You think of me as an animal.]

[As expected, your voice is shaking.]

[Stop talking nonsense! I feel quite bad to be treated like this by the hypocrites of the political faction.]

[The idea that political factions are unconditionally hypocrites is a very bad prejudice.]

[The Demon Cult Leader is a beast that eats successors. That’s the prejudice you started with.]

[I see.]

I readily admitted it. He and I both have too many preconceptions about the other person. The conversation went well, but we didn’t know each other very well.

For example, if he received me as his successor, I don’t know how he would have turned out.

I might have become a favored successor because I treasured my talent, and so I might have truly become a Heavenly Demon. Otherwise, as I said earlier, he could have been eliminated when his talent was revealed.

This is something no one can know.

Because imagination and reality are completely different. Because you have to be in that situation yourself to know what kind of person you are.

Anyway, all the demonic blood had been released, and now the blockade of Danjeon had to be released. The body could move freely, but internal energy could not be used yet.

This is because the demon blood and dantian were double suppressed.

Since I was familiar with the reverse heaven method, it seemed like it would take less time to break the Danjeon blockade.

[Now, shall we try solving the inner skills?]

Exactly five o’clock after I said that.

[The blockade of Danjeon has also been lifted.]

Previously, it took six hours to relieve the demonic blood, but this time it was reduced by one hour. The reverse solution method has become more familiar.

The Heavenly Demon showed no particular reaction this time. This was exactly the reaction.

[hmm… … .]

However, considering Cheonma’s personality, it could be seen as a bigger reaction. It’s something I don’t understand. I can’t even understand six hours, but they reduced it by one hour.

Actually, I was curious too.

Is it really possible to learn other magic techniques this quickly?

[At this rate, you’ll be able to learn German magic in no time, right?]

[It’s just a reverse solution. No matter how talented you are, you cannot learn my blood and lightning technique.]

Blood Thunder Cheonhwagong is the Cheonma’s single martial art. He was the best magic attack in the world, on par with my Chuhonsura swordsmanship.

I said it dismissively, but in fact, I know very well how great the Blood Lightning Fire Fighter is. Because I experienced every last move he made.

[In order to learn the Blood Thunder Cheonhwagong technique, the Blood Lightning Heart Technique must be the foundation.]


[The blood trust law is operated in a way that is completely opposite to the heart law of your political faction. You, who have already learned the spiritual methods of the righteous faction, will either burst your veins while trying to control your true energy or fall into a state of evil.]

[Is that really the case?]

When it comes to martial arts, there are some areas where my thoughts have changed from before.

The idea is not to set limits in advance.


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It is from that mindset that we strive to harmonize Chuhonsura swordsmanship and Seonhak secret techniques. It would also be a limitation in advance for someone who has learned the True Gongsim method to not be able to learn the Magical Gongsim method.

[of course. Are you going to come to your senses if we meet again?]

I could have teased him that he would die again if they got together again, but I didn’t bother to touch his last bit of pride. I, too, would get angry if someone disparaged Chuhonsura swordsmanship.

[but. Blood Lightning Heavenly Attack was amazing. What was the name of that herbivore? Eight thunderbolts struck?]

[Paleubijeongin (八雷非情刃).]

[That method was truly threatening. At that time, I really thought I was going to die.]

[You were the first to avoid that.]

[One arm almost flew off.]


[Why would you lie now?]

[shit! I should have put all my effort into it and not saved it. Don’t be foolish and try to win with the next move.]

[I’m so fortunate.]

We talked about Cheonma and Muhak. Sometimes we praised each other’s martial arts skills, and sometimes we ignored each other and grumbled, but it was very enjoyable to talk about martial arts with him.

And surprisingly, we were gradually deepening our knowledge of martial arts just through conversation.

* * *

In the evening, as usual, the three guards entered the prison.

Of the three people who came today, one had a face I had never seen before.

While the two were removing their shackles, another guard prepared a meal for them. For food in a prison, it was prepared quite well.

At that time, I heard an electric sound.

-I am a person from the Heavenly Manghoe.

It was a message sent by the guard I saw for the first time today.

-You won’t be able to send a message, so just listen. Galgunsa is worried. Please make a decision as to whether we should send troops to the prison. If you are the one who has to deploy troops, eat the soup first. If not, use chopsticks… … .

-Tell him to wait.

-omg! Can you send a message? How?

-The suppressed demon blood has been released, and internal energy can also be used, so tell them not to worry.

-all right.

The guard said to me as he released the restraints on one arm.

“Eat the whole thing within half a serving!”

“I understand.”

I ate rice.

He took advantage of the opportunity when they weren’t looking and subdued the demon blood himself. It was the same way they subdued me, but I was able to solve it myself at any time.

If someone else checks, it will still look like the demon blood has been suppressed.

Danjeon’s inner power was also sealed by himself.

I was also able to break the seal in a short time whenever I wanted. Of course, when they see it, it will still look like they have sealed it off.

The Heavenly Demon asked me.

[Why are you blocking the demon blood again? Are you not going to get out of here?]

[We’ve already come in, let’s take advantage of this situation.]


[If I stay here, they will try to kill me, right? Because they will not leave me alone for interfering with Dafa.]

[Are you going to bring them back to the station?]


[Hmm. It’s not a bad idea, though.]

[why? Do you hate what happens to them?]

The Heavenly Demon made no reply. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Does he still consider the forces behind it as allies?

I felt it was time to ask the Heavenly Demon one thing.

[That old man.]

[Why is he?]

[You must like him. Because I brought you back to life.]

The Heavenly Demon snorted.

[I guess they saved him because he had an ulterior motive. They should be thankful that I survived.]

[haha. This is how you are.]

[I take it as a compliment. But why did you mention him?]

[What do you know about him?]

[Not so much.]

I could see that the Heavenly Demon was not deceiving me.

Since he shared some emotional aspects, I was able to at least know that he wasn’t lying.

[As you know, the old man already has all this strength. You know this because you have run a demonic religion, but running an organization like that requires unimaginable amounts of money. Moreover, even the Murim Lord chose the person he wanted. All the money in the world and the biggest

You can see that he has all the power. But why did someone like that bring you back to life? Have you never wondered?]

The Heavenly Demon made no reply. It was a positive silence.

[Let’s find out. What on earth was he planning to do using you?]

* * *

The next day, Ma Cheol came to see me.

I had already completely returned to my original state. I was in a state where I could demonstrate my natural martial skills at any time.

On the other hand, Ma Cheol’s thoughts seemed complicated. Well, not only did he almost become a victim of the divorce law, but he also had a problem with that woman. It won’t be easy to resolve this situation. That might be why he came to see me.

“Why should I trust you?”

I could tell. Just asking such a question means that you have already started to believe in me.

Perhaps traces of the divorce law were found in the room where the explosion occurred.

“There is no reason. “But what I said was just the truth.”

“good. “Prove that it’s true that you tried to save me.”


“First, tell me everything you know about your organization.”

“Our organization is completely structured as a point organization. So they only know their own areas. However, I can tell you that we have been pursuing various projects related to the Blood Heavenly God Church.”

“What is it?”

“For example, we have continued research to manufacture the Buddhist Demon Spirit Corps.”

Macheolgun was surprised to hear the name Bulhoemaryeongdan.

Words that would surprise him continued.

“I know that you trained the Gwanghyeolmutongun and Maven.”

All of this would be shocking to Ma Cheol. He probably thought that Jundong of the Demonic Cult was just imitating him to some extent in order to make him the Murim lord. But the three things I just mentioned are the threatening evils that represented the Blood Heavenly God Church.

They were dreams.

Ma Cheol, who was lost in thought for a moment, asked softly.

“Was it really for the sake of the Great Law that made me your leader?”

After a moment, I answered.


“Damn it!”

When he came to visit me earlier, he told me that he almost became a victim of Dafa. But he still doesn’t seem to believe it.

But now you have no choice but to believe.

Majeol was angry. Life surged from his body.

The Heavenly Demon spoke to me.

[That crazy guy might kill you.]

[He is not that careless.]

[Do not look down on human madness. Because humans are the ones who explode with unexpected anger.]

I didn’t answer anything, but I agreed to some extent.

The Heavenly Demon’s words came from a deep distrust of humans themselves, but it was clearly humans who had such unexpectedness.

[As long as she thinks I’m connected to her, she won’t kill me.]

As expected, Ma Cheol-gun calmed down his anger right away.

“What should I do to find her?”

“Didn’t I tell you before? “You already know how.”

“Say it with your own mouth!”

Despite his nervous reactions, I remained calm.

“Before that, let’s ask one question.”


I asked, quietly gazing into Ma Cheol’s eyes.

“What can you do for her?”

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