Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 18

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The owner of the elixir is different (1)

I was able to read Gosu’s side in the old man’s prayer. Although I can’t understand my opponent as accurately and sharply as I used to, I can get a rough idea.

The old man may be the person in charge of this place, or a person with a similar position. Well, among the various powerful items sold here, the elixir is probably the most valuable.

“What kind? Hwan (丸)? Grass? Dan (丹)?”

“Anything doesn’t matter.”

“Are you here to run an errand?”

Because I covered my face with a banggat, the old man could only hear my voice. Actually, I also slightly modified my voice. Because it was better to do this in secret.

In the early days of the lords, there were many occasions to wear bast masks. He had then learned how to even modulate his voice. Thanks to this, I learned how to sing a few different voices. Even now, one of those voices was being heard.


“You are a talented young man. So, have you ever been here?”


Despite the short answer, the old man asked many questions. I wondered why he kept asking questions.

In the past, people would get to know each other by talking to each other like this. Because Black City at the time was a bloody place. The guests were dangerous, and the dark vision itself was dangerous.

This old man, who was trying to get to know the other person through various conversations, must have worked here for a long time.

I answered all the miscellaneous questions he asked without showing any dislike. Although it was a short answer, the old man was satisfied.

“You’re unusually polite to young people these days.”

Actually, I didn’t answer in detail to hear these words. Once I made a deal, I kept in mind the next time I would come again.

“You are so lucky. “No elixir has arrived at our branch for the past six months.”

It seems like we are living in a time when elixirs are truly precious.

“But coincidentally, an elixir arrived two days ago.”

“Which one?”

“It’s a thousand-year green tea.”

Millennium green onion candle! It is a herbal medicine that is known to have a lifespan of at least ten or as many as fifteen years, and it was exactly what I wanted.

“how much?”

“Forty-four thousand cats.”

shit! I was 15,000 nyang short of the money I had.

“I don’t know if you know, but the prices of all items sold in Heuksi are fixed. “If you’re worried about being ripped off, you can check with another branch.”

That was something I also knew.

There were two reasons why Heuksi grew into the largest place among goods trading places.

First, Black City never betrayed its customers. There was never a case where the product was fake, the customer’s secret was leaked, or the customer’s money was stolen.

The second was the fixed price system.

The price of goods in all the dozens of branches of Heuksi was the same. When the price of goods changed, the prices of goods in all branches changed together.

Although the price of Heuksi was by no means cheap, there was a belief that at least Heuksi would not rip off people, so many people used Heuksi.

That was the reason why Black Poetry was able to survive for so long.

“I guess it will sell quickly even if it’s not me?”

“Maybe so.”

If you didn’t buy the elixir when it was still available, there were times when you wouldn’t be able to buy it even after months or years. Indeed, as the old man said, it was fortunate that the Millennium Green Onion Candle was released now.

But it is something that cannot be helped.

“I don’t have enough money to prepare, so I’ll have to wait until next time.”

As I was about to get up, the old man asked.

“Why do you want to buy the elixir?”

“That’s to become stronger.”

“What if I become stronger?”

There were many reasons. I said the first thing that came to mind.

“I was unfilial all my life, but I came to my senses late. So, I think I’ll try to show filial piety.”

The old man looked at me blankly for a moment and then laughed loudly.

“ha ha ha. “This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard while doing business here.”

“Why is that?”

“Because among the strong men who wanted to buy the elixir, there was no filial son.”

I know very well what you mean. Because I was like that too. If you are crazy about becoming stronger, you have no choice but to neglect those around you.

When I became the best person in the world, I tried to fulfill the filial piety that I could not fulfill to my mother. But her mother wouldn’t wait until then.

This life will be different. I plan to pack everything I can’t miss.

“Unfortunately, I think I missed the opportunity to become the first dutiful son.”

Then the old man said something unexpected.

“I’ll wait ten days. If I can find the money in it, I will sell it to you. “It’s exactly ten days.”

I couldn’t tell if it was because he was thinking of his parents or because he liked how polite I was, but he was doing me a favor.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Nobu is a person who believes that there is a separate owner of the elixir. “You prove it.”

I said hello to him and came out.

Will it be possible to obtain 15,000 more nyang within 10 days?

* * *

Despite many recent positive performances, there was someone in the family whose reputation for me did not change.

“I don’t trust you.”

It was Jongchonggwan. The same old man who was swearing at me when I woke up.

“May I ask why?”

“It’s a intuition, a intuition. “Someday, he will show his true nature and cause an accident.”

You stubborn old man. Don’t be so doubtful, just believe when you have to.


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The old men of the Murim League Senate are exactly like this. They are as suspicious as they are greedy, and they are just as stubborn.

I whispered in his ear.

“Commander General. “Do you have any money?”

Then the Commander-in-Chief opened his eyes wide. It was as if he was saying, ‘Look, was I right?’

“Not as long as I live!”

He walked away with great strides.

I grinned at him. Although he was a stubborn old man, he was also an essential person for the interrogation of Mr. Byeok. In particular, as a member of the National Assembly, he had quite excellent skills.

Anyway, it’s a big deal.

Three days have already passed from the promised ten days. Time kept passing by and there was no way to find money.

There was one way.

It was a way to go to Yang So-bang and squeeze Jeong-yeo. If you dispose of this and that quickly, you might be able to save about 15,000 nyang.

But if that happens, his relationship with Jeong-yeo will plummet to rock bottom. He will think of me as a leech trying to get money and think of other things.

Although it is not a small amount of money, it is too unfortunate to lose trust with just 15,000 nyang. Because I was planning to use Yang Fire Station on a larger scale than this.

While I was so conflicted, Gwangdu smelled trouble like a ghost.

“Are you worried?”

It’s almost like a black eye. Of course, the content was wrong.

“You want to see Song Sojeo again, right? Even if you don’t like it or not, you still want to see it, right?”

“I need some money.”

Before I knew it, Gwangdu had retreated far away.

“No, now that we’re getting closer, are you asking me to lend you money?”

“I haven’t asked you to borrow it yet.”

“If you pretend, you pretend. So how much? Okay, I can lend you up to fifteen nyang. Instead, you must pay it back.”

“I need 15,000 nyang.”


“And that too within seven days.”

Gwangdu blinked with an absurd expression.

“This is an amount that I would have to be reborn 15 times to earn. “And that’s only if you don’t get ripped off by the evil owner.”

Gwangdu sat next to me.

“You got money from Yang Fire Station as compensation, right?”

“That’s not enough.”

“Do you want to live in a manor somewhere?”

“I’m trying to buy something more important than that.”

In my last life, I never once worried about money issues. So, I thought that money-related issues might be my weakest point right now. I thought it would be nice to have a young, quick-witted commander instead of an old guy like Jong.

“Speaking of money reminds me of the past. Even back then, he was claiming to be looking for money and got into an accident. “That’s why I owe Yang Fire Department.”

“How on earth did you end up owing me 20,000 nyang?”

“Because you were causing so many accidents, the head of the family blocked your money line. In the end, in order to save money, he set out to catch a villain with a bounty on him, and he became his hostage. Instead, he was robbed of a lot of money by that bastard.”

You really did all kinds of stupid things.

“But martial arts looks like this, how did you come up with that idea?”

“It’s because I have an affair with the College of Engineering.”



“I am the head of the Gokbu branch of the Murim League.”

My heart ached at the word Murimmaeng. How long has it been since you last heard this?

“however? “What does it mean to hear the wind?”

“After hanging out with that person, I started to feel like a charlatan.”


For some reason, I felt a sense of discomfort.

A person who was the branch leader of the Murim League hung out with a group like this, and a bright blue one at that?

“What was our family like at that time?”

“It’s a bad time. “After that, it became the decisive blow that changed the momentum.”

“Is that so? The person named Gongdaehyeop is the branch manager here. “Then who is the guy who said there was a bounty on it?”

“This guy is Kwak Do-su (郭導手). He is an evil man who broke into Shandong Wujiajang, stole its wealth, and killed its family. “They said he had committed several thefts and murders.”

This is the first time I’ve heard of him. Well, there’s no way I could even know a guy like that.

“How much was the bounty offered by the Murim Alliance?”

“It was 5,000 nyang at the time.”

5,000 nyang means that he was classified as a heinous criminal.

“A guy like that just took money and let me go? “Isn’t it strange?”

“The National Engineering Council intervened. “Thanks to you, your life was saved.”

“How did you mediate?”

“I don’t know about that either.”

“Did Kwak Do-su ask for 20,000 nyang?”

“No, it’s 15,000 nyang. “I understand that 5,000 nyang was given to the Engineering Council in return for mediation.”

“You took a bribe?”

“You can’t call it a bribe. “It was given to me by the head of the family.”

“Father, you can give it to me for saving your child. “Someone in public office should refuse.”

And given his personality, it didn’t seem like his father would have given it to him first. Perhaps he would have hinted and asked for money first.

After hearing the whole story, I had a strong suspicion. That guy called Engineering Daehyup may be in league with Kwak Do-su.

Could it be that the two of them took advantage of the infinite trust given by their status as Murim League branch leaders to have a meal together? This is by taking advantage of the parents’ feelings, which are inevitable when it comes to children.

“Has Kwak Do-su been caught?”

“I haven’t heard anything about him being caught yet.”

Gwangdu acted surprised when he saw me nodding.

“You’re not trying to catch him, are you?”

“I have to catch it. “That piece of trash stole 15,000 nyang, so we can’t just leave it alone.”

“It’s dangerous! “This guy has a reputation for being a truly vicious person!”

“Then first, lend me all your money.”

“If you are a master, you will be able to catch him easily. “You handled the sheep firefighting job with ease, right?”

“ha ha ha.”

Soon Gwangdu spoke with a serious face.

“Then I will go with you. “Even if I can’t lend you money, I’m willing to lend you an arm.”

I knew Gwangdu’s worries well, and I was able to take him along to gain experience.

However, this was a problem that needed to be resolved quickly.

I had a feeling that if I did well, I would be able to solve this problem and resolve the lack of money.

“That right arm is still for decoration, so I’m working hard on martial arts training. Please speak appropriately to your parents. “He has been training for a few days.”

My eyes were cold as I left the house.

What if the two guys colluded and stole 20,000 nyang?

You guys will have to be very prepared.

martial arts,

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