Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 177

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Soul of the Heavenly Demon (4)

Shoot aaaah.

It was raining before my eyes. I felt better as if my heart was being washed away by the cool rain.

At that time, someone next to me said.

“If only I were ten years younger.”

When I turned around, there was an old man standing there.

“Now you’re using age as an excuse?”

The old man was none other than Cheonma Baek Cheon-gwang.

Oh, by the way, what about this place?

The day I fought the Heavenly Demon, I knew it was that place.

At that time, an explosion sounded in my head.


Oh, I was in a place where Dafa was taking place? But why are you here?

It wasn’t a return to the past. Because my consciousness was completely separate from me who was speaking. It was almost like I was watching my past self from the side.

It’s a dream.

Cheonma and I talked like it was that day.

“Isn’t that so? “If you were ten years younger, you wouldn’t be even a fist away from me.”

“If I were ten years older, you would no longer be from this world.”

“Instead, after ten years, you will have become an old stooge of a political faction and have no sense of style.”

“I’ll still take it as a compliment that you’re cool.”

Originally, we went out and fought like this.

And I killed him with my last herbivorous apocalypse.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon suddenly spoke.

“Why on earth did you save me?”

A situation different from the past unfolded.

what? I never saved you? Rather, the person who killed you was me, right?

The Heavenly Demon looked at me intently and said.

“You saved my life, so take responsibility.”

The next moment, I opened my eyes.

That was not the place where the last fight against the Heavenly Demon took place. It was not even the underground room of Manbyeonggo where Dafa was conducted.

It was a prison with cold walls and thick iron doors. Considering that the structure and shape of the room were familiar, it was the underground prison of the Murim League.

His arms and legs were chained and pinned to the wall. Of course, the demon blood was suppressed, and Danjeon was also doubly suppressed so that he could not use his internal energy.

Why are you locked in prison?

A memory came back quickly.

There was an explosion in the room where the teaching was taking place, and Ai and Yang Jeong-hoe were killed.

and… … Ah, that thing floating in the sky!

What was that? The moment it hit me, I lost consciousness too.

From what I could guess, it seemed that Ma Cheol came to his senses first.

Something truly unexpected happened.

But what happened to the Heavenly Demon’s soul in the child’s body? Did it disappear with the child’s death?

At that very moment, a question echoed in my heart, as if answering my own doubts.

[Who the hell are you?]

I was surprised. It wasn’t me that was asking from my heart.

There was another being inside my body. It seemed like when I woke up, he also woke up.

I asked that being. When I decided to ask, my words echoed in my heart.

[Who the hell are you?]

In response to the question I returned to, the being in my heart spoke to me.

[You are not Macheol-gun, are you?]

The moment I heard those words, I got goosebumps all over my body.

I was able to find out who the other person was.

It was the soul of the Heavenly Demon. The soul of the Heavenly Demon came into my body. It was the spirit of the Heavenly Demon that struck me while flying in the sky.

oh my god! How does this happen?

The next moment, the Heavenly Demon shouted in surprise.

[oh my god! you! It’s Cheon Ha-jin!]

Perhaps he could read my mind.

[How on earth did this happen! How on earth!]

While he was shocked, I was rather calm. This is because I knew that he was a Heavenly Demon through previous experiences related to the divorce law. Because I also came into the body of a young man named Byeokridan.

In fact, no one can understand this situation better than me and Cheonma.

I knew that I could talk to him like this.

The situation is different from when the Heavenly Demon inhabited the bodies of children. At that time, if it was a child, it was a child, and if it was a Cheonma, it was a Cheonma.

But now I was talking to the Heavenly Demon.

Maybe my mental power was so strong that he couldn’t control me and just stayed there. Or Dafa could have gone into disarray, leading to this result.

In any case, it was fortunate that he coexisted with me rather than dominating me.

[How are you alive?]

The Heavenly Demon asked in surprise. He was more surprised than when I noticed his presence.

I asked back calmly.

[Aren’t you alive too?]


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[How does this happen?]

Cheonma didn’t seem to understand this situation.

How can we meet again in one body?

It could truly be seen as a twist of fate.

Soon, the Heavenly Demon burst into joyful laughter.

[Ha ha ha ha ha.]

[Why are you laughing?]

[You killed me and this is what happened in the end. Now you can’t kill me. You must stay with me forever.]

[Is it really impossible to kill you?]


[I can kill you.]


I could see that everything was going towards one destiny.

One word that came to my mind.


There was silence for a moment. Soon, the Heavenly Demon raised his voice.

[joy! In his lifetime, he had never seen anyone reach the level of the mind sword, but he had also never heard of someone cutting off the soul in their heart with the sword of the mind.]

Cheonma tried hard to deny it. Well, like he said, it was something I had never heard before. It was just a thought that suddenly occurred to me. If you have a sword, you might be able to cut him down.

[Besides, do you know that it is as easy as it sounds to reach the state of the mind?]

[I know it well. How difficult it is.]

[Kkeukkeuk, you are absolutely overdoing it.]

[Then you can help me.]


I could feel the Heavenly Demon being taken aback. We could read each other’s minds and shared our emotions.

[Crazy guy! Why am I helping you?]

After a moment, I asked.

[Is it really happy to stay in someone else’s body?]

The Heavenly Demon could not answer right away.

At that moment, the iron door opened and someone came inside.

The person who entered was none other than Ma Cheol. He had bandages on his arms and chest, and there were cuts on his face. He was caught in the explosion, but fortunately his life was not in danger.

Gwangwol Danju Joo Cheol-ryong and Cheolgi Danju Okdangchu followed behind him.

Ma Cheol stood in front of me and spoke with an angry face.

“Who are you?”

* * *

The old man was standing on the hill, looking at the darkening landscape.

By now, Dafa will have ended and Tian Shaoxian will return. A task that has been prepared for a long time is finally coming to an end.

But is it because I had a nightmare? She didn’t feel well. Bad things always happen on days like this. Was that why? That day from long ago came to mind again.

Shoot aaaah.

A man shouted in the pouring rain.

“What on earth have you done to us?”

“What are you saying?”

The man glared and said.

“These are all side effects of the test, right?”

The old man couldn’t answer anything.


“Okay, then what?”

“Damn it! shit!”

“What kind of bad manner of speaking is this to Abby?”

The man’s eyes burned brightly at the old man’s reprimand.

“Is the word ‘father’ used so lightly?”

The old man woke up from his reminiscence, remembering those eyes full of resentment.

The sigh the old man let out was a mixture of anger and sadness.

It was then. The urgent voice of an eyebrowless man was heard from behind.

“We’re in big trouble.”

The old man’s heart sank at the man’s voice. Her man had never sounded so urgent before.

When I turned around, a man was running carrying a woman. The person she hugged was the mysterious woman.


The old man’s voice trembled as he shouted.

“Come on, to Cheonran!”

Two people ran into the cave. Her man quickly laid his woman down on the floor. When she pressed the device next to her, a liquid of unknown purpose began to fill there.

Then the woman opened her eyes.

“… … grandfather.”


“… … Dafa failed. sorry.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay! “Stop talking.”


The lid of Cheonran was closed. As his man controlled the device again, the Cheonran made a sound and vibrated lightly.


A cold energy flowed from the body of the old man who was watching. It was an energy more intense than life.

But the old man knew that now was the time to pray for his grandson’s speedy recovery rather than seek revenge.

“Seal this place right now.”

“all right.”


The cave entrance began to close.

Looking from the outside, I couldn’t even tell if there was a cave here anymore.

* * *

“Reveal your identity.”

Ma Cheol-gun blatantly showed his will to live. If I didn’t tell them, they were going to torture me.

I was still wearing my cotton mask. Perhaps if I am tortured, it will be revealed that I used a cotton ball. The last thing I want is for it to be revealed that I am a Byeokridan. Even more so in this situation.

Who should I answer?

My mind was spinning rapidly.

You would have found me there when you came to your senses. It would be a situation where you don’t even know if you are an enemy or an ally.

At that time, a thought crossed my mind.

How on earth did Ma Cheol-gun become the target of Dafa?


The moment I had doubts, a person’s face came to mind. She is a peerless beauty that is never easily seen in life.

“She… … .”

The moment the word “her” came out, Ma Cheol’s expression twitched.

I could tell.

After all, it has something to do with her!


“She is the one who led you to all misfortune.”

Ma Cheol looked back at the two people and said.

“Stay out for a while.”

Joo Cheol-ryong and Ok Dang-chu looked at each other, bowed their heads, and went out.

“Yes, I will be waiting outside.”

Two people went out.

Ma Cheol-gun asked with cold eyes.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I am the one who serves her.”

“She tried to kill me.”

“You are greatly mistaken.”


“She likes you. “She was trying to save you.”

“From whom?”

“The forces behind it tried to use you as material for Dafa.”

I intentionally used the provocative word “material.” I had to shake his heart somehow.

“Dafa? What Dafa do you mean?”

“I tried to dominate this river by inserting another soul into you.”


Ma Cheol was really surprised.

“What nonsense?”

“What I am saying is true. If you bring a Dafa expert and show him the room you were in, you will find out.”

There was an explosion, but the remaining items in the room would still have traces of the divorce law.

If it turns out to be true, my words will be given credibility.

“That’s also why I made your father and you my leader in the first place.”

It was something he must have doubted at least once, and it was also true.

When he got confused, I kept pushing.

“At first, I took their orders. But she fell in love with you. That’s why she and I went to save you.”

I didn’t know if this would really make sense.

But he won’t be able to help but believe it.

Ma Cheol clearly revealed his complicated feelings and asked what he was most curious about.

“Where on earth is she?”

“I don’t know either. As you know, this is where I came to my senses after the explosion. “He could have been captured by them, or he could have escaped.”

“How can I find it?”

“You have the answer to her whereabouts.”


I said, staring at him quietly.

“Think about it carefully. “What should I do to find her?”

The moment he heard me, Ma Cheol looked like he realized something.

I don’t know if he fell into a love he shouldn’t have, but at least he wasn’t a fool.

“If you tell even one lie, you will die painfully.”

Ma Cheol-gun got up from his seat and left the prison, slamming the door behind him.

First, I sighed. He will first check whether Dafa was really carried out there. No matter how fast it is, it will take two or three days.

The Heavenly Demon spoke to me.

[You lie so heinously. Were you originally like this?]

[Who is this all because of?]

[A liar Murim lord? Well, all political factions are like that.]

It seemed like the Cheonma wanted to make fun of me. I poured cold water on that playfulness.

[Murim lord? I am no longer a leader. Just as you are not the Heavenly Demon. The leader was the guy from before.]

[What kind of leader is that kid?]

[Hey, Cheon Gwang.]

The Heavenly Demon was startled when I suddenly called his name. His name is Baek Cheon-gwang.

[bouncer! How dare you call my name carelessly!]

[You and I both lived long enough to live before we died.]

[joy! Don’t be funny! I am definitely alive like this!]

[You did that, right? If we meet in 10 years, I will have become an old partisan. Do you remember?]


[It is also a characteristic of old people not to admit when they should.]

[Damn it!]

Cheonma must have been angry at my words and didn’t say anything more.

I also didn’t try to talk to the Heavenly Demon anymore.

First, I had to find a way to get out of here.

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